7 класс

Текст по английскому языку 7 класс с заданиями – Тексты по английскому языку для 7 класса с переводом и заданиями с ответами

Тест по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме: тексты для чтения с заданиями

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Great Romantic

Lord Byron (1788-1824) didn’t live a long life. He was an aristocrat and a fashionable man. But he loved freedom (свободу) and a simple country life. His personality attracted Britain and all Europe. He brought to his poetry romanticism of his times. He was talented and handsome, noble and brave. London admired him.

 George Gordon Byron was born on January 22nd, 1788. He was the son of John Byron and his wife, Catherine, whose ancestors (предки) were of the royal house of Stuart. He spent his early years outside the capital. He lived in the north. Later his mother took him to Aberdeen. There they lived for several years. George went to Aberdeen Grammar School and there is a monument to him outside the school. Now it is a museum and art gallery. Later he studied at   Harrow School and the University of Cambridge.

When Byron was 19, he came to London. One day the poet wrote, “I woke up (проснулся) and found myself (обнаружил, что я) famous.”  It happened after the publication of his autobiographic poem “Childe Harold” in 1812.

 The fact is that from 1809 to 1811 he had traveled in different parts of Europe and in the poem he described everything that had happened to him.

In the summer of 1816 Byron left Britain forever (навсегда). He traveled around Europe and soon he became a member of the Greek liberation movement (освободительное движение), for which he died. But he did not lead the Greeks in battle as he wished. He died of fever (лихорадка). (262 words)

I. Переведите на английский язык.

1) Он любил свободу и простую сельскую жизнь.

2) Он принес в свою поэзию романтизм того времени.

3) Сейчас это музей и галерея искусства.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1) When and where was G. Byron born?

2) Where did he study?  

3) What did he describe in the poem?

4) When did he die?



         The 25th of December is Christmas Day. It’s a happy holiday for many people in different countries.

         Some week before Christmas English people are busy. They send greeting cards to all their relatives and friends. You can buy Christmas cards or you can make them. Many children make their cards at school.

         People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, coloured balls and little coloured lights.

         On Christmas Eve people put their presents under the tree. When children go to bed, they put their stockings near their beds.

         At night Father Christmas comes. He has got a big bag of presents for children. He puts the presents in the children’s stockings.

         Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London, in Trafalgar Square. This is a present from the people of Norway to the people of Great Britain. They send it to Londoners every year and Londoners decorate the Christmas tree.

         In the evening before Christmas people like to come to Trafalgar Square to look at the tree. On Christmas Eve streets in London are decorated, too.

         The shops are very busy at Christmas. People want to buy presents for their family and friends (for their nearest and dearest). And they buy a lot of food and drink for all the Christmas parties.

         People open their presents on Christmas morning and they all are happy with what they get.

         For Christmas lunch people eat turkey, potatoes and green vegetables. Then they have the Christmas pudding. At five o’clock it’s time for tea and Christmas cake.

           On Christmas people wish their nearest and dearest a merry Christmas.

         The day after Christmas is Boxing Day. People usually visit their relatives and friends. They do not work on that day.

1.   Answer the questions.

      1) Why are people busy some weeks before Christmas?

2) Where can people get Christmas cards?

     3)  Where is a Christmas tree from?

     4) What are the traditional Christmas dishes?

     5) What is Boxing Day?

     6) Do English people like Christmas?

2. Complete the sentences

1. Many children make their cards at …….

2. Father Christmas puts the presents in the children’s ………..

3. There is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of ………

4. On Christmas people wish their nearest and dearest a ……….

5. They do not………. on that day.

Прочитайте текст                  

                       Monsters of the sea?

         People have always been afraid of sharks. Films like “ Jaws” have shown them as monsters. But now these animals are in danger, like many others.

In recent years, shark meat has become a popular food in America. Too much fishing has begun to reduce the numbers of some kinds of shark. Some people say this is a good thing. Sharks kill about twenty-five people a year near the world’s beaches. Are we going to help sharks, or are they going to become extinct?

      It’s hard to solve the sharks’ “ image” problem and change people’s minds about them. Sharks are hunters and so they naturally kill. But actually elephants kill more people than sharks every year – and every–one likes elephants.

       Sharks are very important for the world’s oceans. They eat unhealthy fish and keep the numbers of different kinds of sea animals in balance. Now scientists are trying to find way to protect these animals. They have been in the oceans for 350 million years. Perhaps they can survive a little longer.

Выберите соответствующие содержанию текста  предложения.

  1. Films have shown sharks as monsters.
  2. Sharks are in danger like others.
  3. Shark meat has become a popular food only in Canada.
  4. The number of some kinds of shark has reduced because of much fishing.
  5. All people say this is good  that a number of some kinds of sharks has reduced.
  6. Sharks are not monsters because they don’t kill anybody.
  7. It’s not hard to solve sharks ‘image’ problem.
  8. Sharks are hunters so they naturally kill.
  9. Elephants kill less people than sharks, so people like  them .

10.Sharks are very important for the world’s oceans because they kill unhealthy fish.

11.Sharks have been in the oceans for 200 years.

                                PACKING by Jerome K. Jerome

      Holiday time was near now, and we, that is, Harris and George and I met to discuss our plans. Harris said that the first thing was to discuss what to take with us. He also said that we couldn’t take the whole world in a boat. They could take what they really needed.

     «It is very important,» Harris said, «to have everything we need for a long swim every morning before breakfast.» He also said that a long swim always gave him fine appetite. «If you’re going to eat more than you usually do,» George said, «I think we’ll let you go swimming not more than once in three or four days. If you go swimming every day, we’ll never have enough food for you. We won’t be able to carry so much in the boat. «

      So we discussed the food question. «Begin with breakfast,» George said. «For breakfast we must have a tea-pot,» Harris said, «ham, eggs, bread and butter and jam. It’s easy to prepare breakfast with such things. And for lunch — cold meat, bread and butter and jam — but no cheese. »

        We agreed. Cheese in a boat in summer, little by little becomes the master of all the food. You may think you’re eating sausage or meat and potatoes or cake, but it all seems to be cheese.

Test A

Choose the right variant        

1.        George, Harris and Jerome decided to discuss ….

a) future holidays b) the weather   c) the newspaper article

2.        It happened in ….

a) summer        b) spring        c) winter

3.        Harris liked … very much.

a) boating        b) swimming     c) playing football

4.        He wanted to … after swimming.

a) eat        b) drink        c) sleep

5.        They decided … cheese.

a) not to take       b) to take        c) to buy

Test В

Answer the questions:

  1. What is the text about?
  2. Where did the friends want to go?
  3. What could give Harris a good appetite?
  4. Why was cheese the «master» of all food in summer?
  5. Whose idea was to take few clothes?

                                        The Earth.

We live on the Earth. It is very, very big. There is a lot of water on the Earth. It is in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. There are a lot of forests and fields, hills and mountains on it.

The Earth is full of wonders. Different animals live on the Earth. Different plants grow on it. The Earth is beautiful.

There are large countries and small countries. There are warm countries and cold countries. There are some countries where there are four seasons in a year and some countries where there are only two.

When it is day in one country it is night in another country.

When the sun shines it is day, when the sun does not shine it is night. You can see the moon and the stars in the sky at night.

People live in different countries. They speak different languages.

Our country is Russia. Russia is the largest country in the world. Our country is so large that when it is morning in the east, it is evening in the west. When it is winter in the north it is summer in the south.

There are a lot of long rivers, beautiful lakes, large forests and fields and high mountains in Russia.

People who live in Russia speak more1 than one hundred different languages but they can speak Russian too.

2)  Answer the questions.

1.Where do people live?

2.Is the Earth big or small?

3.What is there on the Earth?

4. Where is there water on the Earth?

5.The Earth is beautiful, isn’t it?

6.Why do we say that the Earth is full of wonders?

7.Why  do people speak different languages.?

Every nation and every country has its own traditions and customs. In Britain traditions play a more important role in the life of people than in other countries. They say British people are very conservative . They are proud of their traditions  and carefully keep them up. But when we speak about British traditions we always remember that there are four parts in Britain — England,  Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Traditions are different in these parts of the country.

You already know some of the English traditions and holidays. We hope you remember St. Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Hallowe’en which have also become traditional American holidays. Here are some more facts about old English traditions.

    One of the old English legends  says that London can be the capital of the country, rich and great until twelve black ravens live in the Tower of London. Each has got its name and the keepers carefully look after them. If one of the birds dies, another younger raven takes its place. Londoners believe this legend and always bring some food to give to the birds when they come to the Tower. The keepers cut the birds’ wings a bit as they are afraid that they may fly away.

Another old English tradition is Guy Fawkes Day. Children go out into the streets on the 5th of November with figures  like scarecrows. They stand in the streets and squares asking for the usual «Penny for the Guy». Then with the money they have collected they buy fireworks and burn the guy (the figure like a scarecrow) on their bonfire.

People watch fireworks and some people go to parties in the evening.

 Though different countries have different traditions and holidays people all over the world know some of them. They are — Easter, Christmas and New Year.

I.     True  or  False.

  1. Every country has its own traditions and customs.
  2. There are no common traditions all over the world.
  3. English people celebrate Maslenitsa.
  1. There are some common holidays in  England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  2. London  can  be  great  until   10  black  ravens  live in the Tower.
  3. English people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day on the 5th of November.

II. Choose the best title for the text.




     3.  GUY FAWKES DAY.

 III.  Match the words from the left column with their Russian equivalents from the right column.

  1. look after                         a.   фейерверк                                          
  2. scarecrow                        b.   обычай
  3. firework                           c.   заботиться
  4. custom                             d.   костер
  5. bonfire                             e.   чучело

A. Read the text.


      Although Scotland forms a part of the United Kingdom, it has a distinct character of its own. In area it is more than half as big as England. Its population is, however, only one-eighth as great — about 5 200 000.

      Scotland is a land of romance and it has had a most eventful history. The Picts and Celts lived there before the coming of the Romans to Britain. Those Northern tribes worried the Romans so much that the Great Wall was built to protect the Roman camps in the Northern part of England.

      It was in the 11th century that the Normans began to settle in Scotland. Almost all of Scotland’s history is accociated with and reflected in many castles and forts that are to be seen all over the country. They are very picturesque, having retained their medieval features: stern, proud, impressive, perched high on a rock or at a hillside. Mary, Queen of Scots, the beautiful Mary Stuart was married in one of them, her son James (who was to become James I of England) was born in another.

      And now some words about the Highlands. For centuries the Highlands were a strange land, where the king’s law common to all the rest of the country, wasn’t even known, where wild people spoke a language no one could understand. Long after the rest of Britain adopted modern ways they kept to the old life.

      In 1603 King James VI of Scotland became King James I of England too, and from then onwards the countries were under the same monarch, though the Act of Union was not passed until 1707. This Act incorporated Scotland with England in the United Kingdom, but the Scots kept their own legal system, religion and administration, centred in Edinburgh.

      Edinburgh – the capital of Scotland has always been admired as one of the most beautiful cities. Glasgow – its second city – always had a bad reputation. It was too often seen as a dirty, run-down urban area. But no longer. The buildings have been cleaned up, the streets are tidy and the people now take an obvious pride in their city. Glasgow was chosen to be the cultural capital of Europe 1890.

Not far from Glasgow there is one of the most famous of Scotland’s many lakes (called «lochs»), Loch Lomond. Scottish numerous valleys are known as «glens». Scotland is a country with an intense and living national tradition of a kind only too rare in the modern world. It has its distinctive national dress, the kilt, worn only by men. It also has its own typical musical instruments (the pipes, sometimes called «the bagpipes»), its own national form of dancing, its own songs, language, traditions and education. Scotland has even its own national drink, a fact so widely known that one need only ask for «Scotch».


       The Picts and Celts – пикты и кельты (племена)

       tribe — племя

       camp — лагерь

       to pass the Act — принять Акт/Закон (в парламенте)

В. Comprehension Check. Complete the sentences.

     1. Scotland forms…

a) a part of England;

b) a part of the United States;

c) a part of the United Kingdom.

     2. The Northern tribes…

a) began to settle in Scotland in the 11th century;

b) lived in Scotland before the coming of the Romans;

c) came to Scotland together with the Normans.

     3. Mary Stuart…

a) was a Queen of the United Kingdom;

b) was the Queen of Scots;

c) was not a queen.

     4. The kilt…

a) is a musical instrument;

b) is a form of national dancing;

c) is a type of national dress.

C. Answer the questions.

      1. What is the population of Scotland?

      2. Why was the Great Wall built?

      3. Why are there so many castles in the country?

      4. What have you learnt about the Highlands?

      5. When was the Act of Union passed?

      6. What’s the country’s second city?

      7. What do they call Scottish valleys and lakes?

      8. Are national traditions still alive in Scotland?


Контроль навыков чтения (тексты с заданиями)

Иностранные языки

In a Small Town

Text 1

Toscanini was a great musician. He lived in America. One day he came to a very little town. He was walking along the street when he saw a piece of paper in one of the windows. He read:



Then Toscanini heard the music. Somebody was playing Tchaikovsky.

“Mrs. Smith is playing,” he thought, “she isn’t a very good musician. She doesn’t play Tchaikovsky well. I must show her how to play it.”

He went up to the door of the house and rang. The music stopped and soon a woman opened the door.

“Are you Mrs. Smith?” asked Toscanini. “My name is Toscanini and I want to show you how to play Tchaikovsky.”

Mrs. Smith was very glad to meet the great musician. She asked him to come in. Toscanini played Tchaikovsky for her and went away.

A year later Toscanini visited the same town again. When he went up to the house where he had played Tchaikovsky the year before he again saw a piece of paper. Now it read.




1. Put “+” if the sentence is right and “-“if it is wrong.

  1. Toscanini came to a very little town.
  2. He liked how Mrs. Smith was playing.
  3. He wanted to play the piano for her.
  4. Tchaikovsky visited Mrs. Smith one day.
  5. Mrs. Smith was a teacher of music.

2. Write the sentences in the right order.

  1. Mrs. Smith was very glad to meet the great musician.
  2. He lived in America.
  3. The music stopped and soon a woman opened the door.
  4. The music stopped and soon a woman opened the door.
  5. “Mrs. Smith is playing,” he thought, “she isn’t a very good musician.

3. Answer the questions.

  1. Where did Toscanini live?
  2. Toscanini was a great musician, wasn’t he?
  3. Did he want to show Mrs. Smith how to play?
  4. What did he see in one of the window?
  5. Did he think that Mrs. Smith was playing well?

4. Write down the ending of the sentence.

  1. One day he came…
  2. I must show her…
  3. The music stopped and soon…
  4. Toscanini played Tchaikovsky for …
  5. Four dollars…

5. Make up 5 questions to the text.

Shmily Text 2

My grandparents were married for over half a century, and played their own special game from the time they had met each other. The goal of their game was to write the word “Shmily” in a surprise place for the other to find. They took turns leaving “Smily” around the house, and as soon as one of them discovered it, it was their turn to hide it once more.

They dragged “Smily” with their fingers through the sugar and flour containers to wait whoever was preparing the next meal. They smeared it in the dew on the windows overlooking the patio where my grandma always fed us warm, homemade pudding with blue food coloring. “Shmily” was written in the steam left on the mirror after a hot shower, where it would reappear bath after bath. At one point, my grandmother even unrolled an entire roll of toilet paper to leave Shmily on the very last sheet.

There was no end to the places “Shmily” would pop up. Little notes with “Shmily” scribbled hurriedly were found on dashboards and car seats, or taped to steering wheels. The notes were stuffed inside shoes and left under pillows. “Shmily” was written in the dust upon the mantel and traced in the ashes of the fireplace. This mysterious word was as much a part of my grandparents’ house as the furniture.

It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate my grandparents’ game. Skepticism has kept me from believing in true love- one that is pure and enduring. However, I never doubted my grandparents’ relationship. They had love down pat. It was more than their flirtatious little games; it was way of life. Their relationship was based on a devotion and passionate affection which not everyone is lucky enough to experience.

Grandma and grandpa held hands ever chance they could. They stole kisses as they bumped into each other in their tiny kitchen. They finished each other’s sentences and shared the daily crossword puzzle and word jumble. My grandma whispered to me about how cute my grandpa was, how handsome an old man he had grown to be. She claimed that she really knew “how to pick ‘em”. Before every meal they bowed heads and gave thanks, marveling at their blessing: a wonderful family, good fortune, and each other.

But there was a dark cloud in my grandparents’ life: my grandmother had breast cancer. The disease had first appeared ten years earlier. As always, Grandpa was with her every step of the way. He comforted her in their yellow room, painted that color so she could always be surrounded by sunshine, even when she was too sick to go outside.

Now the cancer was once again attacking her body. With the help of a cane and my grandfather’s steady hand, they still went to church every morning. But my grandmother grew steadily weaker until, finally, she could not leave the house anymore. For a while, Grandpa would go to church alone, praying to God to watch over his wife. Then one day, what we all dreaded finally happened. Grandma was gone. “Shmily. It was scrawled in yellow on the pink ribbons of my grandmother’s funeral bouquet. As the crowd thinned and the last mourners turned to leave, my aunts, uncles, cousins, and other family members came forward and gathered around Grandma one last time. Grandpa stepped up to my grandmother’s casket and, taking a shaky breath, he began to sing to her. Though his tears and grief, the song came, a deep and throaty lullaby.

Shaking with my own sorrow, I will never forget that moment. For I knew then that, although I couldn’t begin to fathom the depth of their love, I had been privileged to witness its unmatched beauty. S-H-M-I-L-Y: See How Much I Love You

Thank you , Grandpa and Grandma, for letting me see.

Laura Jeanne Alien

1. Answer the questions.

  1. What was the goal of the game have been played by the grandparents?
  2. Where could this mysterious word be found?
  3. What disease had grandmother?
  4. What song did grandfather sing to grandma when she had died?
  5. What color did grandpa paint their room when grandma was sick and why?

2 . Find sentences which prove that grandparents had true love.

3. Write the sentences in the right order.

  1. The grandpa sang a lullaby to grandma on her grave when she died.
  2. The author of this story was proud to witness the beauty of true love.
  3. The grandparents were married about fifty years.
  4. As usually grandpa helped her every step of the way.
  5. I never doubted my grandparents relations.

4. Find in the text:

  1. С помощью трости и твердой руки моего дедушки, они все еще каждое утро ходили в церковь.
  2. Это мистическое слово являлось такой же частью дома бабушки и дедушки, экак и мебель.
  3. они любили друг друга до гробовой доски.
  4. Затем день, которого мы все страшились, наступил.
  5. Они обменивались поцелуями, если сталкивались друг с другом на своей крошечной кухне.

5. Make up 5 questions to the text.

Text 3

In 1608 an Englishman whose name was Thomas Coryate visited Italy. He liked the country and noted down every interesting thing he found. But there was one thing which he found more interesting than the others. In his diary Thomas wrote, “When the Italians eat meat, they use small forks. They don’t eat with hands because, as they say , do not always have clean hands”.

Before leaving for England, Thomas Coryate bought a few forks.

At home Thomas gave a dinner party to show the invention to his friends. When the servant brought the steak, he took out a fork and began to eat like they did in Italy.

Everybody looked at him in surprise. When he told his friends what it was, they all wanted to take a good look at the strange thing. All his friends said that the Italians were very strange people because the fork was very inconvenient.

Thomas Coryate tried to prove the opposite. He said it was not nice to eat with one’s fingers because they were not always clean.

Everybody got angry at that . Did Mr. Coryate think that people inEngland always had dirty hands? And weren’t the ten fingers they had enough for them?

Thomas Coryate wanted to show that it was very easy to use the fork. But the first piece of meat he took with the fork fell to the floor. His friends began to laugh and he had to take the fork away.

Only fifty years later people in England began to use forks.

1. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

  1. In 1608 an Englishman whose name was Thomas Coryate visited Italy.
  2. But there was one thing which he found more interesting than the others.
  3. He said it was not nice to eat with one’s fingers because they were not always clean.
  4. But the first piece of meat he took with the fork fell to the floor.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. Why did the Italians eat with the forks?
  2. What did he give at home to show the invention of the Italians?
  3. Why did his friends begin to laugh?
  4. When did people in England begin to use forks?

3. Correct according to the contents of the text :

  1. They eat with the hands because, as they say, do not always have clean hands.
  2. Everybody got happy at that.
  3. Only seventy years later people in England began to use forks.
  4. When the servant brought the steak, he took out a knife and began to eat like they did in Italy.

4. Put 5 questions to the text.

London Text 4

London is the capital of Great Britain. London is a very old town. London is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. There were a lot of villages round it. After many years London and three hundred villages grew into a very large city. Some of the names of those villages are the names of the streets in modern London-Kensington, Westminster.

Now London is a beautiful city with large squares and parks. The city of London is the business centre. East End includes the poor districts. West of London is the West End where rich people live.

Trafalgar Square is in the centre of the West End of London. In the centre of Trafalgar Square there is the column made of granite. On the top of the column there is a 17-feet-tall statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1809. The total high of the monument is 184 feet (44 meters).On the pedestal is a bronze relief cast from a captured French cannon, representing Nelson’s victory.

On the North side of Trafalgar Square is the National Gallery.

The National Gallery has one of the finest collections of pictures in the world.

Trafalgar Square is one of the busiest place in London, where people go to and from the work, it is hard to cross the street.

1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

  1. What is the capital of Great Britain ?
  2. How many years is London?
  3. What includes the poor districts?
  4. Where do rich people live?
  5. Where is the Admiral Nelson column?

2. Продолжите предложение.

  1. On the top of the column …
  2. London is two…
  3. On the north side…
  4. The total high…
  5. There were…

3. Какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста “+”, а какие не соответствуют “-”

  1. London is a new town.
  2. London is on the Thames.
  3. The West End of London is a place where rich people live.
  4. In London there aren’t a lot of squares and parks.

4. Найдите в тексте

  1. Национальная галерея имеет одну из прекраснейших коллекций в мире.
  2. Трефальгарская площадь находится в центре Вест Енда в Лондоне.
  3. Сейчас Лондон –один из красивейших городов с большими площадями и парками .
  4. Спустя много лет Лондон и три сотни деревень превратились в один большой город.
  5. Некоторые из этих деревень стали названиями в современном Лондоне.

The Christmas Tree Text 5

No one _1_ for sure who decorated the first Christmas tree . The_2_ of bringing an evergreen tree indoors and _3_ it at Christmas started in Germany. One _4_ says that Martin Luther started the practice. Luther was an important Christian_5_ . According to the story, he noticed the starlit sky as he walked home one Christmas Eve about the year 1513.He thought the stars looked as if they were shining on the branches. When he arrived home, Martin Luther placed a small fir tree _6_ his house. He decorated it with lighted candles.

Decorating Christmas trees became _7_ in Germany. Prince Albert of Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, the German husband of Queen Victoria, took the tradition to England. Both German and English people brought it to America. And now nearly every family in Great Britain and the USA has a _8_ tree.

The biggest Christmas tree in Britain is put up in Trafalgar Square in _9_ .

The people of Norway still give this tree every year to the _10_ to thank them for helping Norway against Hitler in the second World War.

1. Chose the right answer:

a) knowsb) beginsc) decidesd) is
a) treeb) legendc) storyd) custom
a) showingb) givingc) puttingd) decorating
a) storyb) legendc)fairyd) novel
a) manb) saintc) leaderd) woman
a) insideb) outsidec) upsided) offside
a) comfortableb) beautifulc) publicd) popular
a) Christmasb) firc) pined) birch
a) Londonb) Parisc) Moscowd) Madrid
a) French peopleb) British peoplec) Irish peopled) Russian people

2. Answer the questions:

  1. Where was started the tradition of decorating Christmas tree?
  2. Who started this tradition?
  3. Who brought it to Britain?
  4. Why do people of Norway still present a tree to Britain?
  5. 3.  Ask 5 questions .

    Text 6


    From my childhood I was an easily taught and obedient boy. My kindness was so noticeable that my friends made fun of me. I was especially fond of animals and had a great number of pets. With these I spent most of my time, and never was so happy as when feeding and playing with them. My character did not change much when I grew up.

    I married early, and was happy to find in my wife a character very much like my own. Seeing my love for pets she never lost a chance of getting the most pleasant animals. We had birds, gold-fish, a fine dog, rabbits, a small monkey, and a cat.

    This cat was a remarkably large and beautiful animal, quite black and surprisingly clever. In speaking of his cleverness, my wife, who was a superstitious woman, often mentioned the old popular belief, which considered all black cats to be in disguise.

    Pluto- this was the cat’s name-was my favourite pet and playmate. I alone fed him, and he followed me everywhere about the house. It was even with difficulty that I could prevent him following me through the streets.

    Our friendship lasted for several years, during which my character (I blush to confess it) had changed for the worse. I became day by day more moody and irritable. It often happened that I hurt the feelings of others; I suffered myself as I was rude to my wife. At last I even hit her.

    My pets, of course, could feel the change in my character. In fact, I began to treat them cruelly. As for Pluto, I held back from cruelty as I did treat cruelly the rabbits, the monkey, or even the dog when they came in my way. But my illness took hold of me- for what other illness is like alcohol!- and at last even Pluto ,who was now becoming old, even Pluto began to feel the effects of my temper.

    1. Answer the questions:

    1. What kind of pets do they have?
    2. What was the cat’s name?
    3. What illness had the author?
    4. Was he a kind man?
    5. How long did their friendship last?

    2. Ask questions.

    1. Yes/No
    2. Who
    3. Where
    4. or
    5. “tag” question

    3. Translate:

    1. I married early, and was happy to find in my wife a character very much like my own.
    2. Our friendship lasted for several years, during which my character (I blush to confess it) had changed for the worse.
    3. In speaking of his cleverness, my wife, who was a superstitious woman, often mentioned the old popular belief, which considered all black cats to be in disguise.

    4. Name antonyms:

    Happy, beautiful, kind, black, begin.

    5. Find in the text:

    I got day by day more changeable.



    Тексты с заданиями для чтения и аудирования 7 класс и 9 класс

    The King and the Painter (7th form)

    Once there was a king, who liked to paint pictures, but his pictures were bad and nobody liked them. The people to whom the king showed his pictures were afraid of him and they said that the pictures were good. One day the king showed his pictures to a great painter who lived in that country and said, “What do you think of my pictures? Am I a good painter or not?” The painter looked at the king’s picture and said, “My king, the pictures are bad and you will never be a good painter.” The king was very angry and sent the painter to prison. After two years the king wanted to see the painter again. When the painter came the king gave him a good dinner and said, “Now you are a freeman and I am your friend.” So he talked kindly to the painter. After dinner the king showed his pictures to the painter again and asked, “Well, how do you like them now?” The painter did not answer. He turned to the soldiers and said, “Take me back to prison!”

    1. Choose the correct answer to the questions.

    1) What did the king like to do?

    a) To write short stories. 
    b) To paint pictures.
    c)  To buy pictures.

    2) Who said the pictures were good?

    a) The people who were afraid of the king.
    b) The people who liked the pictures.
    c) The great painter.

    3) Whom did the king show his pictures one day?

    a) To the soldiers. 
    b) To a great painter. 
    c) To the prisoners.

    2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).

    1. Choose the correct answer to the questions.

    1) What did the king like to do?

    a) To write short stories. 
    b) To paint pictures.
    c)  To buy pictures.

    2) Who said the pictures were good?

    a) The people who were afraid of the king.
    b) The people who liked the pictures.
    c) The great painter.

    3) Whom did the king show his pictures one day?

    a) To the soldiers. 
    b) To a great painter. 
    c) To the prisoners.

    2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).

    1. Choose the correct answer to the questions.

    1) What did the king like to do?

    a) To write short stories. 
    b) To paint pictures.
    c)  To buy pictures.

    2) Who said the pictures were good?

    a) The people who were afraid of the king.
    b) The people who liked the pictures.
    c) The great painter.

    3) Whom did the king show his pictures one day?

    a) To the soldiers. 
    b) To a great painter. 
    c) To the prisoners.

    2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).

    1. Choose the correct answer to the questions.

    1) What did the king like to do?

    a) To write short stories. 
    b) To paint pictures.
    c)  To buy pictures.

    2) Who said the pictures were good?

    a) The people who were afraid of the king.
    b) The people who liked the pictures.
    c) The great painter.

    3) Whom did the king show his pictures one day?

    a) To the soldiers. 
    b) To a great painter. 
    c) To the prisoners.

    2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).

    1. Choose the correct answer to the questions.

    1) What did the king like to do?

    a) To write short stories. 
    b) To paint pictures.
    c)  To buy pictures.

    2) Who said the pictures were good?

    a) The people who were afraid of the king.
    b) The people who liked the pictures.
    c) The great painter.

    3) Whom did the king show his pictures one day?

    a) To the soldiers. 
    b) To a great painter. 
    c) To the prisoners.

    2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).

    1. Choose the correct answer to the questions.

    1) What did the king like to do?

    a) To write short stories. 
    b) To paint pictures.
    c)  To buy pictures.

    2) Who said the pictures were good?

    a) The people who were afraid of the king.
    b) The people who liked the pictures.
    c) The great painter.

    3) Whom did the king show his pictures one day?

    a) To the soldiers. 
    b) To a great painter. 
    c) To the prisoners.

    2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).

    1. Choose the correct answer to the questions.

    1) What did the king like to do?

    a) To write short stories. 
    b) To paint pictures.
    c)  To buy pictures.

    2) Who said the pictures were good?

    a) The people who were afraid of the king.
    b) The people who liked the pictures.
    c) The great painter.

    3) Whom did the king show his pictures one day?

    a) To the soldiers. 
    b) To a great painter. 
    c) To the prisoners.

    2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).

    1. Choose the correct answer to the questions.

    1) What did the king like to do?

    a) To write short stories. 
    b) To paint pictures.
    c)  To buy pictures.

    2) Who said the pictures were good?

    a) The people who were afraid of the king.
    b) The people who liked the pictures.
    c) The great painter.

    3) Whom did the king show his pictures one day?

    a) To the soldiers. 
    b) To a great painter. 
    c) To the prisoners.

    2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).

    What a test! (7th form)

    A poor young artist was asked to paint the portrait of a rich lady and he did his best to make a good picture. When the portrait was finished it was shown to lady’s friends. Some of them thought it was too realistic. They were afraid the lady would not like the picture. But the painter felt that he had been successful. He didn’t want to change anything. Then one of his friends suggested the following: “We’ll leave it to the lady’s dog to decide if the picture is good or bad.” The next day the picture was sent to the lady’s house. The friends gathered to see the result of the test. As soon as the dog was brought before the portrait it began to lick it all over. Everybody congratulated the painter. Nobody knew that the painter had spread some bacon all over the picture!

    1.  Match the words with their descriptions. There is one variant you don’t need to use.


    A woman who has much money.


    A rich lady


    A picture of a person.


    A dog


    A person who paints pictures.


    A portrait


    A pet that licked the picture.

    2. Write short answers to the questions.

    1. Who did his best to make a good picture?

    2. When was the portrait shown to lady’s friends?

    3. What was sent to the lady’s house?

    4. Did the dog really like the picture?  

    A Real Mother ( 7th form)

    Once upon a time there lived two sisters. The elder sister had a son. The boy was one year old. The two women loved the baby dearly. One day the sisters quarrelled and at night the younger sister tried to leave house with the boy. The elder sister saw it and stopped her. “You cannot take the boy. He is my son!” said the elder sister. But the younger sister wanted to have the boy very much and she said, “I`ll tell the judge the boy`s mine. I love the baby so much that the judge will believe me.  In the morning they were before the judge. Each woman told him that the baby was hers. The judge thought a little and then called his servants. “Cut the child into two halves and give each woman a half of the body,” he said. The younger sister didn`t say a word, but the elder told the judge, “I`m not the child`s mother. Give him to my sister and let him live.” The judge then said to his servants, “Give the boy to the elder sister. She is a real mother.”

    3. Match the words with their descriptions. There is one variant you don’t need to use.

    4. Complete the sentences with the information from the text.

    1. Once upon a time there________________________________.

    2. The two women______________________________________.

    3. The judge told his servants to cut___________________________.

    4. The elder sister told the judge she was ______________________.

    A Dangerous Place (9th form)

    Paula had always wanted to go to New York and now she had the chance at last. She was a journalist, and her newspaper was sending her there to do a series of articles on the city. But before she left her home in London, several friends warned her to be careful and not to go out alone at night in New York. “It’s a dangerous place. People get robbed or even killed on broad daylight!” they told her.

    But when she got there, the only thing she was afraid of was exhaustion(усталость, изнеможение). It was such an exciting city that she never got any sleep. It took her two weeks to do the articles and she had to interview a lot of people but she enjoyed every minute of it. She completely forgot all her friends’ warnings until the day she went back to London. It all began in a bar.

    She was having lunch there when she suddenly felt someone watching her. She looked up and noticed a man sitting at a table opposite her. He was staring at her, but looked away. She noticed that he had a scar on his cheek. He was about 30 and had short, curly hair. Paula was not worried at all. She had to go to an airline office to rebook her flight home. She wanted an afternoon flight instead of a morning one, as originally planned. On her way there, she stopped to look at something in a shop-window. To her surprise she saw the man follow her. She could see his reflection in the glass. He had stopped just behind her. Suddenly she felt afraid. She walked on. Then she stopped and looked behind her again. But this time she could not see him.

    Just then she noticed she had come to the airline office. She went in and after she had finished her business, decided to phone a friend from a telephone booth there. She was carrying a small, portable but very expensive tape-recorder. It was in a black case in which she kept her money and passport as well. But the booth was so small that she had to leave the case outside. When she came out, it had disappeared. Then she saw the red-haired man hurrying out of the office. He had the case in his hand. She shouted but it was too late.

    1. Listen to the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

    1. Paula was sent to New York by her newspaper to do a series of articles on the city.

    2. Several friends advised her to go out at night in New York because it is a wonderful city.

    3. Paula was afraid of being robbed.

    4. It took her two weeks to do the articles.

    5. When she was having lunch, she felt someone watching her.

    6. The man with a scar on his cheek was staring at her.

    7. After she had finished her business, she decided to phone a friend from a telephone booth.

    8. She took her case with money and her passport to the booth.

    9. The man with the scar had her case in his hand.

    Key: 1. True

    2. False. Her friends warned her not to go out alone at night in New York.

    3. False. She was afraid of being exhausted.

    4. True

    5. True

    6. True

    7 True

    8. False. She left her case outside

    9. True

    Listen to the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

    1. Paula was sent to New York by her newspaper to do a series of articles on the city.

    2. Several friends advised her to go out at night in New York because it is a wonderful city.

    3. Paula was afraid of being robbed.

    4. It took her two weeks to do the articles.

    5. When she was having lunch, she felt someone watching her.

    6. The man with a scar on his cheek was staring at her.

    7. After she had finished her business, she decided to phone a friend from a telephone booth.

    8. She took her case with money and her passport to the booth.

    9. The man with the scar had her case in his hand.

    Listen to the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

    1. Paula was sent to New York by her newspaper to do a series of articles on the city.

    2. Several friends advised her to go out at night in New York because it is a wonderful city.

    3. Paula was afraid of being robbed.

    4. It took her two weeks to do the articles.

    5. When she was having lunch, she felt someone watching her.

    6. The man with a scar on his cheek was staring at her.

    7. After she had finished her business, she decided to phone a friend from a telephone booth.

    8. She took her case with money and her passport to the booth.

    9. The man with the scar had her case in his hand.

    Listen to the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

    1. Paula was sent to New York by her newspaper to do a series of articles on the city.

    2. Several friends advised her to go out at night in New York because it is a wonderful city.

    3. Paula was afraid of being robbed.

    4. It took her two weeks to do the articles.

    5. When she was having lunch, she felt someone watching her.

    6. The man with a scar on his cheek was staring at her.

    7. After she had finished her business, she decided to phone a friend from a telephone booth.

    8. She took her case with money and her passport to the booth.

    9. The man with the scar had her case in his hand.

    Listen to the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

    1. Paula was sent to New York by her newspaper to do a series of articles on the city.

    2. Several friends advised her to go out at night in New York because it is a wonderful city.

    3. Paula was afraid of being robbed.

    4. It took her two weeks to do the articles.

    5. When she was having lunch, she felt someone watching her.

    6. The man with a scar on his cheek was staring at her.

    7. After she had finished her business, she decided to phone a friend from a telephone booth.

    8. She took her case with money and her passport to the booth.

    9. The man with the scar had her case in his hand.

    Listen to the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

    1. Paula was sent to New York by her newspaper to do a series of articles on the city.

    2. Several friends advised her to go out at night in New York because it is a wonderful city.

    3. Paula was afraid of being robbed.

    4. It took her two weeks to do the articles.

    5. When she was having lunch, she felt someone watching her.

    6. The man with a scar on his cheek was staring at her.

    7. After she had finished her business, she decided to phone a friend from a telephone booth.

    8. She took her case with money and her passport to the booth.

    9. The man with the scar had her case in his hand.

    Listen to the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

    1. Paula was sent to New York by her newspaper to do a series of articles on the city.

    2. Several friends advised her to go out at night in New York because it is a wonderful city.

    3. Paula was afraid of being robbed.

    4. It took her two weeks to do the articles.

    5. When she was having lunch, she felt someone watching her.

    6. The man with a scar on his cheek was staring at her.

    7. After she had finished her business, she decided to phone a friend from a telephone booth.

    8. She took her case with money and her passport to the booth.

    9. The man with the scar had her case in his hand.

    Listen to the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

    1. Paula was sent to New York by her newspaper to do a series of articles on the city.

    2. Several friends advised her to go out at night in New York because it is a wonderful city.

    3. Paula was afraid of being robbed.

    4. It took her two weeks to do the articles.

    5. When she was having lunch, she felt someone watching her.

    6. The man with a scar on his cheek was staring at her.

    7. After she had finished her business, she decided to phone a friend from a telephone booth.

    8. She took her case with money and her passport to the booth.

    9. The man with the scar had her case in his hand.

    Listen to the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

    1. Paula was sent to New York by her newspaper to do a series of articles on the city.

    2. Several friends advised her to go out at night in New York because it is a wonderful city.

    3. Paula was afraid of being robbed.

    4. It took her two weeks to do the articles.

    5. When she was having lunch, she felt someone watching her.

    6. The man with a scar on his cheek was staring at her.

    7. After she had finished her business, she decided to phone a friend from a telephone booth.

    8. She took her case with money and her passport to the booth.

    9. The man with the scar had her case in his hand.

    Listen to the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

    1. Paula was sent to New York by her newspaper to do a series of articles on the city.

    2. Several friends advised her to go out at night in New York because it is a wonderful city.

    3. Paula was afraid of being robbed.

    4. It took her two weeks to do the articles.

    5. When she was having lunch, she felt someone watching her.

    6. The man with a scar on his cheek was staring at her.

    7. After she had finished her business, she decided to phone a friend from a telephone booth.

    8. She took her case with money and her passport to the booth.

    9. The man with the scar had her case in his hand.

    Listen to the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

    1. Paula was sent to New York by her newspaper to do a series of articles on the city.

    2. Several friends advised her to go out at night in New York because it is a wonderful city.

    3. Paula was afraid of being robbed.

    4. It took her two weeks to do the articles.

    5. When she was having lunch, she felt someone watching her.

    6. The man with a scar on his cheek was staring at her.

    7. After she had finished her business, she decided to phone a friend from a telephone booth.

    8. She took her case with money and her passport to the booth.

    9. The man with the scar had her case in his hand.

    In the Lift ( 9th form)

    Once, I came home from school and got in the lift and about half way up it suddenly stopped. There was no one in with me. I was terrified. It just stopped with me inside. I felt so stupid. I felt as if I was hanging miles up in the air in a box tied by strings. I didn’t know what to do. I looked at the buttons.

    I began by pressing all the numbers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. No good. Then I looked at the other buttons. One said, “STOP”. I didn’t bother to press that one. Another said, DOORS OPEN”. I didn’t dare to press that. Imagine the door opening and me stepping out and falling down four floors.

    I shouted out, “Help!”

    No one answered. I shouted again.

    “Help! Help! Get me out. I’m stuck in the lift.”

    There was a switch at the bottom of the buttons. So I pressed it down. Nothing happened.

    Then the light went out.

    I started to cry and scream at the same time. I screamed and screamed. In the end I couldn’t scream any more. But I could keep on crying and I did. I don’t think I’ve ever cried as much in my life.

    I sat down on the floor and pressed myself against the back wall. I don’t know, it felt safer, as far away from the door as possible. I kept thinking, “They’re going to open soon and I’ll fall out.”

    If only I could get a light. Then I could, perhaps, try to escape. If I could see. Maybe that switch, I thought, was really the light-switch even though the light hadn’t gone off when I’d pressed it.

    I slid myself round and stretched up my arm to feel for the buttons. I got my fingers on the switch and pressed it back up. Nothing happened. I screamed out, “Help! Please! Help! Get me out! Mum! Mum! Mum!” And I banged my hand against all the buttons; I banged and pressed them all.

    Then I heard a bell ringing. It was just like the electric bell we had at our school. But it didn’t stop. It just kept on ringing and ringing.

    “It’s an alarm bell,” I thought. “The building must be on fire.”

    “Please, God,” I said, “Please get me out. I’ll do anything. I’ll be better. I really will. Please get me out.”

    It was hot. It was getting really hot in the lift. I was sweating. I knew that I would soon be able to smell the smoke.

    And then – the lift moved.

    I screamed as loud as I could, though I knew no one would hear me. The lift was moving. The fire must have burnt through the cables. I was scared stiff but then I realized that the lift was moving very slowly as if someone was carefully lowering it down.

    Very gently, down we went – me and the lift, together in the dark.

    It stopped. I pressed myself against the steel wall. And the door opened. There was a man standing there. I couldn’t see his face against the light. He stepped towards me.

    “Right, love,” he said. “Let’s have you out.”

    Read the text. Put these sentences in the correct order.

    1. The building was on fire and it was getting hot in the lift.

    2. Once, I came home from school and got in the lift. The lift stopped half way up.

    3. “Please, God,” I said, “Get me out. I’ll be better.”

    4. There was no one in with me.

    5. I shouted out, “Help!” No one answered.

    6. I started to cry and screamed at the same time.

    7. Then the light went out.

    8. I pressed all the buttons. No good.

    9. Then the lift moved down very slowly.

    10. Then I heard a bell ringing. It was an alarm bell.

    11. The lift stopped, the door opened. There was a man standing there.

    1. Key: 1. Once, I came home from school and got in the lift. The lift stopped half way up.

    2. I pressed all the buttons. No good.

    3. I shouted out, “Help!” No one answered.

    4. Then the light went out.

    5. I started to cry and screamed at the same time.

    6. Then I heard a bell ringing. It was an alarm bell.

    7. The building was on fire and it was getting hot in the lift.

    8. “Please, God,” I said, “Get me out. I’ll be better.”

    9. Then the lift moved down very slowly.

    10. The lift stopped, the door opened. There was a man standing there.

    Read the text. Put these sentences in the correct order.

    1. The building was on fire and it was getting hot in the lift.

    2. Once, I came home from school and got in the lift. The lift stopped half way up.

    3. “Please, God,” I said, “Get me out. I’ll be better.”

    4. I shouted out, “Help!” No one answered.

    5. I started to cry and screamed at the same time.

    6. Then the light went out.

    7. I pressed all the buttons. No good.

    8. Then the lift moved down very slowly.

    9. Then I heard a bell ringing. It was an alarm bell.

    10. The lift stopped, the door opened. There was a man standing there.

    Read the text. Put these sentences in the correct order.

      1. The building was on fire and it was getting hot in the lift.

      2. Once, I came home from school and got in the lift. The lift stopped half way up.

      3. “Please, God,” I said, “Get me out. I’ll be better.”

      4. I shouted out, “Help!” No one answered.

      5. I started to cry and screamed at the same time.

      6. Then the light went out.

      7. I pressed all the buttons. No good.

      8. Then the lift moved down very slowly.

      9. Then I heard a bell ringing. It was an alarm bell.

      10. The lift stopped, the door opened. There was a man standing there.

    Read the text. Put these sentences in the correct order.

      1. The building was on fire and it was getting hot in the lift.

      2. Once, I came home from school and got in the lift. The lift stopped half way up.

      3. “Please, God,” I said, “Get me out. I’ll be better.”

      4. I shouted out, “Help!” No one answered.

      5. I started to cry and screamed at the same time.

      6. Then the light went out.

      7. I pressed all the buttons. No good.

      8. Then the lift moved down very slowly.

      9. Then I heard a bell ringing. It was an alarm bell.

      10. The lift stopped, the door opened. There was a man standing there.

    Read the text. Put these sentences in the correct order.

      1. The building was on fire and it was getting hot in the lift.

      2. Once, I came home from school and got in the lift. The lift stopped half way up.

      3. “Please, God,” I said, “Get me out. I’ll be better.”

      4. I shouted out, “Help!” No one answered.

      5. I started to cry and screamed at the same time.

      6. Then the light went out.

      7. I pressed all the buttons. No good.

      8. Then the lift moved down very slowly.

      9. Then I heard a bell ringing. It was an alarm bell.

      10. The lift stopped, the door opened. There was a man standing there

    Read the text. Put these sentences in the correct order.

      1. The building was on fire and it was getting hot in the lift.

      2. Once, I came home from school and got in the lift. The lift stopped half way up.

      3. “Please, God,” I said, “Get me out. I’ll be better.”

      4. I shouted out, “Help!” No one answered.

      5. I started to cry and screamed at the same time.

      6. Then the light went out.

      7. I pressed all the buttons. No good.

      8. Then the lift moved down very slowly.

      9. Then I heard a bell ringing. It was an alarm bell.

      10. The lift stopped, the door opened. There was a man standing there.

    Read the text. Put these sentences in the correct order.

      1. The building was on fire and it was getting hot in the lift.

      2. Once, I came home from school and got in the lift. The lift stopped half way up.

      3. “Please, God,” I said, “Get me out. I’ll be better.”

      4. I shouted out, “Help!” No one answered.

      5. I started to cry and screamed at the same time.

      6. Then the light went out.

      7. I pressed all the buttons. No good.

      8. Then the lift moved down very slowly.

      9. Then I heard a bell ringing. It was an alarm bell.

      10. The lift stopped, the door opened. There was a man standing there.

    Read the text. Put these sentences in the correct order.

    1. The building was on fire and it was getting hot in the lift.

    2. Once, I came home from school and got in the lift. The lift stopped half way up.

    3. “Please, God,” I said, “Get me out. I’ll be better.”

    4. I shouted out, “Help!” No one answered.

    5 .I started to cry and screamed at the same time.

    6. Then the light went out.

    7. I pressed all the buttons. No good.

    8. Then the lift moved down very slowly.

    9. Then I heard a bell ringing. It was an alarm bell.

    10. The lift stopped, the door opened. There was a man standing there.

    Read the text. Put these sentences in the correct order.

    1. The building was on fire and it was getting hot in the lift.

    2. Once, I came home from school and got in the lift. The lift stopped half way up.

    3. “Please, God,” I said, “Get me out. I’ll be better.”

    4. I shouted out, “Help!” No one answered.

    5. I started to cry and screamed at the same time.

    6. Then the light went out.

    7. I pressed all the buttons. No good.

      1. Then the lift moved down very slowly.

      2. Then I heard a bell ringing. It was an alarm bell.

      3. The lift stopped, the door opened. There was a man standing there.

    Read the text. Put these sentences in the correct order.

    1. The building was on fire and it was getting hot in the lift.

    2. Once, I came home from school and got in the lift. The lift stopped half way up.

    3. “Please, God,” I said, “Get me out. I’ll be better.”

    4. I shouted out, “Help!” No one answered.

    5. I started to cry and screamed at the same time.

    6. Then the light went out.

    1. I pressed all the buttons. No good.

    2. Then the lift moved down very slowly.

    3. Then I heard a bell ringing. It was an alarm bell.

    4. The lift stopped, the door opened. There was a man standing there

    Read the text. Put these sentences in the correct order.

      1. The building was on fire and it was getting hot in the lift.

      2. Once, I came home from school and got in the lift. The lift stopped half way up.

      3. “Please, God,” I said, “Get me out. I’ll be better.”

      4. I shouted out, “Help!” No one answered.

      5. I started to cry and screamed at the same time.

      6. Then the light went out.

      7. I pressed all the buttons. No good.

      8. Then the lift moved down very slowly.

      9. Then I heard a bell ringing. It was an alarm bell.

      10. The lift stopped, the door opened. There was a man standing there.


    Тест (английский язык, 7 класс) на тему: текст для чтения с заданиями «British schools» 7 класс

     British Schools


    All British children must stay at school from the age of 5 until they are 16.

     Many of them stay longer and take final examinations when they are 17 or 18. Before 1965 all children of state schools had to go through special intelligence tests. There were different types of state secondary schools and at the age of 11 children went to different schools in accordance with the results of the tests.

    State schools are divided into the following types:

    Grammar schools. Children who go to grammar schools are usually those who show a preference for academic subjects, although many grammar schools now also have some technical courses.

    Technical schools. Some children go to technical schools. Most courses there are either commercial or technical.

    Modern Schools’ Boys and girls who are interested in working with their hands and learning in a practical way can go to a technical school and learn some trade.

    Comprehensive schools. These schools usually combine all types of secondary education. They have physics, chemistry, biology laboratories, machine workshops for metal and woodwork and also geography, history and art departments, commercial and domestic courses.

    There are also many schools which the State does not control. They are private schools. They charge fees for educating children, and many of them are boarding schools, at which pupils live during the term time.

    After leaving school many young people go to colleges of further education. Those who become students at Colleges of Technology (called «Techs») come from different schools at different ages between 15 and 17. The lectures at such colleges, each an hour long, start at 9, 15 in the morning and end at 4,45 in the afternoon.


    Topical Vocabulary


    — to stay at school

    -to take final examinations

     -a state school

    to go through special intelligence tests


    a secondary school

    in accordance with the results of


    a grammar school

     to show a preference for academic


     technical courses

    — a technical school


    — a modern school

     a trade

    — a comprehensive school

    -a laboratory

    -a machine workshop for metal and woodwork

    -a domestic course

    — a private school

    — to charge fees for educating smb

    -a boarding school

    a term

    — a college of further education

    -a College of Technology

     -a lecture

     учиться в школе

    сдавать выпускные экзамены

    государственная школа

    сдавать специальный тест на уровень интеллектуального развития

    средняя школа

    в соответствии с результатами тестов


    «грамматическая» школа

    проявлять склонности к академическим дисциплинам


    технические предметы

    «техническая» школа


    «современная» школа

    профессия, ремесло

    общеобразовательная школа


    мастерская с металло- и деревообрабатывающими



    частная школа

    брать деньги за чье-либо образование



    колледж дальнейшего образования

    технический колледж


























    Answer the questions:


    1. At what ages must British children stay at school?

    2. What groups are state schools divided into?

    3. What is a private school?

    4. What do many young people do after leaving school?

    Translate into English:

    1. Британские дети должны учиться в школе с 5 до 16 лет.

    2.  Учащиеся государственных школ сдавали экзамены на уровень интеллектуального развития и шли в среднюю школу в соответствии с его результатами.

    3. В «грамматических» школах учились дети, которые обнаруживали склонность к академическим предметам.

    4. «Технические» школы предлагают (offer) коммерческие или технические курсы.

    5. В «современных» школах дети получали профессию.

    6. В общеобразовательных школах сочетаются все виды образования.

    7. Государство не контролирует частные школы.

    8. Обычные частные школы и частные школы-интернаты берут плату за обучение.

    9. После школы молодые люди могут поступать в колледжи дальнейшего образования


    Материал по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме: Тексты для чтения 7 класс

    Приложение №1

    1. Olympic Symbols

    The Olympic Games have their own flag and motto. The flag is white with five circles. The circles represent the five continents of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and North and South America. The circles are black, blue, green, red and yellow. The flag of every country in the games has at least one of these colours. The motto of the Olympics is ‘Faster, higher, stronger’.

    The most exciting moment of the opening ceremony is the lighting of the Olympic Flame, another symbol of the Olympic Games. Runners bring a torch from the valley of Olympia in Greece. Thousands of runners take part in the journey. The journey starts four weeks before the opening of the Games. At the opening ceremony, the final runner carries the torch to the stadium, and lights the new Olympic Flame. Then there is a very big song, dance and music show. The Olympic Flame burns until the end of the Games.

    The International Olympic Committee works hard between the Games. They choose the place for the next Olympics and new sports for them too.

    1. The history of jeans

    Do you want to know the history of jeans? In 1850 a young man, Levi Strauss, came to California from Germany. California was famous for its gold. Many people were working there. They were looking for gold and needed strong clothes. First Levi Strauss sold canvas to workers. Canvas was strong and soon Levi used it to make jeans. All workers liked his jeans and bought them. His first jeans had no colour. Then Levi coloured his jeans. Today everyone in the world knows the famous blue jeans of Levi Strauss.

    1. The Statue of Liberty

    One of the most famous statues in the world stands on an island in New York. This statue is the Statue of Liberty — a woman holding a torch. Visitors can go inside the statue. The statue is so large that as many as twelve people can stand inside the torch. Many people can stand in other parts of the statue. The statue weighs 225 tons and is about 100 metres high.

    The statue of Liberty, was put up in 1886. It was a gift to the United States from the people of France for America’s 100th birthday. French people gave money for the statue. Americans designed and built the pedestal. The French engineer Alexander Eiffel, who was famous for his Eiffel Tower in Paris, found out how to make the heavy statue stand. People who come to the United States see the Statue of Liberty holding her torch. She symbolises a welcome to a land of freedom.

    1. Animals in Great Britain

    People in Great Britain like animals. There are even special hospitals, which help wild animals. There are a lot of television films about wildlife. They are very popular with children and grown ups. A lot of British families have ‘bird tables’ in their gardens. Birds can eat from them during the winter months. The ‘bird table’ should be high because cats can eat birds.

    The British often think their animals are like people. For example in Britain animals can have jobs like people. British Rail has cats and pays them for their work. Their job is to catch mice. There is usually one cat per station. They get food and free medical help. The cats don’t catch a lot of mice but they are very popular with the British Rail staff and travellers.

    1. Marco Polo

    Marco Polo is famous for his journeys across Asia. He was one of the first Europeans to travel in Mongolia and China. He wrote a famous book called ‘The Travels’.

    He was born in Venice, Italy in 1254. In 1272, when he was only 17 years old, he travelled to Asia with his father and uncle. The journey was very long. They visited a lot of places and saw wonderful things: eye glasses, ice-cream, spaghetti and the riches of Asia.

    After three years they entered China through the Great Wall. In 1275 Kublai Khon, the Emperor of China, met the visitors at his Summer Palace in the capital of China at Xanadu. The palace was very beautiful. There were a lot of gold things and silk curtains. The Emperor gave a big banquet. There were more than a thousand people in the palace. On the emperor’s birthday 5,000 soldiers rode through the city to the. palace on elephants. Marco Polo visited some huge markets, where merchants from all over the world bought and sold all kinds of things. He was happy to see one of the greatest cities of the thirteenth century and spent 18 years in China.

    When he returned to Italy in 1295, he became a popular storyteller. People came to his home to hear stories about his journeys in the East. Many of them did not believe him. When he died, he said: ‘I haven’t told half of what I saw, because no one can believe it.’

    1. Advertising: good or bad?

    Advertising companies say advertising is necessary and important. It informs people about new products. Advertising hoardings in the street make our environment colourful. And adverts on TV are often funny. Sometimes they are mini-dramas and we wait for the next programme in the mini-drama. Advertising can educate, too. Adverts tell us about new, healthy products. And adverts in magazines give us ideas for how to look prettier, be fashionable and be successful. Without advertising life is boring and colourless.

    But some consumers argue that advertising is a bad thing. They say that advertising j bad for children. Adverts make children ‘pester’ their parents to buy things for them. Advertisers know we love our children and want to give them everything. So they use children’s ‘pester power’ to sell their products. Finally, consumers say, if there is advertising there must be rules. Some adverts advertise unhealthy things like cigarettes and make people waste their money.

    1. The USA

    The USA is divided into 50 states and the District of Columbia. Some states are famous for their noisy cities. Others are famous for their trees and mountains. Some states have kilometres and kilometres of farmland. The largest state is Alaska. You can see big bears there. Michigan is situated in the valley of the Great Lakes. New Jersey, on the Atlantic coast, is famous for its gardens, and Minnesota, for its wonderful wheat fields. Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president, began his political activity in Illinois and this state is called the Land of Lincoln. California is situated on the west coast and is famous for Hollywood and films. Montana is full of sheep and cows. It’s also the land of cowboys, Indians and rodeo. Do you know what Florida is famous for?

    1. The Millennium games

    I’m having a great time here in Sydney. The different sports are exciting, and there are lots of other exciting things too. For example the mascots are really great! They are called Olly, Syd and Millie. They are Australian ‘ animals and they are the symbols of the Sydney Games. The kookaburra is an Australian bird. She got her name, Olly, from the word ‘Olympics’. She’s a symbol of friendship and honesty. Then there’s Syd (from Sydney). He’s a platypus with a duck’s nose. He’s the symbol of the city of Sydney and its people. The third mascot is Millie. She’s an Australian animal — an echidna. She’s the symbol of the new millennium. So now I’ve got a mascot too. He’s called Ozzie (from Aus­tralia) and he’s a cute, cuddly koala.

    1. My family

    Dear Ann!

    I have read your letter at «e-mailfriends» and would like to make friends with you! Let me introduce myself. My name is Hans. I live in Berlin. I am 20. I live with my parents. My mother is a doctor. When I feel bad, she is the first to help. I also love her apple pie, which she makes every Sunday. Cooking is her hobby. My father is a teacher His hobby is working in a little garden in front of our house. As my future profession is agronomist, I help him look after the trees and flowers. My younger brother Nick is not fond of nature. He spends ail his free time with his computer. We are both students. We study at the same university. We are all different, but when we gather together on Sundays, we can talk for hours. We discuss our family needs and plans for the future. I think we are a united and friendly family!

    I would like to know more about your family!

    Yours, Hans

    1. You are what you eat

    I am 120 kg. I usually have tea and cakes for breakfast and sometimes I have sausages and eggs too. At 11 o’clock I often eat a bar of chocolate and some biscuits or a sandwich. I usually have a big lunch, for example sausages and chips. And then I have ice cream, which I love. When I watch TV I have tea and a sandwich. For dinner usually I have meat and potatoes. Before I go to bed usually I have a cup of hot chocolate and some small cakes.

    Do you know the proverb ‘You are what you eat’? It means that if you eat healthy food you can be healthy. You should not eat a lot of biscuits or chips, for example. You can eat your favourite foods, like hamburgers, but don’t eat a lot of them. Eat more fresh food and vegetables.

    1. My working day

    I am student Classes at the university begin at 8.30, so I have to get up at 7 o’clock on week days. When I wake up, I usually lie in bed for 5 minutes and then stand up. I try to make my bed every day, but sometimes I forget to do it. Then I open the window, breathe in the fresh air deeply and do my morning exercises. I am usually in a hurry, so I do not have much time for that. Then I go to the bathroom, wash myself and clean my teeth After that I dress and brush my hair. Later, I go to the kitchen, greet my family and have breakfast.

    After breakfast I take my bag and go to the university. Usually it takes me 30 minutes to get there. I try to come several minutes before the bell, because I do not want to be late for classes. I greet my groupmates and we go to the classroom. I study with pleasure, so 3—4 classes a day is not much for me. I often have to stay after classes at the university and go to the university library or a laboratory. Then I go home and have my dinner. After that I may have a short rest. Then I have to do my homework. It takes me 3—4 hours. In the evening I watch TV with my family or talk with my friends on the phone.

    I go to bed at about 11 o’clock.

    1. My favourite artist

    I have many favourite artists. Among them are writers, painters and musicians. When I have free time I often read my favourite books or listen to my favourite music. When I have a spare day, I sometimes visit Kiev Museum of Russian Art. I like the museum, for there are many masterpieces there. But the most interesting works for me are the paintings by Ivan Aivazovsky.

    Ivan Aivazovsky was born and died in Theodosia. As he studied and lived in Russia for some time, he is considered to be a Russian painter. He studied at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg Ivan Aivazovsky was a painter of seascapes. Aivazovsky produced about 6,000 paintings, depicting mainly scenes on the Black Sea and turbulent seascapes, including The Ninth Wave Black Sea, Amid the Waves, Flood i Sudak, and Storm. He also painted sea battles (such as Siege of Sevastopol) and Ukrainian landscapes (Harvest in Ukraine, Winter Scene in Ukraine, Wedding in Ukraine, Odessa at Night. Crimean View in Moonugnt, View of the Crimea, and Harvest in the Crimea). Aivazovsky established a picture gallery in Theodosia, which he donated later to the city. The Aivazovsky Picture Gallery in Theodosia has some 400 of his works, as well as paintings by Crimean seascape artists and a small collection of seascapes by Western artists. Ivan Aivazovsky depicted sea and the people who lived by the sea. He dedicated many of his works to the struggle between the people and the sea. He showed strong will and courage of those people and the power of the sea.

    1. I go shopping

    My name is Katya. I am a student. In two years I will become a teacher of biology. My profession is my hobby as well. I visit the bookstores of my town regularly and buy new books in biology. It helps me to learn all the novelties in my profession I often discuss the books that I have bought, with my friends at the university When I go shopping, I buy not only books, but also some other things, that I need.

    I live in Dnepropetrovsk. It is a large city. There are a lot of shops here. If I go shopping, it is not easy for me to choose the right place at once. I am fond of fashion and always try to buy new clothes in order to look fashionable and at­tractive. It is not an easy task. I have to try on a lot of dresses, skirts and blouses till I choose what I really like. If I need a dress for a special occasion, I go to a shop with my best friend Olya. She is always ready to help me and I try to fol­low her advice.

    Sometimes Olya and I go shopping just for fun. We walk along the streets, visit different kinds of shops and buy some trifles that raise our mood. We may buy something tasty and organize a small party for our friends. I should say that shopping is my hobby, It is the best treatment for me when I am in a bad mood.

    1. A wedding in Chicago

    My name’s David. We’re in a small village near Chicago. My cousin’s getting married. My father and her father are twins. A lot of relatives are here for the wedding party. We’re very busy. My uncle’s friend is making palov. My sister Susan and Aunt Keane are making cakes. My mother’s helping her niece with her wedding dress. My grandparents are here too. They’re very old. They live in Chicago. I’m making a video and taking photos. It’s great. I want to be a reporter.

    1. Camels

    For many years, in the desert camels were the only kind of transport. Be­fore the age of modem trains, camel trains carried all the things between Central Asia and Europe. People made camel trains with 10,000 to 15,000 animals. Each camel could carry approximately 200 kilos and could travel twenty miles a day. This kind of transport was so important that people called camels the ‘ships of the desert’

    1. Climate

    We say ‘weather’ when we talk about how the weather is today. In some places the weather is the same all day. In other places there are several kinds of weather in one day. We use ‘climate’ when we talk about the usual weather and temperature of a place. We must record the weather every day for a long time. Then we know the climate of a place.

    The climate is very cold in winter and warm in summer. In winter the animals and birds are white. In summer they change their colour to brown and grey. The winter is very long (8-9 months). In winter we cannot see any plants. There is a short summer (about 3 months). It is very beautiful. There are a lot of flowers and grass. There are no trees.

    1. Fast food

    Fast food came from America. McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut are famous and popular fast food restaurants. Millions of Americans eat in fast food restaurants. McDonald’s is a symbol of American life and culture. The typical American food is fast food: pizza, fries, hamburgers and hot dogs are famous kinds of fast food. Fast food is not usually expensive. It is quick and quite cheap. Now there are fast food restaurants in a lot of countries. For example, we can find McDonald’s in China, Russia and England.

    1. Houses and homes

    Dear Fred

    Thanks for your letter. You ask me to describe my house. It is a two-storey house. Upstairs there are three bedrooms, a bathroom and a toilet. My bedroom is next to  my  parents room. Look That’s mine! Downstairs there is a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. There is a small garden in front of the house and a small road behind the house. Please write to me about your house. Write soon. Love Lucy.

    Dear Lucy

    Thanks for your letter and the photos of your house. It looks great. I live in a big house. There are five rooms in it. There is a living room, a dining room, three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. In the living room there is a big white carpet on the wall. There are three armchairs, a sofa, a table and five chairs. There is a big TV set and a nice cassette recorder too. We have beautiful short white curtains. There is a garage. Here is a photo of our house and a picture of our living room. I’m happy your house and our house have two storeys.

    Come and visit us. Come soon. Love Fred.

    1. I love summer

    Five years ago my grandparents lived in the village of Smalville in Florida. We visited them every summer. Every day we helped with their farm. They didn’t have a car, but they had a brown horse and a cart. They also had two cows and a very big bull. I wasn’t afraid of him because he was good. He was three years old and was born on the farm. My grandparents had some hens and sheep too and a beautiful dog, Ted, but they didn’t have any cats. Near their house there was a river. My grandad swam but I didn’t because I was too small. We liked the farm. We were very happy there. Last year my grandparents sold their house and some of their ani­mals and moved to a village near Los Angeles. I am glad they didn’t sell their horse or their dog. Last month we visited them. Their new house and village are beautiful. I want to visit them again soon.

    1. Supermarkets and shops

    In Britain people buy food in supermarkets, small shops and markets. Supermarkets sell fruit, vegetables and all kinds of food and TVs, books and other things too. Some are open all night. Small shops sell food and other things too. For example, people can buy pens there. Some shops are open every day. Others are not open on Sundays. Shops usually open at 9.00am. They usually close at 5.30 or 6.00pm. Some shops close at 9.00 or 10.00pm and some supermarkets are open 24 hours. Markets do not open after 5.30pm or on Sundays.


    Школьная олимпиада по английскому языку, 7 класс — Олимпиадные задания — Иностранные языки

    (20 points)

    Time: 20 minutes

    1. Read
    fragments from stories about famous illusionists. For answers to
    questions choose the names designated by letters A-E. “0” is the
    example for you.

    1. John Henry Anderson was
      a Scottish magician who performed in Europe and the United States
      in the early 19th
      century. His favourite trick was bullet-catching, but his best
      remembered for pulling a rabbit from a hat. He didn’t think of
      the trick first, but he made it popular and there have been
      variations on it ever since.

    2. Robert Houdin was born in France in 1805. He was originally
      trained as a clockmaker. He first appeared as a magician in Paris
      in 1845. He used common objects to create illusions rather than
      complicated pieces of machinery. He was known as the father of
      magic and it was from him that Harry Houdini took his name years

    3. Howard Thurston was from Ohio. He started by touring and
      doing card tricks. In 1908 he met the magician, Harry Kellar.
      Kellar sold him his tricks and Thurston turned them into a 3-hour
      long magic show. He toured with it for over 20 years. He was
      well-known for illusions such as the “floating lady”.

    4. Harry Houdini was
      born Erik Weisz in Budapest, Hungary. Before taking up magic, he
      worked in a circus. His
      world-wide fame came from his amazing escapes. One of his most
      incredible escapes was from a box that was locked, roped, weighted
      then lowered into water. Late in his career he went to Hollywood
      and made films, performing his own stunts.

    5. David Copperfield was born in 1956 in America. He began
      performing at the age of twelve. He is noted for his ability to
      make objects disappear, something he has done frequently whilst on
      the air, watched by millions. He once made the Statue of Liberty,
      America’s most famous landmark disappear. He also walked through
      the Great Wall of China. From the late 1970s, he was on TV in The
      Magic Show of David Copperfield.


    1. was born in Scotland? __A__

    2. made a famous trick he didn’t invent?_____

    3. performed illusions with large objects?_____

    4. acted in films?____

    5. pulled objects from a hat?_____

    6. performed in France and gave his name to another magician?___

    1. Read
      the text and do the tasks below. (15 points)

    Trip by Plane

    American farmer wanted to make an air trip. There was an airport
    close to his farm. So one morning he came there to ask if he could
    make an air trip.

    see,» he said to one of the pilots, «I have never flown
    before, but I would like to.» The pilot told him that the price
    of the trip was 10 dollars for a ten-minute trip. «Oh, it’s a
    dollar a minute,» the farmer said. «Can’t you reduce the
    price?» The pilot thought for a minute and then said, «I
    won’t take any money if you don’t say a word during the whole trip.»
    The farmer agreed.

    the way,» said the pilot, «you may take your wife too.»
    The farmer was happy.

    next day at three o’clock the farmer and his wife arrived at the
    airport. Soon they were up in the air. The plane flew at a high
    speed, it went up and down very quickly, but since the passengers
    didn’t say a word.

    are brave people,» said the pilot. «I thought you would be
    afraid to fly.»

    “Well,” said the farmer, “I am glad, I will
    not have to pay for the trip, as I didn’t have to say a word, but
    I wanted to speak to you when my wife fell out of the plane”

    down whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

    1. The
      farmer didn’t like the price of the trip.

    2. It
      was a trip on the ship.

    3. The
      farmer decided to take his wife because it could make the price of
      the trip less.

    4. The
      price was 10 dollars for each minute.

    5. The
      passengers kept silent when they were in the air.

    6. The
      farmer’s wife was quite well after the trip.

    B Answer
    the following questions.

    1. What
      kind of trip did the farmer want to make?

    2. Did
      he find the trip cheap or expensive?

    3. What
      was the price of the trip?

    4. On
      what condition did the pilot agree to change the price of the trip?

    5. Who
      joined the farmer?

    6. Did
      the plane fly slowly or quickly?

    7. Did
      the passengers speak much during the trip?

    8. Did
      the farmer pay for the trip?

    9. What
      happened to his wife in the air?

    TASK 3
    OF ENGLISH (30

    Time: 20 minutes

    Fill in the gaps, using a
    suitable word from a box. Use each word only once. “0” is the
    example for you.. In the box there is a superfluous word which does
    not need to be used. (6 points)

    church men priest prison couples stories
    gifts soldiers

    Valentine’s Day

    There are different (0) stories
    about St. Valentine. One story says
    that Valentine was a roman

    ___________ who lived about 1800 years ago. At that time Roman (2)
    ____________ were not allowed to marry. Valentine disobeyed the law
    and secretly married young (3) __________. Valentine was then sent
    to prison. He died in (4) __________ on February 14 in 270 AD. The
    soldiers took him and buried him at a (5) ___________ in Rome. If
    you go to Rome, you can see where he is buried. Valentine’s Day is
    a day when people give Valentine cards, (6) ___________ and flowers
    to people they love.

    Choose the right variant (10 points)

    1. The Volga is …river in the territory of Russia.

    a) long b) longer c) the longest

    2. … birthday is it next week?

    a) Whose b) Whom c) Who

    3. Perhaps they …a new house next year.

    a) will buy b) buy c) shall buy

    4. Two years … Derry bought a car.

    a) ago b) for c) since

    5. My favourite subject at school is … Biology.

    a) the b) a c) –

    6. Do you get … letters every day?

    a) much b) many c) a many

    7. George plays …the violin rather well.

    a) — b) on c) in

    8. My elder sister is afraid … height.

    a) — b) of c) with

    9. Jean always stays in fashion. People like ….

    a) hers b) she c) her

    10. When a student, Mike spent two years in … Germany.

    a) a b) the c) –

    3. Choose the right variant (10 points)

    1. Jess was
      watching / watched
      TV when the TV suddenly was
      breaking / broke

    2. While Dad was
      listening / listened
      to music in the car, he was
      driving / drove
      into the back
      of a bus!

    3. My parents were
      walking / walked
      yesterday when they were seeing
      / saw
      an asteroid in the sky.

    4. Oliver climbed
      / was climbing
      a mountain
      when he was dropping / dropped
      his MP3 player in a river.

    5. Madonna sang/
      was singing
      when we got/
      were getting
      to the concert.

    Choose the right variant (4 points)

    1. Maria is very proud
      of / good at
      so she wants to be a doctor.

    2. You have to be worried
      about / interested in
      people if you want to be a firefighter.

    3. David wasn’t very proud
      of / good at
      failing his exams.

    4. You shouldn’t get interested
      in / upset about
      not getting an

    TASK 4
    WRITING (20 points)

    Time: 20 minutes

    to your foreign friend the letter how you spent summer holidays
    (80-100 words).

    TASK 5
    SPEAKING (20 points)

    Time: 10 – 12 minutes

    1. Dialogue (10 points)

    the phrases of the dialogue into the correct order

    A) 1.
    sure. Thank you.

    1. That’s
      exactly what I want.

    2. Can
      I have a look at this magazine?

    3. I
      this article about clothes is interesting.

    of course. I read quickly.

    B) 1.
    Oh, yes, it is. It tells you how to choose the best clothes for

    1. See
      you tomorrow then.

    2. Yes,
      sure. What would you like to read?

    3. Do
      you think you will give it back to me tomorrow?

    4. You
      can also read an article about music.

    1. Monologue (10 points)

    on your hobbies.

    Maximum points: 100 points


    Тексты для чтения 7-8 класс

    The Great Romantic

    Lord Byron (1788-1824) didn’t live a long life. He was an aristocrat and a fashionable man. But he loved freedom (свободу) and a simple country life. His personality attracted Britain and all Europe. He brought to his poetry romanticism of his times. He was talented and handsome, noble and brave. London admired him.

     George Gordon Byron was born on January 22nd, 1788. He was the son of John Byron and his wife, Catherine, whose ancestors (предки) were of the royal house of Stuart. He spent his early years outside the capital. He lived in the north. Later his mother took him to Aberdeen. There they lived for several years. George went to Aberdeen Grammar School and there is a monument to him outside the school. Now it is a museum and art gallery. Later he studied at   Harrow School and the University of Cambridge.

    When Byron was 19, he came to London. One day the poet wrote, “I woke up (проснулся) and found myself (обнаружил, что я) famous.”  It happened after the publication of his autobiographic poem “Childe Harold” in 1812.

     The fact is that from 1809 to 1811 he had traveled in different parts of Europe and in the poem he described everything that had happened to him.

    In the summer of 1816 Byron left Britain forever (навсегда). He traveled around Europe and soon he became a member of the Greek liberation movement (освободительное движение), for which he died. But he did not lead the Greeks in battle as he wished. He died of fever (лихорадка).

    I. Переведите на английский язык.

    1) Он любил свободу и простую сельскую жизнь.

    2) Он принес в свою поэзию романтизм того времени.

    3) Сейчас это музей и галерея искусства.

    II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

    1) When and where was G. Byron born?

    2) Where did he study?  

    3) What did he describe in the poem?

    4) When did he die?



             The 25th of December is Christmas Day. It’s a happy holiday for many people in different countries.

             Some week before Christmas English people are busy. They send greeting cards to all their relatives and friends. You can buy Christmas cards or you can make them. Many children make their cards at school.

             People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, colored balls and little colored lights.

             On Christmas Eve people put their presents under the tree. When children go to bed, they put their stockings near their beds.

             At night Father Christmas comes. He has got a big bag of presents for children. He puts the presents in the children’s stockings.

             Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London, in Trafalgar Square. This is a present from the people of Norway to the people of Great Britain. They send it to Londoners every year and Londoners decorate the Christmas tree.

             In the evening before Christmas people like to come to Trafalgar Square to look at the tree. On Christmas Eve streets in London are decorated, too.

             The shops are very busy at Christmas. People want to buy presents for their family and friends (for their nearest and dearest). And they buy a lot of food and drink for all the Christmas parties.

             People open their presents on Christmas morning and they all are happy with what they get.

             For Christmas lunch people eat turkey, potatoes and green vegetables. Then they have the Christmas pudding. At five o’clock it’s time for tea and Christmas cake.

               On Christmas people wish their nearest and dearest a merry Christmas.

             The day after Christmas is Boxing Day. People usually visit their relatives and friends. They do not work on that day.

    1.   Answer the questions.

          1) Why are people busy some weeks before Christmas?

    2) Where can people get Christmas cards?

         3)  Where is a Christmas tree from?

         4) What are the traditional Christmas dishes?

         5) What is Boxing Day?

         6) Do English people like Christmas?

    2. Complete the sentences.

    1. Many children make their cards at …….

    2. Father Christmas puts the presents in the children’s ………..

    3. There is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of ………

    4. On Christmas people wish their nearest and dearest a ……….

    5. They do not………. on that day.

                           Monsters of the sea?

             People have always been afraid of sharks. Films like “ Jaws” have shown them as monsters. But now these animals are in danger, like many others.

    In recent years, shark meat has become a popular food in America. Too much fishing has begun to reduce the numbers of some kinds of shark. Some people say this is a good thing. Sharks kill about twenty-five people a year near the world’s beaches. Are we going to help sharks, or are they going to become extinct?

          It’s hard to solve the sharks’ “ image” problem and change people’s minds about them. Sharks are hunters and so they naturally kill. But actually elephants kill more people than sharks every year – and every–one likes elephants.

           Sharks are very important for the world’s oceans. They eat unhealthy fish and keep the numbers of different kinds of sea animals in balance. Now scientists are trying to find way to protect these animals. They have been in the oceans for 350 million years. Perhaps they can survive a little longer.

    Выберите соответствующие содержанию текста  предложения.

    1. Films have shown sharks as monsters.

    2. Sharks are in danger like others.

    3. Shark meat has become a popular food only in Canada.

    4. The number of some kinds of shark has reduced because of much fishing.

    5. All people say this is good  that a number of some kinds of sharks has reduced.

    6. Sharks are not monsters because they don’t kill anybody.

    7. It’s not hard to solve sharks ‘image’ problem.

    8. Sharks are hunters so they naturally kill.

    9. Elephants kill less people than sharks, so people like  them .

    10.Sharks are very important for the world’s oceans because they kill unhealthy fish.

    11.Sharks have been in the oceans for 200 years.

                                    PACKING by Jerome K. Jerome

          Holiday time was near now, and we, that is, Harris and George and I met to discuss our plans. Harris said that the first thing was to discuss what to take with us. He also said that we couldn’t take the whole world in a boat. They could take what they really needed.

         «It is very important,» Harris said, «to have everything we need for a long swim every morning before breakfast.» He also said that a long swim always gave him fine appetite. «If you’re going to eat more than you usually do,» George said, «I think we’ll let you go swimming not more than once in three or four days. If you go swimming every day, we’ll never have enough food for you. We won’t be able to carry so much in the boat. «

          So we discussed the food question. «Begin with breakfast,» George said. «For breakfast we must have a tea-pot,» Harris said, «ham, eggs, bread and butter and jam. It’s easy to prepare breakfast with such things. And for lunch — cold meat, bread and butter and jam — but no cheese. «

            We agreed. Cheese in a boat in summer, little by little becomes the master of all the food. You may think you’re eating sausage or meat and potatoes or cake, but it all seems to be cheese.

    Choose the right variant        

    1.        George, Harris and Jerome decided to discuss ….

    a) future holidays b) the weather   c) the newspaper article

    2.        It happened in ….

    a) summer        b) spring        c) winter

    3.        Harris liked … very much.

    a) boating        b) swimming     c) playing football

    4.        He wanted to … after swimming.

    a) eat        b) drink        c) sleep

    5.        They decided … cheese.

    a) not to take       b) to take        c) to buy

    Answer the questions:

    1. What is the text about?

    2. Where did the friends want to go?

    3. What could give Harris a good appetite?

    4. Why was cheese the «master» of all food in summer?

    5. Whose idea was to take few clothes?

                                            The Earth.

    We live on the Earth. It is very, very big. There is a lot of water on the Earth. It is in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. There are a lot of forests and fields, hills and mountains on it.

    The Earth is full of wonders. Different animals live on the Earth. Different plants grow on it. The Earth is beautiful.

    There are large countries and small countries. There are warm countries and cold countries. There are some countries where there are four seasons in a year and some countries where there are only two.

    When it is day in one country it is night in another country.

    When the sun shines it is day, when the sun does not shine it is night. You can see the moon and the stars in the sky at night.

    People live in different countries. They speak different languages.

    Our country is Russia. Russia is the largest country in the world. Our country is so large that when it is morning in the east, it is evening in the west. When it is winter in the north it is summer in the south.

    There are a lot of long rivers, beautiful lakes, large forests and fields and high mountains in Russia.

    People who live in Russia speak more1 than one hundred different languages but they can speak Russian too.

     Answer the questions.

    1. Where do people live?

    2. Is the Earth big or small?

    3. What is there on the Earth?

    4. Where is there water on the Earth?

    5. The Earth is beautiful, isn’t it?

    6. Why do we say that the Earth is full of wonders?

    7. Why  do people speak different languages.?

    Traditions and customs

    Every nation and every country has its own traditions and customs. In Britain traditions play a more important role in the life of people than in other countries. They say British people are very conservative . They are proud of their traditions  and carefully keep them up. But when we speak about British traditions we always remember that there are four parts in Britain — England,  Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Traditions are different in these parts of the country.

    You already know some of the English traditions and holidays. We hope you remember St. Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween which have also become traditional American holidays. Here are some more facts about old English traditions.

        One of the old English legends  says that London can be the capital of the country, rich and great until twelve black ravens live in the Tower of London. Each has got its name and the keepers carefully look after them. If one of the birds dies, another younger raven takes its place. Londoners believe this legend and always bring some food to give to the birds when they come to the Tower. The keepers cut the birds’ wings a bit as they are afraid that they may fly away.

    Another old English tradition is Guy Fawkes Day. Children go out into the streets on the 5th of November with figures  like scarecrows. They stand in the streets and squares asking for the usual «Penny for the Guy». Then with the money they have collected they buy fireworks and burn the guy (the figure like a scarecrow) on their bonfire.

    People watch fireworks and some people go to parties in the evening.

     Though different countries have different traditions and holidays people all over the world know some of them. They are — Easter, Christmas and New Year.

    I.     True  or  False.

        1. Every country has its own traditions and customs.

        2. There are no common traditions all over the world.

        3. English people celebrate Maslenitsa.

    4. There are some common holidays in  England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    5. London  can  be  great  until   10  black  ravens  live in the Tower.

    6. English people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day on the 5th of November.

    II. Choose the best title for the text.   



         3.  GUY FAWKES DAY.

     III.  Match the words from the left column with their Russian equivalents from the right column.

    1. look after                         a.   фейерверк                                          

    2. scarecrow                        b.   обычай

    3. firework                           c.   заботиться

    4. custom                             d.   костер

    5. bonfire                             e.   чучело

    A. Read the text.


          Although Scotland forms a part of the United Kingdom, it has a distinct character of its own. In area it is more than half as big as England. Its population is, however, only one-eighth as great — about 5 200 000.

          Scotland is a land of romance and it has had a most eventful history. The Picts and Celts lived there before the coming of the Romans to Britain. Those Northern tribes worried the Romans so much that the Great Wall was built to protect the Roman camps in the Northern part of England.

          It was in the 11th century that the Normans began to settle in Scotland. Almost all of Scotland’s history is associated with and reflected in many castles and forts that are to be seen all over the country. They are very picturesque, having retained their medieval features: stern, proud, impressive, perched high on a rock or at a hillside. Mary, Queen of Scots, the beautiful Mary Stuart was married in one of them, her son James (who was to become James I of England) was born in another.

          And now some words about the Highlands. For centuries the Highlands were a strange land, where the king’s law common to all the rest of the country, wasn’t even known, where wild people spoke a language no one could understand. Long after the rest of Britain adopted modern ways they kept to the old life.

          In 1603 King James VI of Scotland became King James I of England too, and from then onwards the countries were under the same monarch, though the Act of Union was not passed until 1707. This Act incorporated Scotland with England in the United Kingdom, but the Scots kept their own legal system, religion and administration, centered in Edinburgh.

          Edinburgh – the capital of Scotland has always been admired as one of the most beautiful cities. Glasgow – its second city – always had a bad reputation. It was too often seen as a dirty, run-down urban area. But no longer. The buildings have been cleaned up, the streets are tidy and the people now take an obvious pride in their city. Glasgow was chosen to be the cultural capital of Europe 1890.

    Not far from Glasgow there is one of the most famous of Scotland’s many lakes (called «lochs»), Loch Lomond. Scottish numerous valleys are known as «glens». Scotland is a country with an intense and living national tradition of a kind only too rare in the modern world. It has its distinctive national dress, the kilt, worn only by men. It also has its own typical musical instruments (the pipes, sometimes called «the bagpipes»), its own national form of dancing, its own songs, language, traditions and education. Scotland has even its own national drink, a fact so widely known that one need only ask for «Scotch».


           The Picts and Celts – пикты и кельты (племена)

           tribe — племя

           camp — лагерь

           to pass the Act — принять Акт/Закон (в парламенте)

    ВComprehension Check. Complete the sentences.

         1. Scotland forms…

    a) a part of England;

    b) a part of the United States;

    c) a part of the United Kingdom.

         2. The Northern tribes…

    a) began to settle in Scotland in the 11th century;

    b) lived in Scotland before the coming of the Romans;

    c) came to Scotland together with the Normans.

         3. Mary Stuart…

    a) was a Queen of the United Kingdom;

    b) was the Queen of Scots;

    c) was not a queen.

         4. The kilt…

    a) is a musical instrument;

    b) is a form of national dancing;

    c) is a type of national dress.

    C. Answer the questions.

          1. What is the population of Scotland?

          2. Why was the Great Wall built?

          3. Why are there so many castles in the country?

          4. What have you learnt about the Highlands?

          5. When was the Act of Union passed?

          6. What’s the country’s second city?

          7. What do they call Scottish valleys and lakes?

          8. Are national traditions still alive in Scotland?


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