
Английский язык 2 издание голубев гдз – Готовые домашние задания к английскому языку. Методические указания К УЧЕБНОМУ ПОСОБИЮ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ


Голубев А. П. и др Английский язык/Голубев А. П., Балюк Н. В., Смирнова И. Б.

Английский алфавит6
Органы речи7
Фонетическая транскрипция8
Знаки международной фонетической транскрипции8
Основные особенности английского произношения9
Гласные звуки9
Согласные звуки9
Словесное ударение10
Фразовое ударение10
Редукция гласных звуков10
Основные интонационные контуры английского предложения11
Интонация вопросов11
УРОК 1. Гласные переднего ряда. Согласные14
Гласные переднего ряда14
Шумные смычные15
Шумные щелевые15
Text: The Whites18
Домашнее задание20
УРОК 2. Гласные заднего ряда. Особенности произношения некоторых звукосочетаний21
Гласные заднего ряда21
Гласные заднего продвинутого вперед ряда21
Особенности произношения некоторых звукосочетаний22
Text: The Whites (продолжение)25
Домашнее задание27
УРОК 3. Дифтонги. Сочетание трех гласных звуков28
Сочетания трех гласных звуков29
Text I: Grandmother’s Week33
Vocabulary (Слова к тексту)34
Text 2: Good Traditions Year by Year34
Домашнее задание (Ноте Task)35
УРОК 4. Согласные. Гласные в разных типах слога36
Правила чтения согласных букв36
1. Согласные буквы, имеющие два варианта чтения36
2. Чтение сочетаний согласных букв37
3. Сочетания согласных букв, имеющие два варианта чтения37
4. Сочетание ch, имеющее три варианта чтения38
Правила чтения гласных в разных типах слога38
5. Варианты чтения гласных букв в соответствии с четырьмя типами слога38
6. Чтение сочетаний гласных букв под ударением40
7. Чтение сочетаний гласных букв с буквой г41
Topic: Visiting Card (Визитная карточка)42
Названия образовательных и воспитательных учреждений44
Образец визитной карточки45
Образец удостоверения личности45
Ноте Task46
УРОК 5. Сочетания гласных букв с согласными. Гласные буквы в неударных слогах48
Сочетания гласных букв с согласными48
Чтение гласных букв в неударных слогах49
Редукция гласных49
Редуцированные и полные формы служебных слов, местоимений и вспомогательных глаголов50
Topic: Etiquette52
Привлечение внимания53
Вопросы о состоянии дел53
Прием гостей53
Ноте Task54
УРОК 6. Существительное. Прилагательное. Глагол. Система глагольных форм. Повествовательное предложение60
1. Употребление артикля60
2. Образование множественного числа существительных64
Существительные, образующие множественное число не по общему правилу65
3. Притяжательный падеж существительных66
Образование степеней сравнения67
Глагол… ‘68
Основные глагольные формы68
Спряжение глаголов в настоящем времени70
Система глагольных времен71
Text: My Working Day75
Active Words and Word Combinations76
The Plural Form of the Nouns77
The Possessive Case77
Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives78
The Verb79
УРОК 7. Местоимение. Наречие. Предлог83
Указательные местоимения84
Вопросительно-относительные местоимения84
Неопределенные местоимения85
Степени сравнения наречий86
Место наречий в предложении86
Text: Speaking About Friends89
Active Words and Word Combinations90
УРОК 8. Типы вопросов. Отрицательные предложения94
Типы вопросов94
Общие вопросы94
Специальные вопросы95
Вопросы к подлежащему95
Альтернативные вопросы96
Разделительные вопросы96
Отрицательные предложения96
Text: Choosing a Present. Hobbies99
Active Words and Word Combinations100
(a) General Questions100
(b) Alternative Questions101
(c) Special Questions101
(d) Questions to the Subject101
(e) Tag questions101
Negative Sentences103
УРОК 9. Числительное. Причастие. Герундий105
Некоторые особенности употребления числительных107
Дробные числа (простые и десятичные)107
Образование герундия и его форм110
Text: Getting Ready for a Party. Cooking. Shopping111
In the Supermarket112
Shopping in the USA113
Sales Tax113
Active Words and Word Combinations114
Participle I, Participle II116
The Forms of Participle I116
The Forms of the Gerund117
УРОК 10. Неопределенно-личные и безличные предложения. Оборот there is120
Неопределенно-личные предложения120
Безличные предложения120
Оборот there is и его формы121
Texts: At Table122
Restaurants in the USA123
Eating Habits in the USA124
Active Words and Word Combinations124
Indefinite Personal Sentences125
Impersonal Sentences125
УРОК 11. Пассивный залог128
Пассивный залог128
Формы глагола в пассивном залоге128
Texts: My House Is My Fortress132
Houses in the USA133
Active Words and Word Combinations134
The Passive Voice134
УРОК 12. Условные предложения138
Условные предложения138
Text: Travelling. Transport140
On Travelling141
Active Words and Word Combinations142
Conditional Clauses142
УРОК 13. Повелительное наклонение. Сослагательное наклонение147
Повелительное наклонение147
Сослагательное наклонение148
Образование сослагательного наклонения148
Употребление сослагательного наклонения149
Text: A Visit to a Doctor151
Active Words and Word Combinations152
The Imperative Mood153
УРОК 14. Согласование времен. Косвенная речь157
Согласование времен157
Косвенная речь158
Просьба или приказ159
Text: A Telephone Conversation160
How to Use the Telephone in the USA161
Calls to the Commonwealth of Independent States161
Rates for Long-distance and Toll Calls161
Toll-free Calls161
Using a Coin-operated Telephone161
Local Telephone Calls162
Long-distance Telephone Calls162
Short-distance Telephone Calls162
Collect Telephone Calls162
Active Words and Word Combinations162
Sequence of Tenses163
Reported Speech164
УРОК 15. Сложное дополнение. Конструкции с инфинитивом и причастием167
Сложное дополнение167
Конструкции с причастием168
Независимый причастный оборот168
Texts: Sending a Letter169
The Internet170
Active Words and Word Combinations171
Complex Object with the Infinitive171
Complex Object with the Participle172
Absolute Constructions with Participles172
УРОК 16. Сложные предложения176
Сложносочиненные предложения176
Сложноподчиненные предложения176
Основные типы придаточных предложений176
Text: Sports179
Going in for Sports in the USA181
Active Words and Word Combinations181
Composite Sentences182
УРОК 17. Модальные глаголы. Глаголы, способные выступать в модальном значении189
Модальные глаголы185
Значение и употребление модальных глаголов186
Ought (to)187
Глаголы, способные выступать в модальном значении189
To be190
To have191
Замена недостающих форм некоторых модальных глаголов191
Text: At My College192
Active Words and Word Combinations193
Modal Verbs194
A Day at School196
LESSON 18. Topic: Countries201
Text 1: Russia201
Text 2: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland203
Text 3: The United States of America206
Text 4: Canada, Australia, New Zealand209
Active Words and Word Combinations211
LESSON 19. Topic: Cities213
Text 1: Moscow213
Text 2: London215
Text 3: Washington, DC217
Text 4: New York219
Active Words and Word Combinations221
LESSON 20. Topic: Art223
Text 1: Andrew Lloyd Webber223
Text 2: Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851)224
Text 3: Alan Alexander Milne (1882-1956)226
Lines Written by a Bear of Very Little Brain227
Text 4: Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)227
The Jabberwocky228
Active Words and Word Combinations229
LESSON 21. Topic: Man and Society231
Text 1: British Mass Media231
Radio and Television231
Text 2: The United Nations Organization233
Human Rights234
Active Words and Word Combinations235
LESSON 22. Topic: Education241
Text 1: Education in Russia241
Text 2: Schools in the United Kingdom243
Text 3: Education in the United States246
LESSON 23. Topic: My Future Activities248
Text 1: Teacher’s Profession248
Text 2: Reform in the System of Secondary Education in Russia250
LESSON 24. Topic: The Rights of the Child252
Text: The Convention on the Rights of the Child252
Active Words and Word Combinations258
(1) The Whipping Boy260
(2) Tom Sawyer at School261
(3) Arriving at Lowood Institution262
LESSON 25. Topic 1: Preparation for Studies Abroad 
Topic 2: Correspondence with the Chosen University266
Preparation for Studies Abroad266
Образцы составления и оформления документов и писем267
Personal Statement267
Correspondence with the Chosen University268
Request for Application Materials (Письмо-запрос)269
Covering Letter (Сопроводительное письмо)270
Acceptance and Refusal (Прием и отклонение предложений)271
LESSON 26. Topic 1: Searching for a Job Abroad 
Topic 2: Drawing up and Filling in Documents273
Searching for a Job Abroad273
Drawing up and Filling in Documents275
LESSON 27. Topics: Business Trip Abroad. At the Airport. At the Railway 
Station. At the Hotel. Currency Exchange279
Business Trip Abroad279
At the Airport280
At the Railway Station281
At the Hotel281
Currency Exchange283
LESSON 28. Topics: Formal and Informal Correspondence. Invitations. Wishes 
Business Talks. Formal and Informal Correspondece285
Letters of Invitation and Replies285
Formal Letter of Invitation285
Informal Invitations for Dinners286
Reply to the Letter287
Wishes and Replies288
Business Talks290
Приложение 1. Список основных неправильных глаголов293
Приложение 2. Краткий справочник по словообразованию295
Образование нового слова без изменения слова295
Перемещение ударения295
Чередование звуков296
Наиболее употребительные суффиксы и префиксы296
Приложение 3. Перевод грамматических терминов и заданий к упражнениям297
Приложение 4. Список некоторых географических названий и собственных имен299
Приложение 5. Национальные гимны и патриотические песни301
The Anthem of Great Britain301
God Save the Queen301
Rule, Britannia302
The Anthem of the USA303
The Star-Spangled Banner303
The Anthem of Australia304
Waltzing Matilda304


Голубев А. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК — Стр 25








Text 1:

Education in Russia.

Text 2:

Schools in the United Kingdom.

Text 3:

Education in the United States.



T e x t 1

Education in Russia

Children start school at the age of six in Russia. The course of studies at school is eleven years now: four years of primary school and seven years of secondary school. Previously it was only ten years: three years of primary school and seven years of secondary school. Children under the age of six are taken to creches and nursery schools.

There is a wide choice of schools nowadays: state schools, private schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. The majority of schools is free of charge, but in some (usually private ones) parents have to pay for the

education of

their children. In ordinary schools parents sometimes pay



subjects in the

curriculum, such as

a foreign

language or



it is generally

not a demand, most


can already

read and write when they start their school: this makes education much easier for them.

In primary school there are three or four lessons a day, they usually are Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. A lesson lasts forty minutes. Dur­ ing the first term children get used to learning and adapt to school regulations. Beginning with the second term of the first year at school,

children also take Handicrafts, Drawing,


and Physical Educa­

tion. The list of subjects under study is


extended during the

second, third and fourth years and includes the World History of Arts, Fundamentals of Security, History, Geography, and others. At primary schools all lessons are usually conducted by one teacher.



age of ten children pass to the second stage of education,



secondary school. In secondary school there is a wide variety

of subjects under study, and teachers specialize. The transition from primary to secondary school is sometimes difficult for children. After finishing the ninth form and getting the Certificate of Basic Secondary

Education, schoolchildren may either continue their education in the tenth form, or leave school and go to technical (vocational) schools and colleges.

After eleven years at school the school leavers take examinations and get the Certificate of Complete Secondary Education. Those who have only excellent marks in the Certificate get a gold medal, which gives the right to enter higher school taking only one examination.

The admission to higher school is competitive and based on the system of entrance examinations, usually three or four. During the ex­ aminations the school leavers must show their abilities in the chosen field. Young people also have an option to get specialized secondary education in vocational schools after leaving the eleventh form.

Among higher educational establishments are institutes (colleges), academies and universities. The term of studying in higher school is from four to six years. Students can be involved in scientific research while studying. At the end of their final year at college, university or academy they take final examinations and get a diploma. Besides, they can take postgraduate courses in the chosen field.


1. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

the course of studies; primary school; secondary school; previously; creche; lyceum; gymnasium; free of charge; curriculum; demand; to adapt; to extend; to conduct; transition; vocational school; higher school; competitive; ability; to be involved in; postgraduate courses

2.Use the words and phrases of exercise 1 in the sentences of your own.

3.Give the English equivalents of the following:

детский сад; большой выбор; государственная школа; большин­

ство школ; дополнительные предметы; первая четверть;


ные правила; включать; изучаемые предметы; выпускники;


мия; выпускные экзамены


4.Use the words and word combinations of exercise 3 in the sentences of your own.

5.Find in the text and read the information about

•the course of studies in Russian schools;

•pre-primary educational establishments;

•types of schools existing in Russia;

•lessons in primary school;

•secondary education;

•school-leaving examinations;

•the admission to higher school;

•higher educational establishments.

6.Translate the words in brackets into English.

1.(Курс обучения) is eleven years.

2.Children (младше шести лет) are taken to creches and nursery


3.(Большинство школ) are free of charge.

4.At the age of six children start (ходить в начальную школу).

5.After (базовой средней школы) young people can enter (техни­ ческие училища).

7.Make up ten questions on the text.

8.Make up the outline of the text.

9.Retell the text using the outline.

10.Choose one point of the outline to make an extended report.

11.Translate into English.

В России в настоящее время существует несколько типов школ, как государственных, так и частных. Родители могут по своему усмотрению отдать детей в гимназию, лицей или частную школу. Иногда при поступлении в такие учебные заведения дети прохо­ дят тестирование или сдают экзамен. Стандарт образования —

общий для всех школ, однако школы

могут сами выбирать мето­

ды работы и учебники. Как правило, до

школы дети

ходят в ясли

и детские сады, где приобретают навыки

работы вколлективе,

что делает учебу в школе легче.



T e x t 2

Schools in the United Kingdom

Education in the United Kingdom is compulsory from the age of five to sixteen. Children under five go either to nursery schools, or to playgroups. Both types of pre-primary educational establishments are non-state; the difference is that a child spends the whole day in a nursery school, while he or she can stay in a playgroup only for some hours a day. Anyway, the main aim of such kind of establishments is to make the children ready for primary schools. Children play, draw, model things from clay and learn to work together.

Compulsory education for all children begins at the age of five. There are 35,000 state schools in Britain. All of them are the responsi­

bility of the Local Educational Authorities (LEA).

The LEA caters for

the curriculum and exams in each region; they also

appoint head teach­

ers and held assessment tests at schools.


Primary school is for children from five to eleven. At first the studies are more like playing than working; English teachers say that this is the best way for children to get used to school. Probably they are right:

children learn better when they play. Lessons usually last from nine in the morning till four or five in the afternoon with a long break at the lunchtime.

At the age of eleven pupils go to comprehensive schools. Children usually wear a uniform; it is different in different schools. They study Maths, English, Arts, English Literature, Geography, one or two foreign languages, usually French, Italian or German, PE (Physical Education), IT (Information Technology), Religion, Science, Biology, Sex Education and other subjects.

At the end of their studies they take General Certificate of Secondary


examinations (GCSE) О-level, and then




school and

start working or continue their studies at


or at


for two more years. This is called the sixth form at school or the sixth

form college, and the students take only the subjects




entering the university of their choice.










At the age of eighteen they take GCSE А-level. They usually take

three or four А-levels. There are no

entrance exams






can enter

a university or





results of


А-level examinations.











Speaking about education in the UK

it is necessary to








between state






schools are free,

and about ninety

per cent of


children attend

them. Private, or public schools are very expensive. These are usually boarding schools, where children stay while they study, coming home only on vacations. These schools are for children between thirteen and eighteen. Before entering a public school children are usually educated at home. State schools are usually mixed, while private schools are typically single-sex, with a few exceptions.


12. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combi­ nations:

Local Educational Authorities; primary school; comprehensive school;






Information Technology;








О-Level; state education; private education; public schools;


schools; mixed






13. Give the English equivalents of the following words and word combi­ nations:

обязательный; до пяти лет; или … или; детский сад; лепить; учебный план; директор; больше похоже на … ; школьная форма; иностранные языки; продолжать обучение; подготовительный класс колледжа; бесплатный; каникулы

14. Answer the following questions:

1.From what age is education in the United Kingdom compulsory?

2.What are the establishments for pre-primary education?

3.What is the difference between nursery schools and playgroups?

4.How many state schools are there in Great Britain?

5.What does the LEA do?

6.At what age do children go to primary schools?

7.What subjects do children take in secondary schools?

8.What kind of exam do the pupils take at the age of sixteen?

9.When do the pupils take GCSE A-level?

10.Are there any entrance exams in British universities?

15.Make up sentences using the following table:





nursery schools.




GCSE 0-level.





At the age of








secondary schools.







primary schools.




GCSE A-level.





16.Compare British and Russian schools. Speak on the following:

•age of admission to schools;

•term of compulsory education;




•admission to colleges and universities.

17.Fill in the blanks with the following words:

boarding; run; comprehensive; year; graduates; facilities; mixed; public

Mike goes to a … school in Birmingham. He is thirteen and is in his


… now. His parents wanted to send him to a … school but Mike



it. He likes his school and his studies, and he thinks that if

he went to

a … school, he would miss his home. The school he goes to

is ….

Mike has a lot of friends at school both among boys and girls. The

classes …from nine am till quarter past four pm. Mike’s



at school is IT. He says he wants to become a programmer when

he … .

Besides, he is fond of sports. He plays football and

volleyball. The

school he goes to has excellent sports ….



18. Read and translate into Russian.

Eton is one of the oldest public schools in Great Britain. It is a single-sex school. Today it is a secondary school for approximately 1,280 boys between the ages of 13 and 18, all of whom are boarders. Boys live in Houses. There are about fifty boys in each House. Every

House has its House Master. For academic purposes, the School is divided into five Blocks, from F to B. Boys normally spend one year in each block, moving up in September. On arrival in the School, a boy is assigned a Tutor by his House Master. The Tutor’s principal function is to assist House Masters in monitoring academic performance; he also fosters his pupils’ personal, cultural, and social development. His pupils come to him in small groups once a week for a Tutorial, in which they follow a programme of Study Skills, Personal-Social-Health Education (PSHE — designed to raise a boy’s awareness of moral, social, and health issues), and topics chosen by the Tutor. When the boy becomes a Specialist, i.e. when he enters С and embarks on А-level work, he chooses a new Tutor. This will normally be a Master who teaches what is likely to be the boy’s principal А-level subject. There are thirty-seven scheduled schools (i.e. lessons) a week in which formal teaching takes place, but almost all boys have one or more reading schools (i.e. free periods). Boys are taught in divisions (i.e. sets or forms) normally con­ taining about ten or twelve boys of broadly similar ability in the case of Specialists and about twenty in the case of Non-Specialists. In each block, a programme of regular out-of-school work is laid down.

There are a lot of facilities

in Eton. Computing (along with Design


Technology, Music, Drama,



forms a compulsory part of


syllabus during the first year


is an

optional subject thereafter. In

the Design Centre there are facilities for woodwork, metalwork, silverwork and electronics. A huge number of boys have music lessons, and there are numerous bands, orchestras, and small groups. Most depart­ ments have a building of their own where the boys are taught.

19. Speak about schools in Great Britain.

T e x t 3

Education in the United States

There is no federal educational standard in the USA. Schooling and

educational programmes


the responsibility of each state; this is


one can find great differences in education from

state to



uniform demands exist


education in schools or



out the nation. In most states attending school is obligatory for children between six and seventeen. Secondary education institutions include elementary schools and high schools.

Higher education in the USA is not nation-wide. Colleges differ a lot from each other in scale and level of education as well as in the “quality” of diplomas given. There are private and state universities. Private education is considered more prestigious. The most famous pri­ vate university is Harvard. Higher education is rather expensive in the USA.

A typical American university has two levels of education: two years of undergraduate classes and two more years of graduate classes. The undergraduate years are called the freshman and the sophomore year.

During the first

and the second year the students take subjects of gen­

eral education:

Science, Humanities, Arts. The specialization begins at

the third and the fourth years, named the junior and the senior year respectively. After the fourth year at college, students get a Bachelor’s degree. Graduates may specialize further and do research. They get a Master’s Degree.


20. Give the English equivalents of the following words and word combina­ tions:

федеральный стандарт образования; учебные

и образователь­

ные программы; универсальные требования;

начальная школа;

средняя школа; считается более престижным; самый известный; довольно дорогое; первый курс; второй курс; третий курс; четвер­ тый курс; общеобразовательные предметы; специализация; сте­ пень бакалавра; степень магистра

21. Agree or disagree:

1. The system of education in the USA works according to the national standard.

2.Admission to elementary and high schools is free.

3.State universities are more prestigious than private ones.

4.The course in a typical American university lasts five or six years.

5.Sophomore is the second year in a university.

6.The specialization begins at the first year of studies in a university.

22.Make up ten questions on the text.

23.Compare education in the United States and in Russia.

24.Speak about education in the United States.






My Future Activities.

Text 1:

Teacher’s Profession.

Text 2:

Reform in the System of Secondary


Education in Russia.




T e x t 1


Teacher’s Profession

When young people choose the profession of a teacher, it is always necessary to bear in mind that teaching is a very difficult job. It implies great responsibility and a lot of activities of different kind both in class and at home. There are always a lot of copybooks to be corrected, plans to be written, and problems to be discussed. In fact, there are no days off for a teacher: he or she is constantly occupied with thoughts about school, lessons and pupils. This is why it is often said that teacher’s job is very specific.

On the one hand, a good teacher does not only give knowledge but also serves a model of behaviour for his or her pupils, especially the young ones. He or she forms the pupils’ attitude to the subject. The manner in which he or she teaches matters a lot. On the other hand, a teacher mustn’t forget that he or she must study from the pupils. Stud­ ying is a constant process for a teacher. If one stops studying, learning something new every day, both in the sphere of his or her professional interest and in people’s relations, this means that it is time to stop teaching. Otherwise, it will do no good for the teacher and the pupils.

The teacher’s task is not only to provide the pupils with information, but also to prepare them for everyday life, to make them good and responsible citizens of the society. While communicating with children a teacher studies them. The teacher must know the pupils’ interests beyond the classroom, share their concerns, and leam about their needs and abil­ ities. He or she must be well aware of the pupils’ good and bad sides, too.

Classroom climate depends a lot on the relations between a teacher and a pupil. Mutual respect of the teacher and the pupils is necessary if one wants to create a good and fruitful atmosphere at the lesson. To achieve this, the teacher’s thinking should be on a higher level than that of the pupils.

It is the main aim of education to help children to live in the com­ munity and to prepare for real life situations. School becomes a place for work and play, for living and learning. A teacher takes an active part in shaping a child’s character, fostering honesty, kindness, and co­ operation.

Teaching is a very difficult job but those who are well equipped for it will have a happy and interesting life.


1. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

imply great responsibility; model of behaviour; classroom climate; constant process; mutual respect; shaping a child’s character; to foster; to be well equipped for

2. Give the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

огромная ответственность; много значить; отношения; задача; принимать участие; честность; характер; более высокий уровень

3.Make up ten questions on the text.

4.Agree or disagree. Explain your point.

1.Teaching is a very boring job.


The attitudes to the subject and to

learning in

general depend on

the teacher.




A good atmosphere at the lesson

is provided

by the teacher’s

respect for the pupils.



4.The only responsibility of a teacher is to give good knowledge.

5.It is always difficult to choose the right attitude to pupils.

5.Find the sentences with the modal verbs, and make them negative and interrogative.

6.Make up the outline of the text.

7.Retell the text using the outline.

8.Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations and use them in the sentences of your own:

to become a teacher; a subject; to graduate from; to bring up new generation; on the curriculum; age group; out-of-class work; the lead­ ing teacher of the class; responsibility

9. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations and use them in the sentences of your own:

благородный; почетный; выдающийся; посвящать много вре­ мени чему-либо; расписание; педагогика; методика; психология

10. Answer the following questions:

1.Why have you chosen to become a teacher?

2.Where will you work after you graduate?

3.What subject will you teach after you graduate?

4.When will you graduate? What year are you in now?

5.It is a responsible task to bring up new generation, isn’t it? Why?

6.What subjects in the curriculum will help you to teach children?

7.What kinds of teaching activities are taught at your college?

8.Do the students at your college do teaching practice?

9.What age group would you like to teach? Why?

10.What will you do besides teaching your subjects at school? Will you be a form-teacher (the leading teacher of the class)?

11.Should a teacher devote much time to out-of-class work?

12.What outstanding educators do you know? Whose methods are you going to use in your everyday work? Why? Describe some of these methods.

13.What are the duties of a teacher?

14.Why is the teacher’s profession considered one of the most important?

T e x t 2

Reform in the System of Secondary Education in Russia

School is one of the most important institutions of the society; school reflects the condition of the society and shows tendencies of further development. Being one of the most important social institutions, it influences the life of the country as a whole. Therefore, much attention should be paid to education of children to ensure stability and progress in the country. At the same time, the changes in the social and eco­ nomic life present new demands in the respect of new vision in the upbringing and development of the new generation. It is generally stat­ ed that the system of education in Russia has the urgent need in deep alterations nowadays.

In the beginning of the twenty-first century the system of education faces several problems. On the one hand, changes taking place in infor­ mation technologies and industry highlight the main objectives in educa­ tion. Modem industry needs qualified, highly professional specialists in many spheres. On the other hand, the overflow of information may be­ come even dangerous for children: the statistics says that only 10 per cent of school-leavers can be considered absolutely healthy today, the other 90 per cent having various health problems. Therefore, it has been decided to extend the period of obligatory secondary education to nine years in­ stead of eight. General secondary education is thus extended to eleven years.

The curriculum will undergo considerable changes, too. More atten­ tion will be paid to new subjects in the curriculum, which are essential for the integration of the young people into society. These include economics, information technology, ecology, law, culture, arts, geogra­ phy, biology and fundamentals of security. The principles of teaching

Russian language, Russian literature, and

mathematics will



changed aiming at deeper knowledge of the

students. Teaching



eign language at Russian schools will be improved so as to match the international standards. It is absolutely necessary to bring up harmoni­ ously developed people, thus more attention will be paid to the lessons of physical education.


Голубев А. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК — Стр 2

Основные особенности английского произношения

Прежде чем приступить к работе с отдельными звуками анг­ лийского языка, отметим некоторые общие отличия артикуляции английских звуков от русских.

1. Англичанам не свойственно энергично двигать губами, сильно их округлять, растягивать или выдвигать.

2. При произнесении нейтральных русских звуков губы более расслаблены и уголки губ опущены. У англичан же губы более на­ пряжены и уголки губ приподняты, что слегка напоминает улыбку.

3. При произнесении английских согласных звуков язык боль­ ше отодвинут назад, находится в более низком и плоском поло­ жении, чем при произнесении русских согласных. Поэтому они не смягчаются и произносятся твердо, за исключением [J], [3], [tf], [dj], а также [1] перед гласными i, е, и.

4. При произнесении английских гласных язык чаще находится в задней части ротовой полости, а при произнесении русских — преимущественно в передней части.

Этим определяются некоторые характерные особенности зву­ ков в английском языке.

Гласные звуки

1. Гласные звуки английского языка в отличие от русских де­ лятся на долгие и краткие. Долгие гласные произносятся более напряженно, чем краткие. Например: [i] — [i:], live [liv] — leave [li:v]. Но не все краткие гласные имеют парный долгий звук.

2. Дифтонги и гласные звуки [i:], [и:] характеризуются скользя­ щей артикуляцией от одного элемента к другому. В русском язы­ ке такие звуки отсутствуют.

Согласные звуки

1. В английском языке глухие согласные звуки произносятся более энергично, чем в русском.

2. Для английской речи важно различение конечных глухих и звонких звуков, поскольку оно является смысловым. Например:

cap [кагр]

cab [kaeb]

back [bask]

bag [baeg]

leaf [li:f]

leave [li:v]

hat [hast]

had [hasd]

3.При произнесении английских согласных звуков [t], [d], [1] и

носового [п] кончик языка прикасается к альвеолам, а не к верх­ ним зубам, как при произнесении русских [т], [д], [л], [н].


Голубев А. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК — Стр 22


1. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations and use them in the sentences of your own:

Москва основана; неотделима; на границе; процветающий го­ род; во время правления; древний город; культурный центр; уни­ кальный архитектурный ансамбль; выставка сокровищ; автомо­ бильные пробки; вне всякого сомнения

2.Answer the following questions:

1.When was Moscow founded?

2.What river does it stand on?

3.When did Moscow become the capital of Russia for the first time?

4.Where was the capital moved under the rule of Peter the Great?

5.What did the Soviet government do in 1918?

6.How large is the population of Moscow?

7.What is called the heart of Moscow?

8.How many towers are there in the Moscow Kremlin?

9.What sights can visitors see on the territory of the Kremlin?

10.What is Arbat famous for?

3.Fill in the following blanks with the words from the text:

1.Moscow … by Prince Yury Dolgoruky.

2. Moscow developed … a city.

3. St. Petersburg became the capital of Russia, but Moscow still …

role in the life of the country.

4.Moscow is the … city of Russia, its population being over nine million people.

5.The Kremlin is … of Moscow.

6.On the territory of the Kremlin one can see … .

7.Pokrovsky Cathedral … famous for its exotic beauty.

8.Arbat is … street of the city.

4.Arrange the sentences to make the outline of the text. Retell the text using the outline.

1.Moscow is a busy modem city.

2.The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin.

3.The most famous street is Arbat.

4.Moscow is the largest city of the Russian Federation.

5.Moscow has long and interesting history.

5.Speak about the city/town you live in. You may use the following words:

be situated; on the bank of

the river;

in the

central/European/ …

part of the Russian Federation;

the population is about … ; it was

founded; ancient/modem; tourist



centre; the suburbs;

famous for





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Голубев А. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК — Стр 6

1. Закрыв в таблице транскрипцию, прочитайте вслух примеры.

Чтение гласных букв в неударных слогах

Как уже говорилось в уроке 1, неударные гласные звуки могут подвергаться редукции. Ниже показаны различные случаи редук­ ции.

Редукция гласных


Положение в слове




1) в конечном открытом


‘cottage, ‘village, ‘palace,


слоге и подобных ему


‘Sunday, ‘captain


сочетаниях букв


a’side, ‘cinema, ‘syllable,


2) в других положениях


soda, a’bout, ‘dollar


1) в конечных слогах:


‘beaches, ‘wishes,


-es (после свистящих,





‘washes, ‘passes


-ed (после [t], [d])


‘started, ‘nodded


в предударном слоге


be’gin, re’peat


2) в остальных положени­




ях в большинстве случаев


vowel, ‘teacher, ‘baker,






1) в большинстве случаев


‘visit, in deed, ‘city,


в предударном и после­




ударном слоге




2) в конце слов перед г


‘tapir, ‘martyr


в большинстве случаев


‘foreign, ‘hockey


1) в большинстве случаев,


to’bacco, pilot, ‘motor,


кроме конечного поло­


ob’tain, bottom,






2) в конце слова


to’bacco, ‘also


в большинстве случаев


‘murmur, minus,




sur’vive, ‘difficult, ‘nature

2. Прочитайте слова, обращая внимание на чтение неударных гласных.





















Особого внимания заслуживает редукция гласных в служебных и вспомогательных словах. (Более подробно о них будет сказано в следующем разделе. Пока важно научиться правильно произно­ сить их.)

Если вместо редуцированных форм этих слов употребить пол­ ные, нарушится ритмический строй речи и они получат излиш­ нюю значимость.

Редуцированные и полные формы служебных слов, местоимений и вспомогательных глаголов

(В качестве примеров даны английские пословицы с буквальным переводом. В скобках, где это возможно,

дан литературный перевод.)



Редуцированные формы









[di] или [di] — перед словом, начинаю­



щимся с гласного



[da] или [d] — перед словом, начинаю­



щимся с согласного



The exception proves the rule.



Исключение подтверждает правило.



The appetite comes with eating.



Аппетит приходит во время еды.



[а] — перед словом, начинающимся



с согласного



Habit is a second nature.



Привычка — вторая натура.



A good beginning makes a good ending.



Хорошее начало обеспечивает хороший



конец. (Лиха беда начало.)



[ап], [п] — перед словом, начинающимся



с гласного



An apple a day keeps the doctor away.



В день no яблоку съедать — докторов



не вызывать.




Окончание таблицы






[ta] — перед согласным

к, в


[tu] — перед гласным



Early to bed and early to rise makes a man



healthy, wealthy and wise.



Кто рано ложится и рано встает —



здоровье, богатство и ум наживет.

Частица there


[бэ] — перед согласными

в оборотах


[бэг] — перед гласными

there is


[беэг], [6sz]

there are





While there’s life, there’s hope.



Пока человек жив, он надеется.



There’re two sides to every question.



В каждом вопросе имеется две стороны.



[6st], [6t] — употребляются только



в редуцированной форме



It’s a poor heart that never rejoices.

который, кто,


Бедно то сердце, которое никогда



не радуется. (Жалок тот, кто никогда



не радуется.)



All is well that ends well.



Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.




3. Прочитайте разговорные выражения, содержащие редуцированные формы слов. (В скобках курсивом дана полная форма, которая в разговор­ ной речи редуцируется.)



—Thank you, you’ve [ju:v] (you have) been very helpful.

—You’re [jus] (you are) wel­


—Thank you for coming.

—Not at all.

—You’re (you are) very kind.

—Thank you for your com­


—Спасибо, вы мне очень по­ могли.

—Пожалуйста. / Не стоит благодарности.

—Спасибо, что пришли.

—Не стоит благодарности.

—Вы очень добры.

—Спасибо за компанию.



— I’m (I am) sorry.

— Простите.

— Never mind.

— Ничего. / Пусть это вас не



— I must apologize

— Я должен извиниться пе­

[a’potadjaiz] to you.

ред вами.

— You needn’t apologize.

— Вам нет необходимости

It’s [its] (It is) my fault [fodt].

извиняться. Это моя вина.

— Excuse me.

— Извините, (нисходящая ин­



That’s (That is) all right.

— Ничего. / Все в порядке.

Привлечение внимания

—Excuse me [mi] (те [mi:]). / Pardon me [mi].

—Yes? What is it?

—Excuse me, could [kod] you tell me the time?

—It’s (It is) 5 to 5.

—Извините, (восходящая ин­ тонация)

—Да, что такое?

—Простите, вы не могли бы сказать время?

—Без пяти пять.

Вопросы о состоянии дел


— How are you?

— Как поживаете?

— Fine, thank you. And how

— Спасибо, хорошо. А вы?

are you?

— Не очень хорошо.

— Not too well.

— Why? What’s [wDts] (What

— Почему? Что случилось?

is) the matter?

— Как дела у Мэри с ее ра­

— How’s [hauz] (How is) Mary

[meari] getting on with her work?



— I’m afraid I don’t [daunt] (do

— Боюсь, я не знаю. Я редко

not) know [паи]. 1 don’t see much

ее вижу.


of her.

— Рад, что вы вернулись.

— I’m glad you’re (you are)

back. I was [waz] missing you badly.

Я очень скучал без вас.

— So was I.

— Я тоже.


Прием гостей


— Come in, please. This way.

— Заходите,



Проходите сюда.


— Thank you.

— Спасибо.


— Take a seat. Make yourself

— Садитесь,


at [at] (at [aet]) home.

Чувствуйте себя,

как дома.

— Thank you very much.

— Большое спасибо.

Home Task

4.Подберите английские выражения, уместные в следующих ситуациях:

1.Вы повстречали знакомого, которого давно не видели.

2.Вам помогли в трудный момент.

3.К вам пришли гости.

4.Вы не располагаете информацией, о которой вас спрашивают.

5.Перед вами извинился неловкий пассажир, толкнувший вас.

6.Вас благодарят за оказанную добрую услугу.

7.Вы нечаянно повредили чужую вещь.

5.Переведите диалоги на английский язык.

1. — Большое спасибо.

Пусть это вас не беспоко-

— Пожалуйста.


2. — Я рад, что вы вернулись.

5. — Как дела у отца?

Проходите, пожалуйста.

— Хорошо, спасибо.

— Большое спасибо.

6. — Джим!

3. — Как поживаешь, Джим?

— Да? Что такое?

— Замечательно, спасибо. А

7. — Что случилось?


— Ничего, все в порядке.

4. — Я должен извиниться

8. — Спасибо, что пришли.

перед вами.

— Не за что.

6.Выучите на выбор семь пословиц.

Продолжение таблицы





a. [tfia]


с. [tfea]


b. Qua]


d. [tfa:]





а. [каер]


С. [kju:b]


b. [кагЬ]


d. [ka:d]





а. [пэ:0]


с. [n3:s]


b. [not]


d. [nAt]





a. [asst]


c. [iz]


b. [i:st]


d. [est]





a. [west]


c. [wi:st]


b. [wet]


d. [vest]





a. [‘fiziks]


c. [‘pjusiks]


b. [hisiks]


d. [‘faiziks]





а. [паи]


c. [ni:]


b. [паи]


d. [nju:]





a. [boi]


c. [bai]


b. [bau]


d. [bi:]





a. [kaut]


c. [kAt]


b. [ko:t]


d. [sast]





a. [i:st]


c. [ia]


b. [з:0]


d. [a:t]



Pat is three.


а. Пэт на дереве.


с. Пэт играет.


b. Пэт три года.


d. Пэт маленькая.


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