8 класс

Контрольные работы по английскому языку 8 класс spotlight с ответами – Ответы на Test Booklet Spotlight 8 класс Эванс Дули Ваулина

Spotlight 8 Exit Test ОТВЕТЫ

Spotlight 8 Exit Test Module 1-8

Spotlight 8 Exit Test ОТВЕТЫ — итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе с ответами (модули 1-8) из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 8 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение. Цитаты из пособия указаны в учебных целях.


Vocabulary and Grammar

           A Choose the correct item.
1 Don’t be late. The film……at 8:00 pm.
A is starting      В will start      C starts
2 The plane took off ten minutes after the last passenger had…..it.
A caught     В booked     C boarded
3 This picture …… at the beginning of the century.
A was painted     В had painted     C painted
4 Look at Martha’s expression. She ………… screaming any minute now!
A is starting     В is going to start      C will start
5 Lisa …. have cooked this delicious meal. She doesn’t even know how to boil an egg!
A mustn’t        В shouldn’t        C can’t
6 Dan’s health has really ….. ever since he stopped eating junk food.
A developed       В increased      C improved
7 Nathan is …… selfish to care about what others think of him.
A very        В too         C enough
8 We…….half the rubbish on the beach by the time Jeff arrived.
A have cleaned up     В had cleaned up       C had been cleaning up
9 Ben tells the……jokes I’ve ever heard.
A funnier      В funniest        C most funny
10 When his mother asked him if he knew anything about the broken window, he just ……….his shoulders and said nothing.
A crossed      В clenched      C shrugged
11 Gary didn’t mean……you. He was just in a bad mood.
A hurt   В hurting     C to hurt
12 Anne asked her new classmate where …….. from.
A did he come       В he came         C does he come
13 Make sure you wear a hat when you’re out in the……weather.
A steaming     В boiling        C baking
14 If Frank…. us, we wouldn’t have finished the project on time.
A wouldn’t help        В didn’t help            C hadn’t helped
15 We…….for three hours before we decided to take a break.
A must be trekking          В had been trekking        C have been trekking
16 A good way to …….. a problem is to think about it calmly and carefully.
A win         В beat         C gain
17 After living in London for a few months, Emma finally……driving on the left.
A used to        В got used to          C was used to
18 It ….. like the bus is running late. Let’s catch a taxi.
A is looking         В has looked           C looks
19 ….Bob gets paid soon, he will not be able to pay his bills.
A If          В Unless          C When
20 There was thick black……coming out of the burning building.
A fog         В smoke          C smog
21 Mark said that he ……… a great time in London the previous summer.
A had had          В would have           C has had
22 Michael must ……. on the phone. I’ve tried calling him but his line is busy.
A have talked        В be talking         C talk
23 What time does the train … ……Bristol?
A arrive         В get           C reach
24 Neither Annabel.. ……Sue has ever flown in a plane.
A or       В and        C nor
25 Mr Adams speaks……..than anyone I know.
A slower       В more slowly          C the most slowly
26 Sue wanted to change the appearance of her living room, so she ……. by a professional interior designer.
A decorated it       В had it decorated      C had decorated it
27 John says that when he was a student, maths ………his least favourite subject.
A were         В has been         C was
28 My mum says she’ll never forget……..my dad for the first time.
A to meet        В she met       C meeting
29 The burning of fossil fuels has a bad……on our environment.
A drawback       В impact          C fault
30 Mum advised me………the heavy box up the stairs.
 A not to carry          В to not carry         C don’t carry


       В Read the text and mark the statements (31 to 35) as T (True), F (False) or Ns (Not stated).


The effects of global warming are becoming more and more noticeable with the passing of the years. The number of floods, storms and heatwaves has increased as a result of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases that do not allow the sun’s heat to escape the Earth’s atmosphere. However, a simple and quite possibly effective idea has been suggested as a way to help lessen the consequences of climate change.
Professor Steven Chu, the US Energy Secretary and a Nobel Prize winner, suggests that painting our rooftops white will help the Earth’s temperature to drop. The idea is that if enough surfaces — rooftops, pavements, roads — are painted white, more sunlight will reflect off these surfaces and go back into space. This will help cool our planet down.
According to scientists, if rooftops and roads were painted white it would reduce the amount of CO2 by billions of tons. This would be the same as taking every car in the world off the streets for 11 years. Not only this, but homes with white rooftops and cars that are painted white wouldn’t absorb so much heat from the sun. This means that they would be cooler and people wouldn’t have to turn on their air conditioners as much. Consequently, we would save more energy and reduce the amount of CO2 released in the atmosphere.
Although the idea of white rooftops has been generally welcomed by the scientific and environmental communities, there appear to be a few problems. One of these is the fact that the colour white would be too bright if it was painted on too many large surfaces. Another concern is that keeping the white surfaces in good condition for a long period of time would be too expensive.
Pessimists feel that though painting rooftops and pavements in light colours is good in theory, it is just a very small step to take towards reducing the Earth’s temperature. What we must remember though, is that there is not one solution to global warming. It’s the combination of different methods that will help our Dlanet get back on its feet.

31 There has been an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in recent years……Ns
32 Professor Chu suggests painting every large surface on the Earth white…….F
33 Buildings with white rooftops don’t need air conditioning…….F
34 Professor Chu’s suggestion has been accepted by many experts…….T
35 Some people feel that painting surfaces white will not be enough to solve the problem of global warming…..T


       C Listen to some people talk about travelling on a radio programme and then match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-E).
36 Speaker 1  —  C The speaker does not like to visit the same place twice.
37 Speaker 2  —  E The speaker prefers more active holidays.
38 Speaker 3  —  В The speaker does some research before visiting a place.
39 Speaker 4  —  A The speaker only visits places he/she knows very well.
40 Speaker 5  —  D The speaker prefers travelling alone.


Spotlight 8 Exit Test ОТВЕТЫ Module 1-8 — итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 8 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др.

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Тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему: Контрольная работа для 8 класса к УМК Spotlight 8

TEST 1 V-2


A  Fill in the missing word/phrase. There are two answers you do not need to use.

• shrugged • nephew • colleagues • reliable • tapping

• got over • acquaintances• slim • stubborn • showed up

1   I don’t think Claire is going camping this weekend; she still hasn’t ……………….. her cold.

2 When we complained to the waiter about the noisy people at the next table, he just ……………….. his shoulders and said he couldn’t do anything about them.

3 Nadia is so………………..! She never listens to anyone, and does whatever she wants.

4 I only met Mike two weeks ago at a party. We’re not really friends, we’re just…………………

В  Fill in the missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

• fond • accuse • bright • optimistic • dull • host

• keen • resolve • opportunity • hug

5 When I told Alan the good news, he gave me a big………………..and a kiss on the cheek.

6 You don’t need to argue. I’m sure there’s a calmer way for you to ……………….. your differences.

7 The film we went to see last night was so……………….. that I almost fell asleep atbthe cinema.

8 Be absolutely sure that it was actually George who told the lies, before you………………..him.


С   Underline the correct item.

9   Watch where you’re going! You are falling/are going to fall into that hole!

10 Do you know where Sam is? I have waited/ have been waiting for him for over an hour and I’m starting to lose my patience.

11 There’s someone at the door. I go/will go and see who it is.

12 Jane works/has worked at her dad’s restaurant every Friday night.

13 Emma is always interrupting/has always interrupted me whenever I tell a story. It’s so annoying!

D  Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.

14 What time……………….(you/take) the dog for a walk this morning?

15 My parents………………..(rarely/leave) us home alone when we were young.

16 Sandra ……………….. (water) the flowers while Ian was cleaning out the garage.

E   Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.

      e.g. Paul is the tallest (tall) student in my class.

17   Don’t you think that Nathan needs to be a bit ………………..(sensitive) to other people’s feelings?

18 Ron was very rude to Mary. I think that ………….. (little) he could do is apologise to her.

19 My younger sister is………………..(sociable) person in our family.

Everyday English

F Choose the correct response.

20 Can I offer you something? …….       A So am I.

21 Excuse me! …….                                В Take care.

22 Talk to you later. …….                        С Yes, can I help you?

23 I’m glad you came. …….                     D Fine, thanks.

24 How’s it going? …….                          E No thanks, I’m fine.


G   Listen to some teenagers talking on a radio programme about their friends. Then, match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-F). There is one extra statement.

A The speaker sees his/her friends every day.

В The speaker and his/her friends share the same pastime.

С The speaker spends all his/her free time with his/her friend.

D The speaker thinks of his/her friend as part of the family.

E The speaker moved close to his/her friend’s house.

F The speaker thinks he/she is lucky to have such good friends.

25 Speaker 1 …….

26 Speaker 2 …….

27 Speaker 3 …….

28 Speaker 4 …….

29 Speaker 5 …….


Методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме: Методическая разработка Проверочные варианты работ по УМК Spotlight -8 Module 5 (Три варианта с ключами)


1. Fill in:

  download, headlines, extension(s), impact, connect, certificate(s), timetable, media, newsreader, grapevine

There are 5 extra words.

1. After finishing the course all the students will be given______.

2. Visiting Britain has made a great ____ on his attitude to learning English.

3. Nowadays computers and laptops have become ____ of people.

4. He read the ____ of the newspaper.

5. Where did you learn the news?—I heard it through the ____.

2. Form compound nouns using the words in the list and then use them to complete the sentences.

Base   tooth   key   cup  black  play   head  bed    ball   week  note  cut   hair   paste   board   ache  room  book   board   end  ground   board

1. Please, put these plates in the ____ in the kitchen.

2. May I go home? I have a splitting ____.

3. Do you know how many _____ there are in Bill Gate’s house?

4. Guess what! I’ve got a ____ as a birthday present!

5. Where would you like to spend this ____?

3. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate modal verb

(must, mustn’t, may, might, can, can’t, need, needn’t, (don’t) have to, could, should).

1. You ________ stay at home today.

2. You look so pale, you ____ be ill.

3. He ____ go out with his friends until he has finished his homework.

4. Lena is not at school today, she ____ be ill.

5. You _____ not have finished you task, it’s only 5 minutes since you have started

4. Complete phrasal verbs   with the correct preposition.

1. Your secret is safe with me. I won’t give you _______.

2. Children, I’ll give   ____ your tickets but be attentive, don’t lose them!

3. After several days of freedom, the escaped prisoner gave himself _______ to the police.

4. Let’s drop in my place and I’ll give you ____your CDs.

5. She won $ 500 and gave it all _______.

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. Her grandparents came   ____ France.

2. No one wants to be your friend because you are so mean ____ us.

3. Do you know where roller coasters came ____?

4. Don’t blame me ____ being late – it’s not my fault.

5. He has been absent ____ school for a month.

6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Не может быть, чтобы Катя сдала экзамен успешно.

2. Они, может быть, были в Европе.

3. Петя, возможно, пишет сочинение сейчас. (маловероятно)

4. Должно быть, они работают за границей.

5. Эти дети, должно быть, учатся в частной школе.


Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса к УМК Spotlight

Exit test 8th form

  1. Reading

Match the headings (A to H) to the paragraphs (1 to 7). There is one extra heading.

A. Sports and money.

B. The riskiest sports.

C. The most popular sport.

D. Sports at school.

E. Young, sporting and rich.

F. Sporting inventions. 

G. The fastest-growing sports. 

H. Sports to stay healthy.


1. According to recent statistics, the sport that causes most injuries is rugby, and football is a close second. Despite the popularity of these games, and although we teach school children to play them, they injure more people per 1,000 than motor-racing, skiing, or scuba-diving. Of course, people do get hurt in ‘adventure sports’ and the most dangerous is climbing, which kills eight people a year.

2. Britain does not often produce sportsmen or sportswomen who are successful in world sporting championships, but it has been good at inventing sports and writing the rules of games. Golf was first played in Scotland in the fifteenth century. Cricket was first played in England in the sixteenth century. Nineteenth-century team sports, such as football, rugby and hockey, were first played in British public schools.

3. Sport today means big business for both players and sponsors. Sporting events like the World Cup, which has a TV audience of 35 billion people, make huge amounts of money. Companies like Coca Cola and Adidas have paid more than $20 million to sponsor a sports event. They know that people all over the world will see their names and logos at the sports stadiums and on participants’ clothes.

4. Children are encouraged to participate in sports at an early age. There are children’s baseball, football, and basketball teams in almost every community. The rivalry between high schools and colleges in sporting events goes right through the school year from football in September to track and field in June. Cheerleaders and bands lead the supporters in rooting for their home team.

5. Many top stars make a fortune during their sporting careers. Tiger Woods, the professional golfer, is only 23 years old. He has already earned more than $5 million. He has won eight tournaments in his career so far, including the US Masters which he won in 1997. He reached the position of the world’s top player in the shortest time ever — just 42 weeks. He is sponsored by Nike, the sportswear company.

6. The majority of people live in towns and cities, where space for team sports is limited. Most people take part in individual sports. They usually go walking, swimming, cycling, or do aerobics. Taking part in all these sports is informal and casual. Most people just want to relax. If they do aerobics or go swimming, they usually go to the sports centre, but not many people join a sports club.

7. Britain’s national sport is football. During the football season most professional footballers play two matches every week. Many people say this is too many because the players cannot devote enough time and energy to international games. The 22 best English teams play in the Premier League, run by the Football Association. Liverpool is the most successful team and have won the most games in tournaments.


  1. Vocabulary and grammar

Choose the correct answer.

1. Tony is…… He doesn’t feel comfortable with people.

a. easy-going b. sociable c. shy

2. I am very good ……English.

a. at b. for c. about

3. John works Monday to Friday, 9 to 5. It’s a ……..job.

a. salary b. overtime c. full-time

4. Dave is …….He must go on a diet.

a. fit b. overweight c. responsible

5. ……..is a shaking of the ground

a. earthquake b. tornado c. hurricane

6. Big factories are responsible for water ……….

a. collection b. pollution c. Avalanche.

7. Computers had a huge ………on the 20th century.

a. impact b. download c. connect

8. You should play……..than yesterday.

a. the most carefully b. more carefully c. carefullier

9. He swims ……..than the Canadian sportsman.

a. faster b. the fastest c. fast

10. “………we dance, Mr Clark?” asked Kate.

a. Shall b. Must c. Need

11.You …. do all your home work today, you can finish it tomorrow.

a. couldn’t b. mustn’t c. needn’t

12.When Sally was a child, she…..drink three glasses of milk per day.

a. be used to b .used to c. get used to

13. …..Canada is in ……..North America

a. The/the b. The/- c. -/the

14.“I enjoy travelling a lot,” said Jane.

a. Jane said that she enjoys travelling a lot.

b. Jane said that she enjoyed travelling a lot.

c. Jane said that she enjoy travelling a lot .

15. Paul heard some news which …. quite upsetting.

a. was b. were c. have been

Fill in the correct form of the verb.

16.Sheila….(go) to the bazaar. She’ll be back in an hour.

17.I…..(not sleep) at nine o’clock yesterday.

18…..you ( ever/ be)….abroad?

19.Jane…. (work) at her dad’s office every Saturday.

20. The children…..( play) football yesterday.

21. I….. (wait) for him for an hour and I’m starting to lose my patience

22.How much…..Helen (spend) on her English books?

23. We … (visit) the library tonight. Why don’t you join us?

24.The new theatre….( open) by the mayor tomorrow.

25. If you study hard, you…… ( pass) the exam.

Fill in the missing words. There are three extra answers.

( extension, home-cooked, break the ice, nourishing, shrugged, acquaintances, demand, grapevine)

26 I’m sensitive and shy. I can never find the right thing to say to ….

27. I only met Mike two weeks ago at a party. We’re not really friends, we’re just …..

28. Milk and other dairy products are very … for young children.

29. When we complained to the waiter about the noisy people at the next table, he just …. his shoulders.

30.Teens these days use their mobiles as an…..of themselves.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in bold.

31.That woman across the street is very…….. ATTRACT

32. Derek refused to……. for his rude behavior. APOLOGY

33. ……… people live in the streets. HOME

34. Helen is a very……..person. She often travels alone. DEPENDENT

35. Celebrities have become involved in the…….of the endangered species. PROTECT


Контрольная работа по английскому языку. 8 класс. Модуль 8. Spotlight.

Test 8-8

  1. Fill in the missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

Whizzed, knock, entrants, technical, opposing, spectator, addicted, originated, physical, bizarre, inflatable, enthusiasm, bounce

  1. You need lots of … equipment to go scuba diving.

  2. The players weren’t very good, but they were full of … .

  3. Rock climbing is a very … activity.

  4. Football is a very popular … sport.

  5. I think zorbing is a … activity.

  6. Underwater hockey … in Britain where it was invented by a diving club.

  7. There were around 50,000 … and I came 100th, so I was proud.

  8. The boys spent the afternoon in the pool playing with their … ball.

  9. Ben … down the hill on his snowboard.

  10. The … team scored three goals in thirty minutes and won the match.

  1. Complete the sentences using the Conditional (Type 0,1,2 or 3).

  1. If I had known it was a secret, I … (not/tell) anyone.

  2. If I were you, I … (stop) smoking.

  3. If you put water in the freezer, it … (become) ice.

  4. If they play well, they … (win) the match.

  5. If I … (earn) more money, I would buy my parents a really big house!

  6. Water … (boil) if you heat it to 100 C.

  7. We … (go) to the park if it hadn’t rained.

  8. If you invite Mike, I … ( not/come) with you.

  9. If I had more time, I … ( take) karate lessons.

  10. If you … ( not/water) the plants, they die.

3. Match to form compound adjectives

1.old a. looking

2.kind b. built

3. good c. hearted

4. open d. minded

5. newly e. fashioned

4. Fill in the correct pre»Times New Roman, serif»>for, in.

  1. I am totally … favour of contact sports.

  2. These golf clubs are … excellent condition.

  3. Are there bikes … hire in this city?

  4. Andriy Shevchenko fit to play Manchester Rivals … the title!

5. Fill in: to, up, off, after.

1. Take ____your jacket and put it in the washing machine.

2. Clara is very smart. I think she takes ____ her dad.

3. My new hobby takes ____ most of my free time.

4. Since you have so much time, why do not you take ____ football.


Контрольная работа по английскому языку. 8 класс. Модуль 7. Spotlight.

Test 8-7

1.Form the compound nouns

  1. Cup a) room

  2. note b) paper

  3. bed c) cut

  4. head d) ache

  5. basket e) end

  6. hair f) paste

  7. news g) board

  8. book h) books

  9. week i) ball

  10. tooth j) shop

2. Underline the correct modal verb

  1. You can / must raise your hand and wait before you ask a question.

  2. In Britain, all teens have to / may stay in school until they are 16 years of age.

  3. In the old days, teachers could / should hit students with a ruler if they misbehaved in class.

  4. In certain schools, students may / must stand when their teacher enters the room.

  5. You should / might spend time studying if you want to get good marks.

  6. Steven wants to go out but his mum said he needn’t / can’t go until he has finished his homework.

  7. We need / mustn’t to decide who will be class president.

  8. I didn’t see Bill today, he should / must have taken the day off.

  9. Can / May I leave early today, please?” Sarah asked.

  10. Kate looked pale in the doctor’s office. She may / might be ill.

3. Complete the sentences correct preposition (back, out, up, away).

  1. Ann, can you give ________ these photocopies to the class?

  2. I gave ___________ all my clothes to the charity shop.

  3. I know you can do it! Don’t give ________!

  4. She enjoys giving ________ other people’s secrets.

  5. I have to give _______ some books I borrowed.

4. Rewrite the sentences, using an appropriate modal.

  1. It’s necessary for you to go to the supermarket.

You _____________ to go to the supermarket.

  1. I advise you to revise for exam.

You ______________for your exam

  1. Students are obliged to be in class by 9.00 am.

All students ________________ in class by 9.00 am.

  1. You don’t have permission to enter this building.

You ____________________ this building.

  1. It’s possible it’ll rain later.

It __________ later.


  1. Подсоединиться к Интернету, 2. Установить программу, 3. Загрузить файл, 4. Табель успеваемости, 5. Расписание, 6. Посещать, 7. Влиять, 8. Справляться с, 9. Провалить экзамен, 10. Недостатки.

Keys 8-7

1. Compound nouns

1. g. cupboard

2. h. notebooks

3. a. bedroom

4. d. headache

5. i. basketball.

6. c. haircut.

7. b. newspaper.

8. j. bookshop.

9. e. weekend.

10. f. toothpaste

2. Modal verbs

1. must

2. have to

3. could

4. must.

5. should

6. can’t

7. need

8. mast

9. may


3. Phrasal verb

1. out

2. away

3. up

4. away

5. back


  1. You have to / need to go to the supermarket.

  2. You should revise for your exam.

  3. Students must be in class by 9.00.

  4. You mustn’t enter this building.

  5. It may rain later.


1. Connect to the Internet

2. install a program.

3. download a file.

4. Report card

5. timetable.

6. attend

7. affect

8. cope with

9. mess up

10. disadvantage


Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе к учебнику Spotlight

Form 8

Final test

Ex. 1 Put the verbs in brackets into The Past Simple or The Past Continuous.

1. I ____ ( drink) tea at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon.

2. Yesterday I _____ (walk) down the street and …. (fall) down.

3. Tom _____ (introduce) me to all his friends 2 days ago.

4. I _____ (finish) my project when you called me.

5. I _____ (do) my shopping when Tom ____ (enter)the shop.

Ex.2 Fill the gaps with The Past Perfect or The Past Perfect Continuous.

1. Paul …….(decide) that he was going to study Astronomy before he even finished secondary school.

2. Before he got a promotion he …….(not/ earn) enough to live comfortably.

3. Tom didn’t come with us last night because he …….(arrange) to go out with his colleagues after work.

4. Before they invented washing machines, people …..(wash) clothes by hand for centuries.

5. Jill …..(wait) for half an hour before the bus came.

Ex.3 Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech.

1. Tom Said: “The Mayor will open the new library tomorrow”.

2. Ann said: “Shakespeare wrote Hamlet”.

3. He asked: “ When is Tom s birthday?”

4. She asked: “ Is Lena a student?”

Ex.4 Rewrite the sentences by putting the verbs in the Passive Voice

1. Versarce created the costumes for the play.

2. Tim will arrange a meeting for the next week.

3. No one has translated this play yet.

4. Sam cooked breakfast.

Ex.5 Match the parts of the sentences (Conditionals )

1. We can’t go to the gallery A if we had played better.

2. Tony would have fixed your computer B they would have arrived on time.

3. When it’s cold C if you don’t come with us

4. If we don’t do our homework, D if you don’t tell me what the problem is.

5. We wouldn’t have lost E people wear warm clothes.

6. If they hadn’t left late, F if you had asked him.

7. I can’t help you G our teacher gets upset.

Ex.6 Choose the right variant

… Black Sea is blue and nice.

a) — b) the c) a

… Moon is shining in the night sky.

a) — b) the c) an

… Elbrus is the highest peak of … Europe.

a) — , — b) the, the c) the, —

4. I drink … tea every day/

a) many b) a few c) much

5. There were … oranges in the box.

a) much b) a few c) a little

6. Tad is the … student in our class.

a) best b) gooder c) better

7. He is … that his brother.

a) smallest b) more small c) smaller


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