ГДЗ по Геометрии для 7-9 класса Учебник Атанасян, Позняк, Кадомцев, Бутузов
ГДЗ по геометрии для 7-9 класса Атанасяна, Позняка, Кадомцева, Бутузова разработано для школьников, которые только начали изучать данный предмет. Многие считают, что геометрия это один из самых сложных предметов из школьного курса. Поэтому, если у ученика возникли трудности с изучением геометрии в 7-9 классе, то тогда это пособие для них.
Решебник содержит все темы из данного учебника. Материал изложенный в ГДЗ безусловно поможет лучше ориентироваться в данном предмете, даст возможность развить навыки в правильном и последовательном доказательстве утверждений. Ребенок не только сможет улучшить оценку по геометрии, но и также использовать пособие в подготовке к сдаче ОГЭ и ЕГЭ.
Материал изложенный в ГДЗ полный, удобный в использовании, понятен. Сборник заданий могут использовать как школьники, так и студенты. Также он может быть полезен и родителям, которые хотят проверить правильность выполнения заданий по такому сложному предмету ‒ геометрия.
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Spotlight 7 Test 2A (Module 2) ОТВЕТЫ
Spotlight 7 Test 2A (Module 2) ОТВЕТЫ
Spotlight 7 Test 2A (Module 2) + KEY to test (Английский язык 7 класс: Спотлайт Тест 2А Модуль 2 + Ответы) — цитаты Теста № 2 А с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 7 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение. Цитаты использованы в учебных целях.
Часть 1. Только ОТВЕТЫ
А). 1‑Е 2‑G 3‑F 4‑С 5‑В 6‑А.
В). 7‑solve 8‑famous 9‑imagination 10‑glance 11‑intelligent 12‑cosy 13‑explore 14‑hide 15‑compass 16‑initials.
С). 17‑wrote 18‑smoked 19‑caught 20‑Did Hercule Poirot live 21‑did Captain Nemo travel 22‑Did Dr Watson help 23‑created 24‑found 25‑was 26‑met.
D). 27‑as soon as 28‑went 29‑used to go 30‑when 31‑after 32‑then 33‑until.
E). 34‑А 35‑С 36‑F 37‑В 38‑Е.
F). 39‑They moved to the countryside. 40‑He felt confused and scared. 41‑No, he didn’t. 42‑He got lost in the same forest and he disappeared. 43‑He thought about the ghost of Philip.
G). 44‑4 45‑5 46‑3 47‑2 48‑6.
Часть 2. Задания и Ответы
A Match the types of stories to their descriptions.
1 An exciting story about a hero who does dangerous things. … – E adventure
2 A serious and emotional play written for the theatre, radio or television. … – G drama
3 A story which makes you feel worried, because you don’t know what is going to happen next. … – F suspense story
4 A funny story with a happy ending. … – C humorous story
5 A story about someone’s life written by another person. … – В biography
6 A story about a crime or a strange event. … – A mystery
В Fill in the correct word.
7 What can we do to …………. the problem of unemployment? (• solve)
8 Sherlock Holmes was a ………. .detective. (• famous)
9 Jules Verne had a wonderful ………… (• imagination)
10 At first ………… it looked like a wolf, but it wasn’t. (• glance)
11 Diane is an extremely ………….. child and the best student in her class. (• intelligent)
12 I love your flat! It’s nice and ……….. . (• cosy)
13 Let’s …………. the woods before it gets dark. (• explore)
14 Where did you ………… the money? I can’t find it. (• hide)
15 Let’s use a ………….. to find our way back. (• compass)
16 This is my father’s shirt. It’s got his on it. (• initials)
C Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.
17 Jules Verne …… wrote …….. (write) Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
18 Sherlock Holmes …… smoked…… (smoke) a pipe.
19 Miss Marple ….. caught ……. (catch) many criminals.
20 ……Did Hercule Poirot live …….. (Hercule Poirot/live) in Belgium?
21 How …… did Captain Nemo travel …… (Captain Nemo/travel)?
22 ……Did Dr Watson help ….. (Dr Watson/help) Sherlock Holmes?
23 Agatha Christie ……. created ……. (create) the Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot.
24 The professor and Axel …… found ………(find) a mysterious message.
25 Arthur Conan Doyle …… was…….. (be) a famous writer.
26 Dr Frankenstein ….. met………. (meet) Captain Walton on the ice.
D Underline the correct item.
27 The cat ran away until/as soon as it saw the dog.
28 Henry used to go/went to Ireland last week.
29 We used to go/go to the park on Saturdays, but now we go swimming.
30 We were surprised when/until we saw Mum on television.
31 Lyn got a job after/until she finished school.
32 First she made dinner, then/when she watched TV.
33 The children played in the garden until/then it got dark.
Everyday English
E Choose the correct response.
34 You’ll never guess what happened to me…….. A What? Tell me!
35 There was a snake in the fountain. … C Oh my goodness!
36 You look a little upset. … F Well, I had quite a shock.
37 Well, you don’t see that every day, do you? … В No, you certainly don’t.
38 Was anyone hurt? … E Luckily, no.
F Read the text and answer the questions.
When I was seven years old, my family left the big city and to the countryside. I was very excited because our new was near a beautiful forest.
One day, I decided to go for a walk in the forest but I lost my way. I tried to get back but I just went deeper into the forest. I looked around me and started calling for help, but no one heard me. I was confused and scared because it was almost dark, so I sat under a tree and began to cry.
Suddenly I heard someone coming. It was a boy my age. «Hi,» he said. Tm Philip. What’s the matter?» I told Philip that I was lost. «Don’t worry,» Philip said. «I live near here. I know the forest well.» We walked and talked until we were out of the forest. Philip said goodbye and left before I could thank him.
When I got home my mum was talking to a policeman. They were both very upset. «Oh, Tom, thank goodness you’re OK!» my mum said when she saw me. «I lost my way in the forest, Mum, but I’m fine now. I’m so sorry,» I said. «You were lucky, young man,» the policeman said. «Never play alone in that forest, it’s too dangerous. Eight years ago, a young boy named Philip MacMann lost his way in that same forest and never came back. »
I did not say a word. I wanted to tell them about the boy who helped me but I was afraid they wouldn’t believe me. Did a ghost help me? I couldn’t sleep that night, or the next. I never saw Philip again and I never went back to the forest!
39 Where did Tom’s family move to? – They moved to the countryside.
40 How did Tom feel when he discovered he was lost? – He felt confused and scared.
41 Did Tom thank Philip when they were out of the forest? – No, he didn’t.
42 What happened to Philip MacMann eight years ago? – He got lost in the same forest and he disappeared.
43 Why couldn’t Tom sleep that night? – He thought about the ghost of Philip.
G Listen to Dave telling his friend, Anne, about a novel he is reading. As you listen, put the pictures in the correct order.
44 ‑ 4, 45 ‑ 5, 46 ‑ 3, 47 ‑ 2, 48 ‑ 6.
Вы смотрели: Spotlight 7 Test 2A (Module 2) + KEY to test (Английский язык 7 класс: Спотлайт Тест 2А Модуль 2 + Ответы) — цитаты Теста № 2 А с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 7 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение. Цитаты использованы в учебных целях.
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