
Контрольные работы spotlight – Контрольные работы к УМК Spotlight


Тест по английскому языку по теме: Контрольные работы по английскому языку 4 класс УМК Spotlight

MODULE 7 “Days to remember!”


I. Вставь пропущенные слова.

shy, strong, loud, pretty, kind

1. He is very _____________! He always helps me with my homework.

2. Little Anna is a very _________ baby! Everyone likes her!

3. He shouts all the time! He’s a very ___________ person!

4. Nick is very ___________! He can carry big boxes!

5. Ben is very ______________! He never says a word!

II. Используй прилагательное в нужной форме.

1. This is the ________________(fast) car in the world.

2. Brian is ___________________(good) than me.

3. This is the _________________(big) toy shop in my town.

4. The blue dress is ____________ (nice) than the red dress.

5. Tim is _____________________(short) than Mike.

III. Раскрой скобки, поставь глагол в прошедшее время.

1. Mum ____________________ (make) a cake yesterday.

2. Peter _____________________(write) an e-mail to his friend last night.

3. I ________________________(see) your sister at the theatre last week.

4. The girls _____________________(buy) new T-shirts last Saturday.

5. Harry ________________________(eat) a salad for lunch.

IV. Построй отрицательное предложение.

1. Jenny rode a horse last Sunday. _______________________________________________________

2. Corky drank orange juice yesterday morning. _____________________________________________

3. We swam in the sea last summer. ______________________________________________________

V. Ask and answer.

1.  They went to the cinema yesterday. ___________________________________________________  


2. He sang songs at school. ________________________________________________________    


3. Mike and Ben came home at 5 pm yesterday. ___________________________________________                                              


Spotlight 8 Test booklet Ответы

Spotlight 8 Test booklet Ответы

Spotlight 8 Test booklet Ответы — это контрольные работы по английскому языку в 8 классе с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 8 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение, 2016. Цитаты из пособия указаны в учебных целях. При постоянном использовании контрольных работ по английскому языку в 8 классе рекомендуем купить книгу: Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко: Английский язык. 8 класс. Контрольные задания, Сборник контрольных заданий включает контрольные задания, которые выполняются по завершении работы над каждым модулем, а также промежуточные тесты. Сборник обеспечивает процесс контроля на регулярной и объективной основе.


Входной тест по английскому языку 8 класс Spotlight с ответами

Spotlight 8 Entry Test Ответы


Контрольная работа 1 по английскому языку 8 класс с ответами

Spotlight 8 Test 1 Module 1 Ответы


Контрольная работа 2 по английскому языку 8 класс с ответами

Spotlight 8 Test 2 Module 2 Ответы


Контрольная работа 3 по английскому языку 8 класс с ответами

Spotlight 8 Test 3 Module 3 Ответы


Контрольная работа 4 по английскому языку 8 класс с ответами

Spotlight 8 Test 4 Module 4 Ответы


Тест за полугодие по английскому языку 8 класс Spotlight с ответами

Spotlight 8 Mid Test Ответы


Контрольная работа 5 по английскому языку 8 класс с ответами

Spotlight 8 Test 5 Module 5 Ответы


Контрольная работа 6 по английскому языку 8 класс с ответами

Spotlight 8 Test 6 Module 6 Ответы


Контрольная работа 7 по английскому языку 8 класс с ответами

Spotlight 8 Test 7 Module 7 Ответы


Контрольная работа 8 по английскому языку 8 класс с ответами

Spotlight 8 Test 8 Module 8 Ответы


Итоговый тест по английскому языку 8 класс Spotlight с ответами

Spotlight 8 Exit Test Ответы


Spotlight 8 Test booklet Ответы — это контрольные работы по английскому языку в 8 классе с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 8 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение.


Просмотры: 11 866


Контрольные работы по английскому языку по УМК «Spotlight» (5

Spotlight 5

Module 4

Test 4

  1. Listen and complete the card

My best friend

Name: Alisa

Age: 1) ……


Family: one brother and 3) … sister(s)

Hobbies: 4)…., playing the piano and singing

She can: speak 5)… and Russian

  1. Choose the right word

  1. I am here! Look at (I, me).

  2. Claire is pretty. (She, her) eyes are big and blue.

  3. Did you call them? (They, their) car is in front of the house.

  4. Who is that girl? What’s (she, her) name?

  5. Dad, can I ask (his, you) something?

  6. Miss Smith is (us, our) English teacher.

  1. Fill in with can, can’t

  1. … you speak French? No, I …

  2. Mark … play tennis. He plays on Mondays.

  3. My dad … fly a plane. He is a pilot.

  4. … Ann and Susan paint? Yes, they…

  5. This is easy! You .. do it.

  1. Make sentences using the imperative

1. do the task (+) 2. listen to the teacher (+)

3. come to the blackboard (-) 4. close the door (-)

  1. Choose the correct word

  1. Lisa is a baby. She is (big, small).

  2. My sister’s got (long, big) hair.

  3. Dad’s tall with (fair, good) hair.

  4. My teacher’s got a (kind, small) nose.

  5. Wendy’s short and (tall, thin).

6. Choose the correct response

1. Who is she?

a. My best friend

2. How old are they?

b. The USA

3. Where is his house?

c) It’s Mark

4. Whose car is this?

d) In London

5. Where are they from?

e)They are twelve and fourteen

Spotlight 5

Module 9

Test 9

Task №1 Choose the correct word

  1. Musicians play in the theatres\concert halls.

  2. Let’s go to see a play at the theme park\theatre.

  3. I don’t like theme parks\zoos. I’m scared of roller coasters.

  4. I’m looking for a teddy\toy train.

  5. Buy aspirin from the florist’s\chemists.

Task №2 What’s the English for

1. булочная

4. картинная галерея

7. Как мне добраться до зоопарка?

2. Могу Я Вам помочь?

5. комедия

8. налево

3. Мне бы хотелось купить книгу.

6. мелодрама

9. на углу улицы

Task №3 Make the sentences

  1. the, opposite, restaurant, it’s, food, fast.

  2. film, what, is, this, about?

  3. it, don’t, miss!

  4. take, you, photographs, mustn’t.

  5. much, does, it, how, cost?

Spotlight 7

Module 6

1. Complete the phrases: candy, perform, go on, pool, famous, explore, designated, rocket, fun, theme, obey, cartoon, no diving, reserve, send

1. a water ride, 2. a place, 3. park, 4. fair, 5. tricks, 6. journey, 7. floss, 8. landmarks, 9. characters, 10. a haunted mansion, 11. lifeguards, 12. an e-mail, 13. safety 14. areas 15. signs

2. Fill in the gaps with play, make, have, go

1. ____webpage 2. ___ a tree house 3. ____rafting 4. ____ IT classes 5. ___ swimming

3. Fill in: round, across, out, back

1. He …. this chessboard in an antiques shop.

2. They … to their home town because they missed it.

3. John … to see my new stereo.

4. His new book … recently.

5. She came … to the country a month ago.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect

1. She … (never\travel) abroad.

2. … (you ever\see) this film?

3. They … (not\play) the game yet.

4. … (you\ever\speak) to any funny cartoon character at Disneyland?

5. She … (never\meet) this woman before.

6. He … (never\fly) a plane.

7. We … (just\write) an interesting story.

8. … (ever\hear) such strange sounds?

9. I … (already\read) the letter.

5. Form opposite adjectives

1. What an … film! (believable)

2. It’s … to do it right now. (possible)

3. Your reaction is completely … (logical)

4. The long beginning makes your story … (balanced)

5. Don’t be so …! (responsible)

6. What’s the English for:

1. кататься на колесе обозрения 2. пожимать друзьям руки 3. ходить в поход 4. побывать в лагере 5. навестить кого-либо 6. пиратский корабль 7. покупать сувениры 8. отправляться на сафари 9. попасть в беду 10. кататься на верблюде

*7. Write a letter to your friend about your visit to a theme park. Include its name, location, what you did and saw there.

Spotlight 7

Module 8

Test 8

  1. Fill in: collect, teach, soil, watering, toxic, recycle, plastic, factory

    1. ….fumes 2. … waste 3. …rubbish 4. …cans 5. … pollution 6. … bag 7. … can 8. …the cycle of life

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb make in the appropriate form

    1. I can’t …. what you are talking about.

    2. It’s not true. She … the whole story.

    3. Tom …. Jane a few days ago. They are friends again now.

    4. Don’t ….! I don’t believe you!

  1. Complete with the present perfect or present perfect continuous

    1. We ….. trees for a week now. (plant)

    2. The children … the pond yesterday. (clean out)

    3. She …. doing her homework. (already, finish)

    4. My uncle …. To Save the Whales for a long time. (donate)

    5. How long …. nesting boxes? (you, build)

    6. He … all day. (study)

  1. Fill in: have to, don’t have to

    1. You … water the flowers. I’ve done it.

    2. She … take the dog for a walk before she leaves.

    3. You … give me a lift. I will walk.

    4. We … do something to help the planet.

    5. He … go to the desert to see camels. He can see them at the zoo.

  1. Fill in the correct question tag

    1. She isn’t here, …?

    2. They live in Paris, …?

    3. The boys are playing football now, …?

    4. He couldn’t swim when he was three, …?

    5. Ann and Peter went to the concert hall yesterday, …?

  1. Choose the correct response

    1. Can I give you a hand cleaning the pond? a) No , thanks, I’m fine

b) That’s right

2. How can I help you? a) That’s very generous b) I’m interested in making a donation

3. Would you like me to collect rubbish? a) Yes, please b) That’s right

  1. What’s the English for:

1. кислотные дожди, 2. естественная среда обитания, 3. виды животных,

4. загрязнение воздуха, 5. сажать цветы, 6. выживать в тропических лесах,

7. банковский счёт, 8. уехать из города, 9. аргументы за и против, 10. садовые перчатки и грабли

Spotlight 9

Module 6

Test 6

Task 1 Make the sentences with the help of abstract nouns

  1. We have known each other since our … (child).

  2. I’m sick and tired of your … (lazy).

  3. It’s all your … (imagine), nothing else.

  4. They were very afraid of the … (dark) in the forest.

  5. There’s a …. (possible) that the museum will be closed when you get there.

Task 2 Fill in the right preposition

  1. If you show affection … your pet, it’ll be happy.

  2. We were rescued … bad homes.

  3. Tom has got involved … a community action group.

  4. She has checked …the items on her list.

  5. Take care … my little son when I’m out.

  6. They checked … at the hotel and they were shown to their rooms.

Task 3 What’s the English for

  1. Общественные службы

  2. Сеть рек и каналов

  3. Снимать деньги со счёта

  4. Хорошо проводить время

  5. Сообщить о пожаре

  6. Продвижение по службе

  7. Навещать пожилого человека

  8. Благотворительная акция

Spotlight 9

Module 6

Lessons 6a/6b

Task 1 Match the words

  1. animal

a. event

2. burst

b. members

3. charity

c. choice

4. foster

d. shelter

5. staff

e. a full recovery

6. natural

f. home

7. make

g. into tears

Task 2 What’s the English for

1. отвечать на телефонные звонки

2. помогать очищать лес

3. протянуть руку помощи

4. поддержать в трудной ситуации

5. переходить улицу по «зебре»

6. смотреть правильно за животными

7. кольцевая автодорога

8. заказать номер

Spotlight 9

Module 8

Lessons 8a-8b

Task 1 match the words

1. total

a. damage

2. burn

b. bruised

3. face

c. a disaster

4. perfectly

d. miracle

5. wannabe

e. an accident

6. brain

f. attitude

7. seriously

g. still

8. experience

h. her head

9. survive

I. film maker

10. positive

j. challenges

Task 2 Match the synonyms

1. soon

a. come into sight

2. appear

b. quit

3. understand

c. plant

4. face

d. before long

5. give up

e. keep mind on

6. place firmly

f. deal with

7. concentrate

g. gigantic

8. huge

h. realise

Task 3 Write the correct response

1. Have you done something to your leg? …………………………………..

2. I’m going to join an extreme sports club. ……………………

3. Want to try skydiving with me? ……………………….

4. What do you think about taking up a new hobby? ………………………

Task 4 What’s the English for:

1. Вдохновение

2. Выглядеть угнетённым

3. Жалеть кого-либо

4. Царапать ногу

5. Выиграть соревнование

6. Выглядеть нездоровым

7. Ужасное событие (случай)


Контрольные работы для 2 класса к УМК Spotlight 2

Контрольная работа №1

  1. Запиши буквы под диктовку учителя и составь из них слово.

  2. Составь слова из следующих букв:

  1. T, C, A

  2. D, D, D, Y, A

  3. E, T, A, L, B

  1. Выбери правильный вариант перевода

1. белый стул

a) white table b) white chair c) red chair

2. желтое радио

a) red radio b) red bed c) yellow radio

3. красный дом

a) red house b )red table c) blue house

  1. Выбери правильный вариант перевода:

  1. Это – моя мама.

    1. It’s my mummy

    2. It’s my sister

    3. It’s my daddy.

  2. Это – мой дедушка

    1. It’s my brother.

    2. It’s my grandpa

    3. It’s my grandma

  3. Это – мой брат

a) It’s my brother

b) It’s my sister

c) It’s my family.

Контрольная работа №2

1.Напиши недостающие буквы.

a) __ __ lk, b) __ ce cr__ __m, c) pi__ __a,

2.Закончи предложения.

a) I like… b) I don’t like…..

c) My favourite food is…

3.Ответь на вопросы о себе:

1. What is your name? —

2. How old are you? –

3. How are you? –

4. Are you happy? –

4.Поставь слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения. Запиши полученные предложения.

a) eight, I’m. –

b) name, is, My, Lulu. —

c) dog, my, black, is. –

5.Прочти слова и найди значение.

1. party _e_ a) день рождения

2. sad ___ b) свечи

3. happy ___ c) счастливый

4. candles ____ d) грустный

5. birthday ____ e) вечеринка

6.Подчеркни правильный вариант ответа.

a) six egg / eggs b) three banana / bananas

c) eight cake / cakes

Контрольная работа по английскому языку № 2

по теме « Мир вокруг меня»

во 2 классе (УМК «Spotlight»)

  1. Запиши недостающую заглавную или строчную букву

A____ , F ____, ____e, B __   , ___   g, C ___, ____ d.

  1. Расставь буквы  из упр. 1 по алфавиту!

3. Вставь в слова пропущенные буквы. Переведи слова:

t _ ble _________________ D _ d d y ________________

M _ m m y _____________ kit _ _ en _______________

hou _ e ________________ g _ a n d m a _____________

b _ thr _ om _____________ s _ s t e r

4. Прочитай и соотнеси

1) How old are you? a) Happy birthday! b) I’m seven,

2) What’s your favourite food? a) Pizza, yummy! b) I like it.

5. Поставь слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения. Запиши полученные предложения.

1. like, don’t, I, sandwiches. — …………………………………………………………………………

2. eight, I’m. — ………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. like , I, burgers. –


4. What, your, is, food, favourite? — ……………………………………………………………………………………..

5. name, is, my, Jim. — ………………………………………………………………………………….

6. cat, my, black, is. — ……………………………………………………………………………………

Контрольная работа №3

  1. Образуй множественное число существительных.

  1. one house – two _________________

  2. one snake – three _________________

  3. one horse – four _________________

  4. one monkey – seven _________________

  5. one box – nine _________________

  1. Напиши have got или has got.

  1. Ann _________________ a pink dress.

  2. I _________________ a big teddy bear.

  3. My puppy _________________ long ears.

  4. Mark _________________ a blue car.

  5. They _________________ a new house.

  1. Напиши can или can’t.

  1. A bird _________________ sing well.

  2. A dog _________________ fly in the sky.

  3. A frog _________________ climb trees.

  4. A fish _________________ swim in the sea.

  5. A horse _________________ run fast.

  1. Напиши числа.

  1. fourteen _________________

  2. 18 _________________

  3. seventeen _________________

  4. 12 _________________

Kонтрольная работа

по теме: “ANIMALS


1.—————- 2.——————— 3.——————— 4.———————

a) frog b) girl c) fish d) boy e) horse f) chimp g) clown h) bird

5) ————— 6) —————— 7)——————— 8)———————

II. Guess: What can…?

climb sing jump swim

III. Complete:

  1. —————- can swing. 3. ——————- can fly.

  2. ——————- can dance. 4. ——————- can run.

Meg Sam Bob Bird

IV. Read and choose.

Can a bird fly? Can you run? Can you swim?

Yes, it can. Yes, I can. No, I can`t.

No, it can`t. No, I can`t. Yes, I can.

Can a frog climb? Can a chimp sing? Can a horse jump?

No, it can`t. Yes, it can. No, it can`t.

Yes, it can. No, it can`t. Yes, it can.

V. Look and complete.

c-rc-s cl-w- m-g-ci-n

Exit test for the 2nd form.

1. Look and complete.

0 A: Where’s grandpa? B: He’s in the

1 A: Where’s Mummy?
B: She’s in the

2 A: Where’s Daddy?

B: He’s in the





. Match the pictures to the words.


a house

b living room

c bathroom

d tree house

3. Look, read and write.

One — 1

six — three —

five — nine —

ten — four —

two — eight –

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. Read and put yes or no.

1. They’re chips. 2. It’s milk

3. They’re apples. 4 — They’re sandwiches.

5. Read and answer.

Bird, fish, rabbit, horse, monkey

Who can run? 0 — horse

1. Who can jump?

2. Who can fly?

3. Who can climb?

4. Who can swim?

0 A: Where’s the toy soldier?
It’s under the shelf.

0 — under

1. A: Where’s the teddy bear?

B: It’s…….the box.

1 — …..

2. A: Where’s the rabbit?

B: It’s ……. the table.

2 — …….

6. Read and write: in, on or under.

7. Look and complete with have got/has got.

1. She …………… small ears.

2. He………. blue eyes.

3. I…….fair hair.

8. Look, read and complete.

A : What’s the weather like?

0 — It’s sunny!

2.— It’s ……..

1.- It’s ………

3.- It’s ………


Контрольные работы к учебнику Spotlight 4 (Н.И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М.Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс.)

Вводный контроль по английскому языку для 4 класса


1. Напиши по образцу:

  • A pig (10)- ten pigs

  • A snake (7)-

  • A horse (6)-

  • A banana (5)-

  • A rabbit (9)-

2. Выбери правильный вариант:

1. Мяч Бэтси 2. Мамин стол 3. Сашина черная собака

А. Betsy`s ball А. Table mummy`s A. Sasha`s black dog

В. ball`s Betsy B. mummy`s table B. black Sasha`s dog

3. Вставь правильную форму глагола
to be (am, is, are) и переведи предложения:

Helen ____ in the room.-

Mike and Helen____friends-

4. Вставьте has или have

  1. He ______got a train 

  2. We _____got a dog 

  3. Lullu ____got big eyes 

  4. We ______got a book

  5. She ________got a black cat

5. Вставьте there is или there are и переведите предложения:

  • There … a kitchen in the house-________________________________________

  • There … pens on the table____________________________________________

  • There … a mirror next to the cupboard__________________________________

  • There … a book in the bag_____________________________________________

  • There … four chairs in the living room__________________________________

  • There … a cooker in the kitchen________________________________________

6. Прочитай и ответь на вопросы:


Контрольные работы. Английский язык. 2 класс. УМК SPOTLIGHT.


Контрольные работы. Базовый уровень.

2 класс

Урок №22

Контрольная работа №1 (Module 1)

I вариант

  1. Read and circle. Прочитай и обведи правильный ответ.

  1. What’s this?

It’a bathroom.

  1. No, it isn’t.

  1. Where is Larry?

Yes, he is.

  1. He’s in the tree house.

  1. Is she in the living room?

No, she isn’t.

  1. It’s a radio.

  1. Read and write. Use: He’s or She’s Прочитай и запиши: Используй: He’s или She’s

  1. A: Where is Mummy?

B: _________ in the kitchen.

  1. A: Where is Daddy?

B: _________ in the garden.

  1. A: Where is Grandpa?

B: __________ in the bedroom.

  1. A: Where is Grandma?

B: ___________ in the house.

  1. Read and draw. Прочитай и нарисуй.

a yellow chair

  1. a green tree

  1. a red bed

2 класс

Урок №22

Контрольная работа №1 (Module 1)

II вариант

  1. Read and circle. Прочитай и обведи правильный ответ.

  1. What’s this?

Yes, it is.

b)It’s a living room.

  1. Where is Daddy?

No, he isn’t.

  1. He’s in the bathroom.

  1. Is she in the bedroom?

Yes, she is.

  1. It’s a chair.

  1. Read and write. Use: He’s or She’s Прочитай и запиши: Используй: He’s или She’s

  1. A: Where is Larry?

B: _________ in the garden.

  1. A: Where is Lulu?

B: _________ in the tree house.

  1. A: Where is Chuckles?

B: __________ in the bathroom.

  1. A: Where is Mummy?

B: ___________ in the kitchen.

  1. Read and draw. Прочитай и нарисуй.

a brown table

  1. a blue bath

  1. a red house

2 класс

Урок №32

Контрольная работа №2 (Module 2)

Вариант I

  1. Read and circle. Прочитай и обведи подходящее слово.

  1. Six egg/ eggs

  2. Three banana/ bananas

  3. One apple/ apples

  4. Four burger/ burgers

  1. Read and match. Прочитай и соедини вопрос с подходящим ответом.

1. How old are you?

a) Happy birthday!

b) I’m seven.

2.What’s your favourite food?

a) Pizza, yummy!

b) I like it.

  1. Look, read and complete. Допиши слова в текст, взяв их из таблицы.


оrange juice


ice cream



2 класс

Урок №32

Контрольная работа №2 (Module 2)

Вариант II

  1. Read and circle. Прочитай и обведи подходящее слово.

  2. Five sandwich/ sandwiches

  3. Eight cake/cakes

  4. Two biscuits/biscuits

  5. One candle/candles

  1. Read and match. Прочитай и соедини вопрос с подходящим ответом.

1. How old are you?

a) I’m six.

b) I’m happy!.

2.What’s your favourite food?

a) Thank you.

b) Chocolate, yummy!.

  1. Look, read and complete. Допиши слова в текст, взяв их из таблицы.







2 класс

Урок №44

Контрольная работа №3 (Module 3)

Вариант I

  1. Read and complete.

a horse, a bird, a fish, a chimp

  1. I can jump like __________ .

  2. I can run like ____________ .

  3. I can swim like ___________ .

  4. I can sing like ____________ .

  1. Read and write Yes, I can or No, I can’t

  1. Can you run?

  2. Can you fly?

  3. Can you dance?

  4. Can you sing?

  1. Look, read and complete.







  1. Lulu can’t climb.

  2. Lulu can __________ .

  3. She can’t __________ .

  4. She can ____________ .

2 класс

Урок №44

Контрольная работа №3 (Module 3)

Вариант II

  1. Read and complete.

a chimp, a fish, a frog, a bird

  1. I can climb like __________ .

  2. I can fly like ____________ .

  3. I can swim like ___________ .

  4. I can jump like ____________ .

  1. Read and write Yes, I can or No, I can’t

  1. Can you sing?

  2. Can you run?

  3. Can you dance?

  4. Can you fly?

  1. Look, read and complete.







  1. Larry can’t climb.

  1. Larry can __________ .

  2. He can’t __________ .

  3. He can ____________ .

2 класс

Урок №55

Контрольная работа №4 (Module 4)

Вариант I

  1. Read and match.

1) Where’s the teddy bear?

a) It’s on the table.

b) Yes, it is.

  1. Is it under the chair?

  1. I like it.

  1. No, it isn’t.

  1. What have you got?

  1. I’ve got a soldier.

  1. He’s got blue eyes.

  1. Read and circle.

  1. My ballerina has got a brown / small nose.

  2. She’s got dark / big hair.

  3. She’s very pretty / fair!

  1. Read and draw.

This is a clown.

He’s got green eyes and a red mouth.

He’s got big ears.

He’s funny!

2 класс

Урок №55

Контрольная работа №4 (Module 4)

Вариант II

  1. Read and match.

1) Where’s the puppet?

a) Yes, it is.

b) It’s in my toy box.

  1. Is it on the shelf?

  1. No, it isn’t.

  1. I don’t like it.

  1. What have you got?

  1. I’ve got a teddy bear.

  1. He’s got a black nose.

  1. Read and circle.

  1. My ballerina has got big / pink eyes.

  2. She’s got fair / small mouth.

  3. She’s wonderful / green!

  1. Read and draw.

This is a clown.

He’s got blue eyes and a dig nose.

He’s got yellow hair.

He’s funny!

2 класс

Урок №66

Контрольная работа №5 (Module 5)

Вариант I

  1. Read and circle.

  1. I’m / He’s wearing his shoes.

  2. He’s / She’s wearing her skirt.

  3. I’m / She’s wearing my jeans.

  1. Read and write Put on or Take off.

  1. It’s hot. _____________ your jacket and ____________ your T-shirt!

  2. It’s sunny. ______________ your hat!

  1. Look, read and complete the words.





2 класс

Урок №66

Контрольная работа №5 (Module 5)

Вариант II

  1. Read and circle.

  1. She’s / He’s wearing her hat.

  2. I’m / He’s wearing his jacket.

  3. She’s/ I’m wearing my coat.

  1. Read and write Put on or Take off.

  1. It’s cold. _____________ your socks!

  2. It’s hot. ______________ your jeans and _____________ your shorts!

  1. Look, read and complete the words.





Источник: Поурочные разработки по английскому языку к УМК Н.И.Быковой, Дж. Дули и др. «Spotlight» (О.В. Наговицына)


Контрольные работы по английскому языку 10 класс SPOTLIGHT

Стартовая контрольная работа 10 класс

1. Choose the right word. (20 points)

1. We started early in … morning.

A – B a C the

2. Can you play … piano?

A a B – C the

3. My favourite subject at school is … History.

A the B a C –

4. Would you like to be … doctor?

A a B an C the

5. Who are you waiting …?

A to B for C from

6. Do you really believe … ghosts?

A on B for C in

7. You will not need to worry …… accommodation or food.

A for B about C in

8. We generally … quite early during the week.

A eat B are eating C eating

9. –Where is Dickie? – He … in the garden.

A plays B is playing C will play

10. It … outside; 1 do not like to walk in such weather.

A rains B is raining C is rain

11. My colleagues usually … four days a week, and this week they … five days.

A work, work B are working, are working C work, are working

12. He looks angry. He … his wallet.

A lost B has lost C has been loosing

13. A. Christie … detective stories.

A has written B had written C wrote

14. “What are you doing next Friday?” – “I … to Moscow, I have my ticket.”

A flies B fly C am flying

15. Flowers die if you … water them.

A wouldn’t B doesn’t C don’t

16. Daniel is … than Christie.

A older B elder C more older

17. Ann enjoys … to classical music.

A listen B listening C to listen

18. They’ve decided … shopping.

A to go B going C go

19. When he was 6, he … swim very well.

A might B could C can

20. The doctor told him to give ….. smoking.

A in B away C up

2. Open the brackets using Present Simple or Present Continuous. (6 points)

1. He (to drink) coffee in the morning. 2. They (to have) breakfast now. 3. I (not to watch) television every night. 4. You (to listen) to the radio now? 5. Peter (to talk) to Susan at the moment. 6. She (not to get up) at seven o’clock every morning.

Total: 26 points

Шкала оценивания 23-26 – «5» 19-22 – «4» 16-18 – «3» 15< «2»






















































Рубежная контрольная работа 10 класс

1.Use the articles a, the where necessary. (20 points)

1. ….Moscow is situated on ….Moscow River. ….Moscow is … river that moves very slowly. 2. …climate of …..northern part of …Russia is severe. 3. What do you do after ….breakfast? — After …breakfast I go to ….school. 4. Bill Robins was …..very rich ….man. He was …..richest man in …village. 5. Which is ….best season of …year?.6.What … talented boy! 7. It was ..hot day. ….sun was shining brightly in ….blue sky.

2. Use Future Simple, Future Continuous or Future Perfect. (7 points)

1.I (to do ) my homework tomorrow. 2. Tomorrow at 11 o’clock they (to pass) the examination. 3. He (to finish) his project by the end of the day. 4. Where you (to go) next summer? – I (to go) to the Black Sea. 5. My sister (to clean) the flat by the time my mother comes home. 6. Don’t come to my place tomorrow. I (to write) a composition the whole evening.

3. Rewrite sentences using Conditionals. (9 points)

1. If he (to get) tickets, we (to go) to the concert.

2. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.

3.If you (not to work) systematically, you (to fail) the examination.

4. Complete the sentences. (4 points)

1. I would be very happy if ….

2. If my friend is in trouble I….

3. If he had helped me I….

4. I will go for a walk as soon as…

Total: 40 points

36-40 –«5» 31-35 – «4» 25-30 –«3» 24< «2»



1. -, the, the, a; 2. the, the, -; 3. -,-,-; 4. a, -, the, the; 5. the, the; 6. a; 7. a, the, a;


1. will do 2. will be passing 3. will have finished 4. where are you going, will go 5. will have cleaned 6. will be writing


1.  If he gets a ticket, we will go to the concert. 
If he got a ticket, we would go to the concert. 
If he had got a ticket, we would have gone to the concert. 

2. If she knows English, she will try to enter the university.
If she knew English, she would try to enter the university.
If she had known English, she would have tried to enter the university.

3. If you don’t work systematically, you will fail the examination.
If you didn’t work systematically, you would fail the examination.
If you hadn’t worked systematically, you would have failed examination.


1. if he was our teacher.

2. I would help her.

3. I would have given money to him.

4. I finish my homework.

Итоговая контрольная работа 10 класс

Fill in : joke, moody, catch, trusting, prescription, selfish, patient, pain, earn, tooth decay, agency, screen, ancient

1. She’s a _____ woman. She can be happy one minute and angry the next. 2. A _____ child believes everything you tell him and follows where you lead. 3. The doctor wrote him a _____ for two tablets. 4. Yesterday I fell off the bike and now I have a _____ in the knee. 5. Did you book the tickets on the Internet or at a travel _____? 6. It’s boiling hot today – don’t forget to put some sun _____ on! 7. Be _____, your time will come. 8. If a ship is sinking and you refuse to let anyone else into your 4-person lifeboat, you’re extremely _____. 9. How much does Kate _____ from her job? 10. She’s always playing a _____ on Sam. 11. You can _____ the local bus to get to the city centre. 12. Tom is interested in studying the history of _____ civilizations. 13. Cleaning your teeth twice a day helps to prevent _____.

Put the verbs in the correct form

14. They (think) of going to France for a week. 15. We (wander) around the town when we went into Mary yesterday. 16. Bread (eat) every day. 17. Judy is a really caring person. I (know) her since we met at primary school. 18. If it rained, you would (stay) at home. 19. Our plane (arrive) early in the morning. 20. I (answer) five e-mails so far. 21. She (work) since seven o’clock. 22. If we heat water it (boil). 23. Two reports on Hemingway’s stories (make) in our group last month. Both of them were very interesting.

Change the following sentences into reported speech

24. «Have you ever been married, Captain Weadows?» I asked him. 25. He said in an apologetic manner, «I’ve been looking for you, Nancy.» 26. He said: «Hurry up! Find your hockey stick. I’ll be waiting for you outside.»

Fill in the correct prepositions of the phrasal verbs

27. I look _____ hearing from you. 28. Turn _____ the volume on the radio! It’s too loud! 29. Kerry gave _____ all her old clothes. 30. I ran _____ Moira on the way home. 31. What are your neighbours like? Do you get _____ them? 32. Few people these days are in favour of bringing _____ the old punishment by death. 33. I looked _____ my younger brother and sister while my parents were working.

Fill in the correct preposition

34. Not exercising enough can result _____ problems later in life. 35. I’m thinking _____ giving up coffee. 36. Paul is finding it hard to cope _____ his schoolwork.

Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold

37. My best friend Carmel is the most helpful person I know. She’s an _____ to me. INSPIRE 38. Owning up to breaking the window was the _____ thing to do. HONOUR 39. Agventurous people get a lot of _____ going skydiving or rafting. ENJOY 40. In the USA _____ Day is celebrated on July 4 INDEPEND 41. We wish you the fastest _____. RECOVER 42. Please, express your _____ with new rules directly. DISAGREE 43. Jack stared at Helen in _____ AMAZE 44. Stay in our comfortable _____ and relax in style! ACCOMMODATE 45. It’s _____ to buy cigarettes in Britain if you’re under 16. LEGAL 46. They admitted that it had been _____ for him to comment on the matter. APPROPRIATE 47. He was _____ single-minded about his career. POSSIBLE

Read the extract from the article «MAMMA MIA! Musical Hits von ABBA».
In questions 1-6 choose the correct answer a, b or c

Kathy, the musical star is one of the youngest members of the cast of MAMMA MIA!, the ABBA musical that has been running in Hamburg since November 2002. Together with around 40 singers, she goes on stage eight times a week and enraptures the audience with ABBA’s immortal hits. The restless young singer with the long red hair plays the part of 21-year-old Sophie, who lives on a Greek island with her mother Donna and wants to find out who her real father is before she marries. After huge successes in London, Toronto, Melbourne, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco “MAMMA MIA!” is now being performed at the Hamburg Operetta House – the first non-English production. The curtain goes up almost every day to allow the audience to enjoy hits like “Take a Chance on Me”. The positive feel to the music soon has the audience singing along, and the show finishes with standing ovations every night. Kathy is thrilled to be a musical star. Every evening she and the rest of the cast sing and dance in front of a different audience. The people who come to watch the musical expect to be entertained. Before Kathy got a part in “MAMMA MIA!”, she trained as a musical performer. At the age of 14 she started singing lessons. She took [art in amateur dramatics, sang with school bands and danced on stage. “The fascinating thing about musicals is that they are a combination of singing, dancing and acting”, she explains. The training she did was tough, but she covered all “stage disciplines”. To conclude her studies, Kathy had to take a one-hour exam. The way this musical came about is rather unusual. Normally, here is a story first and then the music is composed and songs written to accompany the plot. In the case of “MAMMA MIA!” it is the other way round. The songs were already successes before it dawned on anyone to make a musical. Even Bjorn Ulvaeus, composer of almost all ABBA’s hits, was thrilled to discover he had written the music for a musical he “didn’t know existed”.

48. Together with around 40 other singers she …

1. sings popular ABBA’s songs.
2. dances and sings.
3. goes on stage eight times a week.

49. … has the audience singing along.
1. The positive feel to the music…
2. The interesting plot of the musical…
3. The perfect play of singers…
4. they are a combination of singing, dancing and playing.

50. The way this musical came about is …
1. rather normal.
2. rather unusual.
3. rather interesting.

Шкала оценивания 50-43 – «5» 42-35 – «4» 34-29 – «3» 28< «2»







has been working


get on










Bringing back






tooth decay.


were made


Looked after






are thinking


I asked Captain Weadows if he had ever been married.








were wandering


He said to Nancy in an apologetic manner that he had been looking for her.








is eaten


He said to hurry up and find his\her hockey stick. And added that he would be waiting for her\him outside.








have known


Look forward










Turn down




3. goes on stage eight times a week.






gave away




1. the positive feel to the music.




have answered


ran into


Independence, recovery


2. rather unusual.


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