8 класс

Подготовка к огэ по английскому языку 8 класс – Методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему: Экзаменационная работа для 8 по английскому языку в формате ГИА

Экзаменационный материал для 8 класса в формате ОГЭ

Раздел 1. Аудирование


Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-5 и утверждениями, данными в списке AF. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.
Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


Novels are good for improving language skills.


Novels make my life more exciting.


Novels teach me how to act in certain situations.


Novels are a good subject of conversation.



Novels increase my knowledge of other countries.

Novels allow me to travel through time.








Вы услышите интервью с доктором Джоунз. В заданиях A1-A6 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами ответу. Вы услышите запись дважды.


The topic of this programme is


having a healthy lifestyle.


following a healthy diet.


treating diet related diseases.


According to the interviewer, he


sticks to a healthy diet.


is ready to switch to a healthy diet.


is not ready to do with junk food.


Which is NOT a healthy diet tip given by Dr. Jones?


Substitute olive oil for butter.


Reduce the amount of food you eat.


Start with counting calories.


For eating out Dr. Jones suggest that customers should


share one dish between them.


take home some of their meal to eat later.


avoid all kinds of starters.


The Dr. Jones’s general recommendation is


eat more often, but smaller portions.


have no more than tree regular meals.


eat only food that your body wants at the moment.


Dr. Jones believes that having a meal with others is beneficial because


Your friends will help you to stick to your diet.


People who eat alone normally eat more.


Conversation at the table helps you to digest food better.

По окончании выполнения заданий В1 и А1 – А6 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания В1, А1 – А6 располагаются в разных частях бланка. В1 расположено в нижней части бланка.
При переносе ответов в задании
В1 буквы записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.


Раздел 2. Чтение

Установите соответствие тем  H текстам 1 – 7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.


















Everyone knows that cycling is a nice and healthy way to travel. It offers you independence. You don’t depend on timetables. You can go where and when you want. You can stop at a restaurant when you please, stay in the places you like and leave if you get bored. The world is yours.


Learn the basics of rock climbing with Cliffs and Ice. It is a perfect choice for those who decide to take up climbing for the first time. After a week in Cornwall you will learn the main skills necessary to become a competent climber. We will give you an experience that you can use in different climbing areas in the UK.


It is situated close to the Lake District, which is known for picturesque scenery. The ingredients that will help you make an unforgettable winter holiday with your nearest and dearest are: the welcoming fireplaces, delicious food, cosy rooms and different sports facilities. It’s perfect for a weekend trip with children. Take the people you love to our delightful hotel in the country.


A journey through a wild and faraway desert – by camel! This is a wonderful choice for anyone who wants to forget the modern means of travelling. You’ll be on top of a camel and part of a desert caravan. Camel drivers will accompany you, providing good company, as you admire the golden sand and bright blue sky.


If you take a train tour to the lakes, you’ll have nothing to worry about. You will leave London in a comfortable train; travel through the small picturesque towns and into the green hills. There will be no problems with the trip. The price already includes a return ticket, afternoon tea at Linden Hotel, a beautiful lake cruise, a visit to the medieval village and Hill Top, home of a famous English writer.


The Hogwarts Express plays a big part in the adventures of Harry Potter. A trip to the Scottish Highlands can be your chance to sit in the same carriage and dream about your own trip to the mysterious world. The journey goes through some of Scotland’s most splendid scenery. The best part of the journey is when the train crosses the Glenfinnan viaduct, a railway bridge.


Are you ready for Africa? Say yes and take a Safari Holiday. It is a mystery, wonder and …adventure! Our safari experts will take you through Africa from east to west. We offer views of dunes, mountain ranges, untouched beaches and open fields. You will see the amazing wildlife and beautiful nature. Let us make your African safari an experience you will never forget!









Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1 – 5 частями предложений
A – F. Одна из частей в списке А – F – лишняя. Перенесите ответы в таблицу.


Hurricanes are the biggest, most dangerous and most destructive storms on Earth. The word ‘hurricane’ comes from ‘Hurican’, 1___________. There are about 10 hurricanes around the world each year 2__________. As hurricanes get close to the land they suck up water from the sea. the winds can make waves as tall as a skyscraper! Hurricanes only break 3__________.

A hurricane, cyclone and typhoon are all the same thing – a swirling storm; 4__________, a cyclone above the Indian Ocean and a typhoon above the Pacific Ocean.

5__________, they are important because they transfer heat and energy from the equator to the poles.

Since 1954 names have been given to hurricanes in alphabetical order, so people don’t get confused when they listen to the weather forecasts.


and they all start over warm, tropical oceans


though hurricanes begin all of a sudden


who is the Carib god of evil


although hurricanes can cause a lot of damage


when they reach cold water or land


but a hurricane occurs above the North Atlantic Ocean






Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А8 – А14, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

Scientists have noticed that the weather is getting worse and worse and the so-called extreme weather events are becoming more and more frequent. the explanation is short: the reason is global warming.

What is global warming? “Greenhouse effect” is a natural feature of our atmosphere without which the life on our planet would be impossible. Certain atmospheric gases work as a kind of a blanket, keeping the Earth warm. The amount of these ‘greenhouse’ gases used to be more or less the same for centuries. But the industrial revolution broke this balance. The amounts of CO and other gases have increased by 30%.

Climate experts predict that by 2050 the global average temperature will rise by 2-3 degrees. What would happen then? Northern regions will be wetter and warmer, southern regions will be drier and hotter. Snow will melt in the Alps and other mountains and the water will cause floods. Sea levels will rise and lots of areas will disappear under the water. So will some species of animals and plants.

What shall we do? We can’t just sit and wait. People should use clean energy, such as wind, solar and wave power. If we recycle cans and paper, take public transport and switch off unused lights at home, we’ll reduce the threat of global climate change.


What kind of weather conditions changes have the scientists noticed recently?


No changes


Little changes


Unimportant changes


Extreme changes


What works as a kind of a blanket keeping the Earth warm?


The sun




Atmospheric gases




When will the global average temperature rise by several degrees?


By 2050


By 2015


By 2005


By 2025

What will cause floods?



Rivers and lakes


Seas and oceans


Rains and hurricanes


Snow-melting in the mountains


What energy should people use to prevent the global warming?


Energy of cars


All kinds of clean energy


Energy of water


Energy of sun

What is a natural feature of or atmosphere?



Atmospheric gases


Greenhouse effect


CO and other gases


A blanket


Why will some species of animals and plants disappear?


Because of the greenhouse effect


Because of the floods


Because of the global warming


Because of us

По окончании выполнения заданий В2, В3 и А8  А14 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания В2  В3, А8  А14 располагаются в разных частях бланка.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённые ниже предложения. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами после номеров B4 – B10 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B4 – B10.


My mother was such an _______person, always, busy in a hurry.



I made a stupid _________ and so things didn’t turn out as planned.



I’d like to do it________ this time. I hope you don’t mind.



If you ate more _______ food, you wouldn’t have all these problems with your skin.



I want to be an important ________ when I grow up.



He’s ________ at mending things. I’ll just have to do it myself.



It is almost impossible to actually measure_________.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами после номеров B11 – B16 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B11 – B16.

The word ‘google’ has many issues.


It is an adjective, __________ to describe very large numbers. It is also a proper noun. “Google” is the name of a popular Internet search engine.



It is also _____ a new meaning. The writers of a new edition of a dictionary have listed ‘google’ as a verb.



It ________ to search the Internet. This makes terms like “google me” part of the English language. If you want to know more



about volcanoes you ______ it. ‘Google’ is now an official part of the English language. The dictionary’s editors say that this



just means that the public _______ the term.



“Google” is one of 100 new words that __ in the new dictionary. Many other words are based on technology.

“Mouse potato” is someone who spends a lot of time in front of a computer. “Ringtone” is the sound of a cell phone ringing. Many new technology words have become common.


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22 – А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22 – А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

One of the A15 ______programs on television in Britain is called “That’s Life”. The main job is to draw attention to ways in which the public may be cheated by companies. The program is so popular that millions of people watch it every Sunday night. and the team running it gets 2.000 letters A16 ______ week from people complaining about ___ A17 bad products and tricks used by salesmen to make people A18 ______ things they don’t really want. For example, salesmen often A19 ______ to pay for the improvements to their houses, A20 ______means that if improvements are badly carried out, the owner still cannot A21 ______. Since the program began, such techniques have suddenly stopped.



more popular


most popular
















such things like


Such things as


the things such as


the things as





to buy




that they buy



lend people money


borrow people money


lend the people money


borrow money to people












to avoid to pay


to avoid paying


avoid to pay


avoid paying

По окончании выполнения заданий В4 – В16, А15 – А21 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ №1! ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания В4 – В16, А15  А21 располагаются в разных частях бланка. При переносе ответов в заданиях В4 – В16 буквы записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

Раздел 4. Письмо

Для ответов на задания С1, С2 используйте Бланк ответов № 2.

При выполнении заданий С1 и С2 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в Бланке ответов № 2. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом.

При заполнении Бланка ответов № 2 вы указываете сначала номер задания С1, С2, а потом пишете свой ответ.

Если одной стороны Бланка недостаточно, вы можете использовать другую сторону Бланка.

Write a short story of 100-120 words. The story must end with these words: …and then I woke up and realized that the whole thing had been a dream.


Use these questions to help you write your story.


  • Where were you?

  • Were you with anyone?

  • What were you doing?

  • When did it happen?

Main event

  • What happened?

  • Howdid you feel?

  • What did you do next?

How did you feel afterwards?

You have 30 minutes to do this task.


You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Pamela who writes:

…I don’t think it’s fair to make children do household chores because we’re too busy at school. Do you help your Mum about the house? What kind of things do you have to do? Do you have enough time to do chores?

Write a letter to Pamela.

In your letter answer her 3 questions.

Write 80 — 100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

You have 30 minutes to do this task.

Раздел 5. Говорение

Вы получите карточку, на которой представлены два задания для устного ответа: С3 – тематическое монологическое высказывание,
С4 – диалог с целью обмена оценочной информацией. Окончание выполнения каждого задания определяет экзаменатор. Во время проведения этой части экзамена идет постоянная запись на аудиокассету.

Задания для экзаменуемого



Task 1

Give a talk about the Internet.

Remember to say:

  • why the Internet is important in modern society

  • what you use the Internet for

  • whether the Internet can be harmful for users, why

You have to talk for 1.5 – 2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.



Task 2

You and your sister/brother are choosing a birthday present for your father. There are three options to choose from.

You have to decide on one of them:

You begin the conversation. The teacher will do the role of your sister/brother.

Remember to:

  • be active and polite;

  • come up with ideas;

  • give reasons;

  • agree or disagree with your sister/brother;

  • invite your sister/brother to come up with suggestions;

  • find out your sister/brother’s attitudes and take them into account;

  • come to an agreement.

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника задания C3

Warm up

  1. What’s your favourite season? Why do you like it?


Task 1 (2.5 – 3 min)

Let the student talk for 1.5 – 2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.

1. Why is the Internet important in modern society?

2. What do you use the Internet for?

3. Can the Internet be harmful for users, why?

All of these ideas must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following question:

  1. How much time a day do you spend browsing the Internet?

  2. How can the Internet help you to improve your English?


The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:

  • speak at length elaborating on the topic;

  • produce coherent utterances;

  • give reasons;

  • use accurate grammar structures and a good range of vocabulary

  • appropriate to the context and function.

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника задания C4


Task 2 (2 — 3 minutes.)

You and your sister/brother are choosing a birthday present for your father.

There are three options to choose from. You have to decide on one of them.

Start the conversation.

Your opinion on the ideas produced.


Your arguments



What do you think what present to choose?

What about a new camera?

Will he like a new stamp for his collection?

Tickets for the football match are unusual?

Aren’t they?

Explain interests and hobbies of the father and how necessary the present is.

Consider the price of the present.

Consider father’s hobbies and interests.

To finish the conversation say: “OK. We could agree on our choice”.


The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to

Приложение 1.

Задание В1

Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-5 и утверждениями, данными в списке AF. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.
Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker 1.

Oh, I love novels, especially if they have a good plot. I started reading them when I was 12. And I still read at least one novel a week. My own life isn’t terribly exciting. Apart from my work, which is very interesting, nothing much happens. In the novels I read there’s always a lot going on, lots of thrilling events, and I can share in the experiences and problems of the characters.

Speaker 2.

Well, I used to read only short stories. That changed when I moved to a new city and found myself in a job I didn’t really enjoy. I would get back home at about 5 p.m., make some supper and sit down to read a novel for the rest of the evening. Many of them are pretty unbelievable stories, and not particularly well-written. It’s not as if you can imagine yourself in any of those situations, but the thing is they take my mind off whatever’s worrying me. I’ve had long conversations about this with friends who think I should read better quality stuff, but I know what I’m doing.

Speaker 3.

Reading is an activity that keeps me occupied: I love novels, especially historical novels and science fiction. It’s like living in another world. Historical fiction and science fiction move me back and forth in title. I am particularly captivated by characters who go through dangers to complete their mission. It’s a pity we won’t be able to see the future. Novels make it possible for us.

Speaker 4.

Why do I like reading novels? I used to read novels just so as to see how my favourite characters solved their problems. I thought I could then apply that to my own problems! I always choose novels that are in a clear style, because I find complicated language difficult. And also I like the stories to be about countries and cultures I know well, because then I can understand the characters better.

Speaker 5.

I think reading novels is helping me a great deal in my studies, and although I haven’t got much spare time, I always make a point of reading a couple of hours in the evening. I’m in my last year at secondary school, and frankly, reading novels is an excellent way of learning how people live in other countries, how they communicate with each other, what problems they have.

You have 30 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 30 seconds)

Listen to the text again and check your answers. (Repeat)

This is the end of the task.

Приложение 2.


Раздел 1. Аудирование

Раздел 2.


Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

№ задания


№ задания


№ задания


















































Грамматика и лексика






















Will google <или> ‘ll google


has adopted


were included <или> are included


КИМ по английскому языку в 8 классе

Данный КИМ разработан для 8 класса к учебнику «Spotlight 8» 1 модуль

Просмотр содержимого документа

«КИМ по английскому языку в 8 классе»

8th form TEST Module 1


  1. Sort the words below into two columns – positive and negative adjectives.

Optimistic generous unreliable sensitive patient pessimistic insincere selfish reliable confident stubborn sociable flexible trustworthy easy-going shy impatient furious

II. Match the responses

  1. Pleased to meet you! A. Indeed it is!

  2. I’m afraid I have to go now. B. Not bad! And you?

  3. Can I offer you something? C. See you later!

  4. What a nice day! D. Nice to meet you , too!

  5. How are you? E. No, thanks.

III. Fill in using an appropriate preposition :

Over ; over with; across; down; along ; to; at; about; on; with ; of

  1. She is not keen ….. Maths.

  2. I’m glad that she got ….. after her long illness.

  3. He’s always nervous ……. his concerts.

  4. My parents are proud ….. me.

  5. Mark was happy to get his work …… .

  6. She is very close …. her elder sister.

IV. Translate into English using Present Continuous Tense .

In what case is each sentence used? ( action happening now; negative emotions about the situation; planned future)

  1. Мы встречаем родственников на станции сегодня в 7 вечера.

  2. Сейчас он играет в футбол.

  3. Она всегда обманывает!

V. Write a composition “ Superstar”.

8th form TEST Module 1


  1. Sort the words below into two columns – positive and negative adjectives.

Optimistic generous unreliable sensitive patient pessimistic insincere selfish reliable confident stubborn sociable flexible trustworthy easy-going shy impatient furious

II. Match the responses

  1. How is it going? A. No, please sit down!

  2. Make yourself at home! B. Well, thank you for inviting me!

  3. Excuse me! C. Couldn’t be better!

  4. Is this seat taken? D. That’s very kind!

  5. Thanks for coming! E. Yes? Can I help you?

III. Fill in using an appropriate preposition :

Over ; over with; across; down; along ; to; at; about; on; with ; of

  1. He is very jealous ……. his friends’ success.

  2. This rainy day gets me…… .

  3. My brother is not very patient ….. other people.

  4. I’m good ….. dancing.

  5. How do you get …… with your new classmates?

  6. She isn’t very popular …… her classmates.

IV. Translate into English using Present Continuous Tense .

In what case is each sentence used? ( action happening now; negative emotions about the situation; planned future)

  1. Сейчас она смотрит интересный фильм.

  2. Он всегда берет мою чашку!

  3. Я встречаюсь с друзьями в 5 сегодня вечером.

V. Write a composition “ My school life”.


Материал для подготовки к ЕГЭ (ГИА) по английскому языку (8 класс): Итоговая контрольная работа в формате ОГЭ, 8 класс

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку в 8 классе в формате ОГЭ

Вариант 1

Раздел 1. Аудирование

Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных А, В, С и D. Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть только одно лишнее место действие. Вы услышите запись дважды.

1. On an excursion

2. At the airport

3. In a classroom

4. In a restaurant

5. On board a ship

Вы услышите пять высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего А-Е и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-6. 

1.         The speaker describes the school sports facilities.

2.         The speaker describes his/her school library.

3.         The speaker describes his/her schoolmates.

4.         The speaker explains why he/she had to change school.

5.         The speaker explains why he/she was late for school.

6.         The speaker talks about his/her favourite school subject.

Раздел 2. Чтение

  1. Установите соответствие между абзацами текстов A–G и пронумерованными абзацами 1–8. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1. Body image                        5. Bullies

2. School                                6.  Free time

3. Mobile phones                   7.  Clothes and looks

4. School uniform                   8.  Pubs and clubs

A.   British teenagers spend most of their time at school. Students in Britain can leave school at 16 (year 11). This is also the age when most students take their first important exams, GCSEs. They take between five and ten subjects and that means a lot of studying. They are spending more time on homework than teenagers have done before.

B.  Visit almost any school in Britain and the first thing you’ll notice is the school uniform. Although school uniform has its advantages, by the time most teenagers are 15 or 16 they are tired of wearing it. When there is more than one school in a town, a school uniform can make differences and rivalries between schools worse.

C.  Music is the number one interest for British teens. But they certainly don’t all like the same music! UK garage, hip-hop and new metal are all popular. Teenagers love going out too. However, finding somewhere to go isn’t always easy. Pubs and clubs have strict rules for under 18-year-olds in Britain. It’s no surprise that British teenagers spend more time online than European or American teens and use chatrooms to make a new friend.

D.  In Britain, teenagers judge you by the shirt or trainers you are wearing. Forty per cent of British teenagers love Nike 110s (trainers that cost $110), but not for sport – for posing!

E.  Fifty per cent of teenagers in Britain say they have been bullied because of their race, looks, accent, intelligence or for no reason at all. Sixteen teenagers in Britain kill themselves every year because of bullying, a problem now called “bullycide”.

F.  Teenagers in Britain worry about their looks and their weight, like in many other western countries. Two-thirds of girls in Britain are on a diet, although only one in eight of them is overweight!

G.  Like teenagers all over the world, British teenagers love to chat. The mobile phone is an essential thing for most British teenagers. More than 90 per cent of 12 to 16-year-olds have one. Many experts believe that mobiles stop teenagers spending money on cigarettes and sweets.

  1. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A5–A8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 –True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).

          The Maltese Islands are a group of little islands in the Mediterranean Sea. The population of Malta is about 400,000 people. In spite of being so small in size, Malta is quite a famous place and lots of tourists visit it every year.

Tourists in Malta have many kinds of entertainment to choose from. Clear and warm water is full of marine life and attracts divers and people who enjoy swimming and sailing. The place is also unique for people who are interested in history and architecture as there are lots of historical buildings, temples and cathedrals there.

There’s the evidence that the first settlers appeared in Malta about 7,000 years ago, so this is one the oldest places on the Earth inhabited by people.

        The Maltese are proud of their unique history. They survived through the Arabs and Roman occupation, and they remember the knights of Malta, Napoleon and Nelson. They do their best to keep their history and traditions and are always glad to share it with tourists. Band clubs are part of the social and cultural history of the Maltese Islands. They see their aim in spreading the culture and teaching of music. The idea of forming some music societies or band clubs appeared in the second part of the 19th century. Small bands were formed in little villages.         Anyone could join them. As most participants could not afford to buy a musical instrument of their own, well–to–do villagers helped to pay for the instruments on the condition that the musicians would perform at their village feasts. Today, according to the latest survey by the statistics office, the total number of bandsmen/women is over 4000. Many well–known musicians started their career in a local band club and performed at their village feasts.

  1. Malta is a good place for people who like watching underwater life.
  1. True 2) False 3) Not stated
  1. About 7,000 tourists come to Malta every year.
  1. True 2) False 3) Not stated
  1. Band clubs were formed in Malta more than a century ago.
  1. True 2) False 3) Not stated
  1. When the first music societies were formed only well-to-do people could join the band.
  1. True 2) False 3) Not stated

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

        Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В1- В6, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию.

B1. Madonna is one of the___________________ singers in the world.               SUCCESSFUL

B2. She _______________ with the local church choir (хор) at the age of 4.       START

She went to the university of Michigan but later she left for New York

B3. where she went to dance school. She produced her ______________             ONE

B4. album at the age of 24 and she ________________ many successful songs       PRODUCE

since then. She has also starred in several films.

B5. Madonna is hardworking and clever and she _____________ going to the gym,     LIKE

to parties, to the theatre and to the cinema.

B6. At present she ____________to record a new album.          PLAN

Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

Yoga is a very popular activity and lots of people practise it nowadays. There is an opinion, however, that to be ___SUCCESS________ in this activity you should start yoga in early childhood. This is not true! You can start yoga at any time in your life. What you really need is enthusiasm and a good ____TRAIN_______ –  yogis often call them a guru. Yoga is not a ______COMPETE_______. You can choose any pace that is ____COMFORT______  for you. The aim is not to win but to make your body flexible and strong. It’s definitely _____POSSIBLE_______ to improve your body in a few days. t may take lots of time but it’s worth the time and effort.   Yoga is an _____EFFECT______ way to relax your mind. So it’s useful not only for your body.

Раздел 4. Письмо

You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend Martin.

…My best friend had a birthday party last weekend. We went on a picnic. There were many guests and it was great. And when is your birthday? How do you usually celebrate it? What present would you like to get for your next birthday?

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100 – 120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Вариант 2

Раздел 1. Аудирование

Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных А, В, С и D. Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть только одно лишнее место действие. Вы услышите запись дважды.

1. On an excursion

2. At the airport

3. In a classroom

4. In a restaurant

5. On board a ship

Вы услышите пять высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего А-Е и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-6.

1.         The speaker describes the school sports facilities.

2.         The speaker describes his/her school library.

3.         The speaker describes his/her schoolmates.

4.         The speaker explains why he/she had to change school.

5.         The speaker explains why he/she was late for school.

6.         The speaker talks about his/her favourite school subject.

Раздел 2. Чтение

1.         Установите соответствие между заголовками A–F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1–5. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

A. The location and plan of the school

B. Who studies at the school

C. The history of the school

D. Who teaches at the school

E. The medical care at the school

F. The timetable of school activities

1. We are happy to welcome you in our campus (общежитие). Please read this information carefully. It will help you to settle as quickly as possible and make your stay as enjoyable as possible. We are proud to say that our school is one of the most famous and well–reputed board schools in Britain. In summer it turns into an international scientific centre. Children from different countries aged 14–16 live and study here for a month and a half. All our students come here after participating in Maths competitions in their own countries and in different international mathematical contests. We are proud to say that new Newtons and Einsteins are among us.

2. The school is located in a quiet historical village. The complex consists of several buildings. The central and the highest building in the campus is our administrative centre. Lecture halls, chemical lab, the library and the computer centre are all here too. To the right of the central building, there are students’ accommodations. All the rooms are nicely furnished, and there is a satellite TV in the students’ lounge. To the left of the central building there is a students’ café. Just behind it one can see an old building made of red brick. It used to be stables, but nowadays sports equipment like bicycles and boats are stored there.

3. All students have breakfast, lunch and dinner in the students’ café at 8.00, 13.00 and 18.00 correspondingly. Lectures start at 9.00 and last till 13.00. After lunch the students work in teams on their projects from 14.00 up to 16.00. After that they have a wide range of various activities to choose from: sports games on the sports ground, drama lessons, TV, music performances and so on. The day rounds off with disco or national dances. Students should be in their rooms by 11.00.

4. Most lectures are given by university teachers. Like students, they come from different countries and represent different universities but all the lectures are delivered in English. We are sure that you appreciate the diversity. The permanent staff of the school is always available in the administrative centre. They can advise you on any academic issues recommend additional reading on the topics and answer your questions. If you have any questions, just come and ask.

5. Though it’s summer and holiday time, your lecture attendance is obligatory. You can miss a lecture only if you are ill and have a doctor’s permission to stay in your room. Our school doctor is available round the clock in the central office. If you feel unwell, don’t hesitate to see him.

2.        Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A5–A8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 –True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).

        William Shakespeare, the greatest English writer of drama, was born in 1564 in Stratford-on- Avon. We do not know everything about Shakespeare’s early life. But we know that he studied at the Grammar School in Stratford, and that he became interested in the theatre when he was still a boy.

        In 1586 Shakespeare went to London, where he worked in the theatre for some years before he began to write his own plays.

Shakespeare soon became well-known in London literary circles. Every play that he wrote was good news to the people of the capital. Queen Elizabeth I liked Shakespeare’s plays, and the actors were often invited to play before the Queen and later before the King James — a great honor in those days. By the end of the 16th theatre — the famous Globe Theatre.

        But Shakespeare had quite many difficulties in his life. Less talented writers, whose plays were worse than his, often quarreled with Shakespeare and attacked him, the actors in his own theatre sometimes turned against him.

        Now people in many countries love and honor Shakespeare for his plays, comedies and tragedies that are still modern and well-known all over the world.

A5 People know little about Shakespeare’s early life.

1) True                 2)False                 3)Not stated

A6 The writer spent all his life in Stratford-upon-Avon.

1)  True              2) False               3) Not stated

A7 William Shakespeare left his wife and children at home and went to London alone.

1) True             2) False               3) Not stated

A8 Shakespeare is famous all over the world for his wonderful plays, comedies and tragedies.

1) True               2) False                3) Not stated

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

1.Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию .

        I come from England but now I live in Québec, Canada. When my parents ____BRING_____ me to Canada, I was fifteen. I asked my new friends what they usually _____DO______ for entertainment in such a cold climate. Their answer was simple, “In winter ___CHILD____ and adults go skiing and skating.”

        Before arriving in Canada I had never tried skating and my Canadian ice experience was really painful. To start with, it took ____I____ half an hour to put on the skates. I ___NOT/KNOW_____ how to move so my new friends showed me some basic techniques. However, when I was left alone on the ice, I ____FALL____ over immediately. When I opened my eyes, my new friends were standing around. They weren’t laughing, they looked worried. “Are you OK?” they asked.  “Fine,” I said.

2.Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

        I arrived in Liverpool in the afternoon. It was a ___RAIN___day but the weather couldn’t spoil my excellent mood — I was in Liverpool! Many people associate this city with the _____FAME____musical band, the Beatles. It’s true, the Beatles are everywhere, but today it’s also _____POSSIBLE_____ to imagine Liverpool without its other great passion: football!

        The city is home to two teams: Liverpool and Everton.  Everton is older and was more ____SUCCESS_______ in the past, but since the 1990s it has been Liverpool’s time to shine.

I’ve been Liverpool’s _____SUPPORT______ since I was a small boy. The team is based at the Anfield Stadium. I have watched games there twice.  It was very ______EXCITE_____and it was one of the most important memories of my childhood.

Раздел 4. Письмо

You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend Martin.

…My best friend had a birthday party last weekend. We went on a picnic. There were many guests and it was great. And when is your birthday? How do you usually celebrate it? What present would you like to get for your next birthday?

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100 – 120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


  1. Материал для аудирования был взят из открытого банка на сайте http://www.fipi.ru/content/otkrytyy-bank-zadaniy-oge

Задание 1 – А4 В2 С5 D3

Задание 2 – A5 B6 C3 D4 E1

  1. Чтение (вариант1)

Задание 1 – A2 B4 C6 D7 E5 F1 G3

Задание 2- 1(True) 2(Not Stated) 3(True) 4(False)


Задание 1

1.most successful



4.has produced


6.is planning 

Задание 2






6.effective 1.        

Чтение (вариант2)

Задание 1 – A2 B1 D4 E5 F3

Задание 2- A5 (True) A6 (False) A7(Not Stated) A8(True)


Задание 1





5.didn’t know


Задание 2








Вербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 8 класса. ГИА (ОГЭ)

Forward 8

Вербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 8 класса. ГИА (ОГЭ)

ГИА (ОГЭ). Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию
Задание 1

Вы услышите 4 коротких диалога, обозначенных А, В, С и D. Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
B-1. In a restaurant — В ресторане
C-2. In a hotel — В гостинице
A-3. In a clothes shop — В магазине одежды
D-4. In the street — На улице
Extra-5. At a post office — В почтовом отделении

Задание 2
Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего А-Е и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-6. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

C-1. The speaker likes to stay at home during this season. — Говорящий любит оставаться дома в это время года.
E-2. The speaker can spend this season in the countryside. – Говорящий может провести это время года в сельской местности.
A-3. The speaker thinks the season is difficult for kids at school. — Говорящий считает, что это время года является тяжелым для детей в школе.
D-4. The speaker believes this season can be a busy time. – Говорящий считает, что в это время года может быть напряженное время.
B-5. The speaker likes the season because of the celebrations. – Говорящему нравится время года из-за праздников.
Extra-6. The speaker says schoolchildren shouldn’t study in spring. – Говорящий говорит, что школьники не должны учится весной.

Задания 3-8
Вы услышите беседу. В заданиях 3-8 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3. Why did Peter want to see Joan? — Почему Петр хочет видеть Джоан?
1) He wanted to invite her to the cinema. — Он хотел пригласить ее в кино.
2) He had some tickets to sell her. — У него было несколько билетов, чтобы продать ей.
3) He needed company for tomorrow. – Ему нужна компания на завтра.

4. How was Peter able to get the tickets? — Как Питер смог получить билеты?
1) Through the film sponsoring company he used to work for. – Через компанию спонсирующую фильм на которую он работал.
2) He got them with a discount as a bonus. — Он получил их со скидкой в качестве бонуса.
3) He bought them on the black market. — Он купил их на черном рынке.

5. How much did Peter pay for a ticket? — Сколько Петр заплатил за билет?
1) $50.
2) $75.
3) $200.

6. Why did Peter buy the tickets for the opening night? — Почему Петр купил билеты на вечер открытия?
1) There were no other tickets. – Не было других билетов.
2) It was quite cheap for him. — Это было довольно дешево для него.
3) Joan wanted to see the premiere. — Джоан хотела увидеть премьеру.

7. How does Joan feel about Peter buying the tickets? – Как Джоан относится к покупке Питером билетов?
1) She’s impressed. – Она впечатлена.
2) She’s indifferent. – Она безразлична.
3) She’s angry. – Она сердится.

8. What time will Joan and Peter come to the cinema? – В какое время Джоан и Питер идут в кино?
1) 8 p.m.
2) 9 p.m.
3) 10 p.m.

ГИА (ОГЭ). Раздел 2. Задания по чтению
Задание 9

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А-G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

D-1. Disney’s character — Персонажи Диснея
B-2. Famous characters — Известные персонажи
F-3. Best toys ever – Самые лучшие игрушки
Extra-4. Start of the career — Начало карьеры
G-5. The fun museum – Музей веселья
A-6. Disney in poverty — Дисней в бедности
E-7. The land of entertainment — Земля развлечений
C-8. Memorable tunes — Запоминающиеся мелодии

A) Walt Disney was born in Chicago, his father being Irish Canadian, his mother of German-American origin. He revealed a talent for drawing and an interest in photography early on and after service with the American Red Cross in the First World War. He was a man with a vision and he had a dream, so in 1923 he and his brother Roy left for Hollywood and for some years struggled against poverty while producing a series of cartoon films.
Уолт Дисней родился в Чикаго, его отец был ирландским канадцем, его мать немецко-американского происхождения. Он рано раскрыл талант к рисованию и интерес к фотографии и развивал его после службы с Американским обществом Красного Креста во время Первой мировой войны. Он был человеком с перспективой и у него была мечта, так что в 1923 году он и его брат Рой уехали в Голливуд, и в течение нескольких лет боролись с бедностью, производя серию мультфильмов.

В) The first successful cartoons of Walt Disney were made only in the late 1920s. In 1927 he had some success with the series called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, but it was not until September 1928, when Steamboat Willie appeared, the first Mickey Mouse with sound, that he achieved lasting success. Mickey Mouse became a household name together with such companions as Minnie, Pluto, and, perhaps the most popular of them all, Donald Duck.
Первые успешные мультфильмы Уолта Диснея были сделаны только в конце 1920-х годов. В 1927 году он имел некоторый успех с серией под названием Кролик Освальд, но он достиг прочного успеха после сентября 1928 года, когда появился Пароход Вилли, первый Микки Маус со звуком. Микки Маус стал именем нарицательным вместе с такими спутниками, как Минни, Плуто, и, пожалуй, самый популярный из них всех, Дональд Дак.

С) When you think about Walt Disney’s cartoons, The Three Little Pigs and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs with their still familiar songs by Frank Churchill immediately spring to mind. And it’s no wonder! There is much music in all the cartoons of Walt Disney. His characters sing beautiful songs which greatly add to the cartoon’s incredible charm and they are loved and sung by thousands of children worldwide.

Когда вы думаете о мультфильмах Уолта Диснея, Три маленьких поросенка и Белоснежка и семь гномов до сих пор с ними знакомыми песни Фрэнка Черчилля сразу приходит на ум. И это не удивительно! Во всех мультфильмах Уолта Диснея много музыки. Его персонажи поют прекрасные песни, которые значительно расширяют невероятный шарм мультфильма, и их любят и поют тысячи детей по всему миру.

D) After the Second World War Disney turned his attention to real-life nature studies and non-cartoon films with living actors. After a rather unsuccessful feature cartoon The Sleeping Beauty, he made a triumphant come-back with the very successful Mary Poppins. He always worked hard to achieve success and he wasn’t upset with failures if they happened. Disney tried and tried again and finally he always got what he wanted.
После Второй мировой войны Дисней обратил свое внимание на изучение живой природы и на не-мультфильмы с живыми актерами. После довольно неудачного художественного мультфильма Спящая красавица, он триумфально вернулся с очень успешной Мэри Поппинс. Он всегда упорно трудился, чтобы добиться успеха, и он не был расстроен неудачами, если они случались. Дисней попробовал и попробовал еще раз и, наконец, он всегда получал то, что хотел.

E) In 1955 Walt Disney branched out into a different enterprise Disneyland, a huge amusement park in southern California. Disneyland is situated 27 miles south of Los Angeles. Of all the show-places none is as famous as Disneyland. This superb kingdom of fantasy linked to technology was created by Walt Disney. The park is divided into six themes and there is so much to see and do in each that no one would attempt to see all of them in one visit.
В 1955 году Уолт Дисней развился в различные предприятия Диснейленда, огромного парка развлечений в южной Калифорнии. Диснейленд находится в 27 милях к югу от Лос-Анджелеса. Из всех развлекательных мест ничто не является столь же известным как Диснейленде. Это превосходное царство фантазии связанное с технологиями было создано Уолтом Диснеем. Парк разделен на шесть тем, и в каждой есть много чего увидеть и чем заняться, что никто не будет пытаться увидеть их все за одно посещение.

F) Walt Disney died in California at the age of 65, but he’ll never be forgotten. His works have given so much pleasure for many years to many people, young and old, in many countries. But it was not the end of the story. Today the Disney empire produces not only films and cartoons. Millions of children worldwide enjoy beautiful toys portraying their favourite Disney characters, and this brings the company huge profits.
Уолт Дисней умер в Калифорнии в возрасте 65 лет, но он никогда не будет забыт. Его работы дали столько удовольствия в течение многих лет для многих людей, молодых и старых, во многих странах. Но это был не конец истории. Сегодня империя Диснея выпускает не только фильмы и мультфильмы. Миллионы детей во всем мире пользуются красивые игрушки, изображающие их любимых героев Диснея, и это приносит компании огромные прибыли.

G) Now tourists to America can visit not only the famous theme park, but also the Disney family museum. This is a truly great place where you’ll find a lot of events and there’s no time to be bored there. There’s also a program of Disney cartoons and films, so after you’ve seen everything you can still enjoy your favourite characters in a wonderful cinema. By the way, you can watch the cartoons for free if you buy a ticket to any museum exhibition.
Теперь туристы в Америке могут посетить не только знаменитый тематический парк, но и семейный музей Диснея. Это действительно прекрасное место, где вы найдете много событий, и у вас не будет времени скучать. Там также программа мультфильмов Диснея и фильмов, так что после того, как вы уже все посмотрели, вы все еще можете наслаждаться вашими любимыми героями в прекрасном кино. Кстати, вы можете смотреть мультфильмы бесплатно, если вы покупаете билет на любую музейную экспозицию.

Задания 10-17
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10-17 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Maria Curie
Maria Curie was born in Warsaw on November 7th, 1867. Her father taught science and mathematics at school, and from him little Maria Sklodovska — her Polish name — had her first lessons in science.
Maria wanted to study at Sorbonne University, and after many years of waiting she finally left her native land for Paris in 1891. In Paris Maria began a course of hard study and simple living. She determined to work for two Master’s degrees — one in physics, the other in mathematics. So she had to work twice as hard as any other student. She did not have enough money to live on, and soon her strength was weakened because she had no proper food. She lived in a small room in the poorest part of Paris. Night after night after her hard day’s work at the university Maria would climb to her poorly furnished room and work at her books for hours, but nothing could deter the young woman from her chosen path.
(отрывок из текста)

Мария Кюри
Мария Кюри родилась в Варшаве 7 ноября 1867 года. Ее отец преподавал естественные науки и математику в школе, и от него маленькая Мария Склодовская — ее польское имя – получила свои первые уроки в науке.
Мария хотела учиться в Сорбонне, и после многих лет ожидания она, наконец, оставила свою родную землю и уехала в Париж в 1891 году. В Париже Мария начала курс напряженной учебы и простой жизни. Она решила работать над двумя степенями магистра — одна в физике, а другая в математике. Так что ей пришлось работать в два раза усерднее, чем любому другому студенту. У нее не было достаточно денег, чтобы жить дальше, и вскоре она была ослаблена, потому что у нее не было надлежащего питания. Она жила в маленькой комнате, в самой бедной части Парижа. Ночь за ночью после тяжелого рабочего дня в университете Мария забиралась в свою плохо обставленную комнату и работала над своими книгами часами, ничто не могло удержать молодую женщину от выбранного ею пути.
Среди ученых, с которыми Мария встречалась и работала в Париже, был Пьер Кюри. Пьер Кюри, родился в 1859 году в Париже, был сыном врача, и интересовался наукой с детства. В 16 лет он стал бакалавром наук и получил степень магистра в области физики, когда ему было 18. Когда Пьер встретил Марию Складовская, ему было 35 лет, и он был уже известен в Европе за его открытия в магнетизме. Однако французское правительство могло только дать ему очень небольшую зарплату, а Парижский университет отказался дать ему свою собственную лабораторию для его исследовательской работы.
Пьер Кюри и Мария Складовская любил науку больше, чем все остальное. Очень скоро они стали близкими друзьями. Немного больше, чем через год они влюбились друг в друга, а в 1895 году Мария Складовская стала мадам Кюри.
К этому времени Мария Кюри получила степень магистра в области физики и математики, и была занята исследованием стали. Теперь она хотела получить степень доктора. В течение некоторого времени Пьер и Мария Кюри были заинтересованы в работе французского ученого по имени Беккерель. Был металл под названием уран, который, как обнаружил, Беккерель, излучал лучи очень похожие на рентгеновские. Эти лучи оставляли метки на фотопластинке, когда она была покрыта черной бумагой. Кюри продолжали думать об этих лучах урана. И они решили, что это будет темой для докторской работы Марии.
Исследование было проведено в весьма сложных условиях. Мадам Кюри пришлось использовать старый чулан в университете в своей лаборатории. Было холодно, и комната была слишком мала для исследовательской работы, но вскоре она обнаружила, что загадочные урановые лучи были еще более замечательным, чем она думала. Они не были похожи на какие-либо другие известные лучи. Мария Кюри начала исследовать все известные химические тела. Повторив свои эксперименты, она узнала, что минерал называемый уранинит (настуран) излучает гораздо более мощные лучи, чем любой другой минерал, который она знала.
Когда Мария Кюри исследовала каждый известный химический элемент, и ни один из них не испускал такие мощные лучи, как уранинит, она решила, что этот минерал должен содержать некоторый новый элемент — не было никакого другого объяснения испускаемым мощным лучам. Ученые называют свойство испускать такие лучи радиоактивностью, и мадам Кюри решила назвать новый элемент радий, потому что он был более радиоактивен, чем любой известный металл.
Мадам Складовская-Кюри умерла в 1934 году. Она была ведущей женщиной ученым и первым человеком, получившим Нобелевскую премию дважды.

1) True — 10. Maria’s father taught her the first things about science. – Отец Марии научил ее первым вещам о науке.
1) True — 11. It was not easy for Maria to study in France. – Марии было нелегко учиться во Франции.
2) False — 12. Maria had to work harder than others because she was a woman. – Марии приходилось работать усерднее чем другим студентам, потому что она была женщиной.
1) True — 13. Pierre Curie got his degrees at a young age. — Пьер Кюри получил свои ученые степени в молодом возрасте.
2) False — 14. Pierre Curie got famous because of his wife. — Пьер Кюри стал знаменитым из-за жены.
3) Not stated — 15. Pierre and Maria Curie knew Becquerel very well. — Пьер и Мария Кюри очень хорошо знали Беккереля.
1) True — 16. Maria Curie discovered a new chemical element. — Мария Кюри открыла новый химический элемент.
3) Not stated — 17. Maria Curie was the only woman to get the Nobel Prize twice. — Мария Кюри была единственной женщиной получившей Нобелевскую премию дважды.

ГИА (ОГЭ). Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике и лексике
Задания 18-26

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18-26, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18-26.

Big Ben
Do you know what Big Ben is? Many tourists believe that the big clock on the tower of the Palace of Westminster 18) is called Big Ben.
However, Big Ben is actually the bell of the clock. It is still the 19) biggest clock bell in Britain. It weighs 13.5 tons.
The clock tower is 318 feet high. You will have to go up 374 steps if you want to reach the top. So the clock 20) looks small from the pavement below the tower. But 21) its face is 23 feet wide. It would only just fit into some classrooms. I wish we 22) could have it in our classroom! The minute-hand is 14 feet long. Its weight is equal to that of two bags of coal. The hour-hand is 9 feet long.
The clock bell 23) got its name Big Ben from Sir Benjamin Hall. He had the job of putting the bell up. Sir Benjamin was a big man. On the 24) first day of the Parliament session he said, ‘Shall we call the bell St. Stephen’s?’ St. Stephen’s was the name of the tower.
But someone shouted, ‘Why not call it Big Ben?’ as a joke, and now the bell 25) is known all over the world by that name.
A lot of people say it’s the 26) most beautiful place in London — so come and visit!

Биг Бен
Вы знаете, что такое Биг Бен? Многие туристы считают, что большие часы на башне Вестминстерского дворца называются Биг-Бен.
Однако, Биг-Бен на самом деле колокол часов. Это по-прежнему самые большие часы колокол в Британии. Он весит 13,5 тонн.
Башня с часами высотой 318 футов. Вам придется пройти 374 ступеньки, если вы хотите достичь вершины. Так что часы выглядят маленькими с тротуара под башней. Но их циферблат шириной 23 фута. Он бы только вошел в некоторые классные комнаты. Я бы хотел иметь такие в нашем классе! Минутная стрелка длиной 14 футов. Ее вес равен двум мешкам угля. Часовая стрелка длиной 9 футов.
Часы колокол получили свое название Биг-Бен от сэра Бенджамина Холла. Он устанавливал колокол. Сэр Бенджамин был крупным человеком. В первый день сессии парламента, он сказал: «Мы назовем его колокол Святого Стефана? Святой Стефан было название башни. Но кто-то крикнул: «Почему бы не назвать его Биг-Бен? в шутку, и теперь колокол известен во всем мире под этим именем.
Многие люди говорят, что это самое красивое место в Лондоне – приезжайте и посмотрите!

Задания 27-32
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27-32, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 27-32.

The British Museum
The British Museum has one of the largest libraries in the world. It has a copy of 27) practically every book that has been printed in the English language, so there are more than six million books there. They receive nearly two thousand books and papers daily.
The British Museum Library has a very big 28) collection of printed books and manuscripts, both old and new. You can see old manuscripts with 29) fantastic pictures. They keep these manuscripts in glass cases.
You can also find there some of the first English books printed by William Caxton. He was a 30) printer who lived in the fifteenth century. He made the first printing press in England.
In the 31) reading room of the British Museum many famous people have read and studied. Charles Dickens, a very popular English writer and the author of David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, Dombey and Son and other books, spent a lot of time in the British Museum Library.
Every tourist must visit the British Museum — it’s an unforgettable place and a 32) wonderful experience.

Британский музей
Британский музей обладает одной из крупнейших библиотек в мире. В нем есть копии практически каждой книги, которая была напечатана на английском языке, так что там более шести миллионов книг. Они получают почти две тысячи книг и статей ежедневно.
Библиотека Британского музея имеет очень большую коллекцию печатных книг и рукописей, старых и новых. Вы можете увидеть старые рукописи с фантастическими картинками. Они хранят эти рукописи в витринах.
Вы также можете найти там некоторые из первых английских книг, напечатанных Уильямом Кекстоном. Он был печатником, который жил в пятнадцатом веке. Он сделал первый печатный станок в Англии.
В читальном зале Британского музея многие известные люди читали и учились. Чарльз Диккенс, очень популярный английский писатель и автор Дэвида Копперфилда, Оливера Твиста, Домби и сын и других книг, провел много времени в библиотеке Британского музея.
Каждый турист должен посетить Британский музей — это незабываемое место и удивительный опыт.

ГИА (ОГЭ). Раздел 4. Задание по письму
Обратите внимание на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма письма. Письма недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

Задание 33
You have 30 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Sally.
… As I have probably written to you, my mum has got a new position. She has to work longer hours and for the time being I have to help her much more than I used to. …
What duties about the house do you have? Which ones do you enjoy doing and why? Are there any duties you don’t like doing? …
Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.
Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

У вас есть 30 минут, чтобы выполнить это задание.
Вы получили письмо от вашего англоговорящего друга по переписке, Салли.
… Как я уже, наверное, писала тебе, моя мама получила новую должность. Ей приходится работать больше часов и сейчас я должна помогать ей гораздо больше, чем я привыкла.
…Какие обязанности по дому у тебя есть? Какие из них тебе нравится делать и почему? Существуют ли какие-либо обязанности, которые тебе не нравится делать? …
Напишите ей письмо и ответьте на ее 3 вопроса.
Напишите 100-120 слов. Помните правила письма.

ГИА (ОГЭ). Раздел 5. Задания по говорению
Задание 34

Task 1
Give a talk about holidays and festivals. – Поговорите о праздниках и фестивалях.
Remember to say: — не забудьте сказать
• what holidays and festivals are popular in our country; — какие праздники и фестивали пользуются популярностью в нашей стране;
• what traditions connected with them you know; — какие традиции, связанные с ними, вы знаете;
• what is your favourite holiday/festival and why you like it so much. — каков ваш любимый праздник и почему он вам так нравится.
You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions. — Вы должны говорить в течение 1,5-2 минут. Экзаменатор будет слушать, пока вы не закончите. Затем он / она задаст вам несколько вопросов.

Задание 35
Task 2 (2-3 minutes)
You play the part of a student in an international language school. There will be a sports event at your school soon and you want to take part in the competition. On campus you see your classmate Jane/John who is a member of the organising committee. — Вы играете роль студента в международной языковой школе. Будет спортивное событие в вашей школе в ближайшее время, и вы хотите принять участие в конкурсе. На территории комплекса вы видите вашего одноклассника Джейн / Джона, который является членом оргкомитета.

• Ask your classmate how you can participate in the event. – Спросите вашего одноклассника, как вы можете принять участие в этом мероприятии.
• Answer your classmate’s questions about your favourite kinds of sport. – Ответьте на вопросы одноклассника о ваших любимых видах спорта.
• Answer the questions about what sports are popular among young people in Russia. — Ответьте на вопросы о том, какие виды спорта пользуются популярностью среди молодежи в России.
• Reject the invitation to go to the cinema. Give an excuse. — Отклоните приглашение пойти в кино. Извинитесь.
You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of your classmate. — Вы начинаете разговор. Экзаменатор будет играть роль вашего одноклассника.
Remember to: — помните
• mention all four aspects of the task; — отметить все четыре аспекта задания;
• take an active part in the conversation and be polite. — принимать активное участие в разговоре и быть вежливым.


(11-15) 8 Тренировочные тесты для подготовки к ОГЭ

Test 11

Закончи предложения.

Eating out in America

Eating out in America is an easy and common thing. There are eating places of every sort, informal and small or formal, expensive or inexpensive, and with the food of any country you might like. You choose depending on your purse and mood. If you are going to informal restaurant or café you don’t have to make a reservation first. But if you are going to a respectable restaurant it’s a good idea to reserve a table in advance, otherwise you may not get in. When you finally get your table you are given a menu by the waiter or waitress if it is a café. They give you a little time to look it over and then the person waiting on you comes back and takes your order. Typically you would order a salad; lettuce salad is often the only choice, a main course, and a desert. When you are ready to leave you ask for the bill. Americans often pay with a credit card. After the waiter brings back the receipt you put a 15% on the tray in cash, as tips.

  1. Eating out in America is…

  1. Simple b) unusual c) difficult

  1. You choose depending on …

  1. Location b) amount of money c) your age

  1. If you are going to a respectable restaurant…

  1. Invite your friends

  2. Pay beforehand

  3. Book the table

  1. Typically they order…

  1. Three courses b) only starter c) only desert

  1. After the waiter brings back the receipt….

  1. You only pay for the bill

  2. You leave a small sum of money

  3. You leave your credit card.

Прочитайте рассказ и выберите подходящий ответ A, B, C, для каждого пропуска.

My brother, his wife, and their two daughters came to visit me and I promised the girls to take them (6)___an amusement park. I don’t really like roller coasters, but I knew the kids would like it. (7)___Saturday morning, we drove down to the theme park. We parked and took a shuttle to the park entrance. We looked (8)____the ticket prices and decided to buy a day pass for each of us. Maria, the younger (9)___the two kids, is only 2 years old, and children (10)___three get in free. The first thing we did was stand in line (11)___the biggest attraction in the park: a really big roller coaster. After that we planned to meet near the fountain to watch the parade (12)___2 o’clock. I really don’t like roller coasters. When we got (13)___, I felt queasy and had to sit down (14)___a few minutes before I could walk again. All in all, we had a good day (15)___the amusement park. But, it will be long time (16)___I go on a roller coaster again!


A in

B for

C to


A on

B in

C by


A at

B in

C for


A in

B of

C with


A over

B under

C about


A for

B on

C to


A in

B on

C at


A on

B off

C up


A at

B in

C for


A at

B on

C with


A before

B for

C after

Прочитайте текст. Используйте слова, написанные в скобках, для образования слов так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

Faryl Smith is (17)____(Britain) teen mezzo-soprano who became (18)____(fame) after appearing on television talent show Britain’s Got talent in 2008. Throughout the (19)____(compete) she was the (20)____(favour), but she finished outside the top three in the live final. After the show, she, unlike other (21)___(final), signed a contract with (22)____(universe) Classics and Jazz. Her debut album, Faryl, came out in March 2009. Smith’s second album was Wonderland. The album was well-received by critics, but was not (23)____(success) in the charts. In (24)____(add) to the album she performed at numerous events, including the 2009 Royal variety (25)____(perform). Faryl Smith lives with her parents in Kettering, where she is currently taking a gap year before applying to the Royal Academy of Music.

Test 12

Закончи предложения.

Going to the Theatre

Many big towns in England have professional theatres now. There are about 200 professional theatres in Great Britain but London is the centre of theatrical activity. There are over thirty important theatres in the West End. The Royal Opera House at Covent Garden is the home of opera and ballet. Some theatres stage ‘classics’ and serious drama. A lot of English people are fond of light comedy and musicals. They are very popular in England. The evening performances begin at 7.30 or 8.00 p.m. there is a rush hour at this time in the West End. A lot of people come out of nearby underground station, taxis and private cars drop theatre-goers outside the entrance to each theatre. There is another rush hour when the performances are over. It is certainly not easy to book a seat for a good play in London though the seats are not cheap. That is why some people prefer matinees (they start at 1-3 p.m.) but you will never see famous stars in these performances.

  1. There are over 200 professional theatres in Britain but London is a_____.

  2. The Royal Opera House is a_______.

  3. A lot of English people are fond of_______.

  4. There is a rush hour in the West End______.

  5. It is not easy to book a seat for a good play in London though_____.

  6. Some people prefer matinees but_______.

  1. Not very serious performances.

  2. Theatrical centre.

  3. The tickets are very expensive.

  4. After the working day.

  5. They can’t see famous actors there.

  6. Place where you can see ballet and opera performances.

Прочитайте рассказ и выберите подходящий ответ A, B, C, для каждого пропуска.

The laws (7)____Chess and the (8)____of the (9)_____Chess pieces have been the (10)____since the sixth century of the second millennium. The game was (11)____in China in the 2nd century B.C. but it is not until the 7th century that (12)____is a reference to the (13)____in literature. The first (14)___of Chess is found in a Persian poem. In Russia folk poems Chess is mentioned as a popular game. The growing (15)____ of Chess is proved by a lot of literature that (16)____printed over the last two centuries.


A for

B of

C about


A move

B moving

C movement


A tradition

B traditional

C traditions


A same

B alike

C like


A found

B seen

C invented


A it

B there

C their


A play

B game

C playing


A say

B mention

C saying


A popular

B famous

C popularity


A is

B was

C has been

Прочитайте текст. Используйте слова, написанные в скобках, для образования слов так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

The Lion and the Mouse

A Lion (17)___(sleep). A Mouse (18)____(run) over his body. He (19)____(wake) and (20)____(catch) her. The Mouse said:”Let me go, and I (21)___(do) you a favour!” The Lion laughed:”What can (22)___(mouse) do to help a lion? I am (23)___(strong0than all of you” but her go. Then the hunters (24)____(catch) the Lion and tired him with a rope to a tree. The Mouse (25)___(hear) the Lion’s roar, (26)___(run), gnawed (перегрызла) the rope through, and said:”You (27)___(remember0? You laughed, not thinking that I (28)____(can) repay, but now you see that a favour may come from a (29)___(small) and (30)___(weak) animal.

In old times (31)___(Egypt) children played similar games to the ones they play today. They also played with dolls, toy soldiers (32)____(wood) animals, balls, marbles, spinning tops. Most children in Egypt didn’t go to school. Instead boys learnt (33)____(farm) or other trades from their fathers. Girls learnt (34)___(sew), (35)___(cook) and other skills from their mothers. Boys from (36)____(wealth) families sometimes learnt to be scribes. They learnt by (37)____(COPY) and (38)____(memorise) and discipline was strict. (39)____(teach) beat naughty boys. The boys learnt reading and (40)____(write) and also mathematics.

Test 13

Отметьте предложения как правильные (True) или неправильные (False)

The exercise craze

Old and young, men and women are jogging, dancing, jumping up and down, bending and stretching. Exercise is in fashion. Everybody wants to be fit, feel good, look slim, and stay young. It started with jogging. Millions of Americans put on their new coloured sports shoes and fashionable jogging suits and ran through the parks or along the streets for half an hour a day. Then the joggers got the marathon craze. Popular marathons are now held everywhere. Lots of people want to see if they can run 42 kms and do it faster than everyone else. The big city marathons, in London and New York, are important sporting events. Television cameras and newspapers report them in detail. Some remarkable people take part in the marathons: seventy-five year old grandfathers and nine year old grandchildren, and even disabled in wheelchairs. But marathons are not for everyone. Some prefer to get fit at home. For them, there’s a big choice of books, cassettes and video programmers with music and instructions. Sometimes the action is more like dancing than exercises. That’s why one big company calls it ‘ Dancercise’. Taking exercise is only one part of keeping fit. You’ve got to get slim too. Books and magazines about slimming are bestsellers and these days.

  1. Everybody is doing it, old and young, men and women._____

  2. Millions of Americans ran through the parks or along the streets._______

  3. The big city marathons, in London, New York, are important sporting events._____

  4. Everyone takes part in marathons.______

  5. People can’t get fit at home._______

Прочитайте рассказ и выберите подходящий ответ A, B, C, для каждого пропуска.

Water – the Stuff of Life!

What would we do without water? Every (6)___thing needs water. The Earth is the only planet that has water on it, and it is the only planet that has water on it, and it is the only planet known to support life. The Earth is (7)___covered with water. Over three-quarters of the (8)___of the surface is water. Water fills oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. There is also a large amount of water that we (9)___, underground. Most water is in liquid form, but water (10)___also exist in solid ice form, in places (11)___it is very cold. Water can also be in gas form, such as in clouds and as fog. Foggy weather means (12)___there is a lot of water in the air. Without water, (13)____on the Earth would die. All plants and animals need water (14)___ live. People and animals usually get their water (15)___the lakes and streams around them. However, in some countries, people get their water from salty oceans and seas. They must (16)___remove the salt to get drinkable water. How (17)___ desert trees survive in places where there is no water? Plants and trees get their water from the ground (18)___their roots. Their roots must dig deep to get the water (19)___need. Water is the stuff of life!


A living

B lived

C live


A most

B more

C mostly


A earth of

B earth

C earth’s


A not see

B don’t see

C doesn’t see


A could

B can’t

C can


A where

B who

C when


A that

B what

C which


A all

B everything

C nothing


A to

B for

C —


A of

B out

C from


A at first

B first

C firstly


A does

B do

C —


A using

B used

C use


A it

B their

C they

Прочитайте текст. Используйте слова, написанные в скобках, для образования слов так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

Hobbies are usual (20)____(active) for people who lead quiet, relaxed lives. However, people with full, busy, even (21)_____(stress) lives may need hobbies more than the average person. For those who feel (22)___(worry) by (23)___(responsible), it may be difficult to find the time to sit and relax. Hobbies can help people feel that they’re not just ‘sitting around’, but are using their time for something (24)___(product). Many hobbies include group (25)____(product): golfing clubs, knitting circles, and (26)____(create) writing groups are good examples. Hobbies that connect you with others can bring social support, which can bring (27)_____(mean) to life.

The Tale of two Frogs

A group of frogs (28)____(travel) through the woods, and two of them (29)___(fall) into a deep pit when the others (30)___(see) how deep the pit was, they (31)___(tell) the two frogs that they (32)____(be) as good as dead. One of the frogs (33)___(give) up and (34)___(die). The other frog continued to jump as hard as he (35)___(can). Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even (36)___(hard) and (37)____(final) (38)___(make) it out. When he (39)____(get) out, the other frogs said, “(40)___(not hear) you us?” the frog explained to them: “I (41)____(think) you (42)___(encourage) me.”

Test 14

Отметьте предложения как правильные (True) или неправильные (False)

Most British and American state schools provide their students with the option to eat lunch at school, but do they provide them with the option to eat well? Jamie Oliver is one of Britain’s most popular stars. He’s a young cook whose TV and cookery programmes are watched by millions. In his last TV series, he tried to make British school dinner both eatable and healthy. He showed just how poor many school diets were. Many of them contained too many fats and carbohydrates and not enough vitamins. His campaign to get tastier and healthier school meals called Feed me better has caused politicians to take the problem seriously and promise to improve the quality of food on school dinner plates. Obesity is on the increase in all western countries. The biggest causes are bad diet and people being less active than they were in the past. Some people allege that schools also make the problem worse because they allow the sale of fizzy drinks and sugary snacks in school tuck shops and vending machines. Other people believe that advertising is to blame. UK politicians are promoting a voluntary agreement to stop junk food advertising at times when younger children watch the television.

  1. Most teens don’t have healthy food at school________

  2. Jamie Oliver is a famous school teacher.______

  3. J. Oliver’s aim is to change meal at school.______

  4. Teens are getting fatter in western countries.______

  5. School canteens don’t serve fast food.______

  6. Adverts learn teens to eat fast food.______

Прочитайте рассказ и выберите подходящий ответ A, B, C, для каждого пропуска.

What’s (7)___with Junk Food

Too much fat! Hamburgers, pizza, fried chicken and chips (8)___ contain lots of bad fats. Too much fat leads to obesity and it is a risk (9)___the health and causes different (10)___. There is too much salt in junk food. It’s also (11)___ . There is too (12)___ sugar! It spoils teeth and is bad (13)___the blood. Of course, the body needs some fat, salt and sugar for energy (14)___while we (15)___. Probably, it is OK to eat junk food sometimes. Choose grilled fish and chicken instead of fried, vegetarian pizza instead of (16)___meat type pizza.


A bad

B different

C wrong


A never

B usually

C seldom


A to

B for

C from


A ill

B sick

C illnesses


A harm

B harmful

C harmless


A a lot of

B many

C much


A of

B for

C because


A burning

B to burn

C burn


A work and play

B are working and playing

C have worked and played


A fat

B fatter

C fatty

Прочитайте текст. Используйте слова, написанные в скобках, для образования слов так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

At home, robots can be as helpful as or even (17)___(good) than a human being. Early in the morning when we (18)___( sleep), a small robot can (19)___(bring) us some coffee, even add some spices to the coffee. In the future many disabled people (20)___(have) a domestic robot which (21)____(perform) specific and detailed functions in order (22)___(help) them. The future of robots (23)___(look) bright. A new medical robot (24)___(make) its way to hospitals around the world. This robot (25)___(perform) many surgeries last year, and the company (26)___(look)bat about a 55% increase in its use next year. There (27)___(be) also a Dutch robot (28)___(call) the “TankPitstop” that (29)___(fill) the gas in people’s cars without any help. Sumsung, an electronics company, (30)___(make) a security robot that detects danger. Robots seem to give benefits to the world but there (31)___(be) negative elements about them, for example, people can lose jobs because of the robots.

Lucky British Students

For the last three years, a group of (32)___(luck) 8-10- year-olds have taken part in an (33)___-(excite) experiment: to see if replacing (34)___(tradition) pencil and paper with hi-tech (35)___(interact) desks would help to improve their math skills! 400 students from North East Britain took part in the research project aimed at classroom (36)___(learn) through technology. The new type of desks allowed the (37)___(teach) to give math problems to the students to solve solo or as a group. What was even cooler was that the (38)___(educate) could (39)___(interactive) give (40)___(differ) problems to (41)__(differ) groups and send one group’s answer to another, to see if they agreed.

Test 15

Поставьте все части текста в нужной логической последовательности.

  1. Tea means two things. It is a drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes, and, of course, a cup of tea. Cream teas are popular. You have scones ( a kind of cake) with cream and jam.

  2. A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal- sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms. But nowadays many people just have cereal with milk and sugar, or toast with marmalade, jam or honey. Marmalade and jam are not the same. Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit. The traditional breakfast drink is tea, which people have with cold milk. Some people have coffee, often instant coffee, which is made with hot water. Many visitors to Britain find this coffee disgusting.

  3. British like food from other countries, too, especially Italian, French, Chinese and Indian. People often get take-away meals. You buy the food at the restaurant and then bring it home to eat. Eating in Britain is quite international.

  4. On Sunday many families have a traditional lunch. They have roast meat, either feef, lamb, chicken or pork, with potatoes, vegetables and gravy. Gravy is a sauce made from the meat juices.

  5. For many people lunch is a quick meal, in cities there are a lot of sandwiches bars, where office workers can choose the kind of bread they want-brown, white or a roll-and then all sorts of salad and meat or fish to go in the sandwich. Pubs often serve good, cheap food, both hot and cold. School children can have a hot meal at school, but many just take a snack from home.

  6. The evening meal is the main meal of the day for many people. They usually have it quite early, between 6 and 8 p. m., and often the whole family eats together.

Прочитайте рассказ и выберите подходящий ответ A, B, C, для каждого пропуска.

Yesterday I was very angry with my classmates at school because they broke my calculator. I began fighting. While I was fighting, I got a (7)___. In the evening I was sent to (8)___by my parents. The doctor examined my eyes and advised me to wear dark glasses. Then he gave me a (9)_____ because he wanted to take my temperature. The temperature wasn’t high. But I didn’t want to go to school and I said that I had a splitting (10)___. The doctor asked the (11)___to give me some medicine for my headache. “You should take the (12)___three times a day”, he said. When I was going home I slipped, fell and (13)____my leg. I was sent to the local hospital again. The doctor (14)___my leg and put a bandage round my knee and helped me to sit in a(n) (15)___and I was moved to the ward. The (16)___were all asleep in their beds. I wanted to (17)___. In the morning the nurse brought the syringe (шприц) for injections. I was a afraid of them, but the doctor was afraid of complications. In some days I felt (18)___ and left the hospital.


A sore throat

B black eye

C cut


A hospital

B pharmacy

C ambulance


A cold pack

B painkiller

C thermometer


A stomachache

B toothache

C headache


A nurse

B patient

C friend


A light meal

B rest

C pills


A chipped

B hurt

C examined


A stretched

B examined

C measured


A car

B armchair

C wheel chair


A doctors

B athletes

C patients


A cry

B shout

C laugh


A worse

B better

C best

Прочитайте текст. Используйте слова, написанные в скобках, для образования слов так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

Survey Questions on Amusement Parks

(19)___(visit) you ever ___an amusement park? If so, what (20)___(be) it called? Where (21)___(be)? What (22)___(be) the best amusement park you have ever visited? Why? What (23)____(be) your favourite/worst ride or activity? Why? How regularly (24)____(visit) you ___amusement parks? (25)___(can) you think of a ride that is both enjoyable and popular? (26)___(be) you afraid of going on scary amusement park rides? What (27)___(be) some famous amusement parks near where you live? (28)___(be) you____-to them? How much (29)___(cost) it___to enter? What rides (30)__(be)___this amusement park famous for? (31)__(have)___you____ any plans to go to an amusement park in the near future?

Ideas Change the World

Centuries ago the libraries in monasteries were the places to hide books. The (32)___(invent) of the (33)___(print) press unlocked the information, opened the books to the public. It marked a great (34)____(politics), economic and (35)___(culture) change. When computers were invented in the 20th century, they were viewed (36)___(original) as engines to do (37)___(calculate). A group of (38)____(America) (39)___(science) began to look at computers as ways to communicate. They had an (40)____(instinct) (41)___(feel) that electronic ( communicate) could become of general use. They believed that the introduction of script technology could make everyone a (42)___(publish) in the situation of the explosion in the information distribution. It was (43)___(possible) to imagine for the original (44)___(invent) of the printing press!

Test 11: 1-a, 2- b, 3- c, 4- a, 5- b, 6- c, 7- a, 8- a, 9- b, 10-b, 11- c, 12- b, 13- c, 14- c, 15- a, 16- a, 17- British, 18- famous, 19- competition, 20- favourite, 21- finalists, 22- universal, 23- successful, 24- addition, 25- performance.

Test 12:1- b, 2- f, 3- a, 4-d, 5- c, 6- e, 7-b, 8- b, 9- b, 10-a, 11- a, 12- b, 13- b, 14- a, 15-c, 16- c, 17- was sleeping, 18- ran, 19- woke, 20-caught, 21- will do, 22- mice, 23- stronger, 24- caught, 25- heard, 26- ran, 27- don’t remember, 28- are able to, 29- smaller, 30- weaker, 31- Egyption,32- wooden, 33- farming, 34- sewing, 35- cooking, 36- wealthy, 37- copying, 38- memorizing, 39- teachers, 40- writing.

Test 13:1- T, 2- T, 3- T, 4- F, 5- F, 6- a, 7- c, 8- c, 9- b, 10- c, 11- a, 12- a, 13- b, 14- a, 15-c, 16-a, 17-b, 18-a, 19-c, 20- actively, 21- stressful, 22- worried, 23- responsibility, 24- productive, 25- activities, 26- creative, 27- meaning, 28- were travelling, 29- fell, 30- saw, 31- told, 32- were, 33- gave, 34- died, 35- could, 36- harder, 37- finally, 38- made, 39- got, 40- didn’t you hear, 41- thought, 42- were encouraging,

Test 14:1- T, 2-F, 3- T, 4-T, 5- F, 6- T, 7- c, 8- b, 9- b, 10- c, 11-b, 12-c, 13-b, 14- a, 15- b 16-c, 17- better, 18- are sleeping, 19- bring, 20-will have, 21- will perform, 22- to help, 23- looks, 24- is making, 25- has performed, 26- is looking for, 27- is, 28- called, 29- fills, 30- made, 31- are, 32- lucky, 33- exciting, 34- traditional, 35- interactive, 36- learning, 37- teacher, 38- education, 39- interactively, 40- different, 41- different.

Test 15: 1- B, 2- E, 3-A, 4- F, 5-D, 6- C,7-b, 8- a, 9-c, 10- c, 11- a, 12- c, 13- b, 14- b, 15- c, 16- c, 17- a, 18- b, 19- have visited, 20- was, 21- was, 22- was, 23- is, 24- do visit, 25- could, 26- are, 27- are, 28- have been, 29- does cost, 30- is, 31- did have, 32- invention, 33- printed, 34- political, 35- cultural, 36- originally, 37- calculations, 38- American, 39- scientists, 40- instinctive, 41- feeling, 42- communication, 43- publisher, 44- impossible, 45- invention..


Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку в формате ОГЭ 8 класс

Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку в формате ОГЭ

8 класс


    Прочитайте текст о русском национальном костюме. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А5-А8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1-True), какие не соответствуют (2-False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3- Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

    In the Russian National Costume Museum you can see a variety of national costumes that come from all regions of Russia. A peasant shirt, kosovorotka, was a very popular item of clothing in the 18th century. It could be worn every day and on special occasions, at home and at work. Men wore shirts to their knees and women wore them to their ankles. The sarafan was either a sleeveless dress or a high skirt with stripes. Girls and young women wore it.

    The most common type of festive headdress was kokoshnik. It was worn in the 18th and 19th century. The materials used to decorative headdress were gold, silver, pearl and decorative stones. Kokoshniks were very expensive and were handed down from generation to generation.

    The men’s trousers, made of rough linen, were called portki. Women wore a long woolen skirt called a poneva which dates from the 19th and early 20th century. The poneva was worn by married women. In the winter both men and women wore sheepskin overcoats, usually with fur on the inside, called polushubok.

    Both men and women wore bast shoes, lapti, which were worn over homespun onuchi – narrow strips of cotton wrapped around the lower leg – and valenki – felt shoes. Some peasants also had leather footwear: koty for women and leather boots for men.


    A1. Men’s shirts differed from women’s by length.

    1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

    A2. The sarafan was usually worn by women in the summer.

    1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

    A3. Russian women wore kokoshniks every day.

    1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

    A4. Sheepskin overcoats were worn only by men.

    1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

    Лексика и грамматика. Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В3- В8, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию.

      B1. Madonna is one of the___________________ singers in the world. SUCCESFUL

      B2. She _______________ with the local church choir (хор) at the age of 4. START

      She went to the university of Michigan but later she left for New York

      B3. where she went to dance school. She produced her ______________ ONE

      B4. album at the age of 24 and she ________________ many successful songs PRODUCE

      since then. She has also starred in several films.

      B5. Madonna is hardworking and clever and she _____________ going to the gym, LIKE

      to parties, to the theatre and to the cinema.

      B6. At present she ____________to record a new album. PLAN

      Раздел IV. Письмо.

      С1. You have received a letter from your English pen-friend Sandy, who writes:

      … I can’t really understand why all my friends are crazy about soap operas. I think soaps are silly and boring. They don’t show life realistically, do they? And what about you? What kinds of films do you like watching? Do you prefer watching films in the cinema or at home? Why?

      We all miss you, too. Everybody sends their love. Can’t wait to see you in summer. Write back soon.

      Write back to Sandy.

      In your letter

      answer her questions

      ask her 3 questions about her family

      Write 100-140 words.

      Remember the rules of letter writing.

      KEY 8 grade


      А1. True

      A2. Not stated

      A3. False

      A4. False

      Лексика и грамматика.


      B2. STARTED

      B3. FIRST


      B5. LIKES





      Материал для подготовки к ЕГЭ (ГИА) по английскому языку (8 класс): Задания по чтению в формате ОГЭ для 8 классов

           Данные  задания составлены для учащихся 8 класса для отработки навыков чтения в формате

      ОГЭ по английскому языку. В работе рассматриваются 3 примера разных типов заданий на базе одного набора фрагментов текста. Тип задания: определение истинности/ ложности высказываний/ отсутствия информации в прочитанном тексте.

         Для каждого типа задания определен вид отрабатываемых навыков, вид представления задания и дан план действий (пошаговая инструкция) по выполнению задания теста данного типа.  


      Данный тип обучающего теста используется для  отработки навыков определения основной идеи текста или каждого его отрывка.

      Задание состоит в подборе наиболее подходящего заголовка, отражающего основную мысль каждого параграфа. Каждый заголовок можно использовать только 1 раз. Обычно задается один лишний заголовок. Из альтернативных вариантов следует выбирать наиболее точно отражающий главную мысль данной части текста.

      1.  Внимательно прочитайте задание. Искомый заголовок должен отражать основную мысль параграфа.

       2. Просмотрите перечень заголовков.

       3. Прочитайте первый параграф. Помните что цель чтения – определить только главную  мысль параграфа. Не тратьте усилия и время на уточнение подробностей и поиски смысла отдельных незнакомых слов.

       4. Выберите из списка заголовок, наиболее точно отражающий смысл прочитанного параграфа. При возникновении сомнений временно оставьте этот параграф и перейдите к следующему. К пропущенному параграфу вы сможете вернуться позже.

      5.  Проверьте, чтобы выбранные заголовки параграфов не повторялись.

      Раздел 2. (задания по чтению)

      Задание 1. Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами A-E, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1-6. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

      1. A private place
      2. History of the Store
      3. The Sales
      4. Location & Management
      5. Recommendation

      6.         Departments & Services

      A. «Enter a Different World», it says on the doormat, and this is what you do when you visit Harrods in Knightsbridge, London. Harrods is «the world’s most celebrated store», says Chairman Mr. Mohamed A1 Fayed.

      B. In the beginning, though, Harrods was just a small grocer’s shop. It was opened in 1849 and run by Charles Henry Harrod. His son took over and added medicines and perfumes, as well as fruit, flowers, sweets and a van delivery service. Over the years, Harrods has survived a fire, two World Wars and even two bombings. In 1983, Harrods moved abroad and opened a branch in Japan and later others in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan, as well as airport shops in most major European cities.

      C. Today, around 35 000 people visit Harrods every day. It has got 300 departmen spread over seven floors and employs over 4000 staff. It also has eight doormen, known as ’Green Men’, as well as its own fire brigade, security personnel, doctors and nurses. Harrods is the official supplier of certain goods to the Royal Family, and sells everything from clothes to caviar. The Food Halls are still the heart and soul of Harrods. In addition to the nineteen bars and restaurants in the store, there is a bank, a travel agent’s, a dry cleaner’s.

      D. January and July are very busy months for Harrods because they are sale times. Over 300 000 customers visit the store on the first day alone. Many people sleep outside the store all night to be first in when the doors open on the first day.

      E. «Аll things, for all people, everywhere» is the store’s motto. The Harrods name means the best of British quality, service and style. All in all, Harrods is a fascinating place to visit.

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             Данный тип обучающего теста служит отработке навыков восприятия общего смысла высказывания и понимания его в перефразированном виде; умения анализировать смысл высказывания автора.

           Предлагается текст и набор истинных и ложных высказываний по его содержанию. Требуется определить истинность данных высказываний.  

      1. Ознакомьтесь с заданием: прочитайте внимательно,  есть ли в списке высказываний только  истинные и ложные высказывания или следует определять еще и категорию «не упомянуто»; какие буквы/знаки следует использовать для обозначений.

       2. Прочитайте первое высказывание. Найдите в тексте абзац по теме данного высказывания.

       3. Прочитайте внимательно найденный абзац, вдумываясь в смысл каждой фразы. Примите решение об истинности высказывания.

      Задание 2. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 7–12 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа.

      Arthur Conan Doyle

           This well-known Scottish author was the creator of the famous fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes, and his loyal friend, Dr. Watson. Although Doyle wrote many other pieces, including historical novels, political essays and plays, we will always remember him for his Sherlock Holmes’ mysteries.

           In Scandal in Bohemia, the King of Bohemia hires Sherlock Holmes to help him to find some letters and a photograph that might be used by a woman, Irene Adler, to blackmail the King and ruin his reputation.

           The Count sprang from his chair, paced nervously up and down the room, then took off the mask and threw it on the floor.

           «You are right!» he cried. «I am the King. Why should I try to hide it?»

           «Why, indeed?» said Holmes. «I knew, even before you spoke, that you were the Grand Duke of Cassel-Felstein and the King of Bohemia.»

      7. The visitor is wearing expensive clothes.

      1) True                             2) False                                                   3) Not stated


      8. The visitor’s mouth and chin are hidden by a mask.

      1) True                             2) False                                                   3) Not stated


      9. The visitor says he is Count von Kramm.

      1) True                             2) False                                                   3) Not stated


      10. The visitor is unsure whether to trust Watson.

      1) True                             2) False                                                   3) Not stated


      11. Holmes does not know why the visitor has come.

      1) True                             2) False                                                   3) Not stated


      12. Holmes realises the visitor is the King when he takes off the mask.

      1) True                             2) False                                                   3) Not stated


             Данный тип обучающего теста предназначен для отработки навыков просмотра текста на предмет понимания общего смысла  и отдельных деталей.

      Предлагается список неполных предложений, которые надо дополнить, используя информацию из прочитанного текста.

      1. Внимательно прочитайте задание.

      2. Просмотрите все неполные предложения и определите, какую именно информацию надо  искать в тексте.

      3. Внимательно прочитайте первое предложение. Определите, какого рода информации в нем не хватает.

      4. Найдя нужный фрагмент текста, посмотрите на неполное предложение и решите, какой именно информацией следует его дополнить.

      5. Прочитайте найденный фрагмент текста более внимательно, чтобы найти ответ. Проверьте, согласуется ли он с заданным предложением грамматически.  

      Задание 3. Прочитайте текст и дополните пропуски неполными предложениями, которые должны соответствовать информации исходного текста.

      Libraries in England

      a. at a time

      b. for another fortnight

      c. from which

      d. can be kept for

      e. if there

      f. one of the most

      g. any kind of

           There are public libraries, 1. ______ we may all borrow books, and private libraries, from which only some people may borrow books. There is a public library in every town in Great Britain. There are branch libraries in most villages. In most towns there are special libraries for children. 2. _____ famous libraries in England is the library of the British Museum in London.

           Anyone may become a member of a library, and it costs nothing to borrow books. Libraries lend

      3. ______ books. Three books may be borrowed 4. _______, but only two may be novels. 5. _____ are four persons in the family, they can between them take home twelve books. These books 6. _______ a fortnight. If at the end of the fortnight you have not finished reading a book, you may renew it 7. _____. If the book you is out, you may ask for it to be kept for you.

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