5 класс

Гдз по английскому рабочая тетрадь 5 класс комарова ларионова грейнджер – ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс Комарова, Ларионова, Стеннет, Маккей, Пелтерет

ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс Комарова, Ларионова, Стеннет, Маккей, Пелтерет

Английский язык 5 класс

Рабочая тетрадь

Комарова, Ларионова, Стеннет, Маккей, Пелтерет


Русское слово

Пятиклассникам предстоит окунуться во все перипетии и сумбурную атмосферу старшей школы. И хотя современные дети быстро взрослеют и начинают отбрыкиваться от родительской помощи, считая что им самим все по плечу, но все же не стоит ослаблять контроль, так как впоследствии можно спохватиться уже когда ребенок будет законченным двоечником. Решебник к учебнику «Английский язык. Рабочая тетрадь 5 класс» Комарова, Ларионова, Стеннет поможет быстро проверить д/з и увериться в познаниях своего отпрыска.

Что входит в данный сборник.

На девяноста трех страницах расположилось девяносто упражнений, которые помогут ребятам углубить и расширить свои познания. ГДЗ по английскому языку 5 класс даст полную информацию по изучаемому предмету, формируя определенные навыки по выполнению заданий.

Насколько он информативен.

Существует несколько программ, по которым ведется подготовка школьников. Их выбор зависит от того, в каком учебном заведении происходит обучение, а так же изучал ли ребенок данный язык до того, как поступил в школу. Данный сборник относится к более углубленному курсу, поэтому его содержимое может отличаться от пособий, по которым занимаются другие дети. Но это отнюдь не означает, что дети не будут испытывать проблемы с изучением иностранного языка, потому что как ни крути, а он все-таки чужд школьникам. Решебник к учебнику «А


Английский язык 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Комарова Ларионова

Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) — Английский язык 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Комарова Ларионова — 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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Текст из книги:

Ю.А. Комарова, И.В. Ларионова, К. Стэннетт, Б. Маккей, Ш. Пелтерет
к учебнику Ю.А. Комаровой, И.В. Ларионовой, К. Гренджер «Английский язык»
1 Му Family
Read the information. Write the names on Stick’s famiiy tree.
Щ grandfather is Larry and my grandmother is Betsy. Topsy is my sister and Mutley is my brother. Jaylo is my cousin. My father is Bobo and my mother is Dinky. My aunts are Willow and Lily. And Rover is my uncle.
ME! 8……………. 9 ………
Compiete the diaiogue about Sticks’ famiiy.
Fiddie ^..WhQ’s…..Bobo?
Sticks He’s my ^…fatHer…
Fiddie …………Willow and Lily?
Sticks They’re my ………….
Fiddie ®………..Larry?
Sticks He’s my ®………….
Fiddie ……………Topsy?
Sticks She’s my ®…………
Fiddie ®…………..Rover?
Sticks He’s my …………..
Reading and grammar
a) Read and match.
ШЖОЪЬп’з sister Paul Is Sam’s uncle.
Freda Is Oscar’s aunt^‘ Philip is Sadie’s brother.
Ella Is Tracey’s grandmother. Beth Is Anne’s mother.
a Ella
b Paul
c Beth
d Freda
e Mary
6 Tracey
f Philip
b) Now rewrite the sentences from exercise 3 a). Use his, her or their
1 Mary is John’s sister.
2 Freda is Oscar’s aunt.
3 Ella is Tracey’s grandmother.
4 Paul is Sam and Nick’s uncle.
5 Philip is Sadie’s brother.
6 Beth is Anne’s mother.
Vocabulary and grammar
Look and write.
1 She’s fifty-one.
No, she.ls^…..
She’s fifty-two.
2 He’s thirty-five.
3 He’s ninety-seven.
4 They’re thirty-two.
5 It’s a hundred and six.
6 He’s eighty-six.
Read and circle the correct words. ^
Who’s Sally?
She’s ^(my)/ your aunt.
How old ^ is / are she? ,
She ®’s / are forty-two./
OK. And who are Jodie and Tim?
^ It’s / They’re my cousins. They’re twins.
® Who’s / Who are Boris?
That’s their ® sister / father. He’s my ^ uncle / brother.
How old is he?
He’s / Is he thirty-eight.’^
2 Му Desk Is a Mess
ci^ Vocabulary and reading
Read and draw. Where is Fiddle?
1 He’s on the chair. 2 He’s under the chair. 3 He’s in the bag.
^ Grammar
a) Look at the picture. Write correct answers.
1 The sweets are under the chair, (pencil case) 4 The books are next to the posters, (ch; No. they qren’t They c?re In the pencil case…. …………………………………..
2 The magazine is on the bed. (desk) 5 The bag is on the desk, (chair)
3 The apples are under the desk, (pencil case) 6 The posters are on the desk, (bag)
b) Find these things in the picture above. Complete the sentences.
1 The pencil case is next .to ………. 4 The camera………
2 The rubber….
3 The sandwiches
5 The chair
a) Complete the dialogue. Use the words in the box.
in dear a-mess ^-teg^ljhev’re3 My (t^ homework where’s
Mum Katie! Your room is ^ a me;
els I
^………..are your socks?
Katie Urn. ^……….under my bag.
Mum And …………..your bag?
Katie Oh. It’s next ®………my chair.
Mum And your magazines. Where are
6 9
Katie They’re ………… my cupboard.
Mum That’s good. And your 8 ?
Katie ®………..homework?
Mum Yes, Katie. Where’s your homework?
Katie Oh ……………. My homework’s
on my desk Ma\ school!
b) Look at the picture. Answer these questions about Katie’s things.
1 Where is her bag?
It’s next to her chair.
-i i
2 Where are her socks?
3 Where is her homework?
4 Where are her magazines?
Grammar and reading
Match the questions with the answers.
1 Where are the sandwiches?’
2 Where’s the book?
3 Who’s John?
4 Who are Emily and Kevin?
5 How old is Robert?
6 Is Steven your uncle?
a No, he isn’t. He’s my grandfather, b He’s twenty-eight, c They’re on the table, d He’s my brother, e They’re my cousins, f It’s under the desk.
3 Му Dream Town
^ Vocabulary
Unscramble the words for these places.
t e s c a I castle
g b i r e d
s u h о e
r r e VI
minswmgi loop
c a b e h
yailwar tastnio
r a p к
m e n a с I
u b s n t о s i t a
Read about Skyville. Then complete the f
In Sky\«He there is a fantastic beach and «an castle. There are two big cinemas, but there ar any supermark^. There’s a lovely p^ an-river, and there are four hotels in Skyville.. Th isn’t a bus station and there aren’t any swimrr pools. There are twelve ^shops in Skyville \ there’s a big railway
Look at the information about Roktc Compiete the text beiow with then there are or there isn’t, there aren’t
Roktown is a great town. I .There are.two
parks and ………..a cinema. ^……
a supermarket and ………..four shop
but ……….a railway station.
®……….a swimming pool and a bus
station. ^……..a beach, but
®………. a river. ®……..any
castles, but ……… two hotels.
Match the sentence halves.
1 There aren’t a a bus station?
2 There are A b a beach.
3 There isn’t c six parks.
4 Are there lot of shops.
5 Is there V® any supermarke
6 There are a any hotels.
Complete the questions and answers.
1 Is there a beach? Yes,
2 Are there any supermarkets? No,
3 any rivers? Yes,
4 a railway station? No,
5 a bus station? Yes,
6 any parks? Yes,
7 any cinemas? No,
8 a castle? Yes,
Reading and grammar
Read Jenna’s email about her town. Circle the correct words.
Hi Amy
My town is great! There is ^(a)/ an big river and there is a beautiful old ^bridge / bridges over it. There ^are / is two sports centres. There isn’t ^a / any railway station, but there’s a big bus ®park / station. There are a lot ®of / for cafes and restaurants and there are ^two / any big supermarkets. What about your town? Are there ®a / any museums? ®Are / is there a stadium?
Write a reply to Jenna. Use the information below for your town.
;Jenna r … … -«i)… r_ ”
1 Amy —A -fas-rts., —
Subject; •: RE: My town
\ Skills I
4 The Place Where I Live
^ Vocabulary
Match the words to the pictures.
country island mountains town village
1 momtams
^ Reading
Look at the posters and write the correct place in the sentences below.
In Hillsville there are beautiful mountains. There aren’t any supermarkets and there aren’t^ any cinemas, but there are two rivers and there s an old castle. There is a small bus station and there are a lot of houses in Hillsville. ________
1 There aren’t any supermarkets in
Hillsyllle.ors^^ ……..
2 There are two rivers in
David lives in Hillsville. Complete the dialogue. Use the words from the box.
On Sammis island there are four houses and there is one shop. There aren’t any cafds or supermarkets. There isn’t a swimming pool but there are five beautiful beaches!
is in the mountains, is an island.
M Writing
Imagine you live on Sammis Island. Write the answers to Ted’s questions.
Г’™»™»™»™*” rivers any mountains are There My 1 Ted
Ted Where do you live? You
David ^ Л/ly home is in the ^
Ted What’s good about the place where you live? Ted
David The mountains ^ very beautiful and there are two 4 You
Ted What’s bad about the place where you live? Ted
David ® aren’t any supermarkets and there aren’t ® cinemas. You
Unit 1 Progress check
Study tips
Remember there are a lot of different texts. Look in this unit and find:
• an email page 9…..
• a poster
• a list
• a form
Check you can do these things:
1 I can use personal pronouns and possessive adjectives. □
Match the words.
2 I know words for family relationships and places in a town. Write five or more words for each heading:
1 I—^ a your
2 you X b their
3 he ‘ our
4 she ^d my
5 we e her
6 they f his
family relationships: brother,
places in a town: parL.. ….
possessive adjectives: my.
3 I can describe where things are.
Where is the ball?
in the box
the box
the box
the box
I can write numbers from 21 to 101.
Write the answers to these sums.
1 two X three + twenty-one = tvyenty-s^ri..
thirty-two — one =…………………
one + four X twelve = ……………..
eighteen — nine x two = …………..
forty-eight ч- twelve — six =……….
I can say what things are in a place.
Use /s, are, aren’t or isn’t to complete these sentences.
1 There are….three parks in my town.
2 There…….any rivers in my town.
3 There………a railway station in my town.
4 There………a beach in my town.
5 …..there any supermarkets in your town?
Yes, there……….
6 …….there a castle in your town?
No, there………..
7 А Realy Busy Day
Look at the clues. Complete the crossword with words for school subjects and clubs.
® A ffl
Read and complete Doug’s timetable.
Read about Jade. Write a timetable for her.
9.30 Art
11.00 BREAK
12.00 LUNCH
9.20 Maths
12.10 LUNCH
I’ve got Art and Geography in the morning.
I’ve got Art at half past nine and then Geography at quarter past ten. After Geography, I’ve got a break and then I’ve got Maths at twenty past eleven. Lunch Is at twelve o’clock. I’ve got chess club after lunch, at one o’clock and then I’ve got Science at half past one and basketball at quarter past two. After school,
I’ve got a basketball meeting at four o’clock.
I’ve got Maths in the morning at twenty past nine. After Maths, I’ve got PE at five past ten. Then I’ve got a break at quarter to eleven. At quarter past eleven, I’ve got Geography. Lunch Is at ten past twelve. After lunch I’ve got netball club at ten to one and then at twenty-five past one I’ve got Art. At ten past two I’ve got Science. After school.
I’ve got chess club at twenty to four.
Match to make school subjects.
1 a lish
2 Eng b Education
3 His \ c graphy
4 Mus \ d Technology
5 Physical ench
6 Information f tory
7 Geo g ic
Write the time below the clocks. 1
..It’s quarter 1?^
Look at the timetable. Complete the questions
and answers.
1 What time / Maths / Monday? ..What.time’s M
It’s at ten past nine,………
2 What time / French / Tuesday?
3 What time / Science / Wednesday?
4 What time / English / Monday?
5 What time / IT / Tuesday?
6 What time / Geography / Wednesday?
8 Му Big School Bag
Complete with a, an or some.
pen orange 5 books 8 glue stick
money 6 apple 9 desk
door 7 sandwiches 10 hairbrush
What is it? Look and write.
a hairbrush
a t. b
some к
some t
some m
some s
If Grammar
a) Look at the bag. Look and answer the questions with Yes, I have, or No, I haven’t.
1 Have you got a mobile phone?
2 Have you got any rubbish?
3 Have you got any apples?
4 Have you got any keys?
5 Have you got a notebook?
b) Look at the bag again. Write questions and answers.
1 (hairbrush) Hayeyou got a hairbrush?
Yes^..i..haye, _ …………
2 (oranges)
3 (chocolate bar)
4 (sweets)
5 (sandwich)
Look, read and circle the correct words.
i) Reading
Read the text. Tick (✓) the things Sally and Beth have got.
Cross (X) the things they haven’t got.
|t’s Sally and Beth’s holiday. They’ve got lots of things in their bag^They’ve got some ] keys and a hairbrush. They’ve got five books and some sweets. They haven’t got any sandwich^, but they have,got some apples. They’ve got fome tissues^^nd they’ve got a nfibbile phone! They haven’t got any»cho6olate bars £
I a drinl^They’ve got a purse and they’ye got some money!
Fiddle OK, Sticks. What have we got?
Sticks Look! We’ve got »(jhr^/ two sandwiches and we’ve got / any mobile phone! Great. Have we got ^some / any sweets?
No, we ’^haven’t / have.
But we have got ®some / a chocolate bars. Yes, we’ve got four chocolate ®bars / bar.
Fiddle And you’ve got ^some / a purse!
Sticks Yes, I’ve got a purse, but I ^haven’t / not got ®a / any
1 chocolate bars g]
2 drink □
3 purse □
^ Reading and writing
Look at the list and complete the text about Freya.
4 keys □ 7 apples □
5 tissues □ 8 books □
6 mobile phone □ 9 sweets □

10 money □
11 sandwiches □
12 hairbrush □
3 pen / (no) 5
4 key / (some) 6
purse / (one) pencil / (no)
7 pencil case / (one)
8 apple / (one)
Freya’s got»…..uJbQQk…..and ^…………………., but she hasn’t got
………………….. She’s got ^…………………and ®…………..
She hasn’t got ®…………………, but she’s got ………………….
She’s got ®
9 MyLunchbox
Find eleven food words in the word search.
w h i s у a c w У 0 u 0
c h 0 c 0 1 a t e b a r 1 i
Ш. h a m r g f к a c e P a
i; e s c h e e s e i P n i
c n a t u a b r h n 1
к h 1 c r i s P s t e
e r a 0 t m m i r i n e
n 0 d 0 b i s c u i t a
Look and write. What have the children got for lunch?
1 Sam Jhas.got.three
2 Rosy………………………………..
3 Tom
4 Melissa
Draw your lunch on the plate. Then write about it.
Read and match.
^ Fiddle has got three bananas,-a ham sandwich and some crisps. He hasn’t got any сакеГ^
I Sticks has got two bananas, a cheese sandwich and some^akeV He hasn’t got any apples.
Lola has got four apples, a ham sandwich and some cake. She hasn’t got any crisps., ‘. Suzy has got four applesTa cheeselsandwich and sbme’crisps.’Sh’e hasn’t got any bananas.’
тх1.. . ….. ____________ .v;л!й^йй^iЙl^!^Й^!4гe.• •• • .лее..- Алл….. …. . s… кюииилг.и^^^ии ;; i. -vi;■■ v
Grammar and writing
Read and complete the dialogue. Use the words from the box.
I has got hasn’t Have Has haven’t hasn’t ’ve ’s got
Sticks ^ Has……….Lola got any apples?
Fiddle Yes, she 2……….. She ^………
got four apples, a ham sandwich and some cake.
Sticks ^……………you got any cake.
Fiddle No, I ^……….. |’ 6……
some crisps, but I haven’t ^……..
any cake.
Sticks Has Suzy ®……………a banana?
Fiddle No, she 9,………… She’s got two
apples, but she ^0…………got any
Write questions and answers. Use the prompts.
1 you / sandwiches? ✓
н.ауе.уоы got any sa Yes,..i.figye,……………
2 John / apple? X
HasjoM..g.Pt..on gp ………
.No, hehgsnt,……………..
3 we / cake? X
5 Jane and Emma / biscuits? X
6 Jim / yoghurt? ✓
7 we / oranges? ✓
4 you / crisps? ✓
8 Ben and Toby / chocolate bars? X
10 Му School
^ Reading
Read about Paolo. Match headings a-e to paragraphs 1-5.
a Favourite things b The students c Our teachers d Me e School subjects
1 Me
Hi! I’m Paolo. I’m eleven years old and I’m from Brazil. My school’s called the St Nicholas School of Porto Alegre.
We’ve got three teachers in our class


ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс Комарова, Ларионова, Грейнджер

Английский язык 5 класс


Комарова, Ларионова, Грейнджер

Инновационная школа

Русское слово

Можно определенно сказать, что на английском языке разговаривает практически весь мир. Его знают даже в странах третьего мира. Но вот, что удивительно: если коренные англичане еще смогут понять какого-нибудь папуаса, который удосужился выучить несколько предложений, то вот русского человека они могут и не понять. Вызвано это манерой преподавания, которая принята у нас в стране. На протяжении одиннадцати лет школьников учат тому, что практически не пригодится им при реальном общении. Но это бы еще как-то можно было стерпеть, если бы хоть эти знания давались в полном объеме. Однако подобного не происходит, поэтому по большей части ребята черпают информацию из решебника к учебнику «Английский язык 5 класс» Комарова, Ларионова.

Основные параметры издания

Сборник вместил в себя сто сорок пять страниц. В них содержится девять разделов, которые в свою очередь поделены на пятьдесят четыре урока. Так же в ГДЗ по английскому языку 5 класс вошли задания для контроля знаний и сборник песен. К каждому номеру авторы привели подробные ответы и перевод, что способствует лучшему усвоению материала.

Стоит ли им пользоваться

У каждого ученика имеется своя степень обучаемости и он выучится ровно настолько, насколько ему дано природой. Если ребенку не суждено стать нобелевским лауреатом, то он им и не станет. Однако это не значит что нужно забросить учебу или пустить все на самотек. Особенно не терпит подобного обращения иностранный язык, в котором и так достаточно сложностей. После перехода в пятый класс не только усложняется программа, но и увеличивается количество заданий, которые задают


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