
Test booklet 10 starlight – Ключи ответы к Test booklet Starlight 10 класс, решебник гдз к тестам по английскому Баранова


Тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему: Тест (Starlight 10) Модуль 1

  1. Read the text. For gaps 1-7, choose A, B, C or D to complete each gap correctly.

Working towards a Dream

Most of us have fantasised about meeting our favourite actor, and I’m no different.  Although I’m still in high school, I often dream of making films in New York City alongside one of Hollywood’s superstars. I also have a 1) ……. for being quite ambitious and I guess that’s one of the reasons why I joined the school’s drama club. The drama club taught me a great deal about theatrical productions and has also 2) ……. wonders for my acting skills. Our school has a long tradition in drama and theatrical performances. In fact, our drama club works together with professional theatre companies that 3) ……. workshops for our drama students. Last year, our school staged Oliver Twist and I was Nancy. Performing in front of a live audience is one of the most intense feelings I have 4) ……. experienced in my life. This year our annual school production will be Romeo and Juliet and I will play the 5) ……. of Juliet! Performing Shakespeare is not easy, especially Romeo and Juliet which is 6) ……. in Italy in the 1500s. Nevertheless, we are all extremely excited as we know that the 7) ……. will be packed with people! I don’t expect to become a star overnight, of course, but I do hope we keep the audience entertained and amused!

  1. You are going to read an article. For statements 8-14, choose A, B, C or D to complete each statement correctly.

The Wonder of Bollywood

‘Hollywood’ is a household name. This small district of Los Angeles, California is the centre of the American film industry and the reason for the sale of over 2.6 billion cinema ticket every year. Most of the films we watch, whether they are blockbuster action films or low-budget dramas, come straight out of Hollywood. But have you ever heard of ‘Bollywood’? ‘Bollywood’ is the name given to the Hindi language film industry based in Mumbai, India. Contrary to popular belief, it far outperforms Hollywood. Last year alone, over 1000 films were produced and 4 billion cinema tickets were sold, showing that Indian cinema is far more powerful than people think.

Many likely Bollywood fans are often concerned that they will not be able to understand the language used in the films. But there is no need to worry. Although the scripts have historically been written in Hindi, more and more films use the English language, showing India’s respect for the languages that make up its culture. You will also find that most films come with English language subtitles. The ‘language barrier’ shouldn’t stop a viewer from enjoying some first-class films.

So what do you get out of a Bollywood film? It is very difficult to define a film as belonging to a certain category, because there is no such thing as a typical Bollywood film. Indians tend to describe the films by using the Hindustani word, ‘Masala’ (meaning ‘spice mixture’). The plots sometimes focus on the drama of a love triangle, but they can also be packed with laugh-out-loud comedy or edge-of-your-seat action. The only guarantee is that a Bollywood film won’t end without several catchy song and dance routines.

Many Bollywood films are over three hours long. Some people might think that this is too long, but there is a good explanation. You would be forgiven for thinking it’s due to complicated storylines, but the film companies say it’s far simpler than that. They say the aim is not to draw in bigger audiences, but to give you, the audience, your ‘money’s worth’. If you are going to spend good money on a ticket, the film should be exciting, funny, scary, dramatic, musical… Anything you want!

As in Hollywood, there is no shortage of aspiring young actors and actresses hoping to get a role in the next blockbuster. They set off to Mumbai with dreams of becoming stars. Big shot film producers and casting agents are always looking out for new talent. Of course, the vast majority never ‘make it big’, but there are a few exceptions. India has its own Brad Pitts and Angelina Jolies – spectacular actors who make up all-star casts and ensure you have a truly enjoyable viewing experience!

Shilpa Shetty is the perfect example of a Bollywood megastar. A picture of beauty and raw acting talent, she has achieved success beyond the borders of India, most notably in the UK following her appearance on the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ TV series. Since then she has turned down roles in several British TV shows. Instead, she has returned to Mumbai and continues to shoot films in the land that made her a star.

Bollywood is not just for the Indian audience. Although it took a long time to become popular in other countries, Bollywood is hugely popular in Russia and Eastern Europe. And although audience numbers in Western Europe and the Americas are only now growing, it has already taken Africa and Asia by storm. As world cinema changes, don’t get left behind. Once you get into Bollywood, you’ll never want to stop watching.

Line 23

        8        The writer says that ‘contrary to popular belief’,

                A        more Hollywood films are made than Bollywood films.

                B        more Bollywood films  are made that Hollywood films.

                C        more people see Hollywood films each year.

                D         more people see Bollywood films each year.

        9        The writer says that the films

                A         cannot be understood by most people nowdays.

                B         have always been in Hindi and this will continue.

                C        increasingly use the English language.

                D        do not reflect the variety of languages spoken in India.

        10        The writer thinks that a common element of Bollywood films is

                A        comedy scenes.                                                         C        musical sequences.

                B         action scenes.                                                                D        that there are no common elements.

        11        The writer says the films are long in order to

                A        ensure good value for money.

                B        provide a complex plot.

                C        get bigger audiences.

                D        get the audience to spend more money on tickets.

        12        The ‘they’ the writer refers to in line 23 are

                A        young actors and actresses.                                 C        producers.

                B        Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.                                D        casting agents.

        13        The writer seems to think that Shilpa Shetty

                A        was foolish to turn down roles on British television.

                B        is an attractive and gifted actress.

                C        should shoot more films in India.

                D        is a bigger success in the UK than she is in India.

        14        According to the writer, Bollywood is still becoming popular in

                A        Eastern Europe.                                                                C        Africa and Asia.

                B        Russia.                                                                                        D        Western Europe and the Americas.

  1.         Read the text and complete gaps 15-20 with the correct derivative of each word in capitals.

Underwater Hockey

Underwater hockey, or Octopush, is a fast-paced 15) …………….. sport played at the bottom of a swimming pool. It was invented by divers in England and it is 16) …………….. becoming a sport that is drawing a lot of attention. Players wear a diving mask, fins, 17) ……………..  gloves and a snorkel. Playing underwater hockey is quite challeging. The object of the game is to use a small stick to push the puck into a tray which acts as the opponents’ goal. Knowing when to dive and when to return to the surface for air is part of the game’s strategy. Although there are ten 18) …………….. in each team, only six are allowed in the water. As a result, player substitutions can happen at any time, increasing the speed and 19) …………….. of the game. Underwater hockey is growing in 20) …………….. and is a very exciting team water sport.







  1. Fill in: estimated, wandering, opening, opportunity, crowded, bumpy, reputation, volunteers, condition, crept.

        21        By 10 am, the city streets were noisy and ……………………….. .

        22        Driving over the ……………………….. road made her feel quite sick.

        23        We spent the entire day ……………………….. around the zoo.

        24        Two of the burns victims were still in critical ……………………….. last night.

        25        Mike Maxwell ……………………….. at a shelter for the homeless.

        26         The play’s ……………………….. night was a huge success.

        27        I had the ……………………….. to go to Paris and study.

        28        The thief ……………………….. around the house without making a noise.

        29        The company has a ……………………….. for high-quality service.

        30        Her fortune was recently ……………………….. at £37 million.

  1. Complete the phrases with the following words: tight, heart, package, rough, exchange.

        31        ………………….        seas

        32        ………………….        programme

        33        ………………….        deal

        34        ………………….        budget

        35        ………………….        defect

  1. Fill in: off (x2), with, for, on. 

        36        Jamaica is famous ……………. its beaches and warm climate.

        37        Nancy is very keen ……………. playing tennis.

        38        The plane took ……………. on time and we arrived in London at 2:30.

        39        When I left for Europe, Tony came to see me ……………. at the airport.

        40         She is obsessed ……………. her weight and keeping fit.

  1. Join the sentences. Use relatives.

        41        John is my cousin. He is a magician.

        42        York is a city. It is in the north of England.

        43        Mark Jacobs is the author. His book became a best seller.

        44        Dennis is going to Paris. He will visit the Eiffel Tower there.  

45  This is the piano. He bought it at an auction.

  1. Read the text and complete gaps 46-52 with the correct form and tense of each verb in capitals.

A Once-in-a-lifetime Opportunity


Dogs have been man’s best friends for centuries. Even today, they 46) …………….. just companions, but also the only means of travel for many people who live in the Arctic. In parts of Greenland, for instance, dog sledding still 47) …………….. a major role in people’s lives as an essential mode of transport during the winter and spring.

Although dog sledding 48) …………….. hundreds of years ago and was used for hunting and travel, today it is mainly used to promote tourism, especially through sled tours. Dog sledding is one of the best ways for visitors to enjoy the amazing arctic scenery. Most people may 49) …………….. about dog sledding, but actually experiencing it is completely different. In fact, many countries in the Arctic Circle 50) …………….. dog sled tours for decades. Some of them include catching a glimpse of icebergs and glaciers by day, and 51) …………….. in tents on the sea ice at night.

A visit to the Arctic region is a life-long dream for many travellers. Dog sledding tours have a thrill and excitement that is incomparable to other adventure holidays. Without a doubt, dog sledding 52) …………….. to fascinate tourists in the future.









Test 1a

1.                1        B                                        3        C                                                5        C                                                7        B

                                2        D                                        4        A                                                6        A        

2.                8        D                                                10        C                                                12        A                                                14        D

                        9        C                                                11        A                                                13        B                


3.                15        competitive                                                        18        players

                        16        quickly                                                                                        19        excitement

                        17        protective                                                                20        popularity

4.                26        opening                                                                         21        crowded

                        27        opportunity                                                 22        bumpy

                        28        crept                                                                                                23        wandering

                        29        reputation                                                                24        condition

                        30        estimated                                                         25volunteers

5.                31        rough

      32        exchange

      33        package                                                                        

                        34        tight                                                                                                 

      35        heart


6.                        36        for          37        on                 38        off                 39        off    40         with                

7.                41        John, who is a magician, is my cousin. /John, who is my cousin, is a magician.

                        42        York is a city which is in the north of England.

                        43        Mark Jacobs is the author whose book became a best seller.

                        44        Dennis is going to Paris where he will visit the Eiffel Tower.

                        45        This is the piano which/that he bought at an auction.

8.                46        are not                                                                        50        have been organising

                        47        plays                                                                                        51        sleeping

                        48        was developed                        52        will continue

                        49        have read

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Test 3a/b, ключи к тесту Starlight 10 класс

A. Вставьте в предложения: weaved, hive, pursue, hustle, prolong, renovated, quaint, cover, distracted, footsteps.
1) The Costa del Sol is a hive of activity during the summer months.
2) Life is terribly hectic in the city, all hustle and bustle.
3) It started raining so we ran for cover to avoid getting wet.
4) The holiday was so much fun that we decided to prolong our stay.
5) Many students can’t concentrate in a noisy room as they are easily distracted.
6) He followed in his father’s footsteps and became a lawyer too.
7) The couple renovated their old house and put it up for sale.
8) The police car weaved in and out of traffic to get to the scene of the accident.
9) In the future, he hopes to pursue a career in film-making.
10) There are a lot of quaint cottages in this village.

B. Complete the phrases with the following words: special, public, street, wildlife, rocky.
1) public exhibition
2) rocky landscape
3) wildlife habitat
4) special occasion
5) street procession

C. Fill in: of, off, on, in, down.
1) He has always been interested in Greek mythology.
2) Turn the volume down a little bit− it’s too loud.
3) They put off their wedding for another three months.
4) He is going to keep on practising until he learns how to play the guitar.
5) My diet consists of cereal and fruit for breakfast

1) She’s quite a nice person.
2) It’s rather a cold winter.
3) Mary has pretty well finished her essay.
4) Bill is rather more experienced than Andrew.
5) Being a doctor is quite a stressful job.

E. Read the text and complete gaps 1-7 with the correct form and tense of each verb in capitals.

Carling Weekend

The Carling Festival has been part of the British music scene for nearly 50 years. Originally a jazz festival, today its main focus is rock music.
Up until 1999, the festival 1) was held in the town of Reading, a half-hour train journey from London. However, an ever increasing demand for tickets 2) led the organisers to establish a sister festival in the northern city of Leeds. Since then, the Carling Weekend 3) has become a phenomenal success, with a total of over 150,000 tickets sold each year.
Every year, the festival gates open for the August Bank Holiday weekend, 4) giving fans the chance to enjoy an exciting 3-day camping experience. Fortunately, for those who want 5) to avoid a weekend without life’s little luxuries, day tickets are also available.
The event, which 6) focuses exclusively on music, attracts some of the world’s most famous rock bands, from The Who to The Red Hot Chili Peppers. If you love to go mad to the sound of guitars and drums, the Carling Weekend 7) will not be a boring experience for you!

F. Read the text and complete gaps 1-6 with the correct derivative of each word in capitals.

The National Eisteddfod

The National Eisteddfod of Wales, which can trace its history back as far as 1176, is a 1) spectacular festival held annually in early August. Its purpose is to celebrate the traditions and culture of this small principality.
The festivities are conducted in the nation’s mother tongue, Welsh, but people of all nationalities are welcome to experience the country’s rich heritage and the 2) warmth of its people.
The Eisteddfod is located in a different part of Wales each year, making it a 3) memorable occasion. This is the perfect way for regular visitors to explore different parts of the countryside and enjoy the hospitality of the 4) friendly locals.
At the festival, there are hundreds of stalls that sell local arts and crafts, 5) traditional dishes such as lava bread, and picture books that walk you through the principality’s history – from the Celtic tribes to modern rural and urban life. Consequently, the festival offers a wide 6) choice of activities.
The Eisteddfod is one of Europe’s largest traditional folk, poetry and literature festivals. Be sure not to miss the opportunity to see the elaborate ‘crowning of the Bard’ ceremony which honours the work of top Welsh poets and authors.

G. Read the text. For gaps 1-7, choose A, B, C or D to complete each gap correctly. Circle the answer you choose.
Ответы: 1-D; 2-A; 3-D; 4-B; 5-C; 6-B; 7-D

The Edinburgh Festival

The Edinburgh Festival was established in 1947 and has grown to 1) become the largest outdoor international arts and culture event in the world.
Its name is slightly misleading, though. It is used as a collective term for a wide number of events, performances and festivals that last throughout the month of August.
The organisers have ensured that there is something for everyone in Edinburgh. If you are interested 2) in music, film, reading, politics, books, dance, comedy, theatre or more, then there is surely something for you.
Of all the many celebrations, the Edinburgh Fringe is most popular 3) among festival-goers. Every possible aspect of the performing arts is covered. If you like to be around others, you can watch the 4) street performers, jugglers, mime artists as they perform in the city’s crowded streets. If you prefer a slower 5) pace of life, stop by one of the many small cafes or side-street theatres where you can sit and enjoy a play. Whether it is a new independent production or one of the 6) ancient Greek classics, you’ll find something to tickle your fancy!
The good 7) news is that there are no tickets to buy in order to attend the festival. However, you should note that some events might demand a small payment for entry. But don’t worry; it’s worth every penny!

H. Match the headings (A-H) to extracts 1-7. Use each heading only once. There is one extra heading you do not need to use. Write your answers in the table.
Ответы: 1-H; 2-A; 3-G; 4-E; 5-C; 6-D; 7-F
1) For people who hate working in an office, getting paid to travel can sound like a dream come true. Anyone with a sense of adventure and a strong desire to travel should seriously consider a job in the travel industry. One of the most worthwhile jobs is a group travel organiser. People get paid to go on trips, visit amazing places and have fun.

2) The event is mostly run by volunteers and nearly all takings from the weekend are donated to good causes. So just by attending the festival you’re doing something good. However, beware of the ‘Glastonbury Curse’! Despite the seasonal good weather, it nearly always changes just in time for the festival. If you plan on going, it would be wise to take a raincoat!

3) From its rich history to secluded beaches, Vancouver Island is an adventurer’s holiday paradise. The 7-day sea kayaking expedition is open to a maximum of 10 participants aged 14-16. This expedition will give teenagers the opportunity to see and do a wide variety of exciting activities, such as paddling along the coastlines of the island.

4) Many people often dream of travelling, especially to interesting or faraway locations which seem mysterious and exciting. Some believe that visiting these places would be impossible or something to only read about in books. Fortunately, many countries offer programmes where students can get away for the summer, experience life in another country and earn some money.

5) Combine sailing on the river Thames with outdoor jazz music. A full itinerary for the weekend and a complete list of what to bring will be sent upon booking and waterproofs will be provided free of charge. The total cost includes accommodation and meals. This promises to be an exciting experience and a rewarding opportunity of a lifetime.

6) Nowadays, it is very important to pack as few things as possible when travelling abroad. People don’t realise that there are fundamental rules and regulations about what you can and cannot take on board your flight. Many airlines have additional restrictions on the size, number and weight of suitcases. Travellers should check their airline’s website for further information.

7) On the last weekend of June, free spirits everywhere descend upon the normally sleepy town to see a line-up of the biggest names in contemporary music, theatre performances, stand-up comedy, world dance, cabaret, circuses and much more. Held on a huge farm in the picturesque rural village of Pilton, over 700 acts are scheduled to appear.

Writing — Part 2
Comment on the following statement.

Many people believe that cycle lanes provide safety for cyclists in the city. Others argue that they cause traffic problems because they reduce the width of the road available to other users.

Although cycle lanes are very common in countries such as The Netherlands, where they are very popular with people who use bicycles as their main means of transport, I am not convinced that they are a benefit in all circumstances.
To start with, Holland is a very flat country and this makes the bicycle an attractive form of cheap transport. Furthermore, suburbs that have been built over the last fifty years were designed with the needs of cyclists in mind. This means that the needs of all road users have been met; the streets are wide enough for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers alike. It is only fair to point out that, because cycling in The Netherlands puts so little strain on the body, people are less likely to use expensive cars to get to work and so there are probably fewer cars on the roads as compared to other more mountainous countries.
I think that it is true to say that in certain countries cycle lanes are not practical. In towns and cities where there are steep hills or the streets are not very wide, for example, it may not be possible to provide cycle lanes that people can use safely. There are many examples of badly designed cycle lanes, some of them are so narrow that they are dangerous for even one cyclist to use.
To sum up, cycle lanes are certainly a good idea and can save cyclists from serious injury provided that they are well-designed. In places where it is not possible to design safe cycle lanes which will not interfere with other road users, then they should not be considered.


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ГДЗ по английскому языку за 10 класс контрольные задания Starlight Баранова К.М., Эванс В. Углубленный уровень


  • 1 класс

    • Математика
    • Английский язык
    • Русский язык
    • Информатика
    • Музыка
    • Литература
    • Окружающий мир
    • Человек и мир
  • 2 класс

    • Математика
    • Английский язык
    • Русский язык
    • Немецкий язык
    • Белорусский язык
    • Информатика
    • Музыка
    • Литература
    • Окружающий мир
    • Человек и мир
  • 3 класс

    • Математика
    • Английский язык
    • Русский язык
    • Немецкий язык
    • Белорусский язык
    • Информатика
    • Музыка
    • Литература
    • Окружающий мир
    • Человек и мир
    • Испанский язык
  • 4 класс

    • Математика
    • Английский язык
    • Русский язык
    • Немецкий язык
    • Информатика
    • Музыка
    • Литература
    • Окружающий мир
    • Человек и мир
    • Испанский язык
  • 5 класс

    • Математика
    • Английский язык
    • Русский


Test 1a/b. Ключи к тесту Starlight 10 класс

A. Fill in: estimated, wandering, opening, opportunity, crowded, bumpy, reputation, volunteers, condition, crept.
1)The play’s opening night was a huge success.
2)I had the opportunity to go to Paris and study.
3)The thief crept around the house without making a noise.
4)The company has a reputation for high-quality service.
5)Her fortune was recently estimated at £37 million.
6)By 10 am, the city streets were noisy and crowded.
7)Driving over the bumpy road made her feel quite sick.
8)We spent the entire day wandering around the zoo.
9)Two of the burns victims were still in critical condition last night.
10)Mike Maxwell volunteers at a shelter for the homeless.

B. Complete the phrases with the following words: tight, heart, package, rough, exchange.
1) package deal
2) tight budget
3) rough seas
4) exchange programme
5) heart defect

C. Fill in: off (x2), with, for, on.
1 Nancy is very keen on playing tennis.
2 Jamaica is famous for its beaches and warm climate.
3 The plane took off on time and we arrived in London at 2:30.
4 She is obsessed with her weight and keeping fit.
5 When I left for Europe, Tony came to see me off at the airport.

D. Соедините предложения
1) John, who is a magician, is my cousin.
2) York is a city which is in the north of England.
3) Mark Jacobs is the author whose book became a best seller.
4) Dennis is going to Paris where he will visit the Eiffel Tower.
5) This is the piano which/that he bought at an auction.

E. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-7 с правильной формой и временем каждого глагола.

A Once-in-a-lifetime Opportunity

Dogs have been man’s best friends for centuries. Even today, they 1) are not just companions, but also the only means of travel for many people who live in the Arctic. In parts of Greenland, for instance, dog sledding still 2) plays a major role in people’s lives as an essential mode of transport during the winter and spring.
Although dog sledding 3) was developed hundreds of years ago and was used for hunting and travel, today it is mainly used to promote tourism, especially through sled tours. Dog sledding is one of the best ways for visitors to enjoy the amazing arctic scenery. Most people may 4) have read about dog sledding, but actually experiencing it is completely different. In fact, many countries in the Arctic Circle 5) have been organising dog sled tours for decades. Some of them include catching a glimpse of icebergs and glaciers by day, and 6) sleeping in tents on the sea ice at night.
A visit to the Arctic region is a life-long dream for many travellers. Dog sledding tours have a thrill and excitement that is incomparable to other adventure holidays. Without a doubt, dog sledding 7) wil continue to fascinate tourists in the future.

F. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 с правильной формой и временем каждого глагола.

Underwater Hockey

Underwater hockey, or Octopush, is a fast-paced 1) competitive sport played at the bottom of a swimming pool. It was invented by divers in England and it is 2) quickly becoming a sport that is drawing a lot of attention. Players wear a diving mask, fins, 3) protective gloves and a snorkel. Playing underwater hockey is quite challenging. The object of the game is to use a small stick to push the puck into a tray which acts as the opponents’ goal. Knowing when to dive and when to return to the surface for air is part of the game’s strategy. Although there are ten 4) players in each team, only six are allowed in the water. As a result, player substitutions can happen at any time, increasing the speed and 5) excitement of the game. Underwater hockey is growing in 6) popularity and is a very exciting team water sport.

G. Прочитайте текст и вставьте в графы нужные слова

Working towards a Dream

Most of us have fantasised about meeting our favourite actor, and I’m no different. Although I’m still in high school, I often dream of making films in New York City alongside one of Hollywood’s superstars. I also have a 1) reputation for being quite ambitious and I guess that’s one of the reasons why I joined the school’s drama club. The drama club taught me a great deal about theatrical productions and has also 2) worked wonders for my acting skills. Our school has a long tradition in drama and theatrical performances. In fact, our drama club works together with professional theatre companies that 3) run workshops for our drama students. Last year, our school staged Oliver Twist and I was Nancy. Performing in front of a live audience is one of the most intense feelings I have 4) ever experienced in my life. This year our annual school production will be Romeo and Juliet and I will play the 5) part of Juliet! Performing Shakespeare is not easy, especially Romeo and Juliet which is 6) set in Italy in the 1500s. Nevertheless, we are all extremely excited as we know that the 7) auditorium will be packed with people! I don’t expect to become a star overnight, of course, but I do hope we keep the audience entertained and amused!

Ответы: 1-B; 2-D; 3-C; 4-A; 5-C; 6-A; 7-B
Ответы: 1-D; 2-C; 3-C; 4-A; 5-A; 6-B; 7-D
1 The writer says that ‘contrary to popular belief’,
A more Hollywood films are made than Bollywood films.
B more Bollywood films are made that Hollywood films.
C more people see Hollywood films each year.
D more people see Bollywood films each year.

2 The writer says that the films
A cannot be understood by most people nowdays.
B have always been in Hindi and this will continue.
C increasingly use the English language.
D do not reflect the variety of languages spoken in India.

3 The writer thinks that a common element of Bollywood films is
A comedy scenes.
B action scenes.
C musical sequences.
D that there are no common elements.

4 The writer says the films are long in order to
A ensure good value for money. .
B provide a complex plot.
C get bigger audiences.
D get the audience to spend more money on tickets.

5 The ‘they’ the writer refers to in line 23 are
A young actors and actresses.
B Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
C producers.
D casting agents.

6 The writer seems to think that Shilpa Shetty
A was foolish to turn down roles on British television.
B is an attractive and gifted actress.
C should shoot more films in India.
D is a bigger success in the UK than she is in India.

7 According to the writer, Bollywood is still becoming popular in
A Eastern Europe.
B Russia.
C Africa and Asia.
D Western Europe and the Americas.

Writing — Part 1.
(Suggested Answer)
Dear Brian,
Thanks for your letter. Now that I know you have a mobile phone, we can text each other! It sounds like we have more in common than I thought. My friends and I also enjoy doing different things in our spare time. We like to play sports during the week. We usually play tennis or football, depending on how many people there are. At the weekend, we go out. Our favourite place to go is the cinema to watch the latest films. Comedies are our favourites. Most teenagers here relax by spending time with their friends at coffee shops.
How was the birthday party for your brother? Was he surprised? How many people came?
Write soon,

Перевод текста:

Удивительный Болливуд

‘Голливуд’ — общеизвестное имя. Этот небольшой район Лос-Анджелеса, Калифорния — центр американской киноиндустрии и причины продажи более чем 2.6 миллиардов билетов кино каждый год. Большинство фильмов, которые мы смотрим, являются ли они боевиками блокбастера или малобюджетными драмами, появляется прямо из Голливуда. Но Вы когда-либо слышали о ‘Болливуде’? ‘Болливуд’ — имя, данное языковой киноиндустрии хинди, базирующейся в Мумбаи, Индия. Противоречащий широко распространенному мнению, это далеко выигрывает у Голливуда. В прошлом году один, более чем 1000 фильмов были созданы, и 4 миллиарда билетов кино были проданы, показав, что индийское кино намного более сильно, чем люди думают.
Многие вероятные болливудские поклонники часто обеспокоены, что не будут в состоянии понять язык, используемый в фильмах. Но нет никакой потребности волноваться. Хотя сценарии были исторически написаны на хинди, все больше фильмов использует английский язык, проявляя уважение Индии к языкам, которые составляют его культуру. Вы также найдете, что большинство фильмов идет с английскими языковыми подзаголовками. ‘Языковой барьер’ не должен мешать зрителю обладать некоторыми первоклассными фильмами.
Таким образом, что Вы выходите из болливудского фильма? Очень трудно определить фильм как принадлежащий определенной категории, потому что нет такой вещи как типичный болливудский фильм. Индийцы склонны описывать фильмы при помощи хиндустанского слова, ‘Masala’ (значение ‘смеси специи’). Заговоры иногда сосредотачиваются на драме любовного треугольника, но они могут также быть заполнены комедией смеха вслух или краем Вашего действия места. Единственная гарантия — то, что болливудский фильм не будет заканчиваться без нескольких броских песен и танцевать установленный порядок.
Много болливудских фильмов более чем три часа длиной. Некоторые люди могли бы думать, что это слишком длинно, но есть хорошее объяснение. Вы были бы прощены за размышление, что это происходит из-за сложных основных сюжетных линий, но кинокомпании заявляют, что это намного более просто, чем это. Они говорят, что цель не состоит в том, чтобы потянуть в более многочисленных зрителях, но дать Вам, аудитории, Вашему ‘денежному эквиваленту’. Если Вы собираетесь потратить хорошие деньги на билет, фильм должен быть захватывающим, забавным, страшным, драматическим, музыкальным … Что-либо, что Вы хотите!
Как в Голливуде, нет никакой нехватки стремящихся молодых актеров и актрис, надеющихся получить роль в следующем блокбастере. Они отправляются в Мумбаи с, мечтает стать звездами. Кинопродюсеры важной шишки и бросающие агенты всегда высматривают новый талант. Конечно, подавляющее большинство никогда не ‘добиваются успеха’, но есть несколько исключений. У Индии есть свой собственный Брэд Питтс и Анджелина Джолис – захватывающие актеры, которые составляют спектакли, в котором участвуют только звезды и гарантируют, чтобы у Вас был действительно приятный опыт просмотра!
Shilpa Shetty — прекрасный пример болливудской суперзвезды. Рисунок красоты и сырого действующего таланта, она добилась успеха вне границ Индии, прежде всего в Великобритании после ее появления на телесериале ‘Шоу «Большой Брат» со звездами’. С тех пор она выключила роли в нескольких британских сериалах. Вместо этого она возвратилась в Мумбаи и продолжает стрелять в фильмы в земле, которая сделала ее звездой.
Болливуд не только для индийской аудитории. Хотя требовалось много времени, чтобы стать популярным в других странах, Болливуд чрезвычайно популярен в России и Восточной Европе. И хотя числа аудитории в Западной Европе и Америках только теперь растут, она уже покорила Африку и Азию. Когда мировое кино изменяется, не становитесь оставленными позади. Как только Вы входите в Болливуд, Вы никогда не будете хотеть прекращать смотреть.

Оригинал текста:

The Wonder of Bollywood
‘Hollywood’ is a household name. This small district of Los Angeles, California is the centre of the American film industry and the reason for the sale of over 2.6 billion cinema ticket every year. Most of the films we watch, whether they are blockbuster action films or low-budget dramas, come straight out of Hollywood. But have you ever heard of ‘Bollywood’? ‘Bollywood’ is the name given to the Hindi language film industry based in Mumbai, India. Contrary to popular belief, it far outperforms Hollywood. Last year alone, over 1000 films were produced and 4 billion cinema tickets were sold, showing that Indian cinema is far more powerful than people think.
Many likely Bollywood fans are often concerned that they will not be able to understand the language used in the films. But there is no need to worry. Although the scripts have historically been written in Hindi, more and more films use the English language, showing India’s respect for the languages that make up its culture. You will also find that most films come with English language subtitles. The ‘language barrier’ shouldn’t stop a viewer from enjoying some first-class films.
So what do you get out of a Bollywood film? It is very difficult to define a film as belonging to a certain category, because there is no such thing as a typical Bollywood film. Indians tend to describe the films by using the Hindustani word, ‘Masala’ (meaning ‘spice mixture’). The plots sometimes focus on the drama of a love triangle, but they can also be packed with laugh-out-loud comedy or edge-of-your-seat action. The only guarantee is that a Bollywood film won’t end without several catchy song and dance routines.
Many Bollywood films are over three hours long. Some people might think that this is too long, but there is a good explanation. You would be forgiven for thinking it’s due to complicated storylines, but the film companies say it’s far simpler than that. They say the aim is not to draw in bigger audiences, but to give you, the audience, your ‘money’s worth’. If you are going to spend good money on a ticket, the film should be exciting, funny, scary, dramatic, musical… Anything you want!
As in Hollywood, there is no shortage of aspiring young actors and actresses hoping to get a role in the next blockbuster. They set off to Mumbai with dreams of becoming stars. Big shot film producers and casting agents are always looking out for new talent. Of course, the vast majority never ‘make it big’, but there are a few exceptions. India has its own Brad Pitts and Angelina Jolies – spectacular actors who make up all-star casts and ensure you have a truly enjoyable viewing experience!
Shilpa Shetty is the perfect example of a Bollywood megastar. A picture of beauty and raw acting talent, she has achieved success beyond the borders of India, most notably in the UK following her appearance on the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ TV series. Since then she has turned down roles in several British TV shows. Instead, she has returned to Mumbai and continues to shoot films in the land that made her a star.
Bollywood is not just for the Indian audience. Although it took a long time to become popular in other countries, Bollywood is hugely popular in Russia and Eastern Europe. And although audience numbers in Western Europe and the Americas are only now growing, it has already taken Africa and Asia by storm. As world cinema changes, don’t get left behind. Once you get into Bollywood, you’ll never want to stop watching.


Test 2a/b, ключи к тесту Starlight 10 класс

A. Вставьте слова в предложения: desperate, distressed, underweight, brittle, examination, infections, guilty, additives, prescription, portions.
1) Consumers are becoming more aware of the dangers of additives in foods.
2) Lack of calcium can cause your bones to become brittle.
3) Julia had an eating disorder and was severely underweight.
4) He had to undergo a routine medical examination when he joined the army.
5) The doctor wrote me a prescription for some tablets and cough medicine.
6) The restaurant was famous for the huge portions it served customers.
7) Ear infections can be intensely irritating and very painful.
8) The town was in desperate need of food and medical supplies after the earthquake.
9) Connie felt guilty after the offensive comments she made about Anna.
10) The actress was deeply distressed by the bad reviews of her latest film.

B. Заполните графы с использованием слов: medical, health, mood, body, dairy
1) health benefits
2) dairy products
3) medical attention
4) mood swings
5) body image

C. Fill in: over, from, with, to, after.
1) Ben looks after his little sister when his parents go out.
2) Cathy came down with measles at the weekend.
3) You must tell your doctor if you are allergic to certain antibiotics.
4) Anita has a brother who suffers from heart disease.
5) It took Frank a long time to get over the shock of his brother’s death.

D. Change into reported speech using: forbid, allow, order, suggest, remind, beg. Begin your sentences with: He.
1 He begged me to help him.
2 He allowed me to go to the party.
3 He reminded me to call Steve.
4 He forbade me to eat in the classroom.
5 He suggested going/that we go to the cinema.

E. Read the text and complete gaps 1-7 with the correct form and tense of the verb in capitals.
With Clenched Teeth
“Mr Reynolds is ready 1)to see you now, Mr Lawrence,” said the cheerful receptionist. My stomach tightened as I smiled back politely. Although the appointment was only for a check-up, I was afraid that it 2) would not be as painless as I had hoped. As I got up to follow the receptionist, I visualised my upcoming holiday to try and relax. I thought to myself, “This time next month, I 3) will be lying on a beautiful beach in Spain.” Then, regrettably, I came back to reality when I 4) heard the receptionist’s voice. She led me to the surgery and I sat in the uncomfortable chair, trembling with hidden fear. While I 5) was waiting, I couldn’t help but notice all the instruments neatly laid out beside me. Nevertheless, I knew there was no point in 6) getting stressed. “Good to see you again,” said the dentist. “Let’s have a look,” he added happily. “Hmm. 7) Have you thought of getting your teeth whitened? They’re a bit stained, but other than that, they are in perfect condition.” I was so happy that I nearly cried. No drills! No injections! No pain! A wave of relief swept over me as I shut my eyes and said, “Sounds great.”

F. Read the text and complete gaps 1-6 with the correct derivative of each word in capitals.
The Benefits of Cooking
While cooking is not very popular with people who have a hectic lifestyle, the benefits of preparing your own meals are 1) endless. People who are pressed for time often eat out or order takeaway food. However, these choices may also be quite 2) expensive and the ingredients they contain are typically high in fat, making them extremely 3) unhealthy. Home-cooked meals, on the other hand, offer many benefits. For one thing, you can control the ingredients and portions. You have a greater 4) variety in your diet, which is essential in watching your weight and reducing the risks of a number of diseases. Cooking on a 5) daily basis does not have to be a laborious task. All it takes is a bit of planning, organisation and determination. Preparing your own meals might be a challenge, but it is certainly not 6) impossible. The key is experimenting and testing different kinds of food. After a while, you will be able to confidently prepare a wide range of meals and enjoy yourself at the same time.

G. Read the text. For gaps 1-7, choose A, B, C or D to complete each gap correctly. Circle the answer you choose.
Ответы: 1-A; 2-C; 3-B; 4-A; 5-D; 6-A; 7-B
Healthy Living
With more and more people trying to 1) control their weight, the need for dieticians has increased significantly over the past few years. As a dietician, I work with people of all ages. I usually advise them how to maintain healthy eating 2) habits. The best part of my job is educating people about the importance of good nutrition. I work in a variety of settings, including hospitals and schools, where I develop nutrition programmes and meal plans. I also work with people who have special dietary needs. For example, I create special diets for diabetics and help them 3) reduce their blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, I often have to deal with teenage girls who have a lack of self-esteem when it comes to their 4) ideal body image. Many young women believe that they are unattractive or worthless. To make matters worse, they are 5) led to believe that all their weight problems will be solved if they go on low-calorie diets. Some of them come to my office and burst 6) into tears because they want to lose weight even though they are not fat. Of course, the media are said to be partly responsible for the rise in severe eating disorders in recent years because they often offer 7) false information about healthy weight loss. Despite all the difficulties, however, being a dietician is very fulfilling as I help people improve their overall health and quality of life.

H. Вы собираетесь прочитать статью о типе диеты. Прочитайте текст и выберите правильные части предложений (A-G), чтобы заполнить пропуски 1-6. Есть одна дополнительная часть предложения, которую Вы не должны использовать. Напишите свои ответы в таблице.
Ответы: 1-B; 2-D; 3-F; 4-C; 5-E; 6-G
During recent years, people have become obsessed with their weight. The desire of people to look like their favourite movie star or supermodel has prompted an almost endless list of celebrity-endorsed diets. Actress Jodie Foster says ‘Yes!’ to the Beverly Hills Diet, Kylie Minogue uses the Montignac Diet and Sarah-Michelle Gellar even gives a thumbs up to a Cabbage Soup Diet! But no nutritional programme has gained quite so much attention as the world-famous Atkins Diet.
Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston and Catherine Zeta-Jones are just a few of the personalities 1)who have tried the diet. So what is ‘Atkins’, why does it have such a high-profile following and, more importantly, is it safe?
The basic idea of the diet is quite simple. Atkins dieticians claim that carbohydrates are the reason 2) why we put on weight. These included foodstuffs such as flour and sugar, like you would find in a cake. Our bodies burn carbohydrates first. So the Atkins scientists say that if we cut down on these carbohydrates, our bodies will search for other forms of energy to burn instead. When our bodies burn fat, we naturally become less hungry, 3) so we start to lose weight.
Not everybody thinks 4) that Atkins is the best way to lose weight, through. Several nutritionists have said that the diet upsets the balance of fruit and vegetable intake 5) which they think is necessary for us to stay healthy. The human body needs a variety of minerals and vitamins and these should be part of any diet. It is also thought that the Atkins diet is too low in fibre, which is mainly found in bread, cereals and potatoes. There is wide scientific agreement that lack of fibre can cause serious stomach problems. However, an Atkins spokesman has rejected claims made about flaws in the diet. He agrees that the intake of fruit and vegetables is reduced at the beginning of the diet, 6) but there is still a healthy amount that is slowly increased. Dieters also are encouraged not to neglect fibre and the Atkins website advertises a special range of bread and cereals which ensure that a person’s nutritional needs are met.
A number of scientific studies back the claim that Atkins is a good way to lose weight quickly as noticeable results can easily be seen after a short length of time. Life in the limelight is very likely the reason that celebrities choose to use this diet, but if you are considering trying it, you should consult a doctor first. Atkins is only successful if it is well-planned, nutritious and includes regular exercise.

Writing — Part 2
Прокомментируйте следующее утверждение.

Many people believe that being famous is very fulfilling because it offers a rich and glamorous lifestyle.

Almost everybody dreams of being well known, and having the luxurious lifestyle that goes along with it. However, I have never felt that being famous is necessarily a good thing.
First of all, there are many famous people in the world who are well-known but certainly do not lead rich, glamorous lives. Nelson Mandela, for example, must be one of the most famous people in the world, but he lives a quiet life with his extended family and he has never shown any desire to be rich. Another famous person who lived in a very simple way was Mother Teresa, who spent most of her life helping the poor and sick in India.
It is also true to say that not all rich people want to advertise their wealth. While it is probably true that such people have very comfortable lives, they avoid the sort of publicity that would show them leading glamorous lifestyles.
Of course, many famous people from the world of entertainment, such as models, singers and film-stars, actually want to be at the centre of attention because this helps them in their careers. As a result, glossy magazines publish photographs of these people enjoying themselves on expensive yachts and at top-class restaurants, and this sort of publicity makes us think that these people must have wonderful, exciting lives. What the photographs do not show is what these famous people actually think of their lifestyles. We do not know whether they are happy or not.
To conclude, I do not think we should believe all we read about so-called famous people. For some of these people it may be more of a curse than a blessing for everyone to know who you are. Those who really deserve to be called famous put other people before themselves and do not look for riches or glamorous lifestyles.


Test 5a/b, ключи к тесту Starlight 10 класс

1 detected

2 texture

3 industry

4 intelligence

5 experimenting

6 appearance
7 complimented
8 labels
9 shrink
10 discount

1 false
2 digital
3 health
4 harmful
5 food

1 from
2 into
3 into
4 down
5 away

1 so
2 such a
3 so
4 such
5 such a

1 have referred
2 became
3 had been considered
4 do not break
5 are hired
6 will be
7 getting

1 financial
2 consideration
3 personality
4 certificates
5 qualifications
6 meaningful

1 C
2 A
3 B
4 C
5 C
6 A
7 B

1 F

2 C

3 G
4 D
5 A
6 E

Writing — Part 2
(Suggested Answer)

Crime is a problem in all parts of the world. The solution, for some, is to construct more high-security prisons. Others disagree and say different options must be explored. I believe the answer is in education and community involvement.
Children must be educated about the consequences of their actions. If they are taught early on in their lives that breaking the law results in more than a short sentence and that most criminals become repeat offenders, they will think twice about committing a crime. Schools must show them what lies ahead if they make poor choices. For example, guidance counsellors can talk with students about career opportunities available to them, and also how they diminish once they have a police record. This contrast shows the students the direct impact one bad decision can make.
Schemes must be set up to work with first time offenders who commit less serious crimes so these people don’t turn into repeat offenders. They should take part in community action. A meeting is held with the victims, criminals and members of the community to discuss what was done, and why, as well as the damage it caused. In this way, criminals come to realise the effects their actions have on people from their area. This has been shown to reduce re-offending and it also brings communities closer together.
Others disagree and believe that the solution lies in the construction of new prisons. They believe that prisons are overcrowded as it is and more space is required to hold criminals. Instead of prisoners serving out their sentences, they are released early due to the lack of space. Supporters for new prisons say that the number of criminals is increasing, so we need to have more space to keep up with the rising crime rate. However, I do not agree with this because it does not deal with the causes of the problem.
In conclusion, building new prisons does not reduce crime; it only gives more space to those that commit it. The solution is teaching young people about making the right choices and also working with the community to get more involved. By working together, they can help reduce crime, instead of simply accommodating it.


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