7 класс

Самостоятельная работа по английскому языку 7 класс spotlight с ответами – Ключи к тестам Test Booklet spotlight 7 класс Ваулина Эванс

Тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему: Самостоятельная работа по лексике 2а в 7 классе по учебнику Spotlight 7

Самостоятельная работа по английскому языку в 7 классе по лексике 2а

  1. Translate:

 типичный писатель-_________________________ , умный писатель-____________________________,  опасный преступник- ______________________ , загадочный персонаж-____________________________, вымышленная биография- ______________________, удивительное воображение- _______________

______________________    ,  известный автор-  ___________________________________ , обычное событие-    __________________________________.

  1. Find   11   words:









































































  1. Распредели слова по колонкам:






Obsession, quiz, about, on, inspire, unusual, clever, crime,

emotional, appearance, fictional, gossip, with, am, does, in front of.

  1. Answer the questions: a) Do you like funny poems? ___________________________b) Have you got a magnifying glass? ______________________________c) Is Pushkin a great writer? ___________________        d) Does your mother like humorous stories? _____________________


Тест по английскому языку (7 класс): Spotlight 7_6 модуль самостоятельная работа

Module 6

1. Translate the word combinations.



Eat candy floss

Go souvenir shopping

Fly in pirate trip

See famous landmarks

Shake hands with cartoon characters

Explore a haunted mansion

Ride on a rollercoaster

2.  Fill in the gaps and translate


s_ _

s_ _n









_ _ten



r_ _den



fl_ _n


sh_ _k

sh_ _en

3. Use the words to make up sentences in the Present Perfect Tense.

  1. I/tidy up/my/room
  2. She/eat/candy floss
  3. He/go/souvenir/shopping
  4. We/read/this/book
  5. They/travel/Europe

4.Change the verbs in brackets into the present perfect.

a)  Harry (do)……      ……………….the housework.

b)  Kate and Bill (find)………………………………….a new flat.

c)  Nick (send)………………………………….an email.

d)  I (try)………………………………….to learn Japanese.

e)   Sam and Dave (eat)………………………………….all the sandwiches.

f)   Carlos (buy)………………………………….a dog.

g)  Maria and Helen (start)………………………………….at a new school.

h) Frances (break)………………………………….her cup.

I (lose)………………………………….my umbrella.

j)   Max (take)………………………………….the dog for a walk.

5. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

a)   Have you ever/yet visited Slovenia?

b)  Tim has for/just come back from the USA.

c)   I’m not hungry. I’ve already/since eaten.

d)  Jane lived in Greece since/for fifteen years.

e)   Brian and Claire got married ten years ago/since ten years.

f)   I can’t come out. I haven’t done my homework already/yet.

g)  Mark has worked in Turkey ago/since 1998.

6*. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Мы вернулись в Москву, потому что любим ее.
  2. Появился новый учебник английского языка.
  3. Марк зашел ко мне посмотреть на мой новый компьютер.
  4. Когда вы встречаете в тексте новое слово – посмотрите его перевод в словаре.


Контрольная работа по английскому языку. 7 класс. Модуль 9. Spotlight.

1. Match the words in two columns to get expressions and write them.

1. a can of a. cereal

2. a carton of b. cola

3. a box of c. tomatoes

4. a packet of d. yoghurt

5. a piece of e. chocolate

6. a kilo of f. crisps

7. a jar of g. bread

8. a tin of h. honey

9. a loaf of i. cheese

10. a bar of j. tuna

2. Translate the phrases from English into Russian

11. first aid kit

12. junk food

13. a checked woolen cushions

14. a rectangular plain silver frame

15. fizzy drinks

16. a stationary shop

17. a big queue of people

18. cool as a cucumber

19. low fat yoghurt

20. You are what you eat.

3. Choose the correct word.

21. Please have some / few / much of these chocolates. I know you like them.

22. Have you got much / many / some coffee?

23. There isn’t some / any / many water in the bottle.

24. Have we got some / any / a lot of milk?

25. There was a few / a little / much food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.

26. There aren’t many / much / a little eggs left. I’ll go and buy any/some/much.

27. There are much / many / a lot of skirts to choose from.

28. There’re a lot of / a few / a little carrots in the fridge. We need to buy some.

29. I always have a little / a few / much milk with my tea.

30. Can I have any / some / much water, please?

4. Put the verbs into the Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous.

31. She ____________ (work) at the clothes shop since May.

32. I _____________ (not/be) to the new electronics shop yet.

33. We ______________ (never / attend) a cookery course

34. You _____________ (pack) all morning.

35. ____________ (you /already / read) this book?

36. Mary ______________ (cook) dinner for 2 hours now!

37. _______________ (he / ever / travel) around London?

38. They ____________ (buy) a pet dog. It’s cute!

39. They are wet. They _______________(walk) in the rain.

40. How long ____________ (you / learn) English?

5. Put the words in the correct order.

41. picture frame / a / stylish / silver 44. velvet / lovely / cushions /some /square 42. pair of / polka dot /a / shorts / cotton 45. leather / two / brown / bags 43. armchair / wooden / a / comfortable 46. some / spoons / little /plastic

6. Complete the phrasal verb with off, out, away, back.

47. Can we eat a take _____ tonight.

48. My parents always take us ______ on Friday.

49. It is very hot. I think I will take _____ my shirts.

50. If you don’t like it, then take it ____ to the shop.

Keys 7-9

1. Match the words in two columns to get expressions and write them.

1. a can of b. cola

2. a carton of d. yoghurt

3. a box of a. cereal

4. a packet of f. crisps

5. a piece of i. cheese

6. a kilo of c. tomatoes

7. a jar of h. honey

8. a tin of j. tuna

9. a loaf of g. bread

10. a bar of e. chocolate

2. Translate the phrases from English into Russian

11. аптечка первой помощи

12. нездоровая пища

13. клетчатые шерстяные подушки

14. прямоуг однотонная серебристая рамка

15. газированный напиток

16. маг. Канцелярских товаров

17. большая очередь

18. спокойный как удав

19. йогурт низкой жирности

20. Скажи мне, что ты ешь, и я скажу, кто ты

3. Choose the correct word.

21. some

22. much

23. any

24. any

25. a little

26. many, some

27. a lot of

28. a few

29. a little

30. some

4. Put the verbs into the Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous.

31. She has been working at the clothes shop since May.

32. I haven’t been to the new electronics shop yet.

33. We have never attended a cookery course

34. You have been packing all morning.

35. Have you already read this book?

36. Mary has been cooking dinner for 2 hours now!

37. Has he ever travelled around London?

38. They have bought a pet dog. It’s cute!

39. They are wet. They have been walking in the rain.

40. How long have you been learning English?

5. Put the words in the correct order.

41. a stylish silver picture frame 44. some lovely square velvet cushions

42. a pair of polka dot cotton shorts 45. two brown leather bags

43. a comfortable wooden armchair 46. some little plastic spoons

6. Complete the phrasal verb with off, out, away, back.

47. away

48. out

49. off

50. back


Тест на модуль 9 «Spotlight» 7 класс


Test. Module 9

1. Use the phrasal verb take (off, back, out, away) to fill in the gaps.

  1. Two sandwiches _________________, please.

  2. Shoes turned to be small, so I _________them_________ to the shop.

  3. It’s too hot here. I think I’ll ________ the fur coat ________

  4. There’s a party with celebrities. So I am ____________ you ________ for the party.

2. Fill in: box, can, carton, bottle, cup, tin, packet, jar.

  1. a ____________ of cereal 5. a ____________ of honey

  2. a ____________ of milk 6. a ____________ of sardines

  3. a ____________ of tea 7. a ____________ of water

  4. a ____________ of cola 8. a ____________ of crisps

3. Use: some, any, no

1. There were __________ of my friends there.

2. Well, anyway, there is __________ need to hurry, now that we have missed the train.

3. Have you ever seen __________ of these pictures before?

4. There is __________ water in the kettle: they have drunk it all.

5. There were __________ birches in that forest, but so many pines.

6. We could not buy cherries, so we bought __________ plums instead.

4. Use: much or many

1. I don’t eat __________ mangoes.

2. He does not eat __________ fish.

3. She ate so __________ dessert that she is in bed today with a stomachache.

4. He had got so __________ pairs of socks.

5. Please don’t put __________ pep­per on the meat.

6. There were too __________ plates on the table.

7. I never eat __________ bread with soup.

8. Why did you eat so __________ ice cream?

9. She wrote us not very __________ letters from the country.

5. Use: little or few

1. He has got __________ friends.

2. I drink __________ coffee. I don’t like it.

3. We must hurry. We’ve got very __________ time.

4. This university offers very __________ scholar­ships.

5. The Smiths have __________ money. They aren’t rich.

6. The theatre was almost empty. There were very __________ people there.

6. Use the Present Perfect Continuous

1. The vegetables ______________________________ (boil) since 10 o’clock.

2. He ______________________________ (wait) for her answer for six months.

3. My sister __________________________(send) job applications for 3 months.

4. I __________________________(try) to find my documents since last Sunday.

5. They____________________________ (learn) Japanese for a couple of years.

6. My brother _________________________ (play) computer games for 3 hours.

7. Put the food/drinks into the correct category

a packet of crisps, low-fat yoghurt, brown rice, butter, a bar of chocolate, coffee, green peppers, bananas, lamp chops, white bread, lemonade, milk.



Fruit and Vegetables


Dairy products




Cereal, grains and pasta




огромный/на всю семью



go over the top

умирающий от голода


хорошее дело

a good cause



низкой жирности, низкокалорийный


природные ресурсы

natural resources









угощаться, лакомиться

treat oneself

быть принятым, не отличаться от других

fit in


оказывать влияние


приготовленный на гриле


вещи, барахло


еда на вы нос


электронная открытка


в противном случае


не причиняет вреда

doesn’t hurt

зависеть от

depend on


Test. Module 9

1. Use the phrasal verb take (off, back, out, away) to fill in the gaps.

  1. Two sandwiches _________________, please.

  2. Shoes turned to be small, so I _________them_________ to the shop.

  3. It’s too hot here. I think I’ll ________ the fur coat ________

  4. There’s a party with celebrities. So I am ____________ you ________ for the party.

2. Fill in: box, can, carton, bottle, cup, tin, packet, jar.

  1. a ____________ of cereal 5. a ____________ of honey

  2. a ____________ of milk 6. a ____________ of sardines

  3. a ____________ of tea 7. a ____________ of water

  4. a ____________ of cola 8. a ____________ of crisps

3. Use: some, any, no

1. There were __________ of my friends there.

2. Well, anyway, there is __________ need to hurry, now that we have missed the train.

3. Have you ever seen __________ of these pictures before?

4. There is __________ water in the kettle: they have drunk it all.

5. There were __________ birches in that forest, but so many pines.

6. We could not buy cherries, so we bought __________ plums instead.

4. Use: much or many

1. I don’t eat __________ mangoes.

2. He does not eat __________ fish.

3. She ate so __________ dessert that she is in bed today with a stomachache.

4. He had got so __________ pairs of socks.

5. Please don’t put __________ pep­per on the meat.

6. There were too __________ plates on the table.

7. I never eat __________ bread with soup.

8. Why did you eat so __________ ice cream?

9. She wrote us not very __________ letters from the country.

5. Use: little or few

1. He has got __________ friends.

2. I drink __________ coffee. I don’t like it.

3. We must hurry. We’ve got very __________ time.

4. This university offers very __________ scholar­ships.

5. The Smiths have __________ money. They aren’t rich.

6. The theatre was almost empty. There were very __________ people there.


Test. Module 9

1. Use the phrasal verb take (off, back, out, away) to fill in the gaps.

  1. Two sandwiches _________________, please.

  2. Shoes turned to be small, so I _________them_________ to the shop.

  3. It’s too hot here. I think I’ll ________ the fur coat ________

  4. There’s a party with celebrities. So I am ____________ you ________ for the party.

2. Fill in: box, can, carton, bottle, cup, tin, packet, jar.

  1. a ____________ of cereal 5. a ____________ of honey

  2. a ____________ of milk 6. a ____________ of sardines

  3. a ____________ of tea 7. a ____________ of water

  4. a ____________ of cola 8. a ____________ of crisps

3. Use: some, any, no

1. There were __________ of my friends there.

2. Well, anyway, there is __________ need to hurry, now that we have missed the train.

3. Have you ever seen __________ of these pictures before?

4. There is __________ water in the kettle: they have drunk it all.

5. There were __________ birches in that forest, but so many pines.

6. We could not buy cherries, so we bought __________ plums instead.

4. Use: much or many

1. I don’t eat __________ mangoes.

2. He does not eat __________ fish.

3. She ate so __________ dessert that she is in bed today with a stomachache.

4. He had got so __________ pairs of socks.

5. Please don’t put __________ pep­per on the meat.

6. There were too __________ plates on the table.

7. I never eat __________ bread with soup.

8. Why did you eat so __________ ice cream?

9. She wrote us not very __________ letters from the country.

5. Use: little or few

1. He has got __________ friends.

2. I drink __________ coffee. I don’t like it.

3. We must hurry. We’ve got very __________ time.

4. This university offers very __________ scholar­ships.

5. The Smiths have __________ money. They aren’t rich.

6. The theatre was almost empty. There were very __________ people there.

6. Use the Present Perfect Continuous

1. The vegetables ______________________________ (boil) since 10 o’clock.

2. He ______________________________ (wait) for her answer for six months.

3. My sister __________________________(send) job applications for 3 months.

4. I __________________________(try) to find my documents since last Sunday.

5. They____________________________ (learn) Japanese for a couple of years.

6. My brother _________________________ (play) computer games for 3 hours.

7. Put the food/drinks into the correct category

a packet of crisps, low-fat yoghurt, brown rice, butter, a bar of chocolate, coffee, green peppers, bananas, lamp chops, white bread, lemonade, milk.



Fruit and Vegetables


Dairy products




Cereal, grains and pasta




огромный/на всю семью


умирающий от голода

хорошее дело


низкой жирности, низкокалорийный

природные ресурсы





угощаться, лакомиться

быть принятым, не отличаться от других


оказывать влияние

приготовленный на гриле

вещи, барахло

еда на вы нос

электронная открытка

в противном случае

не причиняет вреда

зависеть от

6. Use the Present Perfect Continuous

1. The vegetables ______________________________ (boil) since 10 o’clock.

2. He ______________________________ (wait) for her answer for six months.

3. My sister __________________________(send) job applications for 3 months.

4. I __________________________(try) to find my documents since last Sunday.

5. They____________________________ (learn) Japanese for a couple of years.

6. My brother _________________________ (play) computer games for 3 hours.

7. Put the food/drinks into the correct category

a packet of crisps, low-fat yoghurt, brown rice, butter, a bar of chocolate, coffee, green peppers, bananas, lamp chops, white bread, lemonade, milk.



Fruit and Vegetables


Dairy products




Cereal, grains and pasta




огромный/на всю семью


умирающий от голода

хорошее дело


низкой жирности, низкокалорийный

природные ресурсы





угощаться, лакомиться

быть принятым, не отличаться от других


оказывать влияние

приготовленный на гриле

вещи, барахло

еда на вы нос

электронная открытка

в противном случае

не причиняет вреда

зависеть от


Тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему: Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 7 классе (УМК М.В. Ваулиной «Spotlight. Английский в фокусе») Module 3: три варианта.

Test 3/Variant I

I. Continue the sentences using the words below:

artistic, creative, daring, fit, patient, athletic, sociable, curious, determined, imaginative.

  1. You need to be … to sew.
  2. You need to be … to write stories.
  3. You need to be … to skateboard.

II. Match the phrases to make up sentences. One ending is extra.

  1. A doctor
  2. A vet
  3. A lawyer

is someone who

  • sells things at the shop.
  • helps sick animals.
  • knows everything about laws.
  • saves people’s lives.

III. Fill in the box with the words:

slim, baby, spiky, short, cute, dark tan




Special features



IV. Put the adjectives in the correct order.

  1. a (British funny tall) actor
  2. a (famous Greek well-built) boxer
  3. a(n) (French young interesting) student

V. Complete the sentences using back, away or up.

  1. Give me ………….. my skateboard!
  2. Lilly gave ………….. fencing two years ago because of a bad injury.
  3. Sarah gave …….. sweets to her friends.

VI. Read the following text and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

The person I admire the most is Leonardo da Vinci. He was born on 15th April 1452 in the town of Vinci, Italy. His full name was Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, which means Leonardo, son of  Piero from Vinci. He was not only one of the greatest painters of all time, but he was also an architect, sculptor, engineer, inventor, mathematician and musician.

Leonardo da Vinci was a very intelligent and imaginative man. He created many different designs. Some of them were for a bicycle, a helicopter, a parachute and even an aeroplane! He also liked to study everything in nature. You can find some of his notebooks in museums today. In them you can see drawings of plants and animals as well as detailed sketches of the human body!

Leonardo da Vinci paid a lot of attention to detail and his paintings are very realistic. The Mona Lisa, for example, is one of his best known works of art. It is a painting of a woman whose face often makes people wonder if she is smiling or not.

I admire Leonardo da Vinci for his amazing works of art and his great inventions. His artwork will last forever and people around the world admire it even today.

  1. Some people can’t tell if the Mona Lisa is smiling.
  2. None of  Da Vinci’s notebooks survive today.
  3. Leonardo da Vinci was born in Venice, Italy.
  4. His father’s name was Paolo.
  5. He designed a parachute.
  6. Da Vinci studied the human body.

Test 3/Variant II

I. Continue the sentences using the words below:

artistic, creative, daring, fit, patient, athletic, sociable, curious, determined, imaginative.

  1. You need to be … to skate.
  2. You need to be … to knit.
  3. You need to be … to collect stamps.

II. Match the phrases to make up sentences. One ending is extra.

  1. A teacher
  2. A mechanic
  3. A policeman

is someone who

  • catches thieves.
  • fixes cars.
  • saves people’s lives.
  • teaches children at school.

III. Fill in the box with the words:

thin, child, short, of medium height, pretty, scar




Special features



IV. Put the adjectives in the correct order.

  1. a(n) (young nice Italian) scientist
  2. a(n) (English nice middle-aged) writer
  3. a(n) (German pretty intelligent) scientist

V. Complete the sentences using back, away or up.

  1. Hey! Give me ………….. my ball!
  2. John gave ………….. boxing two years ago because of a bad injury.
  3. Mark gave his stamp collection ………….. to his younger brothers.

VI. Read the following text and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

The person I admire the most is Albert Einstein. He was born on 14th March, 1879, in the German town of Ulm in Württemburg. Einstein was the greatest scientist of all time. One of his most famous discoveries is the mathematical equation about the nature of energy: E = mc2.

Einstein loved physics and learning. He never stopped exploring the world of science and he wrote many books and articles explaining his theories. Some of them are at the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton.

People in universities all over the world respected Einstein. He was awarded with honorary degrees in science, medicine and philosophy. In 1921, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. Despite his intelligence, Einstein is also famous for being a very funny man!

I admire Albert Einstein for his love of learning and the fact that he discovered new things. He always kept his mind active.

  1. Kerry admires Einstein for his love of learning.
  2. In 1911, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.
  3. He wrote articles about science.
  4. Einstein was born in Germany.
  5. Einstein was born in eighteen seventy-nine.
  6. Einstein hated Maths.

Test 3/Variant III

I. Continue the sentences using the words below:

artistic, creative, daring, fit, patient, athletic, sociable, curious, determined, imaginative.

  1. You need to be … to play chess.
  2. You need to be … to fence.
  3. You need to be … to play football.

II. Match the phrases to make up sentences. One ending is extra.

  1. An explorer
  2. An actor
  3. A shop assistant

is someone who

  • discovers something new.
  • helps sick animals.
  • sells things at the shop.
  • plays roles.

III. Fill in the box with the words:

skinny, young, straight, tall, ugly, beard




Special features



IV. Put the adjectives in the correct order.

  1. a(n) (Japanese young interesting) student
  2. a(n) (talented teenage Italian) artist
  3. a(n) (tall French easy-going) actor

V. Complete the sentences using back, away or up.

  1. Shelly gave ………….. her book collection to the school library.
  2. Give me ……….. my pencil!
  3. Anthony gave ……… playing football because of a bad injury.

VI. Read the following text and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

The person I admire the most is Leonardo da Vinci. He was born on 15th April 1452 in the town of Vinci, Italy. His full name was Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, which means Leonardo, son of  Piero from Vinci. He was not only one of the greatest painters of all time, but he was also an architect, sculptor, engineer, inventor, mathematician and musician.

Leonardo da Vinci was a very intelligent and imaginative man. He created many different designs. Some of them were for a bicycle, a helicopter, a parachute and even an aeroplane! He also liked to study everything in nature. You can find some of his notebooks in museums today. In them you can see drawings of plants and animals as well as detailed sketches of the human body!

Leonardo da Vinci paid a lot of attention to detail and his paintings are very realistic. The Mona Lisa, for example, is one of his best known works of art. It is a painting of a woman whose face often makes people wonder if she is smiling or not.

I admire Leonardo da Vinci for his amazing works of art and his great inventions. His artwork will last forever and people around the world admire it even today.

  1. Da Vinci studied the human body.
  2. He designed a parachute.
  3. His father’s name was Paolo.
  4. Leonardo da Vinci was born in Venice, Italy.
  5. None of  Da Vinci’s notebooks survive today.
  6. Some people can’t tell if the Mona Lisa is smiling.


Контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс 6 модуль. Учебник Английский язык Spotlight 7 класс В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, Ю.Е. Ваулина

Grammar Test. Module 6.

Suvorovite ____________________ Form_______________ February, 2.Variant 1.

1. Listen to Freddy and Ally talking about the things they are going to do when in London. What activities has each person chosen to do? (5*2=10).

e.g. C Ally A. walk around city

1. ________Freddy B. go to museums and art galleries

2. ________Sue C. go shopping

3._________Nathan D. see countryside

4. __________ Bob E. see Royal Family’s home

5.__________ Mark F. spend time with a friend

2. Fill in the correct word (6*1=6).

* eat *go * see * ride on * shake hands * explore * fly

Disneyland Paris is the perfect choice for a fun day out. You can e.g. ride on the big wheel, 1)______________ in a pirate ship, 2) _______________ clowns performing tricks, 3) ______________with cartoon characters and 4) _______________ a haunted mansion. And, of course, 5)______________souvenir shopping and 6) _________candy floss.

3. Complete the sentences using back, round, across or out (4*1=4).

1. She came ______________a letter from an old friend.

2. They came________________ to work when we called them.

3. This issue (издание, номержурнала) of Prime Magazine came _______________two days ago.

4. Jason came_____________ to wish me Happy Birthday.

4. Fill in the correct word (5*1=5).

*yet * just * ever * before * already * never

1. I am not going on holiday until August but I have _______________bought a swimsuit.

2. Have you done your homework? No, not_______ .

3. You should ______________ be late for class.

4. I’ve ________________ had lunch so I can’t go swimming now.

5. I love reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory although I’ve read it many times ___________.

5. Complete the sentences with gone or been (5*1=5).

1. My sister has ____________ to Spain twice.

2. Mike and Garry have ___________ to London for the day.

3. I have never______________ to America before.

4. Mum has ______________shopping. She’ll be back this afternoon.

5.Mr Smith is tired. He has __________ to the airport and back twice this morning.

6. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Make any necessary changes (6*2=12).

e.g. a popstar/you/meet/have/ever? Have you ever met a popstar?

  1. Russia/teacher/has/your/be/to?___________________________________________________________

  2. never/rollercoaster/have/on/they/a/ride.____________________________________________________

  3. Italy/never/has/friend/be/my/best/to. ______________________________________________________

  4. haunted/you/a/explore/have/ever/mansion? ________________________________________________

  5. ever/The Great Wall/visit/of/he/has/China?________________________________________________

  6. helicopter/fly/never/have/I/a/in.__________________________________________________________

7. Choose the correct response(6*2=12).

e.g. Would you like to come to the Madonna concert with me? D__A I’d love to but the courses are too expensive.

1. Do you fancy going to the cinema tonight? ____ B That sounds great. The whole world would see our work!

2. How about going on a picnic on Sunday? _____ C That would be lovely. It’s so hot today.

3. Let’s go to an adventure camp this summer! ____ D Yes, I’d love to. She’s my favourite singer.

4. Do you fancy going bungee jumping with me? ______ E Maybe another time, when I’m less scared.

5. How about designing a web page together? _______F I’m afraid I can’t. I have lots of homework to do for tomorrow.

6. Would you like to go swimming? ______G Great idea! I’ll prepare the sandwiches.

8.Read the letter and choose A, B or C to complete the gaps (6*2=12).

Hi Paula!

Greetings from London! I am here with my parents and am having a e.g. whale of a time. We have been here since Thursday and have already seen and done so much. On Friday, we went to see The Moscow State Circus. I was so 1) _______________ as I had never been to the circus before. It was a perfect evening full of amazing 2) ___________ . Most of all, I enjoyed 3) ____________ the trapeze artists flying high up in the air. I have never seen anything like it! It was a hair-4) ___________ experience! Luckily, no one fell down! Of course, there were also clowns dressed in funny costumes too, as well as other artists. If you ever get the chance to see this famous circus, you should go – it is a(n) 5) ______________ experience. And, don’t forget to try the toffee apples – they are the best! Hope you are having a 6)__________ time too. Will tell you more about it when I see you.



Evaluative criteria:

0 38 – «2»

39 49 – «3»

5059 – «4»

6066 – «5»

e.g. A shark B whale C dolphin

1. A excited B exciting C excitement

2. A. landmarks B. souvenirs C. tricks

3. A. watching B. watch C. to watch

4. A. hiking B. riding C. raising

5. A. unforgettable B. forgettable C. forgetful

6. A. fancy B. fun C. funny

Grammar Test. Module 6.

Suvorovite ____________________ Form_______________ February, 2.Variant 2.

1. Listen to Freddy and Ally talking about the things they are going to do when in London. What activities has each person chosen to do? (5*2=10).

e.g. A Ally A. go shopping

1. ________Freddy B. go to museums and art galleries

2. ________Sue C.walk around city

3. _________Nathan D. see countryside

4. __________ Bob E. see Royal Family’s home

5.__________ Mark F.spend time with a friend

2. Fill in the correct word (6*1=6).

* eat * go * see * ride on * shake hands * explore * fly

Disneyland California is the perfect choice for a fun day out. You can e.g. ride on the big wheel, 1)______________ in a pirate ship, 2) _______________ clowns performing tricks, 3) ______________with cartoon characters and 4) _______________ a haunted mansion. And, of course, 5)______________souvenir shopping and 6) _________candy floss.

3. Complete the sentences using back, round, across or out (4*1=4).

1. She came ______________a letter from an old friend.

2. They came________________ to work when we called them.

3. This issue (издание, номержурнала) of Prime Magazine came _______________two days ago.

4. Jason came_____________ to wish me Happy Birthday.

4. Fill in the correct word (5*1=5).

*yet * just * ever * before * already * never

1. I am not going on holiday until July but I have _______________bought a swimsuit.

2. Have you done your homework? No, not_______ .

3. You should ______________ be late for class.

4. I’ve ________________ had lunch so I can’t go swimming now.

5. I love reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory although I’ve read it many times ___________.

5. Complete the sentences with gone or been (5*1=5).

1. My friend has ____________ to England twice.

2. Garry and Mike have ___________ to the country for the day.

3. I have never______________ to Africa before.

4. Granny has ______________shopping. She’ll be back in an hour.

5.MrSimpson is tired. He has __________ to the airport and back twice this morning.

6. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Make any necessary changes(6*2=12).

e.g. a popstar/you/meet/have/ever? Have you ever met a popstar?

  1. Germany/teacher/has/your/be/to?______________________________________________________

  2. never/rollercoaster/have/on/they/a/ride.____________________________________________________

  3. France/never/has/friend/be/my/best/to. ____________________________________________________

  4. haunted/you/a/explore/have/ever/mansion? ________________________________________________

  5. ever/The Great Wall/visit/of/he/has/China?________________________________________________

  6. helicopter/fly/never/have/I/a/in.__________________________________________________________

7. Choose the correct response(6*2=12).

e.g. Would you like to come to the Rihanna concert with me? D__A Great idea! I’ll prepare the sandwiches.

1. Do you fancy going to the cinema tonight? ____ B I’m afraid I can’t. I have lots of homework to do for tomorrow.

2. How about going on a picnic on Sunday? _____ C That would be lovely. It’s so hot today.

3. Let’s go to an adventure camp this summer! ____ D Yes, I’d love to. She’s my favourite singer.

4. Do you fancy going bungee jumping with me? ______ E Maybe another time, when I’m less scared.

5. How about designing a web page together? _______F That sounds great. The whole world would see our work!

6. Would you like to go swimming? ______G I’d love to but the courses are too expensive.

Evaluative criteria:

0 39 – «2»

40 48 – «3»

4954 – «4»


Контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс 7 модуль. Учебник Английский язык Spotlight 7 класс В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, Ю.Е. Ваулин7

Grammar Test. Module 7.

Suvorovite ____________________ Form_______________March, 4.Variant 1.


1. Look at the film posters and write what type of film genre each one is (5*1=5).

e.g. thriller

1 _____________________

2 ___________________



4 ___________________


5 ____________________

2. Write an F next to the words relating to film and an M next to those relating to music (8*1=8).

e.g. singer M

Evaluative criteria:

0 – 29 – «2»

30– 42 – «3»

43 – 53 – «4»

58 – 54 – «5»

1. single …….

2. script …….

3. powerful voice …….

4. special effects …….

5. acting …….

6. plot …….

7. lyrics …….

8. music charts …….


3. Underline the correct item (4*1=4).

e.g. Shrek 2 is most funny/funnier than Home Alone.

1. Madonna is more famous/most famous than


In my opinion, people who write songs are


often most talented/more talented than

2. I prefer classical music because it is more


relaxing/most relaxing than rock music.


This film is the most successful/more

successful film ever!

4. Complete the table (5*2=10).





more famous (than)

(the) most talented



5. Complete the dialogues using the Past Simple or the Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets (8*1=8).

e.g. A: Have you ever seen(you/ever/see) the film ‘Titanic’?

B: No, but 1) …………………….. (I/see)True Romance last night. 2) ……………………. (I/always/love)

romantic films!

A: 3) …………………………………………… (I/never/see) that movie. Is it good?

B: Yes, 4) ………………….. (I/love) it! It had great music too. I bought the CD.

A: 5) …………………………. (you/ever/see) Shrek 2? There is great rock music in the movie!

B: No, but 6) ………………………. (I/watch) The Lord of the Rings last week on TV and

7) ……………………………. (I/think) the script was excellent.

A: Oh really? 8) ………………….. (I/not/see) that yet.

Everyday English

6. Complete the sentences using always, ago, yet, for or since (4*1=4).


I have always been a fan of Sting!


I’ve been a fan of Harry Potter ________



They have been married ________

fifty years!


I lived in England two years ……………….



Have you heard his new song ………………


7. Fill in the gaps with in, into, off or on (4*1=4).


They used special effects to show how the

woman turned

………. a monster.


Don’t turn ……….

the radio. I love this song!


I will turn ……….

the TV as soon as I finish

my homework.


I’m going to turn ……….

. I’m very tired!


8. Read the following film review and fill in the missing words (5*1=5).

A FILM e.g. REVIEW: By John Baker, year 9

Superman Returns 1) ______

a fantasy film based on the superhero, Superman. The

main actors 2) ______

the film are Brandon Routh, Kate Bosworth and Kevin Spacey.

The story begins with Superman’s return to Earth 3) _______

his home planet, Krypton.

When he arrives on Earth, he has to fight with the criminal genius Lex Luthor. Of course, Superman saves everybody from danger, once again!

I have always loved Superman because I love stories about superheroes. They are more exciting 4) ______ all other film types. The special effects in the film are great, and the actors are all very talented! Also, Kevin Spacey is my favourite actor. I have been a big fan of Kevin Spacey 5) ______ 2001, and I think he is the funniest character in the film.



Cineworld is showing Superman three times.



Titanic is a romance.



Home Alone starts at 8:30.



Peter enjoys watching comedies.



Screen 3 will be playing Harry Potter.



There will be plenty of empty seats at Harry Potter.


9. Listen to Peter talking to someone at a ticket office and mark the statements T (true) or F (false) (5*2=10).

Test 7

Grammar Test. Module 7.

Suvorovite ____________________ Form_______________March, 4.Variant 2.


1. Look at the film posters and write what type of film genre each one is (5*1=5).

e.g. thriller

1 _____________________

2 ___________________



4 ___________________


5 ____________________

2. Write an F next to the words relating to film and an M next to those relating to music (8*1=8).

e.g. singer M

Evaluative criteria:

0 – 29 – «2»

30– 42 – «3»

43 – 53 – «4»

58 – 54 – «5»

1. plot …….

2. music charts…….

3. acting…….

4. special effects …….

5. powerful voice……

6. tune…….

7. lyrics …….

8. script…….


3. Underline the correct item (4*1=4).

e.g. Shrek 2 is most funny/funnier than Home Alone.

1. Madonna is more famous/most famous than


In my opinion, people who write songs are


often most talented/more talented than

2. I prefer classical music because it is more


relaxing/most relaxing than rock music.


This film is the most successful/more

successful film ever!

4. Complete the table (5*2=10).





more attractive (than)

(the) tallest



5. Complete the dialogues using the Past Simple or the Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets (8*1=8).

e.g. A: Have you ever seen(you/ever/see) the film ‘Titanic’?

B: Yes! 1)……………. (I/see)Titanic last year. 2) …………….. (I/love) the song ‘My heart will go on’. The lyrics were so romantic.

A: I never liked that song! 3)…………………. (you/always/like) romantic songs and films?

B: Not really! 4)……………………. (I/watch) science fiction films when I was young.

A: 5)………………………….. (you/ever/see) the Matrix? It has a great soundtrack!

B: No, but 6)……………………….. (I/watch) The Lord of the Rings last week on TV and 7)…………………………………. (I/think) the music was excellent.

A: Oh really? 8)…………………… (I/not/see) that yet.

Everyday English

6. Complete the sentences using always, ago, yet, for or since (4*1=4).

e.g. I have always been a fan of Justin Timberlake!

1. He has been acting in the same TV show …………… five years.

2. Have you heard Shakira’s new song ……………?

3. I’ve been a fan of Johnny Depp …………… 2001.

4. I met Beth ten years …………… .

7. Fill in the gaps with in, into, off or on (4*1=4).

1. I love the special effects they use when he turns …………… a spider!

2. Mary turned …………… early last night. She was very tired.

3. I will turn …………… the television in two minutes. My favourite show is starting.

4. Please turn …………… the computer when you’re finished.


8. Read the following film review and fill in the missing words (5*1=5).

A FILM e.g. REVIEW: By Jenny Mitchell, year 9

Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest, is a pirate adventure 1) ______


Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley as the main characters.

The film is 2) ______

the adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow, played by Johnny Depp.

We follow the Captain and his friends as they go on a journey full of surprises. They travel all over the sea because they want to find treasure. They have many adventures on the way.

At first, I thought it would be another bad pirate film, but I 3) ________ wrong! The actors were all very talented and the film was very exciting! For me, Johnny Depp was the funniest

actor 4) ___________ the film! I believe that Johnny Depp is 5) _______ most talented actor

working today.



Cineworld is showing Superman three times.



Titanic is a comedy.



Home Alone starts at 9:30.



Peter enjoys watching romances.



Screen 4 will be playing Harry Potter.



There will be plenty of empty seats at Harry Potter.


9. Listen to Peter talking to someone at a ticket office and mark the statements T (true) or F (false) (5*2=10).

Grammar Test. Module 7.

Suvorovite ____________________ Form_______________March, 4.Variant 3.


1. Look at the film posters and write what type of film genre each one is (5*1=5).

e.g. thriller

1 _____________________

2 ___________________



4 ___________________


5 ____________________

2. Write an F next to the words relating to film and an M next to those relating to music (8*1=8).

e.g. singer M

Evaluative criteria:

0 – 29 – «2»

30– 42 – «3»

43 – 53 – «4»

1. plot …….

2. music charts…….

3. acting…….

4. special effects …….

5. powerful voice……

6. tune…….

7. lyrics …….

8. script…….


3. Underline the correct item (4*1=4).

e.g. Shrek 2 is most funny/funnier than Home Alone.

1. Madonna is more famous/most famous than


In my opinion, people who write songs are


often most talented/more talented than

2. I prefer classical music because it is more


relaxing/most relaxing than rock music.


This film is the most successful/more

successful film ever!

4. Complete the table (5*2=10).





more attractive (than)

(the) tallest



5. Complete the dialogues using the Past Simple or the Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets (8*1=8).

e.g. A: Have you ever seen(you/ever/see) the film ‘Titanic’?

B: Yes! 1)……………. (I/see)Titanic last year. 2) …………….. (I/love) the song ‘My heart will go on’. The lyrics were so romantic.

A: I never liked that song! 3)…………………. (you/always/like) romantic songs and films?

B: Not really! 4)……………………. (I/watch) science fiction films when I was young.

A: 5)………………………….. (you/ever/see) the Matrix? It has a great soundtrack!

B: No, but 6)……………………….. (I/watch) The Lord of the Rings last week on TV and 7)…………………………………. (I/think) the music was excellent.

A: Oh really? 8)…………………… (I/not/see) that yet.

Everyday English

6. Complete the sentences using always, ago, yet, for or since (4*1=4).

e.g. I have always been a fan of Justin Timberlake!

1. He has been acting in the same TV show …………… five years.

2. Have you heard Shakira’s new song ……………?

3. I’ve been a fan of Johnny Depp …………… 2001.

4. I met Beth ten years …………… .

7. Fill in the gaps with in, into, off or on (4*1=4).

1. I love the special effects they use when he turns …………… a spider!

2. Mary turned …………… early last night. She was very tired.

3. I will turn …………… the television in two minutes. My favourite show is starting.

4. Please turn …………… the computer when you’re finished.



Cineworld is showing Superman three times.



Titanic is a comedy.



Home Alone starts at 9:30.



Peter enjoys watching romances.



Screen 4 will be playing Harry Potter.



There will be plenty of empty seats at Harry Potter.


8. Listen to Peter talking to someone at a ticket office and mark the statements T (true) or F (false) (5*2=10).


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