5 класс

Задания для 5 класса по английскому языку с ответами – Тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему: грамматические тесты по английскому языку для 5 класса

Задания по английскому языку для 5 класса по теме «Повторяем времена английского глагола»

№ 1

Времена английского глагола.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple.

№ 1.

Употребите правильную форму глагола:

  1. It’s 12 o’clock. The family (has/ is having) tea.

  2. In the morning my mother (cooks/ is cooking) breakfast for us.

  3. Look at Mike. He (does/ is doing) his homework.

  4. I think he (passes/ will pass) his exams.

  5. John Brown (writes/ is writing) letters to his mother every month.

  6. A: — It is a very interesting film.

B: — I (watch) it?

№ 2.

Постройте отрицательное предложение, общий вопрос, вопросительное и по два специальных вопроса к каждому из приведённых ниже предложений в положительной форме:

  1. Max always plays golf on Sunday evening.

  2. We are going to buy a new house.

  3. Mrs Wilkins is flying tomorrow morning.

  4. I’ll stay at a youth hostel there.

№ 3.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени:

Every year I (to spend) my holiday in France. It (to be) a very nice country. There (to be) a lot of places of interests.

But next year I (not go) to France. I think I (to go) to Japan. I would like to visit a lot of different countries. In a few years I (to go) to spend my holiday in Italy. My best friend (to live) there. And he has invited me to come. I (to stay) at his house on the beach. I think I (to have) a good holiday.

№ 2

Времена английского глагола.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple.

№ 1.

Употребите правильную форму глагола:

  1. I (have/ am having) a car and I usually (drive/ am driving) to work.

  2. The weather is fine. The sun (shines/ is shining) and it (doesn’t rain/ isn’t raining).

  3. I’m sure Mrs Khan (fly) to Japan after the concert.

  4. Look! Mary (dance).

  5. I’ve got two tickets. I (go) to the theatre tomorrow.

  6. A: — This dress is really wonderful.

B: — I (buy) it?

№ 2.

Постройте отрицательное предложение, общий вопрос, вопросительное и по два специальных вопроса к каждому из приведённых ниже предложений в положительной форме:

  1. Nick goes to school every day.

  2. Kevin and Barbara are going to the swimming pool.

  3. Nick is going to study a business course next year.

  4. She’ll pass her Maths exam tomorrow.

№ 3.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени:

I (to like) animals very much. And my best friend (to like) animals too. So we decided to go to the Zoo.

Now we (to buy) tickets. When we come into the Zoo, I think we (to go) to the cage of monkeys. Also we (to visit) elephants, tigers, lions and crocodiles. I (to want) to look at reptiles. But my friend (not tovisit) the reptile exhibition. She (to be) afraid of snakes I think I (to persuade) her to go there.

№ 3

Времена английского глагола.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple.

№ 1.

Употребите правильную форму глагола:

  1. In the evening we (watch/ are watching) TV.

  2. Dick (leaves/ is leaving) home at half past eight in the morning. He (goes/ is going) to his office by bus.

  3. My granny (cooks/ is cooking) a birthday dinner now.

  4. Our school football team has trained a lot, so I think it (win) the competition.

  5. – Where’s Jane? – She (has/ is having) a bath.

  6. A: — We are having a party this weekend.

B: — I (take) any cassettes?

№ 2.

Постройте отрицательное предложение, общий вопрос, вопросительное и по два специальных вопроса к каждому из приведённых ниже предложений в положительной форме:

  1. Tom usually gets up at 7 o’clock.

  2. Denis is cleaning his car now.

  3. In my opinion he will stay at his friend’s on holiday.

  4. I’m going to paint the walls of my house.

№ 3.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени:

I (to have) a party next weekend. A lot of people (to come) to my house. I (to make) some sandwiches, green salad and steak. I don’t know exactly what to buy to drink. I (to buy) some lemonade, Coca-Cola and red wine. I think I (to wear) a blue dress. Also I (to invite) my sister. She (to arrive) in a few days from London. I think she (to tell) us about her interesting holidays.

№ 4

Времена английского глагола.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple.

№ 1.

Употребите правильную форму глагола:

  1. When you (to finish) your work? It (to be) time to go home.

  2. Look! The kitten (to play) with its tail!

  3. A: — I’ve lost the way.

B: — There’s a policeman!

A: — I (to ask) him?

  1. As a rule, our friends (to go) to the countryside at weekends.

  2. Max (to visit) his granny on Saturday or Sunday.

  3. – Where’s Julie? – She (to talk) on the phone.

№ 2.

Постройте отрицательное предложение, общий вопрос, вопросительное и по два специальных вопроса к каждому из приведённых ниже предложений в положительной форме:

  1. I play the guitar at my guitar lessons on Mondays.

  2. I and my mum are cooking a chicken now.

  3. Barbara will pass the exam tomorrow. I’m sure.

  4. Dr Brown is going to give a lecture to his students tomorrow.

№ 3.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени:

Next summer I (to repair) my house. I think I (to paint) the roof and walls. I (to buy) some new furniture. After that I (to invite) my friends for having a drink. I want my house to be nice and comfortable. And now I (to buy) some materials for repairing. I (to like) blue and green colours. I think my kitchen (to be) blue or green. My bathroom (to be) pink and white. Come to my house and look at my wonderful house.

№ 5

Времена английского глагола.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple.

№ 1.

Употребите правильную форму глагола:

  1. – Where is your sister? – She (to help) her mother in the kitchen.

  2. How you usually (to spend) your evenings?

  3. A: — It’s a very delicious cake!!!

B: — I (to have) it?

  1. I’m very busy now but I (to look) through these letters in the evening.

  2. I (to be) probably at work at 12 o’clock tomorrow.

  3. I (to be) a doctor.

№ 2.

Постройте отрицательное предложение, общий вопрос, вопросительное и по два специальных вопроса к каждому из приведённых ниже предложений в положительной форме:

  1. We often go skating on Sunday evening.

  2. She’s going to get a place at one of Moscow University.

  3. I’m visiting the National Gallery tomorrow afternoon.

  4. She’ll probably get a job because she speaks five languages.

№ 3.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени:

My parents (to buy) a computer. I (to know) a lot of computer programs. I think my father (to get) some computer games. I (to like) playing on a computer.

Now I (to be) at my friend’s. We (to work) on a computer now. The Internet (to help) us to write reports for different school subjects.

I (not to know) but may be I (to be) a computer consulter.

№ 6

Времена английского глагола.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple.

№ 1.

Употребите правильную форму глагола:

  1. I (not to be) well today.

  2. My mother (to work) as a reporter at Radio Reading.

  3. She (to clean) her flat now.

  4. A: — It’s a fantastic jazz band.

B: — I (to listen) to their music?

  1. Mr Kliven (to be) on a diet. However he (not to be) sure.

  2. Why you (to look) at me?

№ 2.

Постройте отрицательное предложение, общий вопрос, вопросительное и по два специальных вопроса к каждому из приведённых ниже предложений в положительной форме:

  1. Max is going shopping this evening.

  2. I’ll give you her telephone number, if you want.

  3. Lucy is dancing on the stage.

  4. We usually have some cereal for breakfast.

№ 3.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени:

I (to study) English now because I (to want) to go around the world. I (to visit) probably England, Japan and France. Also I (to come) to Switzerland. I (to like) skiing. Before going around the world I (to change) my clothes. I usually (to wear) dark clothes but now I would like something lighter. I think I (to need) some comfortable clothes for climbing. For example jeans, trainers and T-Shirts. I (to take) some warm clothes like a sweater or a jacket. I think I (to have) a nice time.


Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему: Олимпиада по английскому языку 5 класс


по английскому языку

5 класс

Методические рекомендации

Общее время выполнения работы – 60 минут

Максимальное количество баллов – 61

Олимпиада направлена на оценку уровня сформированности навыков аудирования, лексико-грамматических навыков, чтения и письменной речи. 

На выполнение заданий отводится 60 минут:

Аудирование – 20 минут

Чтение — 10 минут

Лексико-грамматический тест – 15 минут

Письмо – 15 минут

Конкурс понимания устного текста

На выполнение всех заданий отводится 20 минут, в которые входит и внесение ответов в ответные листы.

Задание по аудированию состоит из одного текста и  двух  заданий к нему.

Первое задание – после прослушивания текста участникам предлагается прочитать предложения и определить верное или неверное. Все ответы записываются в лист ответов.

Это задание предполагает детальное понимание услышанного текста.

 Второе задание — после прослушивания текста участникам предлагается ответить на вопросы. Все ответы записываются в лист ответов.

Это задание предполагает понимание событий текста.

 Правильность выполнения заданий проверяется по ключам (см. Ключи).

Критерии оценивания: Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов, которое можно получить за данное задание – 11.

Конкурс понимания письменного текста

Рекомендуемое время для выполнения всех заданий теста – 10 минут, в которые входит и внесение ответов в ответные листы.

Задания по чтению нацелены на анализ и интеллектуальную обработку информации.

Участникам необходимо прочитать текст и выполнить два задания к нему.

 Предлагается отметить верные и неверные предложения. Это задание проверяет способность учащихся выявлять предложения, относящиеся к тексту и нет.

Все ответы записываются в лист ответов.

Правильность выполнения заданий проверяется по ключам (см. Ключи).

Критерии оценивания: Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов, которое можно получить за данное задание – 7.

Лексико-грамматический тест

Рекомендуемое время для выполнения всех заданий лексико-грамматического теста – 15 минут, в которые входит и внесение ответов в ответные листы.

Эта часть теста проверяет знание английского языка как целостной формы.

Учащиеся должны продемонстрировать соответствующий уровень владения лексическим материалом и умение оперировать им в условиях множественного выбора, Проверяется также владение грамматическим материалом в рамках программы по английскому языку для 5 класса.

Задание состоит из 4 заданий.

Первое задание – состоит из 7 существительных в единственном числе, которые необходимо записать во множественном числе. В задании проверяется знания учащихся о множественном числе существительных, в том числе и исключения.

Все ответы записываются в лист ответов.

Второе задание – состоит из 9 предложений с пропусками.  Учащимся необходимо поставить прилагательные в скобках в правильную форму.

Все ответы записываются в лист ответов.

Третье задание – содержит  5 предложений с пропусками. Учащимся необходимо вставить слово, оперируя пониманием предложения.

Все ответы записываются в лист ответов.

Четвертое задание – содержит 4 ряда слов, среди которых необходимо найти лишнее слово и записать в лист ответов.

Правильность выполнения заданий проверяется по ключам (см. Ключи).

Критерии оценивания: Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов, которое можно получить за данное задание – 25.

Конкурс письменной речи

На выполнение задания отводится 15 минут.

Участникам предлагается написать письмо другу из Великобритании. (50-60 слов).  В письме необходимо отразить информацию о себе, своей семье, своем хобби.

По сложности задания соответствуют уровню А1 по шкале Совета Европы.

Задание оценивается по шкале критериев оценивания данного вида речевой деятельности.

( Шкала критериев оценивания заданий для конкурса «Письмо» прилагается).

В письменной работе поощряется оригинальность решения и попытки полностью решить поставленную коммуникативную задачу. 

Максимальное количество баллов за письмо – 18 баллов.

Критерии оценивания конкурсов (5 класс)

  1. Конкурс понимания устного текста (Listening)- 11 баллов
  2. Лексико – грамматический тест (Use of English) – 25 баллов
  3. Конкурс понимания письменного текста (Reading) –7 баллов
  4. Конкурс письменной речи (Writing) – 18 баллов

        За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл. 

Максимальная сумма баллов – 61

         Поскольку оценивание в частях «лексико – грамматический тест», «конкурс понимания письменного текста», «конкурс понимания устного текста» проводится с учетом данных правильных ответов, а в части «конкурс письменной речи» их быть не может, предлагается шкала критериев оценивания этого вида речевой деятельности.

Внимание! При оценке 0 по критерию «Содержание» выставляется общая оценка 0.

K 1


(максимум 10 баллов)

ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ (максимум 8 баллов)

К2   Композиция

( максимум

2  балла)

К3    Лексика

( максимум

2  балла)

К4   Грамматика

( максимум

2  балла)

К5   Орфография и пунктуация

(максимум 2 балла)


Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена с учетом цели высказывания и адресата. Тема раскрыта полностью. Участник демонстрирует оригинальный подход к раскрытию темы.

2 балла

Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения композиции.

2 балла

Участник демонстрирует богатый лексический запас, необходимый для раскрытия темы, точный выбор слов и адекватное владение лексической сочетаемостью. Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения лексического оформления.

2 балла

Участник демонстрирует грамотное и уместное употребление структур, необходимых для раскрытия темы.

Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения

грамматического оформления.

2 балла

Участник демонстрирует уверенное владение навыками орфографии и пунктуации. Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения орфографического и пунктуационного оформления.


Коммуникативная задача выполнена с учетом цели высказывания и адресата. Тема раскрыта полностью, однако в работе не хватает оригинальности в раскрытии темы.

1 балл

В целом текст имеет четкую структуру, соответствующую заданной теме. Текст разделен на абзацы. В тексте присутствуют связующие элементы. Допустимы незначительные нарушения структуры, логики или связности текста

1 балл

В целом лексический состав текста соответствует заданной теме, однако имеются неточности в выборе слов и лексической сочетаемости, которые не затрудняют понимания текста. Или: используется стандартная, однообразная лексика.

1 балл

В тексте присутствует ряд незначительных грамматических и/или синтаксических  ошибок, не затрудняющих общего понимания текста.

1 балл

В тексте присутствуют орфографические и/или пунктуационные ошибки, которые не затрудняют общего понимания текста.


Коммуникативная задача в целом выполнена, однако имеются отдельные нарушения целостности содержания. Тема раскрыта не полностью: не приведены все необходимые аргументы и/или факты.

0 баллов

Текст не имеет четкой логической структуры. Отсутствует или неправильно выполнено абзацное членение текста. Имеются серьезные нарушения связности текста и/или многочисленные ошибки в употреблении логических средств связи.

0 баллов

Участник демонстрирует крайне ограниченный словарный запас. Или: имеются многочисленные ошибки в употреблении лексики, затрудняющие понимание текста.

0 баллов

В тексте присутствуют многочисленные ошибки, затрудняющие его понимание.

0 баллов

В тексте присутствуют многочисленные орфографические и/или пунктуационные ошибки, затрудняющие его понимание.

3 -4

Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично. Содержание текста не полностью отвечает заданной теме или объем работы менее 50% от заданного.


Коммуникативная задача не выполнена. Содержание текста не отвечает заданной теме.

                                           Script (текст аудирования)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Внимание! Текст аудирования прослушивается два раза.  Между первым и вторым прослушиванием текста — пауза примерно 30 секунд.


Now, we’re ready to start.

 My name is Alan Brown. I’m a waiter. I work at a hotel near Loch Ness. I live in a cottage near the hotel. I finish work in the hotel at one o’clock in the morning. Then I walk home with two friends. They work at the hotel, too.

One night in 2005 I worked late. I finished work at two o’clock. I walked home alone, because my friends were already at home. It was a clear night and there was a full moon.

While I was on my way to my cottage, something happened. Something appeared in the lake. It was large and black. I stopped and looked at it. The thing moved along the lake. I watched it for about a minute. Then I hurried to my cottage and grabbed my camera.

But when I returned to the lake, there was nothing there.

I’m sure it was the Loch Ness monster. It was Nessie. I know it was.

После второго прослушивания даётся время (5 минут) для перенесения ответов в листы ответов.


Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме: Олимпиада по английскому языку для 5 класса

  1. Auding:  Прослушай текст и, выбрав правильный ответ из предложенных вариантов, продолжи предложения.
  1. She is … .

        A) a teacher B) a student C) a worker

  1. Her name is … .

        A) Jane B) Sue C) Penny

  1. She goes to school … .

        A) in London B) in a little town C) near London

  1. She lives … London .

        A) in B) near C) far from

  1. She lives with her parents and … .

        A) a sister B) two brothers C) a brother

  1. Her brother is … .

        A) four B) forty C) fourteen

  1. She has a … .

        A) dog B) dog and a cat C) cat

  1. She likes … .

A) playing football B) watching football on TV C) going to a football match

  1. … she goes to a football match.

        A) Sometimes B) Usually C) Once a week

  1. She … .

        A) likes sports very much B) doesn’t like sports C) hates sports

  1. Reading: Прочитай текст и найди правильный ответ из предложенных А) True (верно) B) False (неверно) C) Doesn’t say (в тексте не сказано).

A bear is a large, heavy, strong animal with thick fur and a very short tail. There are several kinds of bears, black bears, polar bears, and grizzly bears. The brown bear lives in the forests and mountains of Northern America, Europe and Asia. Bears live alone; they never live in groups. Mother bear usually has from one to four baby bears. They are born in the winter and drink their mother’s milk. They live with their mother for one or two years. Bears often spend much of their winter sleeping. Before winter they eat a lot of food. Bears can be dangerous to people.

  1. A bear has small eyes.

        А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Bears can be black.

        A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Bears don’t live in Europe.

        A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. They live in groups.

        А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Mother bear has more than five babies.

        А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Baby bears are born in the winter.

        А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Baby bears live with their father.

        А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Baby bears hunt with their mother.

        А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Bears eat a lot before winter.

        A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Bears are never dangerous.

        A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Use of English: Подумай и выполни задания на знаний лексики и грамматики английского языка.
  1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа

a foot —        

        A) foots        B) footes        C) feet        D) foot        E) feets

  1. Дополни предложение, выбрав одно из слов под соответствующей цифрой.

My mother’s sister is my _____________.

        А) uncle          B) sister        C) aunt        D) daughter                E) grandmother

  1. Выбери  лишнее слово в логическом ряду.         

        А) cat         B) mouse        C) rabbit        D) tail                E) dog

  1. Установи соответствие между «цифрами» и «буквами»
  1. 55  
  2. 5
  3. 15
  4. 505
  5. 50

a) five        

b) fifty-five        

c) fifty

d) fifteen

e) five hundred and five

А) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-e, 5-c  

B) 4-b, 3-a, 2-d, 1-e, 5-c

C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-e, 4-b, 5-d

D) 1-с, 2-a, 3-d, 4-e, 5-b

E) 1-b, 2-е, 3-d, 4-a, 5-c

  1. Продолжи ряд числительных: first, second, third, fourth, ____

A) five;
B) fifth;
C) fifteen

  1. Заполни  пропуски нужными словами

… Dad … any brothers or sisters?

  1. Have Dad got
  2. Does Dad have
  3. Does Dad has
  1. Составь утвердительное предложение, расположив слова в нужном порядке в соответствии с цифрами.
  1. usually  2) for  3)  in  4) I  5) go  6)walk  7) evening  8) a  9) the
  1. 2 4 7 9 1 3 5 6 8
  2. 4 1 5 2 8 6 3 9 7
  3. 8 6 5 3 1 9 7 4 2
  4. 7 9 3 6 8 2 5 1 4
  5. 9 7 5 3 1 4 2 6 8

Найди обобщающее слово для каждой строки

weather,     season,   months,    sports,    family

  1. ____: rainy, sunny, warm, snowy, cloudy.
  2. ____: mum, grandma, dad, grandpa, brother.
  3. ____: volleyball, table tennis, hockey, football.
  4. ____: winter, spring, summer, autumn.
  5. ____: December, June, August, September.
  1. Cultural Awareness: Хорошо ли вы знаете страну изучаемого языка?  Выбери правильный ответ.
  1. The capital of Great Britain is …
    A) New York B) Washington    C)London
  2. Who climbs the chimney and puts presents into the stockings on the eve of Christmas in Britain?
    A)Father Frost  B)Santa Claus
  3. Madame Tussaud’s is

A) a wax museum in London

B) a famous American cartoon family  

C) a British actor and producer

  1. Writing. Умеешь ли ты писать по-английски? Заполни анкету о себе.
  1. Name ____________________________________________________
  2. Surname __________________________________________________
  3. Home address ________________________________________________
  4. Date of birth ______________________________________________
  5. Family _____________________________________________________
  6. Favorite subjects_____________________________________________
  7. What are your hobbies?_____________________________________
  8. Favorite sports_____________________________________________
  9. Do you have any pets?_______________________________________
  10. Date_____________________________________________________



1 — B

11 — C 



41-1 балл

2 — B

12 — A 



42-1 балл

3 — A

13 — B 



43-1 балл

4 — B

14 — B



44-1 балл

5 — С

15 — B



45-1 балл

6 — C

16 — A


36- 1 балл

7 — С

17 — B 


37-1 балл

8 — С

18 — C


38-1 балл

9 — A

19 — A 


39-1 балл

10 — A

20 — B 


40-1 балл


  1. Аудирование: http://runodog.ru/index/2009_2010/0-15
  2. Reading: http://runodog.ru/index/2010_2011/0-14
  3. Use of English: http://urfodu.ru/urfo/contest/testing/


  1. Cultural Awareness: http://olymp74.ru/index.php?razd=0&page=olymp&olymp_id=25&olymp2_id=0&block_id=134&code1=811f2f354ef64d8ad654c6d52ec17760


Всероссийская олимпиада школьников

Школьный этап




5 класс


11 —



2 —




3 —




4 —




5 —




6 —



7 —



8 —



9 —

19 —

29 —

10 —

20 —  

30 —

  1. Name _______________________________________________________
  2. Surname ____________________________________________________
  3. Home address ________________________________________________
  4. Date of birth ________________________________________________
  5. Family ______________________________________________________
  6. Favorite subjects______________________________________________
  7. What are your hobbies?________________________________________
  8. Favorite sports_______________________________________________
  9. Do you have any pets?__________________________________________
  10. Date________________________________________________________


Тест по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме: ЛЕКСИКО – ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕСТЫ по английскому языку.


по английскому языку 5 — 8 классы

УМК « Spotlight »


5 класс

Test №1


1. Вставь:   a   or   an.

1……atlas                    2 …… pen                    3……..timetable          

4……apple                   5……school                 6……orange.

2. Замени  нужным местоимением. 

1. classroom -……….          2. guitars -……….          3. Jane -……….

     4. Emma and Clara-……….          5. Ronaldo-……….


3. Вставь: am, is, are

1. We…….eleven  years old.

2. Tim …….eighteen.

3. My  friends ……nice.

4. I……from Russia..

5. She…….in class 5

4. Вставь :  have   or  has

1. I……    got  a  sister.

2. Ann …..  got  a   ruler.

3. He………got a skateboard.

4. They….. got  many   friends.

5. Batman……got a cloak.

5. Составь предложения:

1.  this/ a/ is/ ruler.

2. lesson/ where/ the/ is/ Maths?

3.  has/ a/ got/ camera/ he?

4. friend/ Ann/ is/my.

5. have/ a/ I/ got/ not/ ruler.

6. Выпиши лишнее слово:

1. Sunday     Tuesday   Monday  October

2. maths     pen     science    geography

3. I       is    he     she

4. France   Russian   the UK   the USA

Test №2

Вариант №1

Choose the correct item.

1. This is ………. egg.

A. an    B.  a      C. —

2. My sister and my brother ………. 18 years old.

A. `m not    B. isn`t       C. aren`t

3. This is my schoolbag.  ………. is red.

A. It            B. She         C. He        

4. There ………. a park  near  my house.

A. are       B. aren`t       C. is

5. Look at these ……….

A. woman    B. women     C. womans

6. Lisa ………. got a big house.

A. have     B. has      C. haves

7. My  flat  is  on  the ………. floor.

A. three       B.  third       C. thirteen

8. That’ s ………. bike. It’s very nice!

A. Danny     B. Danny’s    C. Dannys

9. Bill ………. TV every evening.

A. watchs     B. is watching    C. watches

10. They are ……….

A. knives         B. knifes       C. knife

11. Where ………. he   from?

A. am           B. are         C. is  

12. ………. boys are   from my class.

A. This       B. These    C. That

13. My parents ………. work  in a hospital.

A. don’t      B. doesn’t      C. aren’t

14. ………. you like a glass of lemonade?

A. Do          B. Would       C. Can

15. Look at Sam! He ………. computer games.

A. plays        B. is playing     C. play

16. There is a school ………. of my house.

A. next        B. in  front    C. behind

17. ………. is your birthday?

A. What      B. When       C. Why

18. The sun ………. now.

A. is shining   B. shines   C. shine

19. ………. Nancy walk to school?

A. Do       B. Is            C. Does

20. How ………. juice is there in the bottle?

A. many    B. much      C. any

Вариант №2

Choose the correct item

It is ………. orange.

A.  an      B. a     C. —

2. The children ………. at  the conema

A. is         B. have     C. are

3. My mum is an actress. ………. films are great!

A    She     B.  Her     C. Your

4. There ………. a park near my house.

A. are          B. is          C. aren’t

5. These are ………. .

A. childs    B. children   C. child

6. Lisa and Betty ………. got a big house.

A. have got   B. has          C. have

7. Danny lives on the ………. floor.

A. one           B first        C.nine

8. Mr. White ………. planes.

A. flys           B. flies      C. fly

9. The table is ………. of the sofa.

A. in front       B. next            C. near

10. Sam ………. football today.

A. is play    B. is playing       C. plays  

     11. There are ………. carrots  on the table.

     A. some     B. any     C. much

12. ………. you  German ?

A. Is          B. Are     C. Am

13. Look at those ………. .

 A. man`s    B. man     C. men

14. How ………. bananas do you want?

A. many      B. much     C. any

15. I go to the park ………. the weekend.

A. at            B. in            C. on

16. Listen!  The girl ………. a song.

A. sings      B. is singing    C. is  sing

17. This is ………. kitten.

A. Ann’       B. Anns         C. Ann’s

18. Bob ………. dinner every  day.

A. cook         B. cooks          C. is cook

19. Lara is ………. home  today.

A. in            B. at          C. on

20. ………. your new flat?

A. Does Dan like    B. Is Dan liking     C. Like Dan

Test №3

There are ……..continents in the world.

    A. 5                         B. 6                        C. 7

    2.  There are ……..oceans       in the world.

    A. 4                         B. 5                        C. 6

     3. The capital of the UK is……….

    A. Washington DC    B. England         C. London

    4. The symbol of England is……..

    A. a red rose              B. a white rose    C. a shamrock

    5. The UK is washed by………. in the north.

    A. the Irish Sea          B. the Atlantic Ocean    C. the North Sea

    6. The flag of the UK is called………

    A. Union Jack            B. Welsh dragon       C. Stars and Stripes

   7.   What`s the name of the most famous clock in Britain.

    A. Big Albert             B. Big Ben               C. Big Wren

    8. What`s the name of the London underground?

    A. Metro                    B. Tube                     C. Underground

    9. What London street is famous for shops?

    A. Oxford Street        B. Trafalgar Square    C. Hollywood

    10. Where is Ben Nevis situated?

    A. in Scotland            B. in Wales                 C. in England

    11. What`s the home of the queen of  the UK?

    A. Regent Palace      B. Westminster Palace     C. Buckingham  Palace


Test №4

Choose the correct item.

1. It`s 9 o`clock ………..the morning.

A. in           B. on           C. at

2. We ………. new at school.

A. is           B. am          C. are

3. My birthday is ………. the  5 th of  October.

A. in           B. at            C. on        

4. Colin ………. shopping  every Saturday morning.

A. go          B. gos         C. goes                                  

5. Tom ………. to the radio now.

A. is listening     B. listens      C. listen

6. What time ………. you go to school?

A. can            B. are             C.  do                                    

7. The toy shop is ………. to the bank.

A. right         B. near            C. next

8. Whose house is that? It’s ……….

A. Kates’      B. Kate          C. Kate’s

9. She doesn`t work ………. night.

A. at              B. in              C. on

10. There aren’t ………. eggs in the fridge.

A. some        B. same         C. any

11. How ………. cheese is on the plate?

A. many        B. much        C. a lot of

12. ………. Mario   at home?

A. Is              B. Do            C. Has

13. Would  you ………. to have dinner?

A. like           B. want         C. do

14. My house is…….20, Apple Street.

A. in                B. at             C. on

15. I can see a girl …….the picture.

A. in                B. at              C. on.

16. My mother ………. now.

A.   sleeps          B. is sleeping      C. sleep

17. There are six……on the table.

A. knives        B. knife             C. knive

18. ………. Ann and Mary like ice cream?

A. Are            B. Do             C. Does

19. He never ………. pizza.

A. eats             B. is eating    C. eat

20. She……..got a guitar.

A. has got       B. has           C. haves

6 класс

Test №1

Present Continuous.

1. Look! Tom (not work). He ( listen) to music.

2. Ann (not read) now. She ( write) a letter.

3. I (study) English, but I (not learn) very fast.

4. My brother (not sleep). He (play) computer games.

6.You ( watch) TV. You  ( not listen) to me!

5. Jane (not eat) breakfast.   She (sleep).

6. They (not do) their homework. They (run) in the garden.

7. My mother ( have) a shower. She ( not cook).

8. I( spend) a day at  the seaside. The sun (shine) brightly.

9. I can`t go to the cinema. I (do) my homework.

10. You (have) an English lesson now?

11. My parents aren`t here at the moment. They (play) golf.

12. Bob (work) now ?

13. She (not listen) to music.

14. What`s the matter? Why you (cry)?

15. Don`t go out: it (rain) hard.

16. What the children (do) in the garden?

17. You can`t listen to music because the stereo( not work).

18. We don`t want to go for a walk. We ( watch) a very interesting film.

19. Where is Cindy? She (have) lunch?

20. I (not wash) my hair.

21. My brother (learn) English at the moment.

Test №2

Present Simple.

1. We (have/ has ) got three dogs.

2. My sister (live/ lives) in Kiev.

3. Where ( do/ does) he go swimming?

4. My friends (hate/ hates) doing homework.

5. (Does/ Do) Olga like English?

6. I (enjoy / enjoys) roller- skating.

7. What (do/ does) you do in your leasure time?

8. They (watch / watches) television in the evening.

9. Tom (go/ goes) swimming every day.

10. My brother and I (like/ likes) singing very much.

Test №3

Present Simple or Present Continuous?

1. What the children (do)?

2. The  shops( open) at 9 o`clock and ( close) at 5.30.

3. Julia (speak) 4 languages.

4. They  (not listen) to music now.

5. Your brother often (go) cycling?

6. She usually (not go) to the park.

7. Where your parents (live)?

8.  Listen ! The phone ( ring).

9. I (not play) tennis.

10. Look!  It  (snow).

11. It (snow) every year in this country.

12. We often (not go ) on picnics.

13. He usually (watch) TV in the evening.

14. How often you (read) English books?

15. Where is Tom?  He  (have) a shower.

16. I (not watch) television very often.

17. John  (work ) today? I` sorry, I (not know).

18. Sue  (not  like ) coffee . She  (prefer) tea.

19. She  (hate) eating soup.

20. Where is Paul?  In  the kitchen.  He  (cook).

21. Why are you under the table? What you (do)?

22. You (know) that girl? Yes, but I (not remember) her name.

23. Mary (watch) television every afternoon.

24. John and Susan usually (eat) at a restaurant on Sundays.

25. Be quite! The baby (sleep)

26. Most young people in my country   (not  wear ) a uniform at school.

27. Stella (not always do) her homework.

28. Jane (not carry) an umbrella today because it is sunny.

29. My parents (work) right now.

30. Look! The children (play) on their computer again.

31. Laura   (not sing) at the moment .She (dance)

32. She usually (catch) the bus to school.

33. Susan and Kate (study) now.

34. He   (not like) swimming.

35. John (wear) his jeans today

36. Excuse me, I (sit) here.

37. Tony (work) in a hotel.

38. They (swim) now.

39. Mrs   Smith   (live) in Scotland.

40. She (not drive) a car.

41. She (not   go  ) shopping on Fridays.

42. What they do at the moment?

43. What time you (get   up   ) on Sundays?

Test №4          


Present Simple or Present Continuous?

1. Tony usually (works/ is working) late.

2. Paula   (is cooking/ cooks) dinner at the momen.

3. Pat and Bob ( wash/   are washing) the dishes right now.

4. John   ( does  / is doing ) his homework every afternoon.

5.  Helen   ( is  reading /reads ) a book now.

6. Tina often   ( goes / is going) to the cinema.

7. Bill sometimes (is sleeping / sleeps) till late on Sundays.

8. Kim   ( has / is having ) a piano lesson every Tuesday.

9. Ann and Bill usually (eat / are  eating)  at a restaurant on Fridays.

10. Mark   ( listens/  is listening) to music at the moment.

11. I usually   ( am  getting up / get up) late on holidays.

12. Mark (skies / is skiing) at the moment.


Test №5

1.  Mark  ( play) the guitar.

2.  Linda (do)   her homework at the moment.

3.  Lucy and Brian ( spend )  their summer holidays in Rome now.

4. ……..(they/ watch ) TV now?

5.  John (go) to the gym every afternoon.

6.  We (often / not / go )  for a picnic in spring.

7.  What (she / wear) at the moment?

8.  He always (invite) lots of friends to his birthday party.

9.  Susan ( buy ) a pair of shoes every month.

10. Jack ( not / study ) at the moment. We can go to the cinema.

11. She usually (eat)  at an Italian restaurant on Saturdays.

12. My sister and I  ( not/ play ) computer games now.

13. Listen!  Paul   ( play) the piano.

14. Betty (wake ) up early every day.

15. They  ( visit ) their parents on Sundays.

16. He never ( eat)  fruit but he is eating an apple now.

17. It usually snows in Aberdeen but now the sun (shine).

18. The phone ( ring)  now.

19. How much  this  shirt (cost )?

20. John  (make ) a pizza now.

Test №6

Вариант №1

1. This is………classroom.

A. we        B. our        C. ours

2. That big grey house is…….

A. us         B.my         C. mine

3. The children………..in the  garden.

A. are        B. is          C. am

4. My sister…….5 years old.

A. does      B. has       C. is.

5. My ………..name is Mike.

A. friend`s      B. friends`     C.friend

6. Give me…….sugar, please.

A. a           B. an         C. some

7. There are……..apples on the plate.

A. many    B. much    C. any

8. We are going to the museum……..the weekend.

A. on         B. in          C. for          D. at

9. I`d like to introduce you ……..my friend.

A. for         B. to         C. with        D. on

10. My mother  goes to work……..bus.

A. by          B. in         C. with        D. on

11. After Tuesday comes……..

A. Thursday       B. Wednesday       C. Monday  

12. My uncle has got two children, my………..

A. brother           B. aunt               C. cousins       D. twins

13. If the person is 52, we say he is in his ………..fifties.

A. mid                B. early              C. no              D. late

14………talk   to the driver!

А. Do               B. Don`t                C. Doesn’t

15. Sally………..not like cooking.

A. do       B. don`t        C. does

16. I ……….go to Spain. I’ve got a house there.

A. never         B. often        C. rarely

17. My friends……….doing  homework.

A. hate            B. hates         C. is hating

18. Helen is ………….a book now.

A. read            B. reads             C. reading

19. Tony usually………..late.

A. works         B. work              C. is working.

20. My  brother and I ………singing very much.

A. like            B. are liking       C. likes

21. We met ten years……

A. gone          B. ago               C. past

22. Did they …….home early last night?

A. arrived        B. arrives           C. arrive

23. Be quiet! You ……make noise.

A. mustn’t        B. must             C. can

24. A lion is………than an elephant

A. smaller        B. smallest       C. small

25. We………on holiday last summer.

A. meet            B. met              C. meets

Вариант №2

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Look at…….. He is my friend.

A. him              B. her              C. he

2. This car is……….

A. her                   B. hers           C. she

3. She………..a doctor at the hospital.

A. am                  B. is                 C. are

4. I……….two dogs.

A. has              B. hasn`t  got        C. have got

5.  …………..favourite colour is blue.

A. Tamara`s       B. Tamara           C. Tamaras`

6. There……two books on the table.

A. is                 B. are             C. some  

7. There isn`t………cheese in this  sandwich.

A. some           B. a                C. any

8. Please come to my party……..Sunday.

A. in                  B. on             C. at            D. under

9. I don`t like  to listen……..classical  music.

A. to                  B. on          C. —             D. with

10. We go on holiday……….August.

A. in                   B. near          C. at           D. on

11. Britain- British, Spain- Spanish, China-……….

A.  Chinish            B. Chinese     C. Chanian         D. China

12. After Monday   comes………..

A. Tuesday             B. Wednesday      C. Thursday       D. Friday

13. The brother of my mother is my…………

A. aunt                    B. grandfather         C. uncle            D. cousin

14. If the person is 59, we say he is in his……..fifties.

A.   mid                    B. early               C. no              D. late

15. He………….like soup.

A. not              B. isn`t                     C. don`t            D. doesn`t

16. I………….go to the gym because I  don`t have time

A. always         B. never             C. sometimes

17. They ……….football after school.

A.   play                B. are playing      C. plays

18. Paula ……..cooking dinner at the moment.

A.   am              B. has             C. is

19. Bill sometimes ……..till late   at  weekends

A. sleeps         B. sleep         C. is sleeping

20. Look! The clowns………on  the  grass.

A. dance           B. are dancing        C. will dance   D dances

21. Mike walked to school……

A. now              B. yesterday            C. every day

22. You’re on holiday. You……….wake  up early.

A.  have to          B. mustn’t              C. don’t have to

23. This book is ………than the one we read last year

A.   difficulter         B.  more difficult     C.  the most difficult

24. Did you …….out last night?

A. went                 B. goes                  C. go

25. She…..a cold a week ago

A. had                   B. have                 C. has

7 класс

Test №1

Раскрой скобки

1. He…… ( go) to school every day.

2. He……. (go) to school now.

3. He……. (go) to school  yesterday.

4. He…….already (go) to school.

5. He…….. (not go) to school tomorrow.

6.  ……he (go) to school at the moment?

7. He……. (go) to school while his mother was sleeping.

8. He…….. (be) at the cinema last Sunday.

9. Kate…… (go) to school when she met her old friend.

10.What…..(do) at 3o`clock yesterday?

11. I……. (not go) to school yesterday.

12. She ….(not like) flying by plane?

13. When…. he (arrive)? An  hour ago.

14………. .you (ever visit) a theme park?

15. I think life…… (be) different in 2100.

Test №2

Выберите правильный вариант

1. Listen! I……… ..to   you.

A.  am  talk       B. am talking          C.  talk

2. He………at a shop last year.

A. working       B. work                    C. worked

3. Rachel……..the piano when her grandfather arrived.

A. was playing     B. is playing       C. plays

4. My   mother  doesn`t………in a travel agency.

A. work               B. works              C. working

5.  I…………cooking an hour ago.

A. finished          B. finish                C. finishing

6. She didn`t……….to drive a car.

A. used                B. use                   C. uses

7. The flowers…….very nice.

A. smell               B. are smelling      C. smell

8. She was watching TV………..

A.  sometimes      B. now                    C.  at 7 o`clock yesterday.

9. They ….arrive tomorrow.

A.   will              B. is                        C. do

10. What……you doing when your father came?

A. was                B. were                  C. are

11.  We went to a disco…………was open till 4 o`clock.

A. who                B. where               C. which

12.  Jack is…….of spiders.

A. scared              B. scaring

13.  The trip was…….

A. tired                 B. tiring

14.  He is a………man.

A. old, short        B. short, old

15. What does he look like?

A.  He is kind.       B.  He is a handsome man with fair hair and blue eyes.


Bставьте нужное слово:  in, off, with, back, around, of, after, about

He `s crazy……..tennis

The police are running……a criminal.

She gave……her old clothes to children.

Our class took part …….recycling.

Word soon got…….that she married.

My friend can`t cope……..his problem

The milk will go……if you don`t put it into the fridge.

I`m fond…….reading

I want to sleep. Turn TV……, please.

He’s interested…….collecting stamps..

Test№ 3

Вариант №1 

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Paula is sailing to Italy………..

A. two days ago          B. next month          C. last week

2. Amy is………..a shower at the moment.

A. has                           B. had                     C. having

3 ………..that your bike?

A.  Is                            B. Has                     C. Does

4. What time…….you leave school yesterday?

A. have                         B. does                   C. did

5. At 6 o`clock yesterday   we………dinner.

A. are having               B. were having        C. have

6. I always drive  to work but yesterday I……..the bus.

A. took                        B. take                      C. takes

7. Ruby slipped and fell when she……..the street.

A. crossed                   B. was crossing        C. were  crossing

8. She……..like cold weather.

A. doesn`t                   B. don`t                    C. hasn`t

9.  He………at work yesterday.

A. wasn`t                    B. were                     C. weren`t

10.  Frank didn`t……….read comics when he was young.

A.  used to                  B. use to                    C. use

11………you go out yesterday?

A. Do                          B.  Did                      C. Does

12. She………dinner with Simon last week.

A. is having                 B. had                       C. have

13. Mr Smith ………work at a bank.

A. uses                        B. used to                  C. used

14.  Sara ……..visit  her aunt tomorrow.

A. is                             B. will                       C. does

15.  I………. …….when my mother came.

A. am cooking             B. cook                     C. was cooking

16. This cake………great!

A. taste                       B. tastes                     C. is tasting

17.  She usually……..her friends at the weekends.

A. meeting                  B. meets                    C. meet

18.  Greg ……..Mum`s vase yesterday.

A broken                     B  broke                    C breaks

19. Why don`t we have a coffee at one of the ………cafes?

A. pavement                B. exotic                   C. refreshing

20. Jane……….her back yesterday

A. sprained                 B. hurt

21. Everyone screamed when the ground began…….

A. rumbling                 B. shaking

22. I`ve just passed my exams.

A. That`s awful!         B. How wonderful

23.  Four people died in a helicopter crash.

A. That`s awful           B. Wow!

24. Did you enjoy your holiday in Egypt?

A. It was great, thanks!         B. Really?

Вариант № 2

Выберите правильный вариант.


1. The Smiths always…..their holidays at the seaside.

A. are spending          B. spends          C. spend

2. She didn`t……to drive a car.

A. used                       B. use                C. uses

3. Jenny………..got three brothers and one sister.

A. has                         B. have              C. haven`t

4. I………..at a shop last summer.

A. working                 B. work             C. worked

5.  Is Pete……….the house this weekend?

A. paint                      B.  painting        C. paints

6.  Rachel…….the piano when her grandfather arrived.

A. was playing           B. is playing       C. plays

7. My father doesn`t……..in a travel agency.

A. works                    B. work              C. working

8. They will………at noon.

A. arrived                  B. arriving          C.  arrive

9. The flowers……..very nice.

A. smell                     B. are smelling   C. smells

10. She ………juice     every morning.

A. is drinking            B. drinks             C. drink

11. She was  watching TV……..

A. sometimes            B. now                C.  at 7 o` clock yesterday

12. She…….goes to the theatre; she doesn`t like it.

A. usually                 B. always             C. never

13. What……..you usually do in the evenings?

A. does                     B. do                    C. are

14. I……….cooking an hour ago.

A. finished               B. finish                C. finishing

15. What…you  doing when your father came?

A.  was                     B. are                    C. were

16. She………..and knocked over display.

A. slipped                 B. shopped          C. spend

17. The little girl…….my hand when the dog started barking.

A. knocked               B. grabbed           C. screamed

18. Directors…….films.

A. shoot                    B. wrestle             C. play

19. We saw   archaeological………at the Egyptian Museum.

A.  bazaars                B. treasures           C. restaurants

20. Vienna has got beautiful  squares and……streets.

A. delicious              B. cobbled             C. first- class

21. The young boy threw his toy through the balcony…..

A. railings                 B. displays          

22. We heard a deep……..noise outside the house.

A. rocking                 B. rumbling

23. Let`s go to the theatre.

A. That`s  right          B. Great idea         C. I`m OK.

24. Why don`t we  go to Canada?

A. What about you?      B. That sounds fantastic!



.                                 Test № 4


          Задание №1       Задай 5 типов вопросов.  

Задание № 2      Выбери правильный ответ.

1.She………a letter at the moment.

a.  is writing          b. writes          c. has written

2. My mother………in the hospital. She is a nurse.

a.  is working          b. works        c  has worked

3. Have you seen « Adams Family 2»………..?

a. yet                       b. already       c  just  

4. I haven`t been to London ……..three years.

a. since                    b. for              c. after

5.My friends……….in the sea tomorrow.

a.  swim                   b. is swimming       c. will swim

6.We………a good  performance  last night.

a. saw                    b.  have seen            c.  see

7.We……..a song when  Mike  came into the room.

a. sing                     b. sang                    c were singing

8. When she was 7 she………read, but…….write.

a. must, mustn`t      b. could, couldn`t     c. can, can`t

9.Look outside! It……..

a. snows                  b. is snowing            c.snowed

10.How many…………can you see.

a. butterflys             b. butterflyes      c. butterflies


 Задание №3 

Исправь ошибки

1. Steven didn`t went to school yesterday.

2. February is shortest than January

3. He is knowing  my father.

4. Is it often rain here in autumn?

5. Mr. Jackson goes to his office on taxi.


  Задание №4     

Составь из слов предложения.

1.never/ to the beach/ in winter/go/we

2.I/ swimming/ very much/ like

3. a/ has got/ pretty/ dress/ blue/ she

8 класс

Test №1

I. Рut the verb  in the correct form.

1 .She ( to watch) TV every day.

2. I ( to watch ) TV since  2 o’ clock.

3. My father ( to watch) TV last weekend.

4. The children ( to watch) TV by the time the guests arrived.

5. Larry ( to watch) TV  when Wendy came into the room.

6. My granny ( to watch) TV already.

7. We ( to watch) TV  for an hour before  our friends visited us.

8. At 4o’clock yesterday evening Chris ( to watch) TV.

9. I think I ( to watch) TV  after school.

10. She ( to watch) TV at  the moment.

 I I. Put the verbs in brackets into: -in g form or infinitive ( with or  without to)

1. He   is  looking forward to (see) them again.

2. ( eat) vegetables is good for our health.

3. He uses his car ( go) to work.

4. Angela can ( type) very fast.

5. He is interested in (travel)

6. Do you fancy ( go ) with me?

7. London is worth ( visit).

8 .I hope ( see) you  soon.

9. Chris prefers (eat) home-made meals.

10. Y. Gagarin was the first man (fly) into space.

I I I. Rewrite the sentences by putting the verbs in the   Passive Voice.

 1 .Pam cooks dinner.

 2. My mother cleaned the windows yesterday.

 3. We have already done our homework.

  4. My father will book the tickets.

  5. You should visit the doctor.

 IV. Choose the correct answer.

1. He often listens…… pop music.

 A.   to         B.   at       C. –

2. Mount Everest is …….mountain in the world.

A. the higher     B. the highest      C. highest

3. London   is  situated   in …..UK.

A. the              B. —              C. an

4. Where……the money?

A. are               B. is           C –

5. Have you  seen  «Adams Family 2»……?

A. already        B. yet          C just

6. Can I have……….milk in my coffee, please?

A..  a little        B. a few       C .a

7. This coffee is……..

A. strong not enough       B. not enough strong      C. not strong enough

8. What language……….in France?

A. is spoken                     B. is speaking                  C. are spoken

9 .Pete doesn`t  like  onions,………?

A. was he                        B. does he                        C. doesn`t he

10.  We `ll go to Rome ……..train.

A  on            B. at             B.  by


Тесты по Английскому языку для 5 класса

Тесты по «Английскому языку» для 5 класса

Present Simple общие вопросы и краткие ответы

Английский язык 5 класс  |  Дата: 16.8.2019

Тест для учащихся 5 классов на знание модальных глаголов

Английский язык 5 класс  |  Дата: 12.8.2019

Present Simple вопросительные предложения

Английский язык 5 класс  |  Дата: 5.8.2019

Образлование 3 формы в Presenr Simple

Английский язык 5 класс  |  Дата: 3.8.2019

тема: Профессии. Неправильные глаголы. Лексический материал по теме Семья. Числительные.

Английский язык 5 класс  |  Дата: 24.7.2019

Выберите только один правильный вариант

Английский язык 5 класс  |  Дата: 19.7.2019

сложности образования глаголов в 3 лицо в Present Simple

Английский язык 5 класс  |  Дата: 19.6.2019

Употребление объектного падежа существительных в единственном и множественном числе

Английский язык 5 класс  |  Дата: 19.6.2019

Сhoose one of the uncountable nouns

Английский язык 5 класс  |  Дата: 16.6.2019

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 5 класс  |  Дата: 13.9.2018

Страница 1 из 7


Викторина по английскому языку для 5 класс

Лексико-грамматическая викторина для 5 класса (учебник Spotlight)

Автор: Морозова Ю.С.

МБОУ «СОШ № 24»

Цели и задачи:

1. Формирование коммуникативных умений и навыков;

2. Развитие познавательного интереса учащихся;

3. Развитие способности к групповому общению;

4. Расширение кругозора и словарного запаса;

5. Воспитание коммуникативного речевого такта, коммуникабельности в общении со сверстниками и взрослыми.

Задание 1. В следующих словах, обозначающих названия животных пропущены гласные буквы. Восстановите их. ВПИШИТЕ В ТАБЛИЦУ ПОЛНОЕ СЛОВО.

1 балл за каждый правильный ответ (максимум 20).

a) LN

k) BRD

b) MNK

l) DG



d) RHN

n) CML




p) TGR

g) TGR



r) CT

i) DCK


j) SNK

t) PG

Задание 2. Дополните логические утверждения в соответствии с примером:

«Sun» так относится к «Moon», как «Day» относится к «Night» (Солнце — луна, день – ночь).

2 балла за каждый правильный ответ .

a) «Postman» так относится к «Post-office», как «Nurse» относится к «…………………….……..»;

b) «June» так относится к «Summer», как «September» относится к «………………………»;

с) «Paris» так относится к «France», как «London» относится к «………………………………»;

d) «One» так относится к «the first», как «Two» относится к «………………………………..…»;

e) «Orange» так относится к «Fruit», как «Carrot» относится к «……………………………….;

f) «Africa» так относится к «Hot», как «Antarctica» относится к «…………………………….»;

g) «Cry» так относится к «Sad», как «Laugh» относится к «………………………….»;

h) «Russia» так относится к «President», как «Great Britain» относится к «……………..…»;

i) «Chair» так относится к «Sit», как «Bed» относится к «………………….…»;

j) «Morning» так относится к «Breakfast», как «Evening» относится к «…………………»;

k) «Song» так относится к «Sing», как «Book» относится к «……………………….»;

l) «Car» так относится к «Drive», как «Bicycle» относится к «……………………..…»;

Задание 3. Часы отражаются в зеркале. Сколько времени сейчас на самом деле? Напишите по-английски рядом с часами.

2 балла за каждый правильный ответ (максимум 8).

a) _______________________________________

b) ____________________________________

c) ____________________________________________

d) _____________________________________

Задание 4. Решите задачи про родственные связи. Подпишите слово.

1 балл за каждый правильный ответ (максимум 5).

  • My father’s wife is my _______________________________

  • My sister is my parents’ _____________________________

  • My sister’s son is my ______________________________

  • My mother’s father is my ___________________________

  • My daughter is my sister’s ___________________________

Задание 5. Соотнесите профессии и глаголыдействия. 1 балл за каждый правильный ответ.

1. A policeman … people.


a). makes

2. A baker … bread.


b). helps

3. A gardener … flowers.


c). waters

4. A taxi driver … taxis.


d). Drives

5. A pilot …


e). Flies

Задание 6. Подберите верный перевод для этих предметов одежды. 1 балл за каждый правильный ответ

a) a coat; b) a jacket; c) a jumper. a) shorts; b) leggings; c) jeans.

a) a shirt; b) a skirt; c) a dress. a) pants; b) stockings; c) socks.

Задание 7. Отгадайте загадки. 3 балла за каждый правильный ответ (максимум 12):

1) What male accessory looks like a butterfly or a snake? (Какой мужской аксессуар похож на бабочку или змею?) __________________________

2) What object can protect you both from the sun and the rain? (Какой предмет может защитить вас и от солнца, и от дождя?) _________________________________

3) You wear them to keep your fingers and palms warm (Вы носите их, чтобы держать пальцы и кисти рук в тепле). ___________________________________

4) What do Mexicans call “sombrero”? (Что мексиканцы называют «сомбреро»?) _________

Задание 8. За правильный ответ 1 балл:

Вычеркни лишнее слово:

1)January, May, February, December,

2)September, October, Winter, November,

3) rain, November , snow, wind

4) March, June, July, August

5) winter, nice, summer, autumn

Составь предложения из слов:

  1. Is/ sometimes/ it/ raining/ autumn/ in _________________________________________

  1. The/ like/ what’s/ today/ weather? ________________________________

  1. Children/ playing/ enjoy/ in/ snow/ the _______________________________

  1. My/sister/ snowman/ me/ in winter/ and/ make/ a/ snowman/ always/ ________________________________________________

Задание 9. Подпишите по-английски, что делают люди на фотографиях, используя грамматическое время Present Continuous.

4 балла за каждый правильный ответ (максимум 24).

a) b)

__________________________________ _____________________________

c) d)

___________________________________ __________________________________

e) f)

______________________________ ______________________________________

Задание 10. Угадайте загадки. За каждую загадку 1 балл.

1.      I’m tall and green, I’m in the garden ______________________

2.      It does not have legs, but It goes ______________________

3.      It takes a house when It goes __________________________

4.      It does not have legs, but It jumps ________________________

5.      It’s not a man, It’s not a woman, but It teaches us _____________________

6.      Five sons with one name __________________________

7.  It’s white and cold, and sweet. All children like it ______________________________

8.  It gives us milk and butter too. It’s very kind and likes to moo _____________________


Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме: Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для 2-11 классов

    Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для средней школы

                   1 ступень 2-4 классы

                   2 ступень 5-9 классы

                   3 ступень 10-11 классы

 Задания для каждого класса состоят из 2 частей:

 1 часть – лексико-грамматическое задание типа“Multiple choice”.

 2 часть – задание на чтение типа “Fill in the gaps” , “Find the right answer”, “True –false”.

Ключи с ответами к каждому классу  после задания на чтение.

                           Олимпиада 2 класс

                                    Part 1

                          Circle the correct answer

e.g. This  ….my house

   is                          B are                C are

1. Hello! My name …….. Alex.

A is                          B am                 C are

2. My parents ……from  Australia.

A am                         B are                C are

3.  ……. is this?  It’s a robot.

A Who                      B Where           C What

4.  …… is she? She is my sister.

A What                     B Who               C How

5. A cat ……. fly and sing songs.

A can                         B is                   C can’t

6. In the summer the weather is usually ….  .

A frosty                      B hot                C cold  

                           Part 2 Reading

 Read the email and mark the sentences T (true), F ( false)

 Hi! My name is Pierre. I’m French and I’m from Paris. I’m 19 years old. I’m short and have got dark hair and brown eyes. My favourite colour is blue. My favourite food is pizza.

What about you?

Your e-mail friend,


e.g. Pierre is from London.                             false

1. Pierre is French.                                             ………

2. He is eighteen.                                               ………

3. Pierre’s favourite colour is blue.                 ………

4. He likes fish and chips.                                  ………

 5. Pierre has got blue eyes.                              ……..

 Keys   Part 2     1True 2False  3True  4True  5 False  6 False

            Part 1      1A  2B  3C  4B  5C  6B     


                        Олимпиада 3 класс

                                    Part 1

                          Circle the correct answer

e.g. This animal likes to swim and can’t talk

  fish                       B  frog                   C bird

1. This animal is green and small and can jump.

A mouse                 B frog                   C snake

2. I can fly and sing songs. Who am I?

A fly                        B bird                   C butterfly

3. I like to eat grass and give people milk.

A horse                    B sheep                  C cow

4. This animal can crawl and people are afraid of it.

A mouse                   B crocodile            C snake

5. This animal is very big and grey. It lives in India and in Africa.

A zebra                      B elephant            C giraffe

6. This animal is very funny, lives in the jungle, can climb the trees and jump

A bear                        B rabbit                 C monkey

                                         Part 2 Reading

Read the text and mark the sentences T(true) or F( false)

                          “My favourite day” by Tina

  My favourite day is Sunday. I get up at nine o’clock. I have breakfast and go to my friend’s house. We go to the park and play basketball all morning!

  In the afternoon, I watch TV or play computer games with my little sister.

  In the evening, I have supper, then I listen to music. At nine o’clock I go to bed. Sundays are happy days for me.

e.g. Tina’s favourite day is Sunday                             True

1. Tina gets up at eight o’clock.                                   …….

2. Tina goes to the park with her friend and plays basketball.  ……..

3. Tina doesn’t watch TV in the afternoon.                 ……..

4. Tina plays games with her little sister in the afternoon. ……

5. Tina listens to music in the afternoon.                    ………

6. She goes to bed at 9 a.m.                                         ………

Keys  Part 1     1B  2B   3C   4C  5B  6C  

          Part 2       1False   2True   3False    4True   5 False  6 False  

                         Олимпиада 4 класс

                                     Part 1

                        Circle the correct answer

 e.g. We didn’t  ….. a film last night.

A watched              B watch                    C watches

1 .Gary is the …… singer.

A better                  B good                      C best

2. Cindy ….. the race and she was very happy.

A win                     B won                        C wins

3. You ……wear a uniform at school.

A have to                B has to                        C can

4. How …… butter do you need?

A some                    B many                         C much

5 . …..  I play outside, please?

A Must                      B Should                     C May

6. You …..  clean your teeth three times a day.

A must                       B mustn’t                      C can

7. He ….. shopping every Sunday.

A went                        B is going                      C goes

8. Larry came home two hours ….. .

A last                            B ago                           C later

                        Part 2 Reading

Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false)

Sarah and her Mum are on holiday in France! Read and write T(true),


Dear Sue,

 My Mum and I are having a great time here in France. The weather is hot and sunny.

   Yesterday we went to the museum. Then we ate lunch in a café next to the river. I love French food! In the afternoon we went shopping and I bought a T-shirt with a picture of the Eiffel Tower on it.

  Tomorrow we’re going to walk in the park. Then we’re going to see the Eiffel Tower and Mum is going to take some photos of me. I can’t wait!

   Anyway, bye  for now.

   Lots of love,


1. Sarah and her Mum are in France.                         ……

2. It’s raining in France.                                             ……

3. They went to the park yesterday.                           ……

4. Sarah bought a T-shirt.                                           ……

5. They are going to see the Eiffel Tower tomorrow. ……    


Keys              Part 1   1C 2B  3A  4C  5C  6A  7C  8B

                      Part 2    1True   2 False  3 False  4 True  5 True  


                                    Олимпиада 5 класс

                                                  Part 1

                                Circle the correct answer

1. Students…………talk and eat in the class

A can                       B must                    C mustn’t

2. He enjoys listening ……….music

A of                          B at                         C to

3. There is …….sugar on the floor

A some                      B a                         C many

4……. is your birthday?

A What                       B When                  C How

5……..you like a glass of lemonade?

A Would                     B Do                       C Can

6. Look! The star…….from the sky!

A is falling                   B falls                    C fall

7. She always …… a cake for the birthday party but now she is making a pudding

A is baking                   B bakes                 C are baking

                 Fill in the gaps with a/an/the

If you to Edinburgh, you must visit 1)…..museum  unlike any other, 2)……Museum of Childhood! 3)…….museum has got 4)……..interesting collection of children’s toys and games!

You and your children can play with 5)…….toys and have a great time!

In 6)…….museum, there is also 7)…….shop. In 8)……shop, you can buy gifts and other toys. Don’t miss it! 

                        Part 2  Reading.

Read the text and mark the sentences T(true), F( false) or DS(doesn’t say) 

A man was walking in the park on a beautiful spring day and he saw a penguin. He did not know what to do. He took him to a policeman and said, «I’ve found this pen- guin, what should I do?»
The policeman replied, «Take him to the Zoo.»
The next day the policeman was walking in the same park when he saw the same man with the penguin. He walked up to him and said, «Didn’t I tell you to take the penguin to the Zoo?»
«Yes,» answered the man, «that’s what I did yesterday and today I am taking him to the cinema.»
1. A man found a penguin in the park.
2. He knew what to do with it.
3. The man didn’t want to take the penguin to the Zoo.
4. They met the policeman in the cinema the next day.
5. The man was taking the penguin to the cinema.

Keys  Part 1       1C  2C  3A  4B  5A  6A  7B

           Part2          1 a   2the   3 The  4 an   5 —   6the    7 a  8the

                            Олимпиада 6 класс

Choose the correct item

1. It,s my birthday……5th August

A at             B in              C on

2.There is ………food in the cupboard

A any           B a                  C some    

3. Does  Ann……….history at school?

A teachers    B teach              C teaching

4. On Christmas Day, we all……….gifts

A transfer      B exchange       C change

5. How………..some pizza?

A like                B many            C about

6. They often ……….camping at the weekend

A do                  B play                C go

7. They were afraid to swim in the…………river

A polluted          B deserted      C clean

8. She………at the door but no one answered

A knocked           B hit                 C rang

9. They met ten years ……..

A gone                    B ago               C past

10. What are the ………of the game?

A laws                   B rules              C guides

                                       Part 2


Read the email and mark the sentences T(true), F( false) or DS(doesn’t say)

From: Sharon

To :Helen

Dear Helen,

Thanks for the birthday card! I’m really looking forward to the weekend. I,m going to have a party on Saturday night.

Mum and I are going to go shopping on Saturday morning. We want to buy some food and decorations for the party. Mum’s going to make her special pizza and a birthday cake. I am going to make sandwiches. In the afternoon, my brother is going to help me decorate the house with streamers. Then, I’m going to help my mum clean-up

Well, I think it’s going to be a great party. How are you going to spend your weekend? Write soon.



e.g. Sharon got a birthday card from Helen            T

1. Sharon’s birthday is on Saturday .                                …….

2. They’re going to go buy a birthday cake.                     ……..

3. Sharon is going to decorate the house in the afternoon …….

4. Sharon doesn’t like the rock music                               ……..

5. The party is going to finish on Sunday morning           …….

Keys  Part 1           1 C  2C  3B  4B  5 C  6C  7A  8 A  9B  10B

           Part 2           1T  2F 3T  4DS  5DS

                                Олимпиада 7 класс

Choose the correct item

1. I…..there before. It’s a very nice museum!

A ‘ve gone             B ‘ve been          C be

2. The film is quite ……..

A bored                  B boring              C bore

3. Rosy took the video game….. to the shop because it wasn’t working.

A off                      B back                   C away

4. I……..a new digital camera. I’m sure we’ll take nice pictures!

A have bought        B have been buying    C haven’t bought

5. If people continue to pollute the environment, many endangered species ………extinct.

A will become          B become                   C are becoming

6. I went to Paris three years ………

A since                        B before                    C ago

7. You haven’t finished the milk, ……….?

A did you                     B haven’t you           C have you

8. I can do it………, thank you.

A myself                       B herself                   C yourself

                                 Part 2 Reading

Read the story about two friends and their camping trip and mark the sentences T(true) or F(false)

                           The trip of Lifetime

This summer holiday, my friend Irvin and I wanted to do something different. Instead of wasting our time staying at home watching TV and playing computer games as usual, we decided to go camping.

After getting permission from our parents, we began planning our trip. We made a list of all the food and supplies we would need and spent an entire afternoon searching for the best place to buy our camping equipment. In the end, our tent, our tent, stove and sleeping bags cost a lot of money, but it was worth it.

When the day finally arrived, my Uncle Bob was kind enough to drive us to the campsite after he got off his work. We knew it would take us a couple of hours to get there and Irvin and I grew more and more excited as we got closer to where we were going. It was dark by the time we arrived, but we didn’t care. We waved happily at Uncle Bob as he drove away. Then, after a bit of trouble and a lot of laughter, Irvin and I set up the tent and lit the cooking stove. As we sat having our first meal at the camp –tinned spaghetti –we both agreed it was the best food we had ever eaten. A short time later, warm and comfortable in our sleeping bags, we quickly fell asleep and dreamed about what our great adventure would bring.

e.g.  The boys were out of school when they came up with their plan             T

1. The boys normally spent their summer inside                                           ……

2. They asked their mothers and fathers to let them go camping                  ……..

3. Their parents helped them plan what to buy                                              ………

4. It took the boys a long time to find the supplies they needed                   ………..

5. Their camping equipment    was expensive.                                               ……….

6. Irvin’s uncle took them to the camping .                                                    ………

7. The boys had left home in the evening.                                                     ………..

8. The boys had some problems getting their campsite ready.                      ……….

9. They had fresh food for their supper.                                                        ………

10. The boys с stayed  awake late into the night.                                          ……..                                               ………                                      

Keys    Part 1  1B 2B 3B 4A 5A 6C 7C 8A

Part 2    1T 2T 3F 4T 5T 6F 7T 8T 9F 10F

                 Олимпиада 8 класс

                Choose the correct item

1. There was thick black …..coming out of the burning building.

A  fog                           B smoke                     C smog

2. Ben said that he ……a great time in Paris the previous summer.

A had had                     B would have             C have had

3. What time does the train ………Liverpool?

A arrive                         B get                            C reach

4. The burning of fossil fuels has a bad ………. on our environment.

A drawback                     B impact                      C fault

5. This picture ……..at the beginning of the century.

A was painted                 B had painted                C painted

6. We ……..half the rubbish on the beach by the time Jeff arrived.

A have cleaned                B had cleaned up          C had been cleaning up

7. It …..like  the bus is running late. Let’s catch a taxi.

A is looking                      B has looked                   C looks

8……….Bob gets paid soon, he will not be able to pay his bills.

A If                                    B Unless                        C When

9. Jane …….have cooked this delicious meal. She doesn’t even know how to boil an egg!

A mustn’t                          B shouldn’t                     C can’t

10. Brian asked his new classmate where……….from.

A did he come                   B he came                       C does he come

                                 Part2 Reading

Read the text and answer the following questions

A  Carl Lewis was born on July 1. 1961 in Birmingham, Alabama. Introduced to track and field by his athletic parents, Lewis first broke the long jump record while in high school. In 1984, he returned home with 4 gold medals after his first Olympics. Later, participating in the Summer Olympics of 1988, 1992 and 1996, he won another 5 gold medals and a silver one. He was also named ‘ athlete of the year’ 3 years in a row by Track and Field magazine and ‘sportsman of the century’ by the International Olympic Committee.

B  Born October 14, 1952 in Vladimir, Nikolai  Adrianov first signed up for gymnastic classes at the age of 11. Having difficulty balancing gymnastics and all that homework his teachers gave him, he almost quit, but Tolkachov, his coach, encouraged and helped him to go on trying. Between 1971 and 1980, he was at the top pf many international gymnastics competitions, including the World Championships. He participated in the 1972, 1976 and the 1980 Olympic Games in which he won 15 medals, the most a man has won in Olympic competition. In 2001 he was introduced into the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame.

C  Oksana Baiul was born in Ukraine on February 26, 1977. She began skating at the age of four and although orphaned at 13, she was cared for by her coach. When he left the country, she lived with her new coach, Galina Zmievskaya. At 15, Oksana won the World Figure Skating Championship and a couple of years later, participated in the 1994 Winter Olympics. She almost missed one of the competitions due to a warm-up accident. However, she was not severely injured and went on to win an Olympic gold medal.

D Michael Gross was born as the best swimmer between the 1981 and 1988. Born in Frankfurt on June 17, 1964, people referred to him as “The Albatross” because of his extremely long arms. At the age of 19, Gross set his first world record, then set 4 world records in four different events over the next three years. He also won two world titles and four European titles. He competed in the Summer Olympics of 1984 and 1988 in which he won six medals. During the 1984 Olympics, his freestyle relay team was defeated by the Americans, earning the American tem the title of  “Grossbusters”

Which of the athletes (A ,B, C or D)……..

e.g.  has a nickname?                                                                         D

1. got first place in an Olympic event even after being hurt?            ……..

2. was honoured  by a publication and an athletic organization?        ……..

3. had a problem managing their schedule?                                        ……..

4 was pushed by their coach to continue their effort?                         ……..

5. and their team lost to a US team?                                                     ………

6. has won the most medals in Olympic history?                                 ………

Keys  Part1      1B  2A  3C  4B  5A  6B  7C  8B  9C  10B

           Part2                 1C  2A  3B  4B  5D  6B

                                 Олимпиада 9 класс

                                              Part 1

                             Choose the correct item

1. Make sure you include ……. in your daily diet.

A too protein               B protein enough                      C enough protein

2. Sue asked the police officer where ……. her stolen car.

A they had found          B did they find                         C had they found

3. Tom is really afraid of dogs, and every time he sees one  he just ….. .

A freezes                       B embarrasses                          C teases

4. Don’t forget to call Mr. Smithers when you ….. to the office.

A get                              B will get                                 C are getting

5. After Barney …. his chores, he had some rest.

A had been doing           B was doing                             C had done

6. If only I …… so much  homework to do! I’d love to go out with my friends.

A wouldn’t have             B hadn’t had                            C didn’t have

7. Since  there is ….. gravity in space, astronauts have to strap everything down so it doesn’t  float away.

A vacuum                         B airless                                  C zero

8. Do you think that robots will ever be able to …. more complicated tasks such as driving or flying a plane?

A exist                               B overcome                             C perform

9. By the time Linda gets there, we ……. for her for more than an hour.

A have been waiting           B will have been waiting        C are going to wait

10. Sally is …… person  I’ve ever met; she hardly talks to anyone.

A a most shy                       B the shyer                                C the shyest

                                 Part 2 Reading

Read the story about two friends and their camping trip and mark the sentences T(true), F(false) or NS (not stated)

                              Alexander Vereinov

History has proven time and time again that there are people who can rise above difficulties and face great challenges in a way that is inspiring to all. Many people with serious disabilities often manage to not only look past their condition, but even go on to achieve greatness. Two shining examples of this are Ludwig van Beethoven and Helen Keller.

 Another brilliant case is that of Alexander Vereinov, a famous Russian artist. Born in 1956, Vereinov suffers from cerebral palsy, a condition which seriously affects body and muscle movement. His first attempts at painting began at a special hospital for children suffering from cerebral palsy, where he spent his childhood. Since he had no control of his hands, Verienov used his mouth to hold his pain brushes. The problem was that the people at the hospital were afraid he would hurt himself, so he wasn’t allowed to paint; which is why he did all his work of art at night, in a secret.

 Today, Alexander Verienov is an internationally recognized mouth artist, who has produced many stunning originals as well as reproductions of other well-known paintings are nearly impossible to tell from the original.

  However, Verienov’c activity does not end here. Together with Maxim Goubanov, a Russian philanthropist, he works  towards raising money for Alexander Verienov Disabled Russian Citizens Fund. This is an organization that aims to provide wheelchairs, medicine, food and other necessities to disabled people who do not have enough means to support themselves. Indeed, Alexander Vereinov is an inspirational example of being able to use your inner strength and determination to become successful and then use this success to help others.

 1. Beethoven and Keller were born disabled.                                       …….

2. Vereinov started painted at an early age.                                            …….

3. Vereinov only painted at night because they didn’t let him paint

 during the day                                                                                          …….

4. Vereinov’s copies of famous works of art are extremely accurate.     ……

5. Vereinov gives part of his money to charities for the disabled.           ……

Keys  Part1     1C  2A  3A  4A  5C  6C  7C  8C  9B  10C

           Part2      1NS  2T  3F  4T  5NS


                                 Олимпиада 10 класс

                                     Part 1

                           Choose the correct item

1. Linda, ……is  a very keen on computers, is studying to be a graphic designer.

A who                                B that                       C which

2. When Helen got to the  station, the train …….. .

A just left                            B had just left          C has just left

3.You ……. see a dentist about that toothache of  yours.

A better                               B should                    C ought

4. Emma’s friend lives very close to her, so she always goes to her house …. foot.

A by                                     B on                           C with

5. Our teacher made the whole class … .back after school.

A to stay                             B stay                           C staying

6.  How long ……about this?

A are you knowing             B do you know              C have you known

7. Someone’s  left the front door open;  I  …….. it immediately.

A ‘m closing                       B ‘ll close                       C ‘ll be closing

8.  It’s no use crying over split  …… there’s nothing we can do now.

A water                                B tea                                 C milk

9. The parcel  ……….. to you as we speak.

A is being delivered              B is delivering                  C has been delivering

10. Drinks that contain ……… additives are not good for your health.

A fake                                     B creative                         C artificial

11. Mark ……..at the company for seven years before he started his own business.

A has been working               B was working                  C had been working

12. The performance ……… at 9.30, so we have plenty of time to go somewhere for an early dinner before this.

A is starting                             B will start                        C starts

13. Can you, please, look …..my plants while  I’m away?

A after                                      B out                                  C up

14. Now that Samantha’s lost all that weight, she’s giving all her old clothes …. to her friends.

A away                                      B up                                   C out

                         Part 2 Reading

Read the text and match items A-G with gaps 1 -6.  There is one item you do not need to use. Write your answers in the table below.

Thanks to new technology, going to school these days can be a pleasant experience. No longer having to rely on ‘chalk and talk’, teachers can give pupils the opportunity to play a more active role in their own learning. This makes learning a more individual experience and students with different learning styles can take in knowledge more easily. This can motivate  students  1 ____________.

   Nowadays students can learn individually or in groups to improve their skills. Using technology is said to develop students’ critical thinking, cooperative learning  2 __________  . Students can also learn at their own place with the use of computers.

   However, not all schools are taking full advantage of these opportunities. Sometimes schools cannot afford to buy the equipment 3 _____________.

   In other cases, schools have the resources 4 __________. Schools need to decide which types of technology can improve teaching to make learning 5________. In addition, teachers need to become familiar with new products, software and on-line resources 6__________.

Only in this way will schools be able to function effectively in future.

A but lack clear goals

B more attractive and valuable to students

C and communication skills

D and discuss them with their colleagues

E or teachers are insufficiently trained to use it in their classes

F although it makes them feel more comfortable using technology

G especially as most students enjoy using computers

Keys  Part 1 1A  2B  3B  4B  5B  6C  7B  8C  9A  10C  11C  12C  13A 14A

           Part2     1G  2C  3E  4A  5B  6D

                                Олимпиада 11 класс

                             Part1 Use of English

 For gaps 1-7, choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

                            The secret of Success

Have you ever wondered why some people are successful and others not?  Successful people are passionate. They believe 1) …… themselves when no one else will. They set goals and turn their dreams into realities. But what exactly is about successful people that makes them so successful?  First, successful people know exactly what it is they want. They have a(n) 2) …… Goal and they stick to it. Second, successful people don’t just think ; they  act. They understand that goals 3) ……are meaningless without the action to back them up. Third, successful people think positively. They know setback and failures are simply a part of the  4) …… to success and view them in a positive light. Fourth, successful people are persistent. They keep tying no 5) ………. How many times they fail until they  have  achieved their goals. Fifth, successful people are curious and are not afraid  to experiment or make mistakes. Finally, they are passionate about what they do . They have a positive attitude , 6 ……. 100% effort into everything they do, and they won’t 7) ……..for anything but the best. So, now you know the keys to success, what are you going to do with them?

1 A for                   B to                    C in                  D by

2 A detailed           B specific           C specialized   D exclusive

3 A purely             B simply               C only               D alone

4 A street               B road                  C way                D avenue

5 A worry              B count                 C matter            D question

6 A put                   B give                   C set                  D fix

7 A agree                B settle                 C deal                 D fix

                           Part 2 Reading

Read the text and match items A-G with gaps 1 -6.  There is one item you do not need to use. Write your answers in the table below.


Seldom  is so much consequence witnessed in one lifetime, and possibly never before did diligent record keeping, hard work and honest practical management have such consequences. Certainly Pepys could A  ____________ his work was, but as his famous diaries prove, he certainly understood and appreciated that he lived in extraordinary times. The nine years covered by his dairy were B ________ in the history of Great Britain.

 When he made his first entry in 1966 he lived in a republic. But Cromwell was already dead and Pepys reported the C _________of  the king. In the end Pepys was a D _________ that took place he saw the King, soon to Charles 2, arrive from exile. He attended the coronation. He was also E _________ Great Plague of 1665 and The Great Fire of London in 1666. He described ever thing and everyone in the most entertaining and sometimes moving manner. Without doubt, he was

 F _____ reformers, designers and architects who were to rebuild London and together laid the foundation stones of   Empire. The Navy that Pepys reformed went on “to rules the waves” throughout an Empire” “on which the sun never sets”

1. “front seat’ witness to all

2. among and equal to the great

3. never have guessed how important

4. underestimate his efforts and

5. a witness to the

6. among the most momentous

7. steady rumours of the return

Keys  Part1  1C  2B  3C  4C  5B  6A  7A

           Part2     A3  B6  C7  D1  E5   F2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              










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