3 класс

Аудирование 3 класс английский язык с заданиями – Английский 3 класс. Аудирование Mitsy Mouse has a birthday

Тексты с заданиями для аудирования 3 класс

Text 1

Прослушайте текст. Выполните задания.

My friend is not big. She is nice. She is brave and strong. She isn’t lazy. Her nose is short. Her eyes are dark. She can jump and dance. She can count and play chess well. She likes bananas and oranges. But she doesn’t like ham and milk. We go to school together.

  1. Закончите предложения, выбрав правильный ответ:

1. My friend is …

a) not small

b) not big

c) not short

2. She is brave and ….

a) long

b) short

c) strong

3. She likes ….

a) bananas and apples

b) bananas and plums

c) bananas and oranges

4. But … doesn’t like ham and milk.

a) he

b) she

c) we

5. We go to … together.

a) the park

b) the forest

c) school

  1. Исправьте предложения:

  1. She is not nice.

  2. Her nose is long.

  3. She can’t jump and dance.

  4. She likes apples and oranges.

  5. She can read and play chess well

3*. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Who is brave and strong?

  2. Can she jump and dance?

  3. What can she do well?

  4. Does she like bananas and oranges?

  5. Where do they do together?

В 3-м лице ед.ч. в настоящем времени к глаголу добавляется – окончание s

В отрицательной форме – doesnt + V

Text 2

Прослушайте текст. Выполните задания.


Mr. Greenwood has a bird. He is a parrot. His name is Rocky. He is big and funny. He eats corn. He can sing, fly and skip. And he can speak. He speaks well. On Sundays Rocky and Mr. Greenwood like to play chess. But the bird cannot read. Mr. Greenwood teaches his bird to read: “Please, Rocky, read”.

  1. Верны ли следующие утверждения, подчеркните верные предложения:

  1. Mr. Greenwood has a dog.

  2. His name is Rex.

  3. He can sing, fly and skip.

  4. He speaks well.

  5. Mr. Greenwood teaches his bird to read: “Please, Rocky, read”.

  1. Заполните пропуски, вставив слова:

  1. He is big and ….

  2. He can …, … and skip.

  3. And he … speak.

  4. … Rocky and Mr. Greenwood like to play chess.

  5. But … cannot read.

  6. Mr. Greenwood teaches … … to read: “Please, Rocky, read”.

3*. Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке:

1. But the bird cannot read.

2. On Sundays Rocky and Mr. Greenwood like to play chess.

3. Mr. Greenwood has a bird.

4. And he can speak.

5. His name is Rocky.

Сокращенная форма: Mr. = mister – мистер, господин

Text 3

Прослушайте текст. Выполните задания.

We have a pet. It’s a nice big black dog. Its name is Rex. Rex is three. Rex’s birthday is on the 28th of February. We have got a big birthday party. Rex’s friends come Patrick. They play hide-and-seek. They have got a birthday cake, meat for Doggie, ham for Rex, carrots for Patrick and fish for Mussy. They are happy. Rex has got a lot of presents: a red ball, a nice teddy bear and a bone. Happy birthday to you, Rex.

  1. Продолжите предложения, выбрав правильный ответ:

  1. Its name is …

  1. Jack

  2. Rex

  3. Garry

  1. Rex’s birthday is on the 28th of ….

  1. February

  2. January

  3. July

  1. They play….

  1. Football

  2. Basketball

  3. Hide-and-seek

  1. They are ….

  1. Sad

  2. Happy

  3. Unhappy

  1. Rex has got a lot of …: a red ball, a nice teddy bear and a bone.

  1. Toys

  2. Presents

  3. Books

  1. Подчеркните предложения, которые содержат неверную информацию:

  1. Rex’s birthday is on the 27th of February.

  2. We have got a small birthday party.

  3. They play hide-and-seek.

  4. They have got a birthday cake, meat for Rex, ham for Doggie, carrots for Mussy and fish for Patrick.

  5. They are unhappy.

3*. Составьте из слов предложения:

  1. Have, we, a pet.

  2. Play, hide, they, and, seek.

  3. Birthday, is, 28th, February, of, Rex’s, on, the.

  4. Have, we, got, party, a, big, birthday.

  5. Are, they, happy.

Text 4

Прослушайте текст. Выполните задания.

Dear pen friend,

Hi! My name is Andrew. I am 8 years old. I am a boy. My birthday is on the 17th of March. I am very energetic. I live in London.

I live with my mum and dad. I have got a little sister Rose. I have got two birds and one dog. My birds’ names are Ruby and Polly. My dogs name is Wolfie.I go to school. I have got a nice teacher.

Please write back,

Your pen friend,

Andrew Ladd

  1. Закончите предложения, выбрав правильный ответ:

  1. My name is …

  1. Bob

  2. Andrew

  3. Alex

  1. I live with …

  1. my sister and mum

  2. my mum and dad

  3. my granny and daddy

  1. I have got …

  1. two cats

  2. two birds and one dog

  3. two dogs and one horse

  1. I live …

  1. in London

  2. in Moscow

  3. in Oxford

  1. Подчеркните предложения, которые содержат верную информацию:

1. My name is Andrew.

2. My birthday is on the 17th of March.

3. I live with my dad and a little brother.

4. My dog’s name is Wolfie.

5. I live in Oxford.

  1. Расположите предложения в правильной последовательности:

  1. My name is Andrew.

  2. I am 8 years old.

  3. My birthday is on the 17th of March.

  4. I live in London.

  5. I live with my mum and dad.

Порядковое числительное — the 17th of March

Имена собственные:







Итоговый тест по английскому языку для 3 класса с заданиями на чтение, грамматику и аудирование

1. Выбери правильный ответ 8. Выбери правильный перевод предложения

London is the capital of _____________ My mother likes feeding cows.

a)Kazakhstan b) Astana c) England d) Big Ben a) Мой брат кормит уток

b) Моя мама помогает бабушке.

2.Выбери правильный ответ. c) Моя мама любит коров.

Big Ben is __________ d) Моя мама любит кормить коров

а) palace b) clock c) picture d) city 9. Как переводится слово live

3. Найди лишнее a) помогать b) приглядывать за с) жить d) смотреть

a) a museum b) a cafe c) a bank d) Friday

. 10. Выбери верный вариант ответа

4. Соедини слова с цифрами London is a very ______________ city.

a) second b)eleven c) twenty d) first a) little b) big c) bad d) red

20 1-st 11 2-d 11. Ответь на вопросы

5. Что лишнее

a) ducks b) sheep c) chickens d) a vet a) Is there a hospital in your village? _____________

b) Are there cinemas in your village? ____________

6. Напиши окончание ing к глаголам 12. Впиши пропущенное слово в предложение a) feed- _____________ a) ______there schools in your city?

b) take- ____________ b) _____ there river in your village?

c) put-_______________

13. Какой месяц лишний

7.Выбери правильный перевод предложения a) October b) April c) September d) November

He likes getting up at 6:00 in the morning

a) Он любит работать в саду в 6 часов утра 14. Напиши, какое число на календаре.

b) Она любит вставать в 6 часов вечера It is the seventh of December.

c) Он любит ходить в 6 часов ________________________________

d) Он любит просыпаться в 6 часов утра. 15. Какой день следует за средой

a) Monday b)Wednesday c) Thursday d) Friday


1. Прочитай предложения и подчеркни только те, в которых говорится о транспорте

a) I like travelling by train. b) There are a lot of buses in my city. c) Excuse me, can I help you? d)You can go China today.

2.Прочитай слова и подчеркни транспорт красным карандашом, а другие синим

Metro, bank, station, tram, taxi, city, café, village, bike, people, circus

3. Прочитай текст о метро в Казахстане

The metro in Kazakhstan

There is a metro in Kazakhstan. It is in Almaty. It is new, It is small.

There are seven stations. The metro stations are very beautiful. A lot of

People use the metro every day. They go to work and school by metro.

Ответь на вопросы

4. How many stations are there in Almaty metro?

5. Is the metro in Almaty old?


Прослушай мини диалоги и выбери: правда или ложь (True- правда, False- ложь)

1.-Excuse me, can you help me? How can I get to the hospital?

-You can get to the hospital by metro.


2. -Excuse me, can you help me? How can I get to the cinema?

-You can get to the cinema by trolleybus.


3. -Excuse me, can you help me? How can I get to the theatre?

— You can get to the theatre by tram (учитель вместо tram читает trolleybus)


4. Прослушай слова подчеркни те, которые ты услышал

big hospital, cinemas, café, streets, trams, parks, river, village

Учитель читает (a pen, a dog, a hospital, an umbrella, a river, a cinema, a bus, a child, a café)

5. Прослушай вопросы. Отметь те вопросы, которые ты услышал.

Is there a metro in your city?

Are there any parks in your city?

Is there a river in your village?

Are there trams in your city?

Учитель читает вопросы

Is there a metro in your village?

Is there a metro in your city?

Are there any rivers in your region?

Are there trams in your city?

Is there a lake in your town?


Проверочная работа по английскому языку в 3 классе. Аудирование


Name_______________________________Form 3___ Date_______


My little brother and I like to go to the Zoo with Granny. At the Zoo we can see many animals: monkeys and elephants, tigers and giraffes, white bears and brown bears and many other animals. We can see many birds too. They are green and blue, black and white. We can see big birds and little birds. I like to watch the monkeys. They are so funny. They can run and jump very well. They like to play. My brother likes to watch white bears. They are big animals. They can swim very well. We like the Zoo very much.

1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа на вопрос.

1. Where do the children like to go?

А. to the Zoo

В. to the Park

С. to the garden

2. What animals can they see there?

А. crocodiles and elephants, tigers and bears

В. monkeys and elephants, tigers, giraffes and bears

С. turtles, tigers and giraffes

3. What colour are the birds?

А. grey and orange, black and white

В. pink and blue, grey and white

С. green and blue, black and white

4. Are the monkeys funny?

А. Yes, they are.

В. No, they are not.

С. Yes, we are.

5. What animals do they like to watch?

А. monkeys and bears

В. bears and cats

С. monkeys and birds

2. Отметь правдивые высказывания «T», а ложные «F».

1. My little brother and I like to go to the Zoo with Granny.______

2. I do not like to watch the monkeys._______

3. We can see big birds and little birds.______

4. White bears can not swim very well._______

5. We like the Zoo very much._________


Name_______________________Form 3___ Date_______

1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа на вопрос.

1. Where do the children like to go?

А. to the Zoo

В. to the Park

С. to the garden

2. What animals can they see there?

А. crocodiles and elephants, tigers and bears

В. monkeys and elephants, tigers, giraffes and bears

С. turtles, tigers and giraffes

3. What colour are the birds?

А. grey and orange, black and white

В. pink and blue, grey and white

С. green and blue, black and white

4. Are the monkeys funny?

А. Yes, they are.

В. No, they are not.

С. Yes, we are.

5. What animals do they like to watch?

А. monkeys and bears

В. bears and cats

С. monkeys and birds

2. Отметь правдивые высказывания «T», а ложные «F».

1. My little brother and I like to go to the Zoo with Granny.______

2. I do not like to watch the monkeys._______

3. We can see big birds and little birds.______

4. White bears can not swim very well._______

5. We like the Zoo very much._________


Name_______________________Form 3___ Date_______

1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа на вопрос.

1. Where do the children like to go?

А. to the Zoo

В. to the Park

С. to the garden

2. What animals can they see there?

А. crocodiles and elephants, tigers and bears

В. monkeys and elephants, tigers, giraffes and bears

С. turtles, tigers and giraffes

3. What colour are the birds?

А. grey and orange, black and white

В. pink and blue, grey and white

С. green and blue, black and white

4. Are the monkeys funny?

А. Yes, they are.

В. No, they are not.

С. Yes, we are.

5. What animals do they like to watch?

А. monkeys and bears

В. bears and cats

С. monkeys and birds

2. Отметь правдивые высказывания «T», а ложные «F».

1. My little brother and I like to go to the Zoo with Granny.______

2. I do not like to watch the monkeys._______

3. We can see big birds and little birds.______

4. White bears can not swim very well._______

5. We like the Zoo very much._________


Урок аудирования по английскому языку 3 класс

Разработка урока английского языка в 3 классе Литвинской Н.Н., учителя английского языка

МОУ ООШ с. Перетино по учебно-методическому комплексу Биболетовой М.З.

Тема урока: «День рождения»

Цели урока:


— обучение пониманию на слух текста с извлечением нужной информации;

— обучение чтению про себя текста, построенного на знакомом языковом материале,

с полным пониманием;

— обучение высказыванию на заданную тему с опорой на прочитанный текст;


— развитие способности и готовности вступать в иноязычное общение;


— знакомство с культурой дарения и принятия подарка;

Языковой материал: scooter, puzzle, player, teddy bear, doll, roller skates

Оснащение урока:

— карточки-иллюстрации по теме «День рождения»

— магнитофон (аудиозапись разговора учеников лесной школы)

Ход урока

I. Начало урока.

1. Приветствие.

2. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

3. Фонетическая зарядка:

— прослушивание аудиозаписи стихотворения

You have a date to celebrate

Which comes but once a year

And so today we’ll like to say

From all of us to you: Happy birthday

— декламация стихотворения

II. Основной этап урока.

  1. Контроль домашнего задания (упр.3, стр.45 правила написания и чтения порядковых числительных).

  2. Практика в устной речи (подготовка к восприятию текста на слух):

— повторение лексики в стихах (упр.1, стр.71)

Bounce! Bounce! It is my ball!

It doesn’t want to stop at all.

— перечисление подарков, которые обычно дарят девочкам/мальчикам, тем и другим;

— выяснение того, какие из нарисованных предметов есть дома:

— Have you got a ball?

— Yes, I have.

— How many balls have you got?

— I have got three balls.

— расспрос о том, во что любят играть:

— Do you like to play computer games/puzzles/ball?

— Can you ride a bike/a scooter/roller skate?

— Do you like to play with a doll?

— предположение учащихся о том, что ученики лесной школы решили подарить


3. Прослушивание разговора учеников лесной школы и ответ на вопрос: «Что хотят

подарить Джиму?»

Hello, students! Jim’s birthday is on the 10th of February. What do you think Jim would like to have for his birthday?

Martin (the rabbit):

I think he would like to have some roller skates. He can skate really well.

Billy (the bear):

I think he would like to have a player. He likes to listen to music.

Pam (the monkey):

I think he would like to have a puzzle. He likes to play puzzle.

Thomas (the elephant):

Jim likes to ride a scooter. Let’s buy him a scooter.

Mary (the mouse):

Dear friends, Jim likes to play on the computer. Let’s buy him a new computer game.

All the pupils:

That’s a great idea! Jim likes to play computer games.

Miss Chatter:

Good idea! Let’s buy him computer game.

4. Высказывание на заданную тему с опорой на ключевые слова (упр.2, стр.71):

— I’d like to have…

5. Чтение текста про себя, поиски требуемой информации (упр.3, стр.72):

— перечисли подарки Рекса;

— ответь на вопросы:

  1. When is Rex’s birthday?

  2. How old is Rex?

  3. Who comes to see Rex?

  4. What have they got to eat?

  5. Why are the friends happy?

— найди предложение, соответствующее картинке;

6. Высказывание учащихся на тему: «Как бы ты отметил день рождения своего питомца» по плану:

I have got…

It’s nice. It can…

Its birthday is on the…

On its birthday we would…

My pet would get…

III. Домашнее задание.

IV. Подведение итогов урока.


Контроль аудирования 3 класс. | Образовательный портал WebUrok.com — учебно-методические материалы для учителей

Control of Listening (3rd form)
I variant
Hello. My name is Dan. I am nine years old. I’m in Year 3 at school. I live with my mother, father, little sister, Betsy, and big brother, Andrew. Betsy is five years old. And Andrew is seventeen years old. We are happy family.
Now our mother wants to cook pasta. I like pasta, but my favourite food is fish. Betsy likes burgers. Andrew likes chicken.
Come to my bedroom. This is my white bed. That is my brown desk and two chairs. My chairs are white. And look at my funny lamp. It looks like a yellow ball. I like my room very much.
II variant
Hello. My name is Ann. I am ten years old. I’m in Year 4 at school. I live with my mother, father, big sister, Donna, and little brother, Sam. Donna is sixteen years old. And Sam is seven years old. We are happy family.
Now our mother wants to cook chicken. I like chicken, but my favourite food is pasta. Donna likes fish. Sam likes potatoes.
Come to my bedroom. This is my pink bed. That is my red desk and three chairs. My chairs are white. And look at my funny radio. It looks like a grey horse. I like my room very much.
Tasks for Control of Listening (3rd form)I variant
Mark the sentences True or False.
Dan is nine years old.
He’s in Year 4 at school.
He has got a big sister.
He has got a little brother.
He likes chips.
Choose the correct variant.
Betsy likes_________.
burgers; b) bananas; c) fish.
Andrew likes_________.
fish; b) chicken; c) burgers.
Dan’s bed is___________.
red; b) blue; c) white.
There are_______chairs in Dan’s bedroom.
three; b) two; c) four.
Dan’s lamp looks like a_________.
doll; b) ball; c) train.
II variant
Mark the sentences True or False.
Ann is nine years old.
She’s in Year 4 at school.
She has got a big sister.
She has got a little brother.
She likes pasta.
Choose the correct variant.
Donna likes_________.
burgers; b) bananas; c) fish.
Sam likes_________.
fish; b) chicken; c) potatoes.
Ann’s bed is___________.
pink; b) blue; c) white.
There are_______chairs in Ann’s bedroom.
three; b) two; c) four.
Ann’s radio looks like a_________.
doll; b) horse; c) train.

Приложенные файлы


Контрольная работа по аудированию для учащихся 3 класса к учебнику «Spotlight» издательства Просвещение.

Учитель – Мингалёва Юлия Николаевна, учитель английского языка Чистенского УВК, Симферопольского р-на, Республика Крым

Контрольная работа по аудированию для учащихся 3 класса к учебнику «Spotlight» издательства Просвещение.

Цели: проверить навыки аудирования по теме: «Школа», «Семья», «Еда», «Игрушки»

Оборудование: раздаточный материал с заданиями к текстам по аудированию.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент

  1. Приветствие.

  • Good morning! I’m glad to see you.

  • We are glad to see you too.

  • Who is absent today?

  • All are present.

  • It’s very well, because we are going to write a listening test today.

  1. Основная часть урока

Объяснение заданий контрольной работы

  1. Listen and write the numbers.

10, 7, 14, 20, 15, 8, 3, 19, 13, 12

  1. Listen and write down the necessary information.

Hello, I’m Tim. This is my mother Linda and my father Tom. Judy is my sister. She is nine. My brother’s name is Frank. He is four. Ann is my grandmother and Eddy is my grandfather. We are a happy family.

  1. Ann is my …

  2. …. is 4.

  3. My father’s name is …

  4. Judy is my

  1. Listen and fill the gaps.


My name is Ted. I am in year 5 at school. I like Maths, English and Art but my favourite subject is Music.

  1. My name is …

  2. I am in year …. at school.

  3. I like ……………

  4. My favourite subject is ….

  1. Listen and choose the right variant

This is Pat and Alan. These are their toys. Pat’s ball is pink. Alan’s train is green. That’s Alan’s radio. It’s yellow. Pat’s got big grey elephant and Alan’s got a nice red aeroplane.

1) A. Alan’s train is green. B. Alan’s train is red.

2) A. That’s Pat’s radio. B. That’s Alan’s radio.

3) A. Pat’s got big grey elephant. B. Pat’s got big green elephant.

4) A. This is Pat’s ball. B. This is Alan’s ball.

  1. Listen and match

Kate loves vegetables, so she’s having salad for lunch today. Winny doesn’t like salad, but she likes meat. She`s having sausages for lunch. Grant’s having burgers and Jake is having chips for lunch today. Judy doesn’t want chips today. She wants pizza. She loves pizza!

Kate sausages

Winny burger

Grant pizza

Jake salad

Judy chips

  1. Заключительная часть урока

Подведение итогов.

Have you done the test? Was it easy? What was difficult for you?





  1. Listen and write the numbers.

  1. Listen and write down the necessary information.

    1. Ann is my …

    2. …..…. is 4.

    3. My father’s name is …

    4. Judy is my ………

  2. Listen and fill the gaps.

  1. My name is …

  2. I am in year …. at school.

  3. I like ……………

  4. My favourite subject is ….

  1. Listen and choose the right variant

1) A. Alan’s train is green. B. Alan’s train is red.

2) A. That’s Pat’s radio. B. That’s Alan’s radio.

3) A. Pat’s got big grey elephant. B. Pat’s got big green elephant.

4) A. This is Pat’s ball. B. This is Alan’s ball.

  1. Listen and match

Kate sausages

Winny burger

Grant pizza

Jake salad

Judy chips


Урок аудирования по английскому языку в 3 классе по теме «Сказка «Птицы и лягушка»»

Урок 52 (20).


Основные задачи: активизация навыков аудирования;

актуализация лексико-грамматических навыков.

Оборудование: карточки

Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент.

— Good morning, children!

Good morning, ….

— I am glad to see you.

We are glad to see you too.

— How are you?

We are fine, thanks. And how are you?

— I’m fine, thank you. Who is absent today?

All pupil are present.

— We will listen to a fairy-tale about the birds and the frog. It is a funny story and I think you’ll like it.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

My dog is lying to play the grass

He doesn’t want to play with us,

To bring the stick and stone.

He is dreaming of a bone!

[s] – grass, us, stick, stone

[ai] – my, lying

[д] – the, with

[o] – dog, on, of

[r] – grass, bring, dreaming

[d] – dog, doesn’t, dreaming …

III. Контроль орфографического навыка.

Подстановочный диктант.

Dear friend,

My name is Kostya. I like to …………..(1) letters to different people. I post letters in the ……………(2), which is near my house. I/m fond of collecting ……….(3). I have a ………….(4) collection. My favourite ………(50 is white. I like dogs very much. And what is your …….(60 pet? I hope I’ll visit your ………..(7) one day.

Please write back.

Your friend Kostya.


  1. write

  2. post office

  3. stamp (postcard)

  4. beautiful

  5. colour

  6. favourite

  7. town

IV. Введение новой лексики.

River [rivэ] — река

Another [эn^ дэ] — другой

One end – один конец

The other end – другой конец

In the middle [midl] — посередине

A mouth [mau0] — рот

In the sky [skai] – в небе

Stick [stik] — палка

Forest [forist] — лес

Fall down — падать

IV. Активизация навыков аудирования.

  1. Who is the main character of the fairy-tale?

  2. Who are his friends?

  3. What do they do in the fairy-tale?

  4. Where does the Frog live?

  5. Whom does the Frog see in the forest?

№ 1. Cоставить план по тексту.

You can see some sentences there. Put them in a logical order to make the plan of the text.

  1. The Frog falls down.

  2. The Frog lives in the river.

  3. The birds and the Frog fly to another river.

  4. The birds want to fly to another river.

  5. Children see the birds and the Frog in the sky.

b d c e a

(Разыгрывание диалога)

  • And now let’s decide whose dialogue was the best.

  • The last task for this text. Look at the sheet (лист бумаги) and choose the best answer to the questions:

1. Why does the Frog want to go to another river?

a) He doesn’t like to live in his river.

b) He wants to go there with his friends.

c) he likes to fly.

2. Why do children say that the birds have a clock with him?

a) They can’t see the Frog well.

b) The Frog has the clock with him.

c) The Frog looks like the clock.

3. Why does the Frog fall down?

a) It is a windy weather (ветреная погода)

b) He opens his mouth.

c) The birds open their mouth.


1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – b.

V. Итог урока.

— Our lesson is over. Thank you for you. You were active and clever today.

— Какие британские праздники вы знаете?

— Write down your homework in Принести бумагу, клей, ножницы, открытку, фломастеры.

VI. Домашнее задание. Принести бумагу, клей, ножницы, открытку, фломастеры.


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