8 класс

Афанасьева михеева 8 класс рабочая тетрадь – ГДЗ по английскому языку 8 класс Афанасьева, Михеева English-8 Activity Book — Рабочая тетрадь


Английский язык 8 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева

Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) — Английский язык 8 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева — 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка
7-е издание
Москва «Просвещение» 2012
УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А94
Учебное издание
Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна Михеева Ирина Владимировна
Английский язык
Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка
Центр группы германских языков Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Н. И. Максименко Редактор Н. И. Максименко Художественный редактор Э. К. Реоли Художник В. Е. Киселёв Технический редактор Т. Е. Хотюн Корректор 3. Ф. Юрескул
Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93—953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 16.08.11. Формат 70×90 Vi6. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Школьная. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 5,89. Доп. тираж 10 000 экз. Заказ № 32679 (п «ш>.
Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва,
3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41.
Отпечатано в полном соответствии с качеством предоставленных материалов в ОАО «Смоленский полиграфический комбинат».
214020, г. Смоленск, ул. Смольянинова, д. 1.
ISBN 978-5-09-026490-7 © Издательство «Просвещение», 2005
© Художественное оформление.
Издательство «Просвещение», 2005 Все права защищены
E Ж «л’ .
V Hi? ** ‘У .
Choosing о Career: The World of Jobs
1 Listen to the interviews, ^ No 1, and say what the interviewed people do for their living.
1. Miss Burton is a
2. Miss Holly is a _
3. Miss West is a _
4. Mr Sellinger is a
2 Listen to the text “Dr Elizabeth”, No 2, and mark the sentences below T {true) or F {false).
Elizabeth Blackwell was born in the USA. ____________
Elizabeth decided to become a doctor in Kentucky. ____________
8. 9.
Elizabeth had nursed an elderly friend and that influenced her future career. _____
In the 19th century American hospitals were not interested in having a woman doctor. _______
Dr Elizabeth Blackwell found a French hospital that offered her a job as a surgeon. _______
Dr Blackwell performed operations on children’s eyes. _________
Elizabeth had an eye disease. _______
Elizabeth had suffered from the eye disease for many years. ______
At the end of her life in America Dr Blackwell founded the New
York Infirmary* for Women and Children. _________
10. Dr Elizabeth Blackwell is a well-known person in American medical world.
* infirmary |тТз:тэг|| — больница, лазарет 1*
3 Read the text “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, or Life Among the Lowly, first appeared as the serial in the National Era, an antislavery newspaper in Washington D.C. When it was published as a book in 1852, it was an immediate success in the USA. Soon the novel was translated into several languages and became an international bestseller.
2. The book influenced public views and gave a new impulse to the liberation movement all over the world, including the liberation of
Russian serfs.^ Uncle Tom’s Cabin was an attack upon the slave-owners in the South of the USA and upon the institution of slavery as such. According to Abraham Lincoln the book helped the North to win the civil war and abolish slavery in the country.
3. The novel has often been accused of being too sentimental because of its conventional characters and highly emotional scenes. The characters are largely stereotyped: some are real villains (the slave trader Haley), others are suffering innocents (Little Eva), and the main character is an all-forgiving slave. But beyond the conventional characters of sentimental fiction, the reader finds true-to-life insights into plantation life and the motivation of both slave-owners and slaves.
4. Harriet Beecher Stowe was born in 1811 into an orthodox Calvinist family: her father and five of her brothers were churchmen educated in Hartford, Connecticut, where she was born. She spent most of the life in the North. Stowe hardly had any direct experience with slavery. But she came from a family strongly opposed to this unjust system. When the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was passed, she became outraged. Her morals and her sense of justice inspired her to write the classic novel that went down in history.
serf —
4 Translate paragraphs 2. and 3. of the text “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” with a dictionary. Write down your translation.
5 A. Write out of the text (Ex. 3) 10—15 international words.
Example: cabin, serial, national…
B. Write out of the text the words built by means of: a) conversion,
b) affixation, c) composition.
Exa m p Ie: a) public
an attack
b) antislavery liberation
c) bestseller slave-owner
6 Read the text and make it complete with the help of the derivatives that are formed from the words written on the right. Fill the tables at the end of the task.
The first people engaged in 1. ______________ of the
earth had no maps to guide their way. They told
2. by watching the sun and the stars.
Perhaps the most 3. ________________________________
of the early 4. ___________________________were the
5. _________________They made maps to show the
6. ______________ of the islands they had visited.
These maps were made of sticks fastened together.
To read the maps, a 7. _____________________________
had to understand the apparent 8. __________________
of the stars, waves, and even ocean currents. There were no names on the maps, because those people had no system of 9.———————————
1. exploration
In 1400’s people learned about the 1. _________________
from China called compass. Someone there had found
that a 2. __________________ needle will always point
north or south if it is floated on a liquid so that it can turn 3.__________On the map there appeared 4. _______________lines on the earth that run from
north to south. They are called meridians of longitude. Early 5._________________________________who were also
6. ______________________________________recorded their
7. _________________ on both globe and flat maps.
Long ago, maps showed only land and water. Today
there are many 8. ________________kinds of maps. They
show many 9. _________________things that people have
learned about the earth over the years.
1. invention
7 Match the pictures with the names of these johs.
a. librarian
b. nurse
c. architect
d. ballet dancer
e. customs officer
f. conductor
g. baker
h. dressmaker
i. judge
j. soldier
k. chemist
8 Write whom you would contact if:
1. you wanted to sell your house a. a nurse
2. your bathroom tap were leaking b. an architect
3. all the lights in the house had gone out c. a physician
4. your relative were old and ill and required d. an estate
medical and social care agent
5. your wooden desk were broken e. a pharmacist
6. you had a problem with your heart f. a lawyer
7. you wanted a plan of a country house you g. a plumber
were going to build h. a police
8. you wanted a consultation on some legal officer
problem i. a carpenter
9. you wanted some medicine to be made up j. an electrician
10. you saw an accident in the street
9 Write whose words they might be:
1. I am rather tired after repairing the pipes in the bathroom.
2. This is your parcel. Will you sign here?
3. I know that your country house hasn’t been sold yet. I’m doing my best and hope to sell it soon.
4. Fine for parking, sir. You have chosen the wrong side of the road.
5. I think I can come to you around five to have a look at your sick pet.
6. I can’t understand why the plan of the estate doesn’t suit you.
7. I can’t make new doors for your writing desk in two days.
8. I think I’ll shorten the skirt, it’s too long for you.
9. Take these pills three times a day after meals.
10. I think you should wear different glasses. I’ll write out a prescription for you.
Ю Choose the right form.
1. I wish you {won’t talk/didn’t talk/don’t talk) so loudly. It’s not polite. 2. I’m having a wonderful time at the seaside. How I wish you {are/were/will be) here now. 3. If Tom {rides/will ride/rode) his new bike, he’ll win the race. 4. If you {don’t leave/won’t leave/ didn’t leave) your dirty clothes all over the place, our flat would look much nicer. 5. The rain is getting heavier. I wish I {will have/had/have) my umbrella with me. 6. If everyone {brought/brings/will bring) some nice food with them, we will have a lot to eat at the party. 7. What {will/would/shall) you do if you watched a road accident? 8. If only she {knows/will know/knew) what terrible mistake she was making!
9. If they {will pass/pass/passed) their English exam successfully, they will be very happy. 10. If Jane stays here a little longer, she {will
be/would be/is) late for her classes. 11. I really enjoyed the play. I wish we {go/went/will go) to the theatre more often. 12. If only John (has/had/will have) enough money to start his own business. 13. If you come home on time, we {have/will have/had) dinner together.
14. I love you so much! I wish we {are/will be/were) married! 15. If Kate {didn’t live/doesn’t live/won’t live) so far away from school, she wouldn’t have to travel to school by bus.
11 People often use various language means speaking of the same things. Describe these situations in a different way. Use the Subjunctive Mood.
Example: The bus was late. As a result Sally missed the London train. — If the bus hadn’t been late, Sally wouldn’t have missed the London train.
1. Lizzy lost the money. She didn’t buy any food and that day the whole family had just bread and butter for supper.
2. Norman Simon, a famous skier, fell down and broke one of his skis. That’s why he didn’t compete with the rest of the athletes.
3. Rose had a sore throat and sang badly at the concert on Saturday. She didn’t win the prize she had hoped to win.
4. Sam was late for his first class and the Headmaster told him to come to his office in the afternoon. This was how Sam missed the most important football match of the season.
5. Jack and Anna were close friends and were going to get married. Unfortunately Jack forgot about Anna’s birthday. They had a quarrel and never got married.
6. Ms Green was walking home from the shops and was caught in the rain. She fell ill and had to stay in bed for a week.
7. Kate’s bag was stolen together with the telephone book that was in it. Kate didn’t manage to phone her prospective employer and didn’t get the job.
8. The lights went off at nine o’clock in the evening and the family didn’t watch the 9 o’clock news.
9. The weather was bad last summer and the vegetables in the garden didn’t grow big enough.
10. Jack left his project paper on the bus. He had to spend half a day going to the Lost-and-Found.
12 Choose the right form:
1. Bob failed at his exams. If he {worked/had worked) harder he wouldn’t {fail/have failed) at his exams. 2. Jane didn’t manage to buy a ticket for the RU 321 Flight. If she {managed/had managed) to buy a ticket for that flight, she would {arrive/have arrived) in London yesterday. 3. Jack wants to catch a 79 bus. If Jack {caught/had caught) a 79 bus, he wouldn’t {be late/have been late) for work.
4. It rained heavily at the weekend. If it {didn’t rain/hadn’t rained)
at the weekend Alice would {golhave gone) on a picnic. 5. Mrs Robinson is going to buy some apples and pears. If Mrs Robinson (bought/had bought) some apples and pears we would {have/have had) fruit for lunch. 6. The shop assistant was very rude to Mrs Settles. If the shop assistant {were not/hadn’t been) rude to Mrs Settles, she wouldn’t (forget/have forgotten) to buy a birthday present for her friend. 7. John lost his keys. If John (didn’t lose/hadn’t lost) his keys, he would (get/have got) in his flat easily. 8. Alice doesn’t have enou


ГДЗ рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку 8 класс Афанасьева, Михеева

ГДЗ и решебники.

  • 1 класс

    • Английский язык
    • Информатика
    • Литература
    • Математика
    • Окружающий мир
    • Русский язык

  • 2 класс

    • Английский язык
    • Информатика
    • История
    • Литература
    • Математика
    • Немецкий язык
    • Окружающий мир
    • Русский язык

  • 3 класс

    • Английский язык
    • Информатика
    • История
    • Литература
    • Математика
    • Окружающий мир
    • Русский язык

  • 4 класс

    • Английский язык
    • Информатика
    • История
    • Литература
    • Математика
    • Немецкий язык
    • Окружающий мир
    • Русский язык

  • 5 класс

    • Английский язык
    • Биология
    • География
    • Информатика
    • История
    • Математика
    • Немецкий язык
    • Обществознание
    • Окружающий мир
    • Русский язык
    • Физика

  • 6 класс

    • Английский язык
    • Биология
    • География
    • Информатика
    • История
    • Математика
    • Немецкий язык
    • Обществознание
    • Русский язык
    • Физика
    • Химия

  • 7 класс

    • Алгебра
    • Английский язык
    • Биология
    • География
    • Геометрия
    • Информатика
    • История
    • Литература
    • Немецкий язык
    • Обществознание
    • Русский язык
    • Физика
    • Химия

  • 8 класс

    • Алгебра
    • Английский язык
    • Биология
    • География
    • Геометрия
    • Информатика
    • История
    • Литература
    • Немецкий язык
    • Обществознание
    • Русский язык
    • Физика
    • Химия

  • 9 класс

    • Алгебра
    • Английский язык
    • Биология
    • География
    • Геометрия
    • История
    • Литература
    • Немецкий язык
    • Обществознание
    • Русский язык
    • Физика
    • Химия

  • 10 класс

    • Алгебра
    • Английский язык
    • Биология
    • География
    • Геометрия
    • Немецкий язык
    • Русский язык
    • Физика
    • Химия

  • 11 класс

    • Алгебра
    • Английский язык
    • Биология
    • География
    • Геометрия
    • Немецкий язык
    • Русский язык
    • Физика
    • Химия


Рабочая тетрадь. Гдз по английскому языку 8 класс Афанасьева Михеева rainbow english WorkBook 2016.

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8 класс Английский язык Rainbow

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Гдз по английскому языку 8 класс Афанасьева Михеева rainbow workbook 2016

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Гдз по английскому языку 8 класс Афанасьева Михеева rainbow workbook 2016

Unit One. Sport and Outdoor Activities

I. Listening………………………………………………….. 4

II. Reading…………………………………………………… 5

III. Speaking …………………………………………………. 9

IV. Use of English ……………………………………………. 9 3

Vocabulary exercises………………………………………… 9

Grammar exercises…………………………………………..15

V. Writing ……………………………………………………23

VI. Bonus for Eager Learners…………………………………….25

Unit TWO. Performing Arts: Theatre

I. Listening ………………………………………………….26

II. Reading …………………………………………………..27

III. Speaking ………………………………………………….31

IV. Use of English …………………………………………….32

Vocabulary exercises…………………………………………32

Grammar exercises…………………………………………..41

V. Writing ……………………………………………………48

VI. Bonus for Eager Learners…………………………………….49

Unit Three. Performing Arts: Cinema

I. Listening ………………………………………………….51

II. Reading …………………………………………………..52

III. Speaking ………………………………………………….56

IV. Use of English …………………………………………….57

Vocabulary exercises…………………………………………57

Grammar exercises…………………………………………..63

V. Writing ……………………………………………………70

VI. Bonus for Eager Learners ……………………………………72

Unit Four. The Whole World Knows Them

I. Listening ………………………………………………….73

II. Reading …………………………………………………..74

III. Speaking ………………………………………………….78

IV. Use of English …………………………………………….79

Vocabulary exercises…………………………………………79

Grammar exercises…………………………………………..84

V. Writing ……………………………………………………92

VI. Bonus for Eager Learners…………………………………….94


ГДЗ по английскому языку для 8 класса рабочая тетрадь Activity Book О. В. Афанасьева

ГДЗ от Путина


    • 1 класс

      • Математика
      • Английский язык
      • Русский язык
      • Немецкий язык
      • Информатика
      • Природоведение
      • Основы здоровья
      • Музыка
      • Литература
      • Окружающий мир
      • Человек и мир
    • 2 класс

      • Математика
      • Английский язык
      • Русский язык
      • Немецкий язык
      • Белорусский язык
      • Украинский язык
      • Информатика
      • Природоведение
      • Основы здоровья
      • Музыка
      • Литература
      • Окружающий мир
      • Человек и мир
      • Технология


ГДЗ по английскому языку за 8 класс рабочая тетрадь новый курс (4-ый год обучения) Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. часть 1, 2


  • 1 класс

    • Математика
    • Английский язык
    • Русский язык
    • Информатика
    • Музыка
    • Литература
    • Окружающий мир
    • Человек и мир
  • 2 класс

    • Математика
    • Английский язык
    • Русский язык
    • Немецкий язык
    • Белорусский язык
    • Информатика
    • Музыка
    • Литература
    • Окружающий мир
    • Человек и мир
  • 3 класс

    • Математика
    • Английский язык
    • Русский язык
    • Немецкий язык
    • Белорусский язык
    • Информатика
    • Музыка
    • Литература
    • Окружающий мир
    • Человек и мир
    • Испанский язык
  • 4 класс

    • Математика
    • Английский язык
    • Русский язык
    • Немецкий язык
    • Информатика
    • Музыка
    • Литература
    • Окружающий мир
    • Человек и мир


ГДЗ за 8 класс по Английскому языку О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева рабочая тетрадь Activity Book Углубленный уровень



Навигация по гдз

1 класс

Русский язык


Английский язык

Окружающий мир




Человек и мир

2 класс

Русский язык


Английский язык

Немецкий язык

Окружающий мир





Человек и мир

Белорусский язык

3 класс

Русский язык


Английский язык

Немецкий язык

Окружающий мир




Человек и мир

Белорусский язык

Испанский язык

4 класс

Русский язык


Английский язык

Немецкий язык

Окружающий мир




Человек и мир

Белорусский язык

Испанский язык

5 класс

Русский язык


Английский язык

Немецкий язык













Человек и мир


ГДЗ по английскому языку за 8 класс рабочая тетрадь Activity Book О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева Углубленный уровень


  • 1 класс

    • Математика
    • Английский язык
    • Русский язык
    • Информатика
    • Музыка
    • Литература
    • Окружающий мир
    • Человек и мир
  • 2 класс

    • Математика
    • Английский язык
    • Русский язык
    • Немецкий язык
    • Белорусский язык
    • Информатика
    • Музыка
    • Литература
    • Окружающий мир
    • Человек и мир
  • 3 класс

    • Математика
    • Английский язык
    • Русский язык
    • Немецкий язык
    • Белорусский язык
    • Информатика
    • Музыка
    • Литература
    • Окружающий мир
    • Человек и мир
    • Испанский язык
  • 4 класс

    • Математика
    • Английский язык
    • Русский язык
    • Немецкий язык
    • Информатика
    • Музыка
    • Литература
    • Окружающий мир
    • Человек и мир


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