6 класс

Ответы по английскому языку 6 класс ваулина контрольные работы – Ответы на тесты по английскому языку 6 класс Spotlight Test Booklet

Итоговая контрольная работа в 6 классе (учебник Spotlight)

Пояснительная записка

Итоговая контрольная работа во 6 классе по УМО “Spotlight” состоит 12 заданий.

Задание №1 проверяет умение учащихся заполнить карточку о себе.

Задание №2,9 проверяет знания учащихся слов по темам, пройденным в 6 классе.

Задания №3-8 проверяет знания учащимися грамматического материала по темам: Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continues, степеней сравнения прилагательных.

проверяет знание учащихся по теме «Числительные» (количественные, порядковые, даты) и умение правильно их произносить.

Задание №10 проверяет навыки чтения с полным пониманием текста..

Задание №11 проверяет умение учащихся понимать текст на слух на английском языке, построенный на знакомом лексическом материале.

Задание №12 проверяет умение учащихся отвечать на письмо друга по переписке с опорой на текст.

Используемый источник: УМО “Spotlight” 6 класс (Английский в фокусе)

Порядок выполнения работы:

1. Сначала учащиеся выполняют задание по аудированию.

2. Далее выполнять задания можно в любой последовательности.

3.Работу можно выполнять 2 урока.

Оценивание работы:

«5» — 100 – 85%

«4» — 84– 71%

«3» — 71 – 50%

«2» — менее 50%

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс

  1. Fill the card about yourself.



Telephone number:



2.Choose the right word.

river game fruit flower musical instrument vegetable

  1. A potato is __ ______________.

  2. Football is __ ______________.

  3. The Volga is __ ____________.

  4. A piano is __ _______________________________.

  5. An apple is __ _____________.

  6. A rose is __ _______________.


3.Put the words in correct order.

1. last year/London/to/went/we/. _______________________________________________________________________

2. usually/stay/we/a/hotel/in.


3. never/our/with/grandparents/come/us.


4. we/restaurant/go/a/often/we/to/the/evenings/in.



4. Complete the sentence with am, is, are, do or does.

  1. I ___ a student.

  2. ____ she like her job?

3. Where ___ you live?

4.____ Moscow exciting?

  1. Why ____ you want to learn English?


5. Which is right?

  1. Are you speaking English?/Do you speak English? – Yes, a little.

  2. Sometimes we’re going/we go to the country house at weekends.

  3. It’s not a good day today. It is raining/It rains.

  4. How often do you have/are you having holidays at school?


6. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

  1. Listen! Somebody ________________________ (sing).

  2. I am sorry. I ______________________(not/ understand).

  3. You can turn off the TV. I ______________________ (not/ watch) it.

  4. Sarah ________________ (not go ) to school yesterday.


7. Complete the sentences and use a comparative form. (strong-stronger)

  1. This coffee is very weak. I like it a bit ______________.

  2. The room in the hotel was really big. I expected it to be _______________.

  3. The weather is too hot in this city. I’d like to live somewhere _______________.

  4. Your work isn’t very good. I know you can do ________________.


8. Complete the sentences and use a superlative form.(nice-the nicest)

  1. This is ____________ coffee I have ever tried! (strong)

  2. It is the _______ church in my city. (old)

  3. Everest is ______________ mountain. (high)

  4. Russia is _______________ country in the world. (big)

  5. Mark is _____________ boy in our class.(tall)


9. Odd one out. Circle out the odd word and explain your choice.

  1. milk juice water oil

  2. onion banana garlic tomato

  3. meat lamb beef pork

  4. apple orange carrot grape


10.  Read the texts and choose the right titles gor them.

  1. — Who Loves Music?

  2. b) — What He Can’t Do. 

  3. с) — Little Sisters d) — Mother’s Helper.

1. Mark has a big family. He has four sisters. Mark’s two sisters are little but they go to school. They are at school in the morning and in the afternoon. They go to school five days a week. On Saturday and Sunday they are at home. Mark drives them in his car. And the girls love it.

2.Betty is thirteen. She lives with her mother in a small town. Her mother is a singer. Betty helps her mother a lot. She goes to the shops, does their flat1 and washes the plates. Betty loves cooking and cooks a lot. She feeds their pets too.

3.Roy is a sportsman. He likes driving his car very much. He likes swimming too and he can swim very well. Roy can ride horses. He can play tennis, volleyball, and football. He is a good footballer. But he can’t fly planes.

4.Polly likes music very much. She teaches music at

school. She has a lot of pupils. Her pupils love singing songs and playing the piano. They can sing and play the piano very well. They like classical music, pop music, and rock music too. But Polly’s son hates playing the piano. He likes playing on the computer.

1- 2- 3- 4-


11. Listen and match the people to the activities


12.Read this e-mail and write the answer how you are going to spend weekend (about 80 words)




TOTAL (100)

Материал для учителя


  1. 1234

    1. vegetable

    2. game

    3. river

    4. musical instrument

    5. fruit

    6. flower


3.1 Last year we went to London.

3.2 We usually stay in a hotel.

3.3 Our grandparents never come with us

3.4 We often go to the restaurants in evenings


1. am






1. Do you speak English?

2.We go

3. It is raining.

4. do you have


1. is singing

2. don’t understand

3. don’t watch

4. didn’t go


1. weaker





1. the strongest


3.the highest

4.the biggest

5.the tallest


1. oil 2. Banana 3. Meat 4.carrot

10. 1c 2d 3b 4a




Администативная контрольная работа по английскому языку для 6 класса к учебнику «Spotlight»

Административная контрольная работа

на промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку

учащегося (щейся) 6а класса МОУ СШ №54


за 2016-2017 учебный год

Вариант 1

1. Match the words. (Score: ­___/8)

  1. traffic a) hair

  2. long b) restaurant

  3. capital c) billiards

  4. wear d) gifts

  5. exchange e) seat belt

  6. play f) lights

  7. ruined g) city

  8. fast food h) buildings

2. Fill in the table using irregular verbs. (Score: ­___/10)











3. Choose the correct answer. (Score: ­___/6)

1. I _______________ George last week.

A saw B am seeing C see

2. Dolphins ________________ in the water.

A lived B live C are living

3. My little brother ____________________ his homework now.

A do B did C is doing

4. John _____________________ home at 9 p.m. yesterday.

A don’t come B didn’t come C isn’t coming

5. I ______________________ an e-mail at the moment.

A am writing B wrote C write

6. My mother ___________________ coffee every morning.

A drink B drinks C drank

4. Fill in the gaps with the right form of the following adjectives. (Score: ­___/5)

1. January is __________________(cold) month of the year.

2. Your bag is ___________________(heavy) than mine.

3. Chinese is ___________________________(difficult) than English.

4. A giraffe is _________________________ (tall) animal on the planet.

5. Today the weather is ___________________ (bad) than yesterday.

5. Correct the mistakes. (Score: ­___/5)

1.Paris is most beautiful than London. ___________________________________________________

2.Did you helped your mother yesterday?_________________________________________________

3. Alex and John is watching TV now. ___________________________________________________

4. I meeted him at the station yesterday.____________________________________________________

5. Your book is interestinger than mine. ____________________________________________________

6. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say). (Score: ­___/6)

Last summer Jane and Peter visited their grandmother. She lived in a small house in Oxford. The weather was nice and the children had a lot of fun. One day they saw a little dog in the street. The children took the dog home and called it Nancy. Nancy was very kind and clever. They played together every day. Autumn came and the children went back to London. They couldn’t take Nancy with them to their little flat, so Nancy stayed with the granny. The children often thought about Nancy and wanted to visit it. One morning Jane looked out the window and saw Nancy. The dog found them and came with a present. Nancy had Peter’s old trainers in the mouth!

  1. Last summer the children visited their grandmother. ______

  2. She lived in the center of London. _______

  3. The children found the dog in the park. ______

  4. The dog was very angry and it didn’t play with the children._______

  5. Jane and Peter couldn’t take Nancy with them to London._______

  6. The children were glad to see Nancy again. ________





Very good!



Try again!

Административная контрольная работа

на промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку

учащегося (щейся) 6а класса МОУ СШ №54


за 2016-2017 учебный год

Вариант 2

1. Match the words. (Score: ­___/8)

  1. play a) hair

  2. long b) restaurant

  3. capital c) billiards

  4. wear d) gifts

  5. exchange e) seat belt

  6. traffic f) lights

  7. ruined g) city

  8. fast food h) buildings

2. Fill in the table using irregular verbs. (Score: ­___/10)











3. Choose the correct answer. (Score: ­___/6)

1. I _______________ George last week.

A saw B am seeing C see

2. Dolphins ________________ in the water.

A lived B live C are living

3. My little brother ____________________ his homework now.

A do B did C is doing

4. John _____________________ home at 9 p.m. yesterday.

A don’t come B didn’t come C isn’t coming

5. I ______________________ an e-mail at the moment.

A am writing B wrote C write

6. My mother ___________________ coffee every morning.

A drink B drinks C drank

4. Fill in the gaps with the right form of the following adjectives. (Score: ­___/5)

1. A whale is _______________________(big) animal on our planet.

2. Life in the country is ____________________(relaxing) than in the city.

3. He is the _____________________(good) student in our class.

4. Spanish is _______________________(easy) than German.

5. The Volga is ____________________ (long) than the Thames.

5. Correct the mistakes. (Score: ­___/5)

1.Russia is the colder than Spain. ___________________________________________________

2. Did you cooked pasta yesterday?_________________________________________________

3. My parents is watching TV at the moment. ___________________________________________________

4. I readed a very interesting book two days ago._________________________________________________

5. Ann is the beautifulest girl in our class. ____________________________________________________

6. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say). (Score: __/6)

Last summer Jane and Peter visited their grandmother. She lived in a small house in Oxford. The weather was nice and the children had a lot of fun. One day they saw a little dog in the street. The children took the dog home and called it Nancy. Nancy was very kind and clever. They played together every day. Autumn came and the children went back to London. They couldn’t take Nancy with them to their little flat, so Nancy stayed with the granny. The children often thought about Nancy and wanted to visit it. One morning Jane looked out the window and saw Nancy. The dog found them and came with a present. Nancy had Peter’s old trainers in the mouth!

1. Last summer the children visited their grandmother. ______

2. She lived in the center of London. _______

3. The children found the dog in the park. ______

4. The dog was very angry and it didn’t play with the children._______

5. Jane and Peter couldn’t take Nancy with them to London._______

6. The children were glad to see Nancy again. ________





Very good!



Try again!


Учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему: Итоговая контрольная работа за 6 класс Spotlight

Итоговая контрольная работа за 6 класс  Spotlight 6

Задание 1. Перепишите слова с недостающими буквами и дайте перевод.

  1. S_gar- ___________________
  2. P_ap_er- ___________________
  3. C_rr_ts-_______________________
  4. Y_gh_rt-______________________
  5. B_scu_t- _______________________
  6. A_ults- ______________________
  7. S _ _ loin steak- ____________________
  8. Rec_pe- ___________________________
  9. Po_r- __________________________
  10. B_ke- __________________________

__ /10

Задание 2. Выберете правильный ответ. Запишите только букву ответа.

1) Have you got ______________ friends?

A many         B much          C a lot of

2) There are _________________ people in the room.

A much         B a little        C a lot of

3) Can I have _____________ sugar, please?

A a few         B a little         C a lot of

4) How _____________ oranges are on the table?

A many         B a few           C much

5 )How _______________ money has Fred got?

A much          B a lot of       C many

6) There are _______________ monkeys at the zoo.

A much          B a few          C a little

7) There are ____________ chairs in the room.

A a little        B much          C a few

8) There is ____________ tuna in the tin.

A much          B a few          C a little

9) Please, buy __________ cucumbers!

A a little        B many         C a few

10) We don’t need ________ eggs.

A much          B a little       C a lot of

__ /10

Задание 3. Раскройте скобки и перепишите предложения.

  1. Yesterday we (to play) football together.
  2. He (not to speak) English every day.
  3. You always (to skate) in the park?
  4. Look! She (to sing) a beautiful song now.
  5. You (to go) for a walk with me tomorrow?
  6. They usually (to swim) in the swimming pool.
  7. It (to be) a difficult test yesterday.
  8. My family (no to like) my new boyfriend, because he (not to like) to play basketball.
  9. Tomorrow his friends (to buy) new bikes.
  10. We (to read) books now?

__ /10

Задание 4. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. Я собираюсь посмотреть телевизор (watch TV).
  2. Ты пойдешь на прогулку завтра (go for a walk)?
  3. Сейчас он бегает.45r
  4. Я не люблю играть в футбол в 6 часов (play football at 6 o’clock).
  5. Вчера мы видели Ивана (Ivan).

__ /5

Задание 5. Прочитайте текст.

The cat and the mice.

Once upon a time ten mice lived in a house. A cat also lived in the same house. The mice weren’t happy. The cat wasn’t happy either. The mice wanted to eat cheese at the kitchen, the cat wanted to eat these mice. They weren’t friends. You know that cats don’t like mice.

One day the mice decided to do something about it. They had many plans and ideas but no one of these plans was good. They didn’t want to kill the cat, they just wanted to have cheese for dinner every day.

At last they decided: “We must hang a bell around the cat’s neck. If the cat comes, we can run away because we can hear the cat” The mice were happy. But one very old mouse asked: “Who can put the bell on the cat’s neck?” Nobody answered. No mouse was brave enough to do that.

Ответьте предложения TRUE(+) or FALSE (-) исходя из прочитанного.

  1. The mice and the cat lived in the same house._____
  2. The mice and the cat were not happy._____
  3. Mice liked cheese. _____
  4. Cats liked mice. _____
  5. The mice wanted to eat the mice. _____
  6. The mice decided to hang a bell around the cat’s neck. _____
  7. An old mouse was brave enough to hang a bell around the cat’s neck. _____
  8. The mice were not brave enough to hang a bell around the cat’s neck. _____

__ /8


От 43 до 35 (от 100-82%) «5»

от 34 до 25 (от 81 до 60%) «4»

от 24 до 13 (от 60 до 30%) «3»


Тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему: Контрольная работа. Spotlight 6. Module 6.

Test 6-6

  1. Match the words with the prepositions and translate the phrases into Russian:
  1. keen
  1. at
  1. fond
  1. on
  1. mad
  1. in
  1. good
  1. of
  1. interested
  1. about
  1. Choose the correct item:
  1. I ________ a special dish now.

a) am making                b) make        c) makes

  1. ________ Ben ________windsurfing now?
  1. Does, goes                b) Is, going                c) Does, go
  1. They ________ to school on Sundays.
  1. go never                b) never goes        c) never go
  1. Mum ________ the dusting now.
  1. isn’t doing                b) doesn’t do        c) isn’t do
  1. They often ________the dishes.
  1. are washing                b) wash                c) doesn’t wash
  1. Put the words in the correct order:
  1. every / goes / week / Sue / swimming.
  2. don’t / volleyball / They / play / on Sundays.
  3. dart / Tom / is/ playing / now.
  4. you / painting /Do / enjoy?
  5. they / the shopping / at the moment / Are / doing?
  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.
  1. I _________________(study) from 9 to 14:30 every day.
  2. Sarah usually ________________ (walk) to school.
  3. He _______________ (go) to English lessons twice a week.
  4. She _________________ (help) Mary with her homework now.
  5. Tony and Matt ________________ (work) very hard every day.
  6. Pete _______________ (travel) around Europe at the moment.
  7. Betty always _____________ (wake) up late at the weekend.
  8. They ______________ (not / talk) on the phone now.
  9. Mum _______________ (not / cook) dinner every night.
  10.  Listen! Ann _________________ (sing).
  11. _______________ (she / work) on her computer now?
  12. _______________ (they / go) camping every summer?
  1. Translate sentences into English:
  1. Мой друг увлечен плаванием.
  2. Он преуспевает в английском.
  3. Я люблю кататься на велосипеде и ловить рыбу.
  4. Мы сходим с ума по футболу!
  5. Я интересуюсь математикой.

Keys 6-6

  1. Match, translate.
  2. B) keen on — страстно увлекаться
  3. D) fond of – любить ч-л
  4. E) mad about –быть помешанным
  5. A) good at –преуспевать
  6. C) interested in –интересоваться
  1. Choose the correct item

1)         a        am making

2)        b        Is going

3)        c        never go

4)        a        isn’t doing

5)        b        wash

3. Put the words in the correct order

  1. Sue goes swimming every week.
  2. They don’t play volleyball on Sundays.
  3. Tom is playing darts now.
  4. Do you enjoy painting?
  5. Are they doing the shopping at the moment?

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.

  1. study
  2. walks
  3. goes
  4. is helping
  5. work
  6. is travelling
  7. wakes
  8. aren’t talking
  9. doesn’t cook
  10. is singing
  11. Is she working
  12. Do they go

5. Translate sentences into English:

  1. My friend is keen on swimming.
  2. He is good at English.
  3. I am fond of cycling and fishing.
  4. We are mad about football.
  5. I am interested in Math.


Контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс 6 модуль. Учебник Английский язык Spotlight 6 класс В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, Ю.Е. Ваулина

Module 6. Progress Check. Variant 1.

Suvorovite _____________________ Form _______________ January, 30.

Basic level.

II. Fill in the correct preposition about, of, in, on, at. (5*0.5=2.5)

  1. My friend is keen ___ swimming.

  2. He is good ___ English and History.

  3. But I am fond ___ cycling and fishing.

  4. We are mad _____ football.

  5. I am interested ___ Maths.

III. Match the words to make compound nouns. (5*0.5=2.5)


wind .……..




basket ………




tooth ………




birth ………




home ……….



Evaluative criteria:

0 27 – «2»

28 34 – «3»

3541 – «4»

4245 – «5»

IV. Fill in the correct word.

● board ●drama ● boring ● literature ● jigsaw (5*1=5)

V. Underline the correct item. (5*1=5)

1. Mum is cooking/cooks at the moment.

2. I go/am going to see my grandparents every Saturday morning.

3. My sister meets/is meeting her friends every afternoon.

4. Look! Pete and I are playing/play Scrabble.

5. He goes/is going windsurfing in the mornings.

Advanced level.

VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous(5*2=10)

1. Bob ____________ (play) football on Fridays.

2. John_______________ (run) in the garden at the moment.

3. «What are you doing?» – “I _____________ (write) a letter to my grandparents.

4. Jess_______________(love) reading. It’s her favourite activity.

5. Jim and Sue ________________ (travel) in Europe now.

VII. Choose the correct response. (5*2=10)

1. Would you like me to wrap it? ……


I love going windsurfing.

2. I’m looking for a present for a friend. …….


I have the perfect thing for you.

3. What board games do you like? ……


It’s – 15€.

4. How much is this puzzle? …..


Monopoly and Scrabble.

5. What do you do in your free time? ……


Yes please, that would be great.

Module 6. Progress Check. Variant 2.

Suvorovite _____________________ Form _______________ January, 30.

Basic level.

II. Fill in the correct preposition about, of, in, on, at. (5*0.5=2.5)

  1. We are good ___ English and Maths.

  2. They are mad _____ playing darts.

  3. I am fond ___ drawing and gardening.

  4. His sister is keen ___ dancing.

  5. My friend is interested ___ Music.

III. Match the words to make compound nouns. (5*0.5=2.5)


birth .……..




volley ………




tooth ………




wind ………




class ……….



IV. Fill in the correct word.

● board ●meet ● boring ● jigsaw ● Scrabble (5*1=5)

V. Underline the correct item. (5*1=5)

Evaluative criteria:

0 27 – «2»

28 34 – «3»

3541 – «4»

4245 – «5»

1. Mum is cooking/cooks at the moment.

2. Listen! Jane is singing/sings a song.

3. We go/am going to see our grandparents every Sunday morning.

4. My brother often meets/is meeting his friends.

5. She goes/is going for a walk in the mornings.

Advanced level.

VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous(5*2=10)

1. Sue ____________ (play) the piano on Tuesdays.

2. John_______________ (run) in the garden at the moment.

3. «What are you doing?» – “I ______________ (tie) knots for the scout club.

4. Simon_______________(love) drawing. It’s his favourite activity.

5. Jane and Sam ________________ (travel) in the UK now.

VII. Choose the correct response. (5*2=10)

1. Would you like me to wrap it? ……


I love going windsurfing.

2. I’m looking for a present for a friend. …….


I have the perfect thing for you.

3. What board games do you like? ……


It’s – 15€.

4. How much is this puzzle? …..


Monopoly and Scrabble.

5. What do you do in your free time? ……


Yes please, that would be great.


Контрольная работа для 6 класс по УМК Spotlight общеобразовательный класс

Данная разработка контрольной работы является помощником в проведении контроля навыков и умений по английскому языку в 6 общеобразовательном классе. Контрольную работу следует проводить в 4 четверти. 

Просмотр содержимого документа

«Контрольная работа для 6 класс по УМК Spotlight общеобразовательный класс»

Четвертная контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс общеобразовательный

1. Напишите прошедшую форму неправильных глаголов: (10 б)

Have, hear, see, give, say, drink, make, eat, go, be.

2. Выберете правильный вариант: (10 б)

1. My sister meet/meets her friends every afternoon.

2. George is learning/learns to windsurf these days.

3. What do/did you do last Sunday?

4. He is not having/doesn’t have a shower right now.

5. What board games do/are you prefer playing?

6. How much does/is this puzzle?

7. Does Mary like swim/swimming?

8. The boys don’t/aren’t working on their project now.

9. What do/did they have for breakfast yesterday?

10. Were/did you at the doctor’s yesterday morning?

3. Раскрой скобки, используя время Past Simple: (11б)

1. John (walk) to school yesterday.

2. Walt Disney (die) in 1966.

3. Our teacher (say) that we (be) very good pupils.

4. I (come) home late yesterday.

5. Yesterday at five o’clock Mary (meet) her friends.

6. I (can) do my homework because I (understand) this subject.

7. My mother (bring) me the glove puppet.

8. We (see) puppets move and talk.

9. My parents (decide) to paint the house.

10. She (not/sing) at the concert last night.

4. Составь общий вопрос к предложениям: (8б)

1. The old lady offered the children some treats.

2. The people from the Mineral Park worked in the mines.

3. The boys took some sandwiches, fruit and juice with them.

4. Pam had sandwiches for breakfast.

5. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы: (12б)

My friend John is a very busy person. When he’s not doing his home work or studying, he is out having fun.

On Mondays, he plays basketball after school. He practises a lot because he’s in the school team. Then, on Tuesdays he goes to computer club. On Thursdays, he plays chess and then on Fridays he meets his friends in town. At the weekend, John always spends time with his family. He usually goes fishing with his dad and helps his mum with the shopping.

1. What team is John in?

2. What does he do on Tuesdays?

3. When does John meet his friends?

4. What board games does John like playing?

5. Who does John spend time with at the weekend?

6. What does John help his mum do?


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