
Spotlight 7 тест модуль 1 – Spotlight 7 Test 1A (Module 1) ОТВЕТЫ

Spotlight 7 Test 1A (Module 1) ОТВЕТЫ

Spotlight 7 Test 1A (Module 1) ОТВЕТЫ

Spotlight 7 Test 1A (Module 1) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 1 A с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 7 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение, 2016.


 A Match the words/phrases to their definition.

1 ID ……….. E identification

2 computer games ……….. F fun activities on the computer

3 beach volleyball ……….. В a sport

4 surf the Net ……….. A look for information on the computer

5 alarm system ……….. C a machine that signals danger

В Match the words to form phrases.

6 install …….. E an alarm

7 high-quality …….. D lifestyle

8 high rate of …….. В unemployment

9 feeling …….. C isolated

10 beautiful …….. A landscapes

C Complete the sentences with the correct word.

11 We went for a walk in the country, because we needed some ………………. and quiet. (• peace)

12 She spent the day in London, but found the streets very ……………… (• crowded)

13 In the country you usually meet friendly and people. (• helpful)

14 My father hates driving in ………………… traffic. (• heavy)

15 I love living in the city, but I don’t like the high …………… of living. (• cost)

 D Fill in the correct preposition.

16 If a burglar breaks into your house, always hand………..your valuables. (• over)

17 I ran ……….. an old friend at the supermarket yesterday. (• into)

18 We ran out ……….. milk, so can you buy some when you’re at the supermarket? (• of)

19 My brother and his friends hang………….at the shopping centre on Saturdays. (• out)

20 I saw two policemen running ……………. a robber. (• after)


 E Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

21 We ………………..(feed) the chickens every morning at 6:30. (feed)

22 He…………..(think) of changing his job. (is thinking)

23 I really have to go now. My plane …………….. (leave) at 10:30. (leaves/is leaving)

24 We …………………(go) to the cinema tomorrow afternoon. Would you like to come with us? (are going)

25 I………….(study) in my bedroom at the moment, but I can join you in the park later. (am studying)

26 Hurry up! The play………………….. (start) in ten minutes. (starts)

27 He………………….(leave) early in the morning every Friday. (leaves)

28 I ……………………(cook) dinner this evening, so please don’t be late. (am cooking)

29 She……………..(visit) her grandmother every Sunday afternoon. (visits)

30 He ………………..(write) a book about the high cost of living. (is writing)

 F Use the prompts to give the correct advice, using either should or shouldn’t.

31 A: I lost my red pen. B: (keep/pencil case) You should keep it in your pencil case.

32 A: I feel really sick. B: (play/outside). You shouldn’t play outside.

33 A: I’ve got a toothache. B: (see/dentist) ………… You should see a dentist.

34 A: I’m very worried about my exams! B: (worry so much) …………….. You shouldn’t worry so much.

35 A: I broke my brother’s new camera. B: (tell/tonight)……………….. You should tell him tonight

Everyday English

 G Choose the correct response.

36 I’m always late for school! ….. F Why don’t you buy an alarm clock?

37 My Grandpa doesn’t like living on his own. … В Why doesn’t he get a dog?

38 I’ve got a splitting headache. … A I think you should take a painkiller.

39 I’m getting a bit homesick. … D Why don’t you go home?

40 I’m worried about crime in my area …… C How about joining Neighbourhood Watch?


 H Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

 Safety on the School Bus
Every year, children are injured because they have not learned a few basic rules about school bus safety. Many people believe that children are most often hurt while they are on the school bus. However, this is not true. Most accidents take place when the child is outside the bus, not inside. Of course, some injuries occur because of crashes, but most of them happen when children are in the blind spots around the bus; they occur when the children are hidden from the driver’s view.
 To avoid accidents, children should learn to obey a few simple rules. Firstly, they should always keep a safe distance between themselves and the tyres or the rear of the bus. Secondly, in cases where children need to cross the road when they get off the bus, they should walk at least three metres in front of the bus and then wait for the driver to signal to them that it is safe to cross to the other side of the roadway. In addition, when waiting for their bus to arrive, children should stand well away from the road. Finally, they should never try to get on or off the bus until it has come to a complete stop and the driver has opened the doors.

41 Most accidents happen after the child has got on the bus. F

42 Some children are hurt when their bus hits another vehicle. T

43 All buses have blind spots. T

44 Some children hide from the driver and then get injured. F

45 Children should never go too near the back of the bus. T

46 Children should cross 3 metres behind the bus when they get off. F

47 Before they cross the road, they should look at the bus driver. T

48 Children must wait a certain distance from the edge of the road. T

49 Children shouldn’t try to board a bus until it has stopped moving. T

50 They must wait for the driver to tell them it is OK to get on the bus. F


 I Listen to two friends talking about safety in the home and complete the gaps.

Safety in the Home

  • At night, keep your mobile phone beside your 51) …bed…. (And make sure it’s switched on!)
  • In your 52)….garden….., there should be dusk-to-dawn outside lights, 2.5 metres 53)….high….or more.
  • If a 54) ….stranger…. comes to your door, always ask for ID.
  • Remember, if you’re not 55) ….sure…… don’t let them in!


Вы смотрели: Spotlight 7 Test 1A (Module 1) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 1 A с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 7 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др. Вернуться на страницу «Английский язык 6-9 классы».


Проверочная работа Spotlight 7 модуль 1





I. Match the word combinations with their definitions.

1. Lead unhealthy lifestyle

a. It’s easy to get to any part of the city by bus/trolley bus/tram or metro

2. Heavy traffic

b. The sum of money you pay for accommodation, transport, etc. is really big

3. Constant noise

c. There are not many people without work

4. Crowded streets

d. Too many cars

5. High cost of living

e. You can hear too many sounds of different type all the time

6. Convenient public transport

f. The factories, cars produce waste harmful to nature

7. Pollution

g. Too many people

8. Low rate of unemployment

h. To breathe in polluted air, smoke, sleep for few hours…

II. Use Present Continuous or Present Simple to complete the sentences.

  1. What (they / do) ___________________________ right now?

  2. (they/play) ___________________________ computer games every day?

  3. Look! Jenny (go) ___________________________ to school!

  4. We (go/not) ______________________________ to school on Sundays.

  5. (she/eat) ___________________________ dinner at the moment?

  6. The school bag (be/not) ___________________________ very heavy.

  7. My lessons (start)___________________________ at 9.00.

  8. What time _______ your train ___________________________? (leave)

  9. The flowers ___________________________ (smell) sweet.

  10. I (not/think) ___________________________ he is in.

  11. My mother (cook) ___________________________ lunch today, so please don’t be late.

  12. Water (not/ boil) ___________________________ at 80o C.

    1. Complete the sentences with the correct word:

heavy, unemployment, cost, helpful, crowded, bustle, convenient, peace

  1. There is a low rate of ……………………………… in big cities.

  2. My father hates driving in ………………………………. traffic.

  3. Mary spent a day in Moscow, but found the streets very ……………………………….

  4. Tom lives in the country because he likes the friendly and ……………………………… people.

  5. He enjoys living in the city, but he doesn’t like the high ………………………………. of living.

  6. Public transport is ……………………………… in my town.

  7. We go for a walk in the country, because we need some ……………………………… and quiet.

  8. I miss the hustle and ……………………………… of London.

    1. Make a list of things you can do when:

You are bored

• ________________

• ________________

• ________________

You feel energetic




V. Translate the words (phrases) from Russian into English and from English into Russian.

Date back


Страшное место

Bank of the river



Популярно среди туристов

Extinct volcano

Толчея и суета

VI. Fill in should or shouldn’t

  1. It’s very cold today. I ….. ……………………. wear a jacket.

  2. He’s got a toothache. He….. ……………………. take a painkiller.

  3. Mike feels very tired. He ….. ……………………. stay up late.

  4. My friend is nervous about his exam. He….. ……………………. worry so much.

  5. His sister always loses her keys. She ….. ……………………. keep them in her pocket.

  6. I broke my brother’s new camera. I ….. ……………………. tell him about it tonight.

    1. Fill in the correct pre»; line-height: 150%»>Bob ran ………….. his old friend on his way home.

    2. If a burglar breaks into your house, you should hand …………..your valuables.

    3. The police are running ………….. a robber.

    4. Many young people hang …………..at shopping centers at weekends.

    5. We ran ………….. milk, so I went to buy some.

    6. Beth is crazy …………..volleyball.

    7. There are a lot of activities to choose ……………

    8. Keep your mobile phone switched …………..at night.

Listen to two friends talking about safety in the home and complete the gaps.

Don’t leave keys near doors or e.g. windows.

At night, keep your mobile phone beside your ……………………. . (And make sure it’s switched on!)

In your ……. ……………., there should be dusk-to-dawn outside lights, 2.5 metres …………………….. or more.

If a …………. ……………….. comes to your door, always ask for ID.

Remember, if you’re not ………………………….., don’t let them in!


Итоговый тест Module 1 УМК Spotlight 7 класс

Итоговая контрольная работа по Module 1 УМК Spotlight 7 класс

1. Match the words.

  1. Alarm a. pollution

  2. Beautiful b. on

  3. Public c. system

  4. Feel d. landscapes

  5. Switched e. transport

  6. Unhealthy f. lifestyle

  7. Constant g. isolated

2. Choose the correct word

  1. Marry is hometown/homesick when she misses home.

  2. There is a high rate of unemployment/living in villages.

  3. They don’t like the peace/landscapes and quiet in this countryside.

  4. Max is installing/ inventing outside lights in this garden.

  5. Parents want to check / rent a DVD tonight.

  6. The supermarkets are close/easy at hand in this city.

  7. She misses people from her hometown/homework.

  8. My brother likes walking/surfing the Net.

  9. Ann doesn’t like visiting/hanging out at the shopping centre.

  10. Granny is doing/making the gardening.

3. Choose the correct word.

  1. Their family hang on/out at the shopping centres at weekends.

  2. The police are running after/into a robber.

  3. There are a lot of films to choose in/from.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.

1. Kate …. (visit) her parents this weekend.

2. Jo… (take) her to school every day.

В основе заданий лежит УМК Spotlight Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоялко, В. Эванс


Тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему: Module test 1. Spotlight 7


Module 1

Variant 2

1. Use Present Continuous or Present Simple to complete the sentences.

1. (You / come) _________________________________ tonight?

2. (He / eat) _________________________________ rice every day?

3. I (work) _________________________________ at the moment.

4. (He / come) _________________________________ to London often?

5. He (play) _________________________________ tennis now.

6. (You / come) _________________________________ to the cinema later?

7. They (not / come) _________________________________ to the party


8. He (not / play) _________________________________ golf now.

9. (You / play) _________________________________ tennis this Sunday?

10. They (go) _________________________________ to a restaurant every


11. She (not / go) _________________________________ to the cinema very


12. You usually (arrive) _________________________________ late.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct word:

heavy, unemployment, cost, helpful, crowded, bustle, convenient, peace

There is a low rate of ……………………………… in big cities.

My father hates driving in ………………………………. traffic.

Mary spent a day in Moscow, but found the streets very ……………………………….

Tom lives in the country because he likes the friendly and ……………………………… people.

He enjoys living in the city, but he doesn’t like the high ………………………………. of living.

Public transport is ……………………………… in my town.

We go for a walk in the country, because we need some ……………………………… and quiet.

I miss the hustle and ……………………………… of London.

3. Fill in the correct preposition.

after • into •  on • out of• over

If a burglar breaks into your house, you should hand …………..your valuables.

The police are running ………….. a robber.

Many young people hang …………..at shopping centers at weekends.

We ran ………….. milk, so I went to buy some.

Keep your mobile phone switched …………..at night.

4.  Fill in should or shouldn’t

1) If it´s rainy you …………… take an umbrella.

 2)Tom………………. eat so many lollipops. It´s bad for his teeth.

 3) They have a test tomorrow. They ………..  go to the cinema . They ………………

 stay at home and study!

4) The doctor said: «_ You ………..  eat healthy food. You …………. eat fast food. You………..  watch so much TV. You …………  walk 1 hour a day. You ……………. drink fruit juice and water. You ……………  drink wine or beer

5.  Listening

1. In a street

2. At home

3. On a beach

4. At a stadium

5. At the zoo


Тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему: Spotlight 7.Module 7 Test.

                                                             Test for the 7th form Module 7


A Use the words/phrases to complete the sentences.

 cashier      manager        shop assistant         security guard         cleaner

e.g. A manager is in charge of the staff in a shop

1)  A ……………………….. collects the money           3) A ………………………… protects the shop.

when people pay.

2) A ………………………….. cleans the shop.              4) A ………………………….. helps customers.

B Match the pictures to the shops.


5 chemist’s …….                      7 toy shop …….         10 electronics shop …….

6 stationery shop….                8 clothes shop …….    11 sports shop …….

        9 optician’s

C Underline the correct item.

12. I went to the clothes shop yesterday to buy some jeans/meat.

13Ted bought beautiful earrings for his wife from   the chemist`s/jewellery shop.

14. We saw the coolest glasses at the sports shop/ optician’s.

15 I need to go to the stationary/electronics shop to buy new earphones for my music player.

16 Take away/off your jumper because it is very dirty.

D Put the items from the shopping list into the correct categories.

                                                          Vegetables and Fruits … Bananas  tomatoes  peppers

Chocolate                   bread              17.Meat and Poultry…..

Yoghurt                       coffee            18Dairy products

Bananas        tea                19Snacks….

Chicken        crisps            20Beverages…

Lamb chops        cereal        21 Grains and pasta…        

tomatoes        peppers

E Complete the sentences with carton, box, jar, cup, glass or bottle.

22 I want to buy a …………………….. of cola.                   25The honey came in a small ……………….. .

23 I really need a …………………… of coffee!                   26 Can I have a ……………… of water, please?

24 Can you pass me the ……… of cereal, please?

F Underline the correct quantifier.

27 There aren’t any/much books on the desk.   30 We haven’t got many/a few presents.

28 There is many/some butter in the fridge.      31 There isn’t many/much lemonade left.

29 We have a lot of/a few money.

G Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

32 They ……… a present for  your birthday. (buy)

33 She ………… her  weekend for the last two days. (plan)

34 My mum …………………………. dinner for two hours. (cook)

35 You …………………………..this picture all day! (draw)

36 I ………. Tommy for ten  years. (know)

H Put the conversation in order.

e.g. What’s that?                                 1

37 Well, you can take it back to the shop to get the right size           . …..    

38 Try it on and see if it fits.                                                            ……….

39 What a great belt, that’s so kind of you!                                     ……….

40 This is for you. What do you think?                                            ……….

41 It doesn’t fit but I like the colour!                                                  …….

I Read the email and answer the questions.

Dear Jen,

I’m sorry that you could not come to my birthday party last Saturday. We prepared all week for the

party and there was a lot of food! My sister, Ann, helped me with the planning. She did the shopping

and made a chocolate cake.

Dad bought me a digital camera which I really needed. Mum bought me a great skirt with green and

yellow polka dots. Mum is the manager of a clothes shop so she knows what is in fashion. I wore it for

the party and it looked really cool! I hope I get to see you soon!



e.g. Who is Emily sending an email to?


42 How long did Emily and her sister prepare for the party?

43 How did Ann help?

44Which shops did Emily’s presents come from?

45 What is Emily’s mother’s job?

J Listen to Tina and Jake talk about shopping at the airport on their way back from Paris. Who

bought each pair of things?

e.g. D Tina                         A picture frame and wallet

47 ……. Jake                      B wallet and T-shirt

48 ……. Timothy            C chocolate and book

49 ……. Mike                     D towel and teddy bear

50 ……. Bob                     E chocolate and sunglasses

51 ……. Nancy                     F socks and swimsuit

                                      G book and postcards


Контрольная работа для 7 класса Модуль 1 учебник Spotlight-7

TEST 1 Module1 Form7

1. Match the words/phrases to their definition.

e.g. spot D F fun activities on the computer

1 ID ……….. A look for information on the computer

2 computer games ……….. B a sport

3 beach volleyball ……….. C a machine that signals danger

4 surf the Net ……….. D a place

5 alarm system ……….. E identification

2. Match the words to form phrases.

e.g. hustle and F bustle

6 install ……….. A landscapes

7 high-quality …. B unemployment


8 high rate of ……….. C isolated

9 feeling ……….. D lifestyle

10 beautiful ……… E an alarm

3. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

* heavy * cost * helpful * crowded * convenient * peace

e.g. In a big city, you will always find convenient public transport.

11 He spent the morning in Birmingham, but found the streets very …………………….. .

12 Her cousin hates driving in ………… traffic.

13 They went for a run in the country because they wanted some ………………. and quiet.

14 He enjoys living in the city, but he doesn’t like the high …………………………… of living.

15 John lives in the country because he likes the friendly and ………………………… people.

4. Fill in the correct preposition.

* after * into * of * on * out * over

e.g. Keep your mobile phones switched on at night.

16 His sister and her friends hang ………… at the shopping centre at weekends.

17 I’ve run out ………… bread, so I’ll buy some after work.

18 If a burglar breaks into your flat, you should hand ………… your money.

19 She saw a policeman running ………… a robber.

20 Tom ran ………… an old friend when he was at the cinema.

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

e.g. He travels (travel) to school by tube every morning.

21 He …………………………. (visit) his uncle every Saturday morning.

22 We ……………………… (go) to the park this evening. Do you want to come with us?

23 She ………………………. (write) an article about crime in big cities.

24 He …………………………. (feed) the cows every evening at 5:00.

25 She ………………… (leave) late on Fridays.

26 She ……………………… (think) of painting her house.

27 He ……………….. (study) in his bedroom at the moment, but he can meet us at the cinema later.

28 I really have to go. My train ………………..(leave) at 8:30.

29 Do you think she’ll be here soon? The film……………………… (start) in ten minutes.

30 I ……………………. (cook) lunch today, so please don’t be late.

6. Use the prompts to give the correct advice, using either should or shouldn’t.

e.g. A: I’m really tired today. B: (bed/early) You should go to bed early tonight.

31 A: I’m very worried about my best friend. B: (worry so much) ………………………… .

32 A: I’ve got a bad headache. B: (take/painkiller) …………………………

33 A: I’ve broken my sister’s new mobile phone. B: (tell/tonight) ……………………………..

34 A: Look! It’s raining and I forgot my umbrella! B: (wait/rain stops) ……………………..

35 A: I feel very tired. B: (stay up/late) …………………………….

7. Choose the correct response.

e.g. I need to get more exercise. E A Why don’t you go home?

36 I’ve got a toothache. ……. B I think you should see a dentist.

37 I want to help prevent crime. …… C Why doesn’t he get a cat?


38 I’m feeling a bit homesick. ……. D Why don’t you buy an alarm clock?

39 My Grandpa doesn’t like living on his own. ……. E How about joining a gym?

40 I’m always late for my class! ……. F How about joining Neighbourhood Watch?

8. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).


Fires that happen in the home are a very serious problem today. In America, there are over 100,000 home fires every year and many start in the kitchen. There are a lot of things you can do to protect your house from fire.

First of all, you need to follow a few safety rules. You should never leave the kitchen while you are cooking. It’s also a bad idea to wear loose clothes when you cook. Always keep the cooking area clean and don’t let children come very close to the cooker.

It is also important to know what to do if a fire starts. If a pan catches fire, don’t throw water on it! Put a blanket over it and turn off the heat. If the fire doesn’t go out, call the fire brigade. If a fire starts inside the oven, keep the door shut and turn it off. If you burn yourself, run cold water over the burn.

Finally, install a smoke alarm and learn how to use it. Also, know the number of your fire brigade by

heart. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

e.g. Nowadays, fires in the home aren’t very dangerous. ……….. F

41 In America, there are more than 100,000 home fires a year. ………..

42 A lot of home fires start in kitchens. ………..

43 There’s not much we can do to stop fires. ………..

44 You should always leave the kitchen while cooking. ………..

45 You shouldn’t wear loose clothes when cooking. ………..

46 You should keep your cooking area clean. ………..

47 Children should stay close to the cooker. ………..

48 If a fire starts, pour water on it to put it out. ………..

49 Call the fire brigade if a fire doesn’t go out right away. ………..

50 You should have a smoke alarm and know how to use it. ………..


Тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему: проверочная работа спотлайт 7 модуль1

Test 1 Grade 7th

I. Match the word combinations with their definitions.

1. Lead unhealthy lifestyle

a. It’s easy to get to any part of the city by bus/trolley bus/tram or metro

2. Heavy traffic

b. The sum of money you pay for  accommodation, transport, etc. is really  big

3. Constant noise

c. There are not many people without  work

4. Crowded streets

d. Too many cars

5. High cost of living

e. You can hear too many sounds of different type all the time

6. Convenient public transport

f. The factories, cars produce waste  harmful to nature  

7. Pollution

g. Too many people

8. Low rate of unemployment

h. To breathe in polluted air, smoke, sleep for few hours…

II. Use Present Continuous or Present Simple to complete the sentences.

  1. What (they / do) ___________________________ right now?
  2. (they/play) ___________________________ computer games every day?
  3. Look! Jenny (go) ___________________________ to school!
  4. We (go/not) ______________________________  to school on Sundays.
  5. (she/eat) ___________________________ dinner at the moment?
  6. The school bag (be/not) ___________________________ very heavy.
  7. My lessons (start)___________________________ at 9.00.
  8. What time _______ your train ___________________________? (leave)
  9. The flowers ___________________________ (smell) sweet.
  10. I  (not/think) ___________________________  he is in.
  11. My mother  (cook) ___________________________  lunch today, so please don’t be late.
  12. Water (not/ boil) ___________________________  at 80o C.
  1. Complete the sentences with the correct word:

 heavy, unemployment, cost, helpful, crowded, bustle, convenient, peace

  1. There is a low rate of ……………………………… in big cities.
  2. My father hates driving in ………………………………. traffic.
  3. Mary spent a day in Moscow, but found the streets very ……………………………….
  4. Tom lives in the country because he likes the friendly and ………………………………  people.
  5. He enjoys living in the city, but he doesn’t like the high ………………………………. of living.
  6. Public transport is ………………………………  in my town.
  7. We go for a walk in the country, because we need some ………………………………  and quiet.
  8. I miss the hustle and ………………………………  of London.
  1. Make a list of things you can do when:

You are bored

•   ________________            

•   ________________

•   ________________

You feel energetic




V. Translate the words (phrases) from Russian into English and from English into Russian.

Date back


Страшное место

Bank of the river



Популярно среди туристов

Extinct volcano

Толчея и суета

VI. Fill in should or shouldn’t

  1. It’s very cold today. I ….. ……………………. wear a jacket.
  2. He’s got a toothache. He….. ……………………. take a painkiller.
  3. Mike feels very tired. He ….. …………………….  stay up late.
  4. My friend is nervous about his exam. He….. ……………………. worry so much.
  5. His sister always loses her keys. She ….. …………………….  keep them in her pocket.
  6. I broke my brother’s new camera. I ….. ……………………. tell him about it tonight.
  1. Fill in the correct preposition: after, out of, into, from, on, out, over, about
  1. Bob ran ………….. his old friend on his way home.
  2. If a burglar breaks into your house, you should hand …………..your valuables.
  3. The police are running ………….. a robber.
  4. Many young people hang …………..at shopping centers at weekends.
  5. We ran ………….. milk, so I went to buy some.
  6. Beth is crazy …………..volleyball.
  7. There are a lot of activities to choose ……………
  8. Keep your mobile phone switched …………..at night.

Listen to two friends talking about safety in the home and complete the gaps.

 Don’t leave keys near doors or e.g. windows.

 At night, keep your mobile phone beside your  ……………………. . (And  make sure it’s switched on!)

 In your ……. ……………., there should be dusk-to-dawn outside lights, 2.5 metres …………………….. or more.

 If a …………. ……………….. comes to your door, always ask for ID.

 Remember, if you’re not ………………………….., don’t let them in!


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