7 класс

Grammar practice spotlight 7 ответы 7 класс – 7 класс Модуль 7 Grammar Practice and Translator’s corner | SPOTLIGHT рабочая тетрадь


7 класс Модуль 7 Grammar Practice and Translator’s corner | SPOTLIGHT рабочая тетрадь

Решение заданий Модуля 7 «Практика Грамматики» и «Уголок переводчика» workbook «Английский в фокусе за 7й класс»

Ответы к другим модулям Grammar Practice за 7й класс тут

Модуль 7 Grammar Practice

  1. 1) better; 2) funnier; 3) worst; 4) most; 5) taller; 6) most; 7) good; 8) more; 9) harder; 10) oldest.
  2. a)
    famousmore famousmost famous
    attractivemore attractivemost attractive
    intelligentmore intelligentmost intelligent
    quietlymore quietlymost quietly
    beautifullymore beautifullymost beautifully

    b) 1) great; 2) famous; 3) shorter; 4) more beautifully; 5) richer; 6) worst; 7) greatest.

    1. have known;
    2. have met;
    3. Have you finished;
    4. stopped;
    5. have got;
    6. bought.
  3. (Примеры возможных ответов)
    • David is older then Cindy.
    • Ted is taller then Simon.
    • Simon is shorter then Ted.
    • Carol and Cindy are happier then Ted and Simon.
    • Carol is more handsome then Cindy.
    • Cindy is more handsome then Carol.
  4. (Все предложения строятся как в примере)
    1. The funniest actor I have ever seen is …
    2. The scariest thriller I have ever seen is …
    3. The most popular singer in my country is Stas Mikhailov.
    4. I think that the most exiting action scenes in the film …
    5. The worst film I have ever seen is …

Модуль 7 Translator’s corner

  1. Переведите выражения:
    a) a successful director, a talented opera singer, a favourite charakter of American cartoons, jazz music concerts, an album by the young rock star;
    b) to be careful, to follow helpful advice, to stay speechless, to power on the PC, to turn into a fairy.
    c)  for a long time, since he finished school, since last night, hundreds of thousands of fans, two tickets for 6 pm session.
  2. Переведите предложения:
    1. What Russian cartoon is the funniest from those you have seen?
    2. This young actor is not as famous as many other film stars, but he is one of the most talented actors in our cinema.
    3. He has been famous with his roles in thrillers for 15 years.
    4. My parents haven’t been at the cinema for many years. They prefer classical music concerts.
    5. My brother has become the winner of the TV quiz on the history of the world cinema.
  3. Переведите текст:
    Last year I joined our school Cinema club. Each of us has our favorite film type: comedy, cartoons, fantasy, science fiction, thrillers or documentary. At our club meetings we speak about the history of  our favorite genres. We also watch films and then discuss them. We have learned how to write reviews of the films we have seen. We sometimes have visitors working for film industry. They are directors, actors, cameramen and also film critics. Many of then say that they got interested in the cinema when they were children.

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7 класс Модуль 8 Grammar Practice and Translator’s corner »»


7 класс Модуль 1 Grammar Practice and Translator’s corner | SPOTLIGHT рабочая тетрадь

Решение заданий Модуля 1 «Практика Грамматики» и «Уголок переводчика» workbook «Английский в фокусе за 7й класс»
Ответы к другим модулям Grammar Practice за 7й класс тут

Модуль 1 Grammar Practice

    1. Are you enjoying;
    2. I have;
    3. do you usually do;
    4. see;
    5. visit;
    6. sounds;
    7. take;
    8. are yoy doing;
    9. I’m going;
    10. I love;
    11. hope;
    12. you have.
  1. 1) drives; 2) is sleeping; 3) does; 4) are going; 5)Are you coming; 6)are staying; 7) is; 8) don’t know; 9) is running after; 10) don’t understand.
    1. He doesn’t like heavy traffic.
    2. Do you usually travel by car?
    3. I am not going to the library today.
    4. The police are running after a shoplifter.
    5. We drive eight miles every morning.
    6. At the moment, they are milking the cows.
    7. oxford street always is very noisy.
    8. Do you feed the chickens every day?
    9. Are you going to King’s Cross by tube?
  2. 1) tonight; 2) on saturdays; 3) usually; 4) At the moment; 5) twice a week; 6) never; 7) today; 8) always.
  3. 1) should; 2) should; 3) shouldn’t; 4) should.
  4. 1) B; 2) A; 3) A; 4) B; 5) B; 6) A; 7) B; 8) B.

Модуль 1 Translator’s corner

  1. Переведите на английский язык выражения:
    1. to lead a healthy lifestyle, peace and quiet, convenient public transport, amazing landscapes, to switch off a mobile phone, crowded streets, heavy traffic, to install an alarm system;
    2. to drive safely, to read the text carefully, to behave badly, to run into a friend;
    3. on Sundays, to go to the beach, to play volleyball, to chat with friends.
  2. Переведите предложения:
    1. You should always have an ID in strange city.
    2. He looks very tired. He should go to the country to relax away from the hustle and bustle.
    3. Mark usually reads at his time but today he is playing board games with his friend.
    4. We ran out of sugar, we should go and buy some.
    5. Do you feel homesick when you are on holiday?
  3. Переведите текст:
    Kolomenskoye is my favorite place in Moskow. If you are interested in history you can learn a lot of things there, especially about the period of Peter 1. I like folklore festivals with their bright costumes, folk songs and dances and traditional Russian dishes very much. I enjoy the beautiful views of the park and the Moskva-river. Fresh air, peace and quiet of the historical places make the visitors really happy. Kolomenskoye is one of the most popular places to visit for Muscovites and tourists from all over Russia and foreign countries.

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7 класс Модуль 2 Grammar Practice and Translator’s corner »»


Ответы на модуль 7 grammar practice, spotlight 7 класс Ваулина

1) Подчеркните правильное слово.

1 — better (Он лучше играет на скрипке, чем его брат.)
2 — funnier (Мэри смешнее Гарта.)
3 — worst (Это худший фильм, который я видел в возрасте!)
4 — most (Робби Уильямс — моя самая любимая певица.)
5 — taller (Джеймс выше Майка.)
6 — most (Она самый вежливый человек, которого я знаю.)
7 — good (Он не так хорош в футболе, как его брат.)
8 — more (Бобби намного талантливее Джеймса.)
9 — harder (Эта работа становится все труднее и труднее.)
10 — oldest (Он, безусловно, самый старший человек в офисе.)

2) a — Заполните таблицу

famous(известный)more famousmost famous
attractive(привлекательный)more attractivemost attractive
intelligent(умный)more intelligentmost intelligent
quietly(тихо)more quietlymost quietly
beautifully(красиво)more beautifullymost beautifully

b — Используйте прилагательные и наречия из таблицы, чтобы дополнить письмо

1 — great
2 — famous
3 — shorter
4 — more beautifully
5 — richer
6 — worst
7 — greatest

Часть оригинала:
Dear Sandra,
I hope you’re great. I’m in Hollywood!

Дорогая Сандра,
Надеюсь, ты классная. Я в Голливуде!
Повсюду я вижу актеров, которых я узнаю, потому что именно здесь живут многие знаменитые звезды. Сегодня утром я видела Джулию Робертс. Она короче, чем я себе представляла; На самом деле она не такая высокая, как я. Но она очень красивая, и я думаю, что в реальной жизни она красивее, чем в ее фильмах.
Голливуд — дорогое место. Можешь ли ты поверить, что я заплатила 4 доллара за бутылку воды? Я думаю, что люди здесь должны быть намного богаче, чем люди, возвращающиеся домой.
Вчера мы заплатили 30 долларов, чтобы посмотреть комедийное шоу, но я должна сказать, что комик был худшим из тех, что я видела.
Я люблю Голливуд. Я думаю, что это величайшее место на земле. Я не хочу уезжать, но мы возвращаемся в воскресенье вечером. Итак, до скорой встречи.

3) Поставьте глаголы в скобках в past simple или в present perfect.

1 — have known
2 — have met
3 — Have you finished
4 — stopped
5 — have got
6 — bought

A: Ты знаком со Стивеном?
B: Да. Мы хорошие друзья. Я знаю его уже более 10 лет.
A: Реально? Я встретился с ним в первый раз на прошлой неделе.
A: Ты закончил заниматься гитарой?
B: Да, я закончил час назад.
A: У тебя есть новый альбом Arctic Monkeys?
B: Да. Он у меня есть больше недели.
A: Я купил его вчера.

4) Используйте подсказки, чтобы сравнить людей на картинках, как в примере.

David is older then Cindy.
Ted is taller then Simon.
Simon is shorter then Ted.
Carol and Cindy are happier then Ted and Simon.
Carol is more handsome then Cindy.
Cindy is more handsome then Carol.

5) Ответьте на вопросы о себе.

2 Кто самый забавный актер, которого вы когда-либо видели?
The funniest actor I have ever is Nikulin.

3Какой ужасный триллер вы когда-либо видели?
The scariest thriller I have ever seen is Mask.

4 Кто самый популярный певец в вашей стране?
The most popular singer in my country is Timati.

5У какого фильма, по-вашему, самые интересные боевые сцены?
«Avengers» has the most exciting action scenes.

6 Какой худший фильм вы когда-либо видели?
The worst film I have ever seen is «The best movie 3».

6) Переведите на английский язык.

a a successful director, a talented opera singer, a favourite character of American cartoons, jazz music concerts, an album by the young rock star;

b to be careful, to follow helpful advice, to stay speechless, to turn/switch on the computer, to turn into a fairy;

c for a long time, since he finished school, since last night, hundreds of thousands of fans, two tickets for 6 pm showing.

7) Переведите предложения.

1. What Russian cartoon is the funniest from those you have seen?
This young actor is not as famous as many other film stars, but he is one of the most talented actors in our cinema.
He has been famous with his roles in thrillers for 15 years.
My parents haven’t been at the cinema for many years. They prefer classical music concerts.
My brother has become the winner of the TV quiz on the history of the world cinema.

8) Переведите текст.

Last year I joined our school Cinema club. Each of us has our favourite film type: comedy, cartoons, fantasy, science fiction, thrillers or documentary. At our club meetings we speak about the history of our favourite genres. We also watch films and then discuss them. We have learned how to write reviews of the films we have seen. We sometimes have visitors working for film industry. They are directors, actors, cameramen and also film critics. Many of them say that they got interested in the cinema when they were children.


7 класс Модуль 8 Grammar Practice and Translator’s corner | SPOTLIGHT рабочая тетрадь

Решение заданий Модуля 8 «Практика Грамматики» и «Уголок переводчика» workbook «Английский в фокусе за 7й класс»
Ответы к другим модулям Grammar Practice за 7й класс тут

Модуль 8 Grammar Practice

  1. 1) have been talking; 2) has gone; 3) cleaned; 4) has been studying; 5) have been working; 6) walked.
  2. (По примеру)
  3. 1) don’t have to; 2) have to; 3) have to; 4) have to; 5) don’t have to; 6) don’t have to.
  4. 1) have been learning; 2) habitats; 3) have to; 4) has been damaging; 5) stations; 6) have to; 7) has been talking; 8) have been doing.
  5. 1)e; 2)d; 3)f; 4)b; 5)c; 6)a.
  6. (Используйте пример из 5го номера, тоже самое только наоборот.)
  7. 1) C; 2) B; 3) B; 4) C; 5) A; 6) B; 7) B; 8) B; 9) C; 10) A.

Модуль 8 Translator’s corner

  1. Переведите выражения:
    a) to emit toxic fumes; air and soil pollution; natural habitats; acid rains; factory waste;
    b) endangered animal species; to recycle cans; to collect rubbish;
    c)  to make up sentences; to make out the handwriting; to make up a quarrel with smb; to clean out a pond; to join a club; arguments for and against; to wipe out many species of fish; to leave the city.
  2. Переведите предложения:
    1. — The government is trying to reduce air pollution, isn’t it? — True, there are new rules how to use cars.
    2. The children had to collect rubbish, didn’t they?
    3. Acid rains have been damaging to the forests of Sweden for many years.
    4. — You have been building nesting boxes since morning, haven’t you? — Yes, I’d like to finish as quickly as possible. Join me and help.
    5. Take the gardening gloves, the rake and the watering can and help your dad in the garden.
  3. Переведите текст:
    The ecological situation on the planet Earth is bad. Many species of birds and animals are in danger because of air, water and soil. Many species of fish and plants are dying. We must do everything we can to reduce pollution of the environment. We should be friendly to Nature: plant flowers, collect rubbish for recycling, clean out ponds, rivers and lakes. We should try to preserve the animals’ natural habitats.

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7 класс Модуль 9 Grammar Practice and Translator’s corner »»


ГДЗ к модулю 1 Grammar practice рабочей тетради workbook spotlight 7 класс Ваулина

1) Воспользуйтесь настоящим простым или настоящим продолженным временем, чтобы дополнить диалог.

1 — Are you enjoying
2 — I have
3 — do you usually do
4 — see
5 — visit
6 — sounds
7 — take
8 — are you doing
9 — I’m going
10 — I love
11 — hope
12 — you have

Том: Привет, Сью. Ты наслаждаешься своей поездкой в Нью-Йорк?
Сью: Да. У меня прекрасное время! Мне очень нравится шум и шум на переполненных улицах.
Том: Что ты обычно делаешь в течение дня?
Сью: О, я обычно вижу достопримечательности или я посещаю один из музеев.
Том: Это звучит очень весело! Что еще ты делаешь?
Сью: Миллионы вещей. Мои друзья каждый день берут меня в разные аттракционы!
Том: Что ты сейчас делаешь?
Сью: Я еду в зоопарк Бронкса. Я люблю диких животных!
Том: Ну, надеюсь, тебе понравится.
Сью: Спасибо. Прощай.

2) Поставьте глаголы в скобках в настоящее простое или настоящее продолженное время.

1 — drives
2 — is sleeping
3 — does
4 — are going
5 — Are you coming
6 — are staying
7 — is
8 — don’t know
9 — is running after
10 — don’t understand

3) Расположите слова так, чтобы получились предложения.

1 — He doesn’t like heavy traffic. (Ему не нравится интенсивное движение.)
2 — Do you usually travel by car? (Вы обычно путешествуете на машине?)
3 — I am not going to the library today. (Я не собираюсь в библиотеку сегодня.)
4 — The police are running after a shoplifter. (Полиция бежит после магазинного вора)
5 — We drive eight miles every morning. (Каждое утро мы проезжаем восемь миль.)
6 — At the moment, they are milking the cows. (На данный момент они доят коров.)
7 — Oxford street always is very noisy. (Оксфордская улица всегда очень шумная.)
8 — Do you feed the chickens every day? (Вы кормите цыплят каждый день?)
9 — Are you going to King’s Cross by tube? (Собираетесь ли вы на King’s Cross на метро?)

4) Обведите правильный вариант.

1 — tonight
2 — on Saturdays
3 — usually
4 — At the moment
5 — twice a week
6 — never
7 — today
8 — always

5) Дополните данные предложения модальными глаголами should/shouldn’t.

1 — should
2 — should
3 — shouldn’t
4 — should

6) Обведите правильный вариант.

1 — B
2 — A
3 — A
4 — B
5 — B
6 — A
7 — B
8 — B

7) Переведите на английский язык.

8) Переведите предложения.

9) Переведите текст.

Страница к одному из подразделов первого модуля рабочей тетради по английскому языку 7 класс. Всего заданий в разделе grammar practice 9 заданий. По трем последним заданиям нужно перевести русские предложения и текст на английский язык. Вот первые шесть заданий на английском языке, а сами переводы условий вы сможете увидеть выше перед каждым ответом.
1 — Use the present simple or present continious to complete the exchange.
2 — Put the verbs in brackets in the pr. simple or pr. continuous.
3 — Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
4 — Circle the correct item.
5 — Complete the following sentences with should/shouldn’t
6 — Circle the correct item
Раздел грамматической практики поможет вам закрепить свои знания английского, а ответы лучше всего применять для своего самоконтроля.


7 класс Модуль 4 Grammar Practice and Translator’s corner | SPOTLIGHT рабочая тетрадь

Решение заданий Модуля 4 «Практика Грамматики» и «Уголок переводчика» workbook «Английский в фокусе за 7й класс»
Ответы к другим модулям Grammar Practice за 7й класс тут

Модуль 4 Grammar Practice

    1. A: What was Peter doing yesterday at 8:45?
      B: He was watching TV.
    2. A: What was Peter doing yesterday at 10:30?
      B: He was going shopping.
    3. A: What was Peter doing yesterday at 12:15?
      B: He was having lunch with friends.
    4. A: What was Peter doing yesterday at 13:20?
      B: He was doing homework.
    5. A: What was Peter doing yesterday at 14:35?
      B: He was sending e-mails.
    6. A: What was Peter doing yesterday at 17:10?
      B: He was playing basketball.
  1. 1) b; 2) c; 3) a.
  2. (Возможный ответ)
    1) her friend phoned her.
    2) was cleaning the room.
    3) her cat run away from the window.
    4) his mum asked him to stay at home and help her.
    5)their parents came back.
    1. 1)happened; 2) had; 3) was driving; 4) Did yoy go.
    2. 1)was Claire doing; 2) phoned; 3) was listening; 4) Did she turned; 5)wanted.
    3. 1) was reading; 2) heard; 3) happened; 4) was doing; 5) broke; 6) cut.
    4. 1) was standing; 2) walked; 3) Did you see; 4) was wearing.
    5. 1) did you do; 2) fainted; 3) called.
    1. was snowing…looked;
    2. saw…was walking;
    3. left…took;
    4. went;
    5. was sleeping…called;
    6. was walking…met;
    7. stayed;
    8. was cooking.
  3. 1) B; 2) A; 3) A; 4) C; 5) A; 6) B; 7) A; 8) C.

Модуль 4 Translator’s corner

  1. Переведите выражения:
    a)to read international news; to listen to the weather report; to take part in a chat show; to feel worried; to be shocked; a curious boy; to watch channel 1;
    b) to go on writing a novel; a favorite TV channel; a reasonable rule; an enjoyable music show; to go with a dress;
    c)to come to the rescue; to fall off the balcony; thanks for the story; to get out of the car; to share the information with somebody; to come up with the idea; to be proud of one’s friends.
  2. Переведите предложения:
    1. When you buy some fish, put it immediately into the fridge or it will go off.
    2. These shoes don’t go with the silk dress.
    3. Tom went on speaking about his adventures but nobody was listening to him.
    4. I’d like to watch a documentary about animals, turn on Channel 5, please.
    5. Club members of «Save nature» take part in lots of activities to keep their region clean.
  3. Переведите текст:
    Television is a powerful mass media which provides us with the latest international and local news, gossip about famous people, weather reports, and advertisements. Everyone can choose a channel and a programme to they fancy: a talk show, a music programme, an interview, a reality show, and different films. Television often changes our tastes, ideas, opinions because we believe that we see and hear. Its role in our life is great.

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7 класс Модуль 5 Grammar Practice and Translator’s corner »»


7 класс Модуль 2 Grammar Practice and Translator’s corner | SPOTLIGHT рабочая тетрадь

Решение заданий Модуля 2 «Практика Грамматики» и «Уголок переводчика» workbook «Английский в фокусе за 7й класс»
Ответы к другим модулям Grammar Practice за 7й класс тут

Модуль 2 Grammar Practice

      • -ed: watched, called, filled
      • Double consonant + -ed: stopped, dropped
      • -d: solved
      • (y)-ied: cried, tried
      • irregular: found, told, drove, took, went, felt, sent
    1. 1) solved; 2) drove; 3) went; 4) told; 5) watched; 6) sent; 7) cried; 8) took; 9) felt; 10) dropped; 11) called; 12) stopped; 13) tried; 14) filled; 15) found.
    1. Did you visit grandparents at the weekend? — Yes, I did./ No, I did not.
    2. Did you finish your homework? — Yes, I did./ No, I did not.
    3. Did you help with shopping? — Yes, I did./ No, I did not.
  1. 1) was; 2) decided; 3) told; 4) went; 5) came; 6) began; 7) scared; 8) confused; 9) didn’t know; 10) struck; 11) noticed; 12) heard; 13) said; 14) felt.
  2. 1) lost; 2) found; 3) went; 4) stopped; 5) managed; 6) had not got.
  3. 1) C; 2) B; 3) A; 4) A; 5) C; 6) B; 7) C.

Модуль 2 Translator’s corner

  1. Переведите выражения:
    a)science fiction; a funny story with happy end; a mystery story writer; fiction; an adventure story about a professor and his nephew; the biography of a famous writer; to discover something; to break a compass; to explore the area;
    b) a loud snore; to snore loudly; to sigh sadly; a sad sigh; a quiet whisper; to whisper quietly; to cry suddenly; to yawn funnily;
    c) to go on a dangerous journey; to travel in a submarine; at first glance; to hide behind the bushes; to get back to somebody; to go out; a gust of wind.
  2. Переведите предложения:
    1. Conan Doyle used to write history novels but he became popular because of his detective and mystery stories.
    2. Professor black used to explore desserts so he knows a lot about the animals that lives there.
    3. I used to read only science fiction or fairy tales and now I like adventure stories.
    4. When i came to see my granny I and my friends used to play hide-and-seek in the big cave.
    5. What’s the matter? You look upset.
  3. Переведите диалог:
    — Hi, Andrew!
    — Hi, Mary. You are looking excited. Is everything OK?
    — You’ll never guess what happened to me!
    — What’s the matter?
    — They took my story at the children’s magazine and are going to publish it!
    — That’s amazing! What is the story about? What is going on there?
    — It’s a detective story in which a teenager solves a very hard mysterious case.
    — That’s interesting! I’m glad for you.

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«« 7 класс Модуль 1 Grammar Practice and Translator’s corner

7 класс Модуль 3 Grammar Practice and Translator’s corner »»


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