ГДЗ по английскому языку 5 класс рабочая тетрадь Кузовлёв, Лапа, Костина
ГДЗ по английскому языку 5 класс рабочая тетрадь Кузовлёв, Лапа, Костина
- 1 класс
- Математика
- Окружающий мир
- Русский язык
- Литература
- Информатика
- 2 класс
- Немецкий язык
- Английский язык
- Русский язык
- Математика
- Информатика
- Окружающий мир
- Литература
- Технология
- 3 класс
- Немецкий язык
- Английский язык
- Русский язык
- Математика
- Информатика
- Окружающий мир
- Литература
- 4 класс
- Немецкий язык
- Английский язык
- Русский язык
- Математика
- Окружающий мир
- Информатика
- Литература
- 5 класс
- Немецкий язык
- Английский язык
- Русский язык
- Математика
- Физика | Химия
- Биология
- История
- Информатика
- География
- Технология
- Литература
- Обществознание
- 6 класс
- Немецкий язык
- Английский язык
- Русский язык
- Математика
- Физика | Химия
- Биология
- История
- Информатика
- География
- Технология
- Литература
- Обществознание
- 7 класс
- Немецкий язык
- Английский язык
- Русский язык
- Алгебра
- Геометрия
- Физика
- Химия
- Биология
- История
- Информатика
- География
- Технология
- Литература
- Обществознание
- 8 класс
- Немецкий язык
- Английский язык
- Русский язык
- Алгебра
- Геометрия
- Физика
- Химия
- Биология
- История
- Информатика
- География
- Литература
- Обществознание
- 9 класс
- Немецкий язык
- Английский язык
- Русский язык
- Алгебра
- Геометрия
- Физика
- Химия
- Биология
- История
- Информатика
- География
- Обществознание
- Литература
- 10 класс
- Немецкий язык
- Английский язык
- Русский язык
- Алгебра
- Геометрия
- Физика
- Химия
- Биология
- Информатика
- География
- Обществознание
- 11 класс
- Немецкий язык
- Английский язык
- Русский язык
- Алгебра
- Гео
Английский язык 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кузовлев Лапа Костина
Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) — Английский язык 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кузовлев Лапа Костина — 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:
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Текст из книги:
Российская академия наук Российская академия образования Издательство «Просвещение»
Российская академия наук Российская академия образования Издательство «Просвещение»
Рабочая тетрадь 5 класс
Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций
2-е издание
УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ-922 А64
Серия «Академический школьный учебник» основана в 2005 году
Проект «Российская академия наук. Российская академия образования, издательство «Просвещение» — российской школе»
Руководители проекта: вице-президент РАН акад. В. В. Козлов, президент РАО акад. Н.Д.Никандров, чл.-корр. РАО, д-р пед. наук А. М. Кондаков
Научные редакторы серии: акад. РАО, д-р пед. наук А. А. Кузнецов, акад. РАО, д-р пед. наук М. В. Рыжаков, д-р экон. наук С. В. Сидоренко
Научный консультант авторского коллектива акад. РАО, д-р психол. наук И. А. Зимняя
В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, И. П. Костина,
О. В. Дуванова, Е. В. Кузнецова
Научный руководитель авторского коллектива проф. Е. И. Пассов
Условные обозначения
слушание говорение S — чтение
Е — письменное задание П — дополнительное задание В — задание повышенной сложности Buckingham Palace* — см. Лингвострановедческий справочник (Linguistic and cultural guide)
Рабочая тетрадь входит в учебно-методический комплект по английскому языку для 5 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Она предназначена для активизации и систематизаций лексико-грамматического материала учебника.
ISBN 978-5-09-029976-3
Издательство «Просвещение», 2012 Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 2012 Все права защищены
Unit 1
Let’s make friends!
Lesson 1
1. Group work.
Group 1. This is Clare’s project about her family.
Who is who in her family? Complete each sentence. Use the words from the box.
Grammar Hint Possessive case
Clare’s brother Clare’s and Paul’s friends
Clare and Jay’s mother My grandparents’ farm
GS (Grammar support) p. 150
(0) Clare is jay’s sister. 1 Jay is C _____________________
2 Steve is J and C _______
3 Jay is E and S ____
4 Nicholas and Cheryl are C and J _______________________
5 Elaine is C and J ________
6 Cheryl is J_
mum sister parents grandpa son
dad brother cousin^ husband
uncle grandparents aunt
^ cousin [‘кл2п] — двоюродный(ая) брат (сестра)
Unit 1
Lesson 1
Group 2. This is Paul’s project about his family.
Who is who in his family? Complete each sentence. Use the words from the box on
p. 3.
(0) Celia to Paul PguTs sister
1 Oliver to Paul _____________
2 Alice to Paul ______________
3 Philip to Paul _____________
4 Sally and Peter to Paul, Celia and Oliver ______________________
5 Alice and Philip to Paul and
6 William to Paul _____________
7 Tom to Celia ________________
8 Amy to Oliver
9 Tom to Amy _
Lesson 2
1. Get ready to play Bingo.
Write Past Simple of the following verbs in the correct columns.
dance stay go see be
visit walk wear work live
start travel ride play watch
enjoy help do take have
spend swim write buy say
Grammar Hint Past Simple Reading rules
после звонких согласных (кроме d) и гласных: lived [livd], played [pleid]; после глухих согласных (кроме t): helped [helpt], finished [‘fini/t];
[id] после d и t: wanted [‘wnntid].
Spelling rules
work + -ed = worked hate + -ed = hated
stop + -ed = stopped study + -ed = studied
travel + -ed = travelled
GS p. 152
Unit 1
Lesson 2
ed [t] (O’) worked
Regular verbs (правильные глаголы)
ed [d] ed [id]
(0) saw
Irregular verbs (неправильные глаголы)
Lesson 3
X. Song “Journeys”. English children like travelling around the country.
1) Where did they travel? Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs from the box.
; go (2) be (2)
..——- — ^
Last year we (1)______
to Ireland
It’s called The Emerald Isle The welcome there (2)____
It really made us smile. The year before we (3)_
to Wales
A land of hills and song.
Because it’s fun to laugh and sing It’s just where we belong.
In Scotland* we all (4)_______our kilts*
And bagpipes* (5)_______________all day.
Perhaps it (6)__________my favourite place
It’s where I want to stay.
Б1 2) Listen to check, (listening for specific information)
Unit 1
Lesson 3
2. Group work. Complete the questions. Ask your classmates about their summer activities. Make a report.
Grammar Hint Past Simple (questions)
Did you travel in summer? Was it interesting?
Where did you travel? Where were you in August?
What city did you visit? What trip was more interesting?
GS p. 155
Questions PI P2 P3 P4
1 you travel in summer? + + — +
a When vou travel? in July
b did vou travel? Moscow
c vou like the trip? yes
2 vou go to a summer camp?
a did vou £fo?
b vou do there?
3 vou stav at home?
a vou do?
b vou have fun? 4
Л: travelled in summer.
>rie ).til iidn’t travel in summer.
Unit 1
Lesson 3
3. Here is Paul’s plan for a week in summer.
1) What did he do? What didn’t he do that week?
Grammar Hint Past Simple
He wrote a letter yesterday.
He didn’t write a letter yesterday.
He played tennis yesterday. He didn’t play tennis yesterday.
GS p. 155
July 5-12 Monday swim in the pool /
Tuesday write a letter to Tom
Wednesday buy a present for Mum /
Thursday watch a new video
Friday go to Tom’s birthday party /
Saturday ride Prince /
Sunday help Granny /
(0) Paul swam in the pool on Monday.
Paul did not write a letter to Tom on Tuesday.
3 _________________________________________
4 _________________________________________
5 _____________________________________________
2) What did you do last week? What didn’t you do?
Last week I
Last week I couldn’t do the following things: I didn’t
Unit 1
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
1. Write it right. Clare will take a trip to France soon.
Write a letter to her and ask her about the trip. Use the notes for help.
Grammar Hint Future Simple (questions)
Will you travel by train?
Where will you spend your holidays?
GS p. 160
When / go?
Travel / by train? Where / stay?
What cities / visit? What / do?
Dear Clare,
I know you’ll go to France soon. I’d like to ask you about the trip.
Best wishes.
Reading lesson
X. Who played the game in the park? Answer the questions and mark the children’s way to the park in the picture.
1 How many children came to the pool? Name them.
2 How many children went to the shop? Name them.
Unit 1
Lesson 4 Reading lesson
3 How many children met Kent? Name them.
4 How many children didn’t go to the park? Name them. Where did they go?
5 How many children got to the park? Name them.
1 Ж1Г
Unit 1
Reading lesson
Lesson 5
X. How did the children ask and answer the questions? Tick ) the correct question or answer.
1 Where do you live?
a I live there. b In Moskovskaya Street, c I live with my parents.
2 Where are you from? a From America. b I’m in the 2nd form.
3 What’s your father’s job? a She is a teacher. b He watches TV.
4 Have you got any sisters? a Yes, I have two brothers. b Yes, I have. She is 7. c No, but I have two sisters.
5 What form are you in?
a I’m 11. b I’m from England. c I’m in the 5th form.
6 What do you do in your spare time? a I go to school. D I play tennis. c I’m a pupil.
2. Laura wants to have a pen friend from Russia. Here is her first letter.
c I don’t know.
c He’s a doctor.
20 May
Dear Russian friend.
Hi! My name’s Laura Quick. My birthday is on March 10. I’m 12 years old. I started school in the USA. We lived there for 10 years. Now we live in London. It’s a super city. My mother works at a hotel. My father’s a swimming teacher. I have got a brother. His name’s Tim. Every Tuesday I go to Brownies. Brownies is a club and it’s great. We do a lot of activities there and get prizes. Last month I got a prize for a picture. Next week we are going to go to a carnival. I am going to wear a costume of an animal. I hope I’ll get a prize for the best costume. I like writing letters to pen friends. I hope we’ll be friends.
Please write to Laura Quick Flat 8
5 Clifford Street London W 1 England
1) Write your address in English.
flat number _____
house, street _____
Unit 1
Lesson 5
city (town, village)
city -(town, village)
VL ‘
2) Write it right, would you like to have Laura as a pen friend? Write a letter to her about yourself.
1. Grammar. This is Daniel’s room.
— iir.h.
Unit 1
How does Daniel spend his spare time? Use the picture on p. 11 and fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs from the box.
J watch do go read take listen ‘ Sometimes Daniel (0) listens to music.
He doesn’t like (1)___
In the evenings he (2)_ He often (3)__________
his homework. .j
books about animals.
He enjoys (4)_
photos of his pony Prince. Jurassic Park films.
On holiday he (5)_
on trips around Britain.
2. Grammar, which verb does not belong? Underline it.
(0) hear spend became meet
1 eat bring write got
2 was saw be came
3 had were’ swept sing
4 going went writing spending
5 liked became came have
ing directions:
15 irregular verbs in Past Simple The verbs go in
X i W e t r к
c a m e a e a f
e s r t d n s
t t w e e о d m
о 1 о a a n r • 1 e
1 r g m d h a d t
w w e n t о о к
. •
4. This is what your British friends do in their spare time. 1) Complete each sentence with the correct verb form.
Unit 1
Grammar Hint Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple
I swim in the swimming pool three times a week. (Present Simple)
I swam in the swimming pool twice a week last year. (Past Simple) I will swim five times a week next year. (Future Simple)
GS pp. 154, 155, 160
Clare’s mother sometimes cooks lunch for the family. Last Sunday she (0) cooked fish.
Elaine often listens to jazz music. She (1) __________ to the jazz
concert last evening.
Celia often stays with her brother after classes. Yesterday she
(2) ______________ with him, too.
The Atkinsons travel a lot. Last summer they (3) _________________
around Scotland.
Now they are in Spain. Last month they (4)____________
in France.
The Wellers usually go to Disneyland on holiday, but last year they
(5) ______________ to England.
Megan swims a lot in the pool. Last summer holidays she
(6) ________________in the river every day.
2) What will they do next time? Complete each sentence with the correct verb form.
Yesterday Jay went to the cinema. He (0) will go to the cinema on Saturday, too.
Clare’s parents went shopping yesterday. They (1) _________________
shopping on Friday, too.
Celia and Oliver spent an hour at the zoo on Saturday. And on
Sunday they (2) _________________ four hours in the park.
Paul played football three times last week. And he (3) ____________
football three times next week, too.
Stuart swam in the river on holiday last summer. Next summer he
(4) ________________ in the lake.
Last weekend the Atkinsons were on the farm. Next week they
(5) _______Y________ on the farm, too.
Unit 1
5. Grammar. Philip Atkinson talks about his family. Complete each sentence with the preposition from the box.
in (3) from
on (4)
Hi! I’m Philip Atkinson. I’m (0) from England. My birthday is (1) __________ April 29th. Alice and I live
(2) ___________________ the farm. Now my family are
(3) ________________ our garden. When Oliver and Paul
are (4) us. (5)
holiday, they often stay with
______weekends my children and grandchildren
help me on_the farm. (6) __________ Saturdays we often
cook a barbecue. My sister lives (7) _________ London.
She often visits us (8) we go (9)________________
London (10)
summer. Sometimes ___________ train.
G. There are 9 mistakes in the following sentences. Underline the mistakes and correct them.
(0) My name_Paul. My name is Paul.
1 Last year I go to a summer camp.
2 What’s your mother name? ___________
3 We like going to picnics. __________
4 In my spare time I listen music.
5 After school I often play in football.
6 Next summer I take a trip to Brighton.
7 I don’t like this film too. ____________
8 Where you were in the evening?
9 In last summer I had a lot of fun.
Unit 1
Test yourself
Katie spent her summer holidays in France. Katie enjoyed the trip very much. ___________
You’ll hear a conversation between Clare and Katie about Katie’s summer holidays. Mark.the following statements with “T” if they are true and with “F” if they are false. You’ll hear the conversation twice.
1 »
6 7
Her father fished in the river every day.
Katie was on holiday with her dad, mum and brother.
Katie is happy because she can swim now. _____________
Katie’s sister liked riding a horse. ____________
Katie didn’t like the weather. _____________
Your score 7 6 5—4 3 и менее
Your mark 5 4 3 2
Read some facts about schools in the UK and the USA. Are there answers to the following questions in the texts? If yes, tick (v^ ) in the correct column.
secondary school
vacation semester high school
Questions Schools in the UK Schools in the USA
1 How long is a school year? 2 How many terms are there in a school year? 3 How long are summer holidays? 4 How long is a lesson? 5 How many subjects do pupils study? 6 Do pupils get homework? 7 How do pupils get to school? 8 Do pupils have tests? !
\L \
Unit 1
Test yourself
Schools and school life in the UK
Children at secondary school study ten subjects. The main subjects are English, maths and science. Children get homework every day. They often have homework for four different subjects.
There are three school terms in Britain: autumn, spring and summer terms. Holidays can be at different times in different regions. The schools usually have ten days in the first term, ten days in the second term and six weeks in summer.
Schools and school life in the USA
In high sc
ГДЗ Английский язык рабочая тетрадь 5 класс Кузовлев В. П., Лапа Н. М.
- 1 класс
- Математика
- Английский язык
- Русский язык
- Информатика
- Музыка
- Литература
- Окружающий мир
- Человек и мир
- 2 класс
- Математика
- Английский язык
- Русский язык
- Немецкий язык
- Белорусский язык
- Информатика
- Музыка
- Литература
- Окружающий мир
- Человек и мир
- Технология
- 3 класс
- Математика
- Английский язык
- Русский язык
- Немецкий язык
- Белорусский язык
- Информатика
- Музыка
- Литература
- Окружающий мир
- Человек и мир
- Испанский язык
- 4 класс
- Математика
- Английский язык
- Русский язык
- 1 класс