5 класс

Задания для 5 класса по английскому: Английский язык 5 класс упражнения с ответами.

Английский язык 5 класс упражнения с ответами.

Перед вами – подборка упражнений для 5 класса с ответами. Упражнения разделены на 2 группы:

Эти упражнения по английскому языку вы можете использовать в качестве тренировочных в 5 классе. Они помогут закрепить знания по основным темам.

Если же данные упражнения слишком сложны – попробуйте упражнения для 4 класса. На сайте также есть лексико-грамматический тест для 5 класса и тест по чтению по теме SCHOOL для 5 класса.

Грамматические упражнения для 5 класса.

Упражнение 1.  Fill in the correct article where necessary.

  1. _______ butter is made of milk.
  2. My mother is in ____ kitchen now.
  3. I usually have ____ tea for breakfast.
  4. After school we went ____ home.
  5. Pupils do homework in ____ evening.
  6. ____ USA is a big country.
  7. I live in ____ big city.

Упражнение 2. Fill in the correct preposition where necessary.

  1. This is the most peaceful place ____ the world.
  2. I live ____ Lesnaya street.
  3. Yesterday Nick went _____ Moscow.
  4. All pupils always listen ____ the teacher.
  5. My school is not far ____ my house.
  6. Give ____ him this book.
  7. The family went to the sea _____ bus.
  8. We live _____ a noisy city.
  9. It was very cold ____ Monday.
  10. Do you learn poems ____ heart at school?

Упражнение 3. Write the plural forms of the nouns.

  • Fox –
  • Sheep –
  • Child –
  • Puppy –
  • Table –
  • Country –
  • Foot –
  • Shoe
  • Birthday –
  • Potato —

Упражнение 4. Make the right form.

  1. His answer was _______ (bad) than mine.
  2. She is _____ (young) than her brother.
  3. Helen is __________ (good) pupil in the class.
  4. My nephew watched ____________ (interesting) film yesterday.
  5. I think the city is _________ (dirty) than the country.

Упражнение 5. Put in the correct tense form.

  • Olga ________ (read) a book now.
  • The boys _______ (break) the window yesterday.
  • Mike ________ (be) happy yesterday.
  • My father ________ (not to often watch) TV.
  • My father _________ (visit) Great Britain last year.
  • They _______ (win) a competition last year.
  • They____________ (visit / already) the British museum.
  • I hope they ________ (return) tomorrow.
  • Can you help me? I _______ (look) for my book.
  • Yesterday granny ________ (bring) me a puppy as a present.
  • Laura ______ (go) to school five days a week.
  • We first ________ (meet) in 2014.
  • Nick _______ (take part) in a regatta next week.
  • Mike _________ (not to behave) well at school yesterday.
  • There ________ (be) only one apple on the table.

Упражнение 6. Fill in much or many

  1. There are ____ apples on the plate.
  2. There is _____ bread in the bread bin.
  3. There is ____ milk in the bottle.
  4. There are ____ oranges in the box.
  5. There is ____ water in the kettle.

Упражнение 7. Fill in some or any

  1. There is _________juice in the cup.
  2. There aren’t ________ old trees in the park.
  3. Is there ________ money in your pocket?
  4. There is _______ some meat in the soup.
  5. We haven’t got ________ small pets.

Лексические упражнения для 5 класса.

Упражнение 1. Arrange phrases of the telephone conversation in a correct order

  1. Why not! See you tomorrow morning then
  2. Have you ever been to an art gallery?
  3. I don’t know yet
  4. What are you going to do on Saturday?
  5. No, I have never been there
  6. Let’s go then. It’s worth seeing

Упражнение 2. Write the word according to the topic.

Summer, T-shirt, rainy, trousers, carpet, hot, cloudy, armchair, windy, bed, shorts, kitchen, skirt



















Упражнение 3.  Use the right word to complete the sentences.

  1. The boys (am, are, is, do) playing football
  2. (Do, Does, Is) Mike at home?
  3. Teachers like (child, childs, children).
  4. (There, It) are many interesting stories in the book.

Упражнение 4. Put the words in the right order to make sentences.

  1. We / six / every / have / seven / day / or / lessons
  2. She / helping / her / in / is / mother / kitchen / the / now
  3. Pens / my / in / pencils / are / and / pencil-box / the
  4. Many / got / you / friends / have?
  5. TV / yesterday / friend / didn’t / watch / my

Упражнение 5. Choose the correct word from the box to complete the sentences.

Timetable, uniform, bookcase, Sundays, blackboard, comfortable


  1. Put the books into the __________, please!
  2. We don’t go to school on _________.
  3. I don’t wear a _________ at school.
  4. My classroom is __________ and clean.
  5. There is a __________ in my classroom.
  6. How many subjects are there in your _______?

Ответы к упражнениям по английскому языку для 5 класса.


Упражнение 1. 1- , 2-the, 3- , 4- , 5-the, 6 – the, 7-a

Упражнение 2. 1 in; 2 in; 3 to; 4 to; 5 from; 6 — ; 7 by; 8 in; 9 on; 10 by

Упражнение 3. 1 foxes, 2 sheep, 3 children, 4 puppies, 5 tables, 6 countries, 7 feet, 8 shoes, 9 birthdays, 10 potatoes

Упражнение 4. 1 worse, 2 younger, 3 the best, 4 an interesting, 5 dirtier  

Упражнение 5. 1 is reading, 2 broke, 3 was, 4 doesn’t often watch, 5 visited, 6 won, 7 have already visited, 8 will return, 9 am looking, 10 brought, 11 goes, 12 met, 13 will take, 14 didn’t behave, 15 is (was)

Упражнение 6. 1 many, 2 much, 3 much, 4 many, 5 much

Упражнение 7. 1 some, 2 any, 3 any, 4 some, 5 any


Упражнение 1. 4 / 3 / 2 / 5 / 6 / 1

Упражнение 2.

Clothes: t-shirt, trousers, shorts, skirt

Weather: summer, rainy, hot, cloudy, windy,

Home: carpet, armchair, bed, kitchen

Упражнение 3.

1 are, 2 is, 3 children, 4 there

Упражнение 4.

  1. We have six or seven lessons every day.
  2. She is helping her mother in the kitchen now.
  3. My pens and pencils are in the pencil box.
  4. Have you got many friends?
  5. My friend didn’t watch TV yesterday.

Упражнение 5.

1 bookcase, 2 Sundays, 3 uniform, 4 comfortable, 5 blackboard, 6 timetable

Надеюсь, вам понравились эти упражнения для 5 класса.

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку для 5 класса

1. Подчеркни правильное слово:

1 Mary is a baby. She is big / small. 2. My sister has got long / big hair. 3. Paul is naughty and noisy / quiet. 4. Dad is tall with good / fair hair. 5. My teacher has got a kind / small nose. 6. Wendy is short and thin / tall. 7. Patty has got old / black hair. 8. Ann’s room is tall / big. 9. Grandpa is plump with a kind / tall face. 10. Joy is a good student. She is very noisy / clever.11. Bob is short and thin / tall. 12. Mum is tall with fair / tall hair. 13. Sandy is plump with a kind / tall face. 14. Tim is a baby. He is big / small. 15. Ann’s room is tall / big. 16. Mike is a good student. He is very naughty / clever. 17. My sister has got big / long hair. 18. Betty has got old / black hair. 19. My teacher has got a kind / small nose. 20. Mary is naughty and noisy / quiet.

2. Дополни предложение нужным местоимением.

That is my sister. Look at … . 2. Are they here? Can you give … this book. 3. That is Jack. It’s … guitar. 4. Patty is nice. … eyes are big and blue. 5. Who is that girl? What is … name? 6. John and I have got the same room. It’s … room. 7. I am here. Look at … ! 8. Mike is here. Look at …! 9. Claire is pretty. … eyes are big and green. 10. That is my mum. Look at … . 11. Is Steve here? Can you give … this book? 12. Who is that boy? What is … name? 13. Sara and I have got the same room. It’s … room. 14. That is Jack. It’s … cap.

3. Задай вопросы и дай краткие ответы (+/-)

1 There is a hat on the desk. 2 There are many books in the bag. 3 There is a pen and a notebook on the shelf. 4 There is a good window in our classroom. 5 There are two paintings on the wall.

4. Составь предложения в повелительном наклонении.

1. open the window. (x) 2. be quiet. (v) 3. close the door. (x) 4. take my bags (v) 5. come here. (x)

6. play the piano. (x) 7. open the door. (v) 8. close the window. (x) 9. come here. (v) 10. look at me. (x)

1. Подчеркни правильное слово:

1 Mary is a baby. She is big / small. 2. My sister has got long / big hair. 3. Paul is naughty and noisy / quiet. 4. Dad is tall with good / fair hair. 5. My teacher has got a kind / small nose. 6. Wendy is short and thin / tall. 7. Patty has got old / black hair. 8. Ann’s room is tall / big. 9. Grandpa is plump with a kind / tall face. 10. Joy is a good student. She is very noisy / clever.11. Bob is short and thin / tall. 12. Mum is tall with fair / tall hair. 13. Sandy is plump with a kind / tall face. 14. Tim is a baby. He is big / small. 15. Ann’s room is tall / big. 16. Mike is a good student. He is very naughty / clever. 17. My sister has got big / long hair. 18. Betty has got old / black hair. 19. My teacher has got a kind / small nose. 20. Mary is naughty and noisy / quiet.

2. Дополни предложение нужным местоимением.

That is my sister. Look at … . 2. Are they here? Can you give … this book. 3. That is Jack. It’s … guitar. 4. Patty is nice. … eyes are big and blue. 5. Who is that girl? What is … name? 6. John and I have got the same room. It’s … room. 7. I am here. Look at … ! 8. Mike is here. Look at …! 9. Claire is pretty. … eyes are big and green. 10. That is my mum. Look at … . 11. Is Steve here? Can you give … this book? 12. Who is that boy? What is … name? 13. Sara and I have got the same room. It’s … room. 14. That is Jack. It’s … cap.

3. Задай вопросы и дай краткие ответы (+/-)

1 There is a hat on the desk. 2 There are many books in the bag. 3 There is a pen and a notebook on the shelf. 4 There is a good window in our classroom. 5 There are two paintings on the wall.

4. Составь предложения в повелительном наклонении.

1. open the window. (x) 2. be quiet. (v) 3. close the door. (x) 4. take my bags (v) 5. come here. (x)

6. play the piano. (x) 7. open the door. (v) 8. close the window. (x) 9. come here. (v) 10. look at me. (x)

Тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему: Упражнения по грамматике для 5 класса

Упражнения и тесты- 5 класс (elementary )

Exercise 1А. Present Simple. Give the negative form

  1. We have English on Monday.
  2. Lena is going to be a teacher.
  3. Nick likes playing computer games.  
  4. It rains in autumn.  
  5. Lena is a good student.  
  6. We are friends.  
  7. My mum is a doctor.  
  8. Boris likes travelling.  
  9. My name is Sam.  
  10. I am from London.  

Exercise 1В. Present Simple. Give the negative form

  1. This is my bike..
  2. My dog wants its dinner.  
  3. My brother lives in Moscow.
  4. My father has a new car.
  5. We are from Russia.  
  6. We like cold weather.  
  7. I’m good at maths.  
  8. Her birthday is in July.
  9. They are interested in music.
  10. I usually go shopping on Sunday.

Exercise 2    Present Simple. Put in is/are/do/does.

1.   Where____you from?

2.   Where____ Jane   live?

3.     ___you like your new school?

4.   Where_____your textbook?

5.  ____you play any sports?

6.   What time_____the library close?

7._____you usually tired after your classes?

8.   _____your mother a lawyer?

9.       ___she know your phone number?

10._____her job boring?

Exercise 3   Present Simple. Write questions.

1    you / walk to school / every day?

2   your lessons / start / at eight o’clock?

3    you / do your homework / every evening?

4    you and your best friend / go / to the same school?

5   you / watch / TV after school?

6   your best friend / visit / you at weekends?

7   you / play sport / every day?

8   your mum / get up early / at weekends?

Exercise 4. Present Simple. Make questions beginning with words in the brackets.

  1. They usually get up at 7 o’clock. (When…….?)
  2. Pete has two dogs. (How many…….?)  
  3. We have three lessons on Monday. (Do…….or……….?)
  4. Little children like playing football. (Who…………..?)  
  5. Lena usually plays with her dog in the yard. ( Where……?)
  6. Peter enjoys collecting stamps. (Does…………?)
  7. This boy is seven years old. (How old………….?)
  8. My mum watches music shows in the sitting room. (What…?)
  9. I do my homework  after  dinner. (When……?)
  10. Pete is very lazy. (What is………like?)

Exercise 5   Present Simple. Тренируемся грамотно задавать вопросы (на базе 4х типов вопросов)

  1. She goes to work by car. (Yes-No-?        Who-?)
  2. We watch TV every night. (Wh-?        Yes-No-?)
  3. I’m always happy. (Yes-No-?             Or-?)
  4. They usually work hard at their lessons.  (Who-?)
  5. I’m in a sports team. (Yes-No-?          Who-?)
  6. After school I usually go out with my friends. (Wh-?)
  7. I dislike doing my homework. (Wh-?)
  8. I can speak Japanese. (Yes-No-?            Wh-?)
  9. Anna sometimes helps at home. (Wh-?)
  10. He doesn’t go to work on Monday. (Or-?)
  11. Ann is very nervous. (Yes-No-?         Wh-?)
  12. I really hate German. (Yes-No-?          Wh-?)
  13. We love reading interesting books.(Who-?)
  14. We don’t enjoy watching boring films. (Yes-No-?)
  15. My mum gets angry with me. (Or-?     Why-?)
  16. We usually go to bed early. (Or-?   Yes-No-?)
  17. I’m bad at drawing. (Yes-No-?)
  18. We can play the guitar. (Who-?)
  19. These students are interested in painting. (Who-?)
  20. We often go to bed late. (Yes-No-?)
  21. My friends like rock music. (Who-?)
  22. My parents don’t work on Sunday. (Wh-?)
  23. She’s often late. (Yes-No-?       Why-?)
  24. I’m tired after PT lessons. (Wh-?)
  25. I don’t like art at school. (Yes-No-?      Who-?)
  26. I come from Italy. (Wh-?             Yes-No-?)
  27. We are from Britain. (Yes-No-?)
  28. I never help my mum. (Yes-No-?)
  29. Pete is interested in acting. (Or-?      Yes-No-?)
  30. Alex is an outgoing person. (Or-?)
  31. I  often go out with my friend Pete. (Wh-?)
  32. My hobby is taking photos. (Yes-No-?)
  33. Terry likes French and history. (Wh-?)
  34. I’m interested in history. (Wh-?)
  35. She plays football every Saturday. (Who-?)
  36. He usually washes his car on Wednesdays. (Or-?)
  37. They live in Australia. (Wh-?          Or-?)
  38. They go to school by bus. (Yes-No-?)
  39. The children finish their work at 5 o’clock. (Who-?)
  40. We always go to the museum on Fridays.    (Or-?)
  41. I  come from Africa. (Wh-?         Yes-No-?)
  42. I’m good at playing chess. (Or-?)
  43. Alex lives in this street. (Wh-?)
  44. Nina has got two cats. (Yes-No-?     Wh-?)
  45. These pens are mine. (Yes-No-?)
  46. Her name is Nelly. (Wh-?)
  47. Kate has a photo of Brad. (Who-?      Yes-No-?)
  48. I  can’t read this book. (Yes-No-?)
  49. She’s seventeen. (Wh-?)
  50. We can’t play hockey. (Yes-No -?)
  1. My parents often go to the park. (Who-?)
  2. 52.1 don’t write e-mails to Ann. (Yes-No-?)
  3. My brother is never helpful at home.(Who-?)
  4. We often speak English. (Or-?)
  5. 55.1 enjoy talking for hours. (Wh-?)
  6. We dislike listening to music. (Who-?)
  7. My brother is a lazy-bone. (Wh-?)
  8. They are students. (Yes-No-?)
  9. I’m always hard-working. (Or-?)
  10. My dad often makes models. (Wh-?)
  11. My mum doesn’t often go to the theatre.


  1. My friend is thin and short. (Wh-?)
  2.  We go to the gym on Wednesday. (Or-?)
  3.  He works in a restaurant. (Wh-?)
  4.  Olga usually gets up at 6 o’clock. (Or-?)
  5. They eat a lot. (Yes-No-?)
  6. I’m usually late for breakfast. (Yes-No?)
  7. I  live in Brazil. (Wh-?)
  8.  My dad doesn’t like computer games.(Who-?)
  9. We enjoy reading photo magazines. (Wh-?)
  10. I’m Clare. (Yes-No-?)
  11.  My name is Alan. (Or-?)
  12. My mum uses a computer in the office. (Wh-?)
  13. She listens to the radio every day. (Yes-No-?)
  14. I’m seven. (Wh-?)
  15. We have English on Mondays. (Or-?)
  16.  We don’t have maths on Friday. (Yes-No-?)
  17. I often make new friends at clubs. (Who-?)
  18. We have breakfast at 8. (Wh-?)
  19. My friend is helpful. (Yes-No-?)
  20.  I dislike cooking. (Wh-?)
  21. He never works hard. (Yes-No-?)
  22. My dad is a butcher. (Wh-?)
  23.  He is Victor. (Wh-?)
  24. My aunt is romantic. (Yes-No-?)
  25. I  sometimes do the washing up. (Who-?)
  26. We can go home now. (Yes-No-?)
  27. They usually go to the seaside.(Wh-?)
  28. It’s my brother. (Who-?)
  29. I’m tired. (Yes-No-?)
  30. They learn a lot. (Yes-No-?)
  31. You can take this pen. (Yes-No-?)
  32. He walks to school. (Yes-No-?   Or-?)
  33. We go to school by the metro. (Who-?)
  34. I speak French. (Yes-No-?)
  35. We have three books. (How many-?)
  36. This is a difficult question. (Yes-No-?)
  37. We come from China. (Yes-No-?   Or-?)
  38. I play the piano. (Who-?)

Exercise 6. Present Simple/ Present Continuous

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the «Present Simple» or «Present Continuous».

1. He often………. ………….(go) to the cinema.

2. They …………………………(watch) TV at the moment.

3. John is outside………………………… (wash) the car.

4. Nina usually   ………………………… (drive) to work.

5. Father ………………………… (lie) on the sofa now.

6. Claire ………………………… (not/like) pizza.

II. Complete  with the present simple or present continuous

1    Peter and Lucy are watching……………TV at the moment, (watch)

2   We…………………………….to the cinema every week, (not go)

3   The baby…………………………….right now. (not sleep)

4   We usually…………………………….our grandparents on Sundays, (visit)

5   What’s that noise?…………………………….the violin again? (Lucy / play)

6   Ben…………………………….his new shoes today, (wear)

7   …………………………….her room every day? (Emma / tidy)

8   …………………………….today? (your father / work)

9   I…………………………….my teeth three times a day. (brush)

10   …………………………….the house on Saturdays? (your mother / clean)

Exercise 7.  Write the correct form of Present Simple or Present Continuous

1. We (to be) always ready for our lessons.

2. My mother (to cook) very well.

3. My granny (not to work).

4. My father (not to be) at home now.  He (to work) at his office.

5. What you (to do) now? I (to read) the poem.

6. Tom usually (to get up) at seven o’clock.

7.  Where you (to live)?

8.  Where Ann (to be)? She (to sleep).

9.  Sometimes he (to watch) TV in the evening.

10. You (to understand) your teacher?

Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into  Past Simple

Last week we 1) … drove …. (drive) to London. It 2) …………….. (be) a sunny  day. When we 3) ………… (get) there, we 4)………… (park) the car and 5) ……………. (go)  to the London Tower. Then we ….. 6) …………….. (go)  shopping in  Oxford Street and 7) ……………… (spend) a lot of money in the shops. In the afternoon we 8)……. (see) the Changing of the Guard outside Buckingham Palace. There 9) ……….. (be) many people there. Later we 10) ……………. (have) a boat trip down the river Thames. We 11) ……………. (eat) our dinner on the boat and then we 12)……………. (decide) to go home. We 13) ……..(have) a good time that day.

Exercise 9. Change the statements into negative sentences.

a)  Tom and Anna had breakfast. ………………………………………..

b)  Mike took the bus…………………………………………………………………………………

c)  Maria and Carlos did the homework……………………………………………………….

d)  Catherine got a prize……………………………………………………………………………..

e)   Peter knew the teacher…………………………………………………………………………..

f)   Sam went to university………………………………………………………………………….

g)  Paula ate a sandwich……………………………………………………………………………..

h) Murat and Soraya ran fast………………………………………………………………………

i) Joe made mistakes…………………………………………………………………………………

j)   Carla came early……………………………………………………………………………………

Exercise 10 A. Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

a)  When (you, come)……………………………………………………………….to this country?

b)  Jack (not, wear)…………………………………………………………………..his raincoat.

c)   Pat (leave) ………………………………………………………………..his coat in the hall.

d)  How many pages (you, write)……………………………………………………………….?

e)  What (the teacher, say) ………………………………………………………………………..?

f)   (you, not, tell)………………………………………………………………….us your name.

g)  (you, go)…………………………………………….to the basketball match yesterday?

h) Ann (not, know)…………………………………………………….the other girl’s name.

i)   Which books (you, take)…………………………………………………………to school?

j)   (Jane, not, get)……………………………………………………………………..any letters.

Exercise 10 B. Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

a)  The last lesson (begin)…………..,…………..at 2.30.

b)  Joe (feel)………………………….ill after lunch.

c)   Suddenly a bird (fly)………………………….in the window!

d)  I think you (do)………………………….the wrong thing.

e)  Jane (get)………………………….ready very quickly.

f)   We (know)………………………….the answer.

g)  The students (stand)………………………….up when the teacher arrived.

h) It was cold, but I (wear)………………………….two pullovers.

i)   Anna (eat)………………………….two plates of spaghetti.

j)   Rick (tell)………………………….us the time.


Translate into English

  1. Дети сломали телевизор.
  2. Собака не бегала по саду.
  3. Куда уехали твои родители?
  4. Как часто ты смотришь эту передачу по телевизору?
  5. Что делает Аня?- Она делает уроки .
  6. Что ты делал в прошлом году?
  7. Мы забыли купить цветы вчера.
  8. Аня из России, а я из Британии.
  9. Петя студент? –Да.
  10. Мой любимый предмет- история.
  11. У меня в портфеле учебник, линейка, резинка и карандаш.
  12. У нас нет телевизора в кухне.
  13. Я люблю писать тесты на уроке английского языка.
  14. Ты можешь закончить это предложение?
  15. Ты понимаешь учителя?
  16. Ты пользуешься своим словарём?
  17. На прошлой неделе они не знали об этом.
  18. Они встретились много лет назад.
  19. Том купил большой велосипед на прошлой неделе.
  20. Студенты не писали тест в прошлый понедельник.
  21. Посмотри! Петя играет в теннис.
  22. Обычно я еду в школу на машине, а сегодня я иду пешком.
  23. Что делает бабушка?- Она готовит обед.
  24. Где Нелли?- Она обедает.
  25. Как ты провела эти каникулы?
  26. Когда они потеряли ключи?
  27. Мы нашли много грибов прошлым летом.
  28. Где жил Джон 3 года назад?
  29. Куда вы положили свои книги?
  30. Что она сказала своему мужу вчера?
  31. Они построили большой дом в прошлом году.
  32. Она не забыла написать письмо вчера.
  33. Что он принес на прошлой неделе?
  34. Она вырастила много цветов прошлым летом.
  35. . Он не выиграл матч год назад.
  36. Ты покормила собаку утром?
  37. Мама научила меня рисовать два года назад.
  38. Ты умеешь рисовать? -Да.
  39. Ты сейчас рисуешь?- Нет.
  40. Они не показали этот фильм на прошлой неделе.

Test 1.  Make questions to the sentences beginning with words in the brackets.

  1. We have got three rooms in our flat. (Who……..?   What……..?  Have we got……….?  

 How many rooms…………? )

  1. Pete likes playing tennis. (Who……?   What…………? Does………..?)
  2. We live in a big house in Liverpool. (Who………..?  Where………..? Do………..or……..?)
  3. They don’t go to school on Sunday. (Who…….?  Do…….? When………….?)
  4. Lena is writing an essay at the lesson.(Who…..? What…..? Where….?)

Test 2.

  1. Fill in has got or have got

1.   Ben………a big ruler.(+)

2.   The children……..blue notebooks.(+)

3.   My mum…….a new yellow dress. (-)

4.   Cockroaches…….six legs. (?)

5.   A spider………eight legs. (?)

6.   The students………yellow bags. (-)

7.    I………a purple rubber. (+)

8.   Ann……a white piece of paper. (?)

9.   Pete……..a pink pencil. (-)

10. A frog……green legs. (+)

2.  Decide what {‘s} means: is   or   has

11.       Where is Tom? He’s at the shop.

12.       What is Ann doing? She’s reading.

13.       Where’s Jill? He’s in the class.

14.       What’s his name? Jack.

15.       Sam’s good at swimming.

3.  Fill in   have got/has got, is/are/am, can

16.       Ann and Tina … .my sisters.

17.       Ann…….blue eyes and black hair.

18.        I……….green eyes and brown hair.

19.       Tina…….tall but I……short.

20.       Tina…….play the piano.

Test 3

1     Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple.

1.   I …    (not play) tennis on Sundays.

2.   Tina … (walk) to school every day.

3.   We … (go) to bed at 10 o’clock.

4.   Penguins … (not live) in Africa.

5.   Tony … (not study) French at school.

6.   Jo and Peter … (visit) their granny every week.

7.    Sally … (know) this boy.

8.    You … (not be) in an office.

9.   Mike … (have) a lot of friends.

2    Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple.

This cafe is called «Avangard». Ten people 1) … (work) here. MrNikolayev  2) … (own) this cafe. The cook 3) … (make) very tasty food. He 4) … (not clean) the room. Other people 5) … (do) it. The cafe 6) … (open) at 9 o’clock. Many people 7) … (eat) here. They 8) … (not visit) other cafes. I 9) … (like ) this cafe, too.

3     Translate into English.

1     Моя мама работает в школе

2     Я не люблю шахматы.

3     Том не живет в городе.

4     Мы плаваем летом.

5     Боб читает много книг.

Test 4

  1. Put the verbs into Present Simple.

1.   I……..(enjoy) playing computer games, but my sister……….(not).

2.   My mum…….(do the shopping) on Saturdays. She…….(like) it.

3.    We……….(get up) at 6 o’clock every day. On Sunday my brother……..(get up) late.

4.    My dad………(work) at school, but my sister and I…….(work) in an office.

5.    I…….(have) only «5» in French. My friend Ann…….(have) «3» and «4» in French.

  1. Write 5 questions. Begin with words in brackets.

6.   I enjoy collecting stamps. (What……………..?)

7.   My sister has got many friends. (Who………..?)

8.    We live in St Petersburg. (Do……..or………….?)

9.    Pete likes doing sports. (What…………………..?)

10. My friend is cheerful. (What………like?)

  1. Put the adverbs in the correct place in the sentence.

6.    Mary dances at discos, (often)      

7.   Tim goes camping, (never)

8.   Ann helps her mum. (usually)  

9.   They are very polite, (always)  

10. Pete gets good marks in maths, (seldom)

Test 5

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct verb in Present Simple.

1     What … she read in the evenings?

2     … your friends good at singing?

3    Why … they drive so carelessly?

4    .:. you speak French? — No? I can’t.

5    What … Helen interested in?

  1. Put the questions to the sentences.

1.   My friend knows this girl. (Yes/No?)

2.   We can do gymnastics. (What sports …?)

3.   She is good at cooking. (Yes/No?)

4.   They are interested in history. (What …?)

5.   Tom and Bob live in London. (Where…?)

  1. Translate into English.

1    Ты умеешь прыгать?

2    Где он играет в футбол?

3    Почему она плохо танцует?

4    Вы интересуетесь историей?

5    Вы не возражаете открыть окно?

Test 6

I.   Write questions (4 types)

1.    My sister collects photos. (Who?)

2.    We usually work hard at school.(Yes-No?)

3.   I enjoy writing tests at our English lesson. (Or-?)

4.    I’m tired after school. (Yes-No?)

5.    After school I go out with my friends. (Wh?)

II. Write questions for these answers.

1.    What sports……………….? I play volleyball and tennis.

 2.    When………………………? Sheila goes dancing on Saturdays.

3.    Who………………………..? Ann writes e-mails every week.

4.    What music…………………? Tom likes jazz.

5.    How often…………………..? My uncle goes to the museum every month.

Test 7A

I.   Write questions (4 types)

  1. Terry likes French and history. (Wh-?)
  2. She plays football every Saturday. (Who-?)
  3. He usually washes his car on Wednesdays. (Or-?)
  4. They live in Australia. (Wh-? )
  5. They go to school by bus. (Yes-No-?)

II. Write questions for these answers.

  1.  When…………………………? We have English on Mondays.  
  2.  What………………………….?   We have breakfast at 8.  
  3.  How often……………………..? I sometimes do the washing up .
  4.  What……………………………? I dislike cooking.
  5.  Where………………………….? They usually go to the seaside.

Test 7B

  1. Write questions (4 types)

1.    On Monday I go to drama club. (Wh?)

2.    I’m usually late for dinner. (Yes-No?)

3.   People call me shy. (Who?)

4.    Laura always goes dancing on Saturdays. (Or?)

5.   I don’t like cooking. (Wh?)

  1. Write questions for these answers.

6.   How often…………………? I watch TV every day.

7.    Where……………………..? Her parents work in a hospital.

8.    Who……………………….? My friends go to disco on Sundays.

9.    What………………………? Sandra drinks coffee for breakfast.

10.  What……………………….? I’m interested in sports.

Test 8           Make YES /NO  questions for the following statements.

  1. She’s French.
  2. It’s raining.
  3.  They’re at school.
  4.  They’re learning English.
  5. I’m right.
  6. I can speak Danish.
  7. He’s got blond hair.
  8. There’s a monument in the centre of the square.
  9. She comes from France.
  10. I’m watching TV at the moment.
  11. They live in a flat.
  12. I want to go home.
  13. Pete is working hard now.
  14. Pete likes pop music.
  15.  Nelly has her breakfast at 7 o’clock.
  16. Nelly is having her breakfast now.
  17. I’m playing with my cat.
  18.  Nelly is five.
  19. We’re reading a book now.
  20. We usually go to school by car.

Test 9.           Make WH- questions for the following statements.

  1. We usually have a wonderful holiday at the seaside.
  2. I’m reading a good book at the moment.
  3. They have so many children.
  4. Ann’s going to China next week..
  5. David earns more than $2000 a year.
  6. The sun rises in the east.
  7. The bank opens at 10 o’clock.
  8.  At the weekend I usually go to the country.
  9.  I get up at 6 o’clock.
  10. My mother comes from work at 2 o’clock p.m.

Test 1 A

1 Fill in the proper verb in Past Simple.

1.   I … the key and couldn’t open the door.

2.   Mum … a kitten in the street and took it home.

3.   John … that book because he had enough money.

4.   Julie … some tea and … a cake for breakfast.

5.   Tom had a lot of pencils. Hе needed only one. He thought a little and … the red pencil.

6.   Jerry had a very beautiful voice, that’s why he … a singer.

7.   The students … a quiz on Monday.

8.   Terry … a golden medal in the Olympic Games.

9.   Dad doesn’t have a car because he … his car for 5000$ last month.

2 Translate into English.

1.   Мама научила Боба читать в прошлом году.

2.   Мы узнали об этом два дня назад.

3.   Вчера папа принес маленького щенка.

4.   Она забыла эту историю очень давно.

5.   Мальчик упал и почувствовал очень плохо.

Test  1B

  1. Fill in the proper verb in Past Simple

1)   Last year we………….on holiday.

2)   Yesterday I………at 7 o’clock in the morning.

3)   Our football team…….this match.

4)   My little sister…………..a big apple for breakfast.

5)   John enjoyed singing. He…..at every school party.

6)   My parents………….a new TV set yesterday.

7)   My husband……a lot of beer two hours ago.

8)   My grandparents……in 1949.

9)   They……..in a small village.

10) I……..a very interesting story last week.

  1. Translate into English.

11) Моя сестра учила меня писать буквы.-

12) Я вчера смотрела фильм ужасов.-

13) Мои друзья принесли мне цветы два дня назад.-

14) Боб потерял свою тетрадь и не мог сделать домашнюю работу.      

15) Ваза упала на пол и разбилась.-

Test  2A Put the sentences into negative form and make questions.

1.   Sally bought a new dress, (not)-

 2.   Tom lost his bag. (Where?)-

3.   Jane forgot about my birthday, (not)-

4.    Sam wrote a long letter. (Yes/No)-

5.   Bob knew about this house, (not)-

6.   Ashley brought a big cake. (When?)-

7.   Alice understood him very well. (Why?)-

8.   Fred saw a horrible dog. (Yes/No)-

9.   Jack found a beautiful stone. (Where)-

10. George lay on a small sofa, (not)-

Test  2B Put the sentences into negative form and make questions.

1.   He became a great painter, (not)-

2.    Our French lesson began at 9 o’clock. (When?)-

3.    Sally wrote a dictation yesterday, (not)-

4.   The cat lay on the bed. (Where?)-

5.   John knew her address, (not)-

6.   Tim lost his money in the shop. (Yes/No?)-

7.   Ann understood the teacher very well. (Who?)-

8.   Jack bought a new computer last week. (What?)-

9.    We went to the circus two days ago. (not)-

10.  Our group had a party last week, (not)-

Test 3A.

1 Fill in the proper verb in Past Simple.

1.   I … the key and couldn’t open the door.

2.   Mum … a kitten in the street and took it home.

3.   John … that book because he had enough money.

4.   Julie … some tea and … a cake for breakfast.

5.   Tom had a lot of pencils. Hе needed only one. He thought a little and … the red pencil.

6.   Jerry had a very beautiful voice, that’s why he … a singer.

7.   The students … a quiz on Monday.

8.   Terry … a golden medal in the Olympic Games.

9.   Dad doesn’t have a car because he … his car for 5000$ last month.

10. We……the performance and we liked it very much.

2 Translate into English.

1.   Мама научила Боба читать в прошлом году.

2.   Мы узнали об этом два дня назад.

3.   Вчера папа принес маленького щенка.

4.   Она забыла эту историю очень давно.

5.   Мальчик упал и почувствовал очень плохо.

Test  3B

  1. Fill in the proper verb in Past Simple

1)   Last year we………….on holiday.

2)   Yesterday I………at 7 o’clock in the morning.

3)   Our football team…….this match.

4)   My little sister…………..a big apple for breakfast.

5)   John enjoyed singing. He…..at every school party.

6)   My parents………….a new TV set yesterday.

7)   My husband……a lot of beer two hours ago.

8)   My grandparents……in 1949.

9)   They……..in a small village.

10) I……..a very interesting story last week.

  1. Translate into English.

11) Моя сестра учила меня писать буквы.

12) Я вчера смотрела фильм ужасов.

13) Мои друзья принесли мне цветы два дня назад.

14) Боб потерял свою тетрадь и не мог сделать домашнюю работу.

15) Ваза упала на пол и разбилась.

Test  4A  

  1. Put the sentences into negative form and make questions.

1.   Sally bought a new dress, (not)

2.   Tom lost his bag. (Where?)

3.   Jane forgot about my birthday, (not)

4.    Sam wrote a long letter. (Yes/No)

5.   Bob knew about this house, (not)

6.   Ashley brought a big cake. (When?)

7.   Alice understood him very well. (Why?)

8.   Fred saw a horrible dog. (Yes/No)

9.   Jack found a beautiful stone. (Where)

10. George lay on a small sofa. (not)

II. Fill in the proper verb in Past Simple

  1. When (you, come)……….. to this country?
  2.  Jack (not, wear)…………….. his raincoat.
  3.  Pat (leave) ……………………. his coat in the hall.
  4. How many pages (you, write)…………….?
  5. The last lesson (begin)………….., at 2.30.

III. Translate into English

  1. Они построили большой дом в прошлом году.
  2. Она не забыла написать письмо вчера.
  3. Что он принес на прошлой неделе?
  4. Она вырастила много цветов прошлым летом.
  5. Он не выиграл матч год назад.

Test  4B  


  1. Put the sentences into negative form and make questions.

1.   He became a great painter, (not)

2.    Our French lesson began at 9 o’clock. (When?)

3.    Sally wrote a dictation yesterday. (not)

4.   The cat lay on the bed. (Where?)

5.   John knew her address. (not)

6.   Tim lost his money in the shop. (Yes/No?)

7.   Ann understood the teacher very well. (Who?)

8.   Jack bought a new computer last week. (What?)

9.    We went to the circus two days ago. (not)

10.  Our group had a party last week.  (not)

II. Fill in the proper verb in Past Simple

  1. What (the teacher, say) ………………?
  2. (you, not, tell)………………. us your name.
  3. Ann (not, know)…………….. the other girl’s name.
  4. I think you (do)……………… the wrong thing.
  5. The students (stand)………….up when the teacher arrived.

III. Translate into English

  1. Вчера меня укусила собака.
  2. Ты покормила собаку утром?
  3.  Мама научила меня рисовать два года назад.
  4. Они не показали этот фильм на прошлой неделе.
  5. Почему ты разбудил меня в 7 часов в воскресенье?
Материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему: тексты с заданиями для 5 кл.

My Family

Task I: read & comprehend the following story.

My name is Polly. I am ten. I am a schoolgirl. I go to school. I like learning English and playing puzzles. I would like to tell you about my family. It is neither big nor small. There are four of us.

I have got a mother. Her name is Jane. She is a teacher. She is very responsible and creative. She likes her work. Her hobbies are singing and shopping. My mother is fond of reading detective stories.

I have got a father. His name is Jack.  He is a doctor. He is clever and hardworking. My father likes playing golf. He goes in for sport to be healthy and strong. He is fond of fishing too.

My brother Nick is small. He is only four. He likes playing toys. Usually we get on well with him, but sometimes he is very naughty.

On Saturdays and Sundays we like to be together. Last Sunday we went to the country. We had a good rest.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. Polly’s mother is a doctor.
  2. Polly has got a younger brother.
  3. Her brother Nick is a pupil.
  4. Polly is ten.
  5. There are five people in Polly’s family.
  6. Polly`s father is clever and hardworking..
  7. Last Sunday Polly’s family went to the Zoo.
  8. Last Sunday Polly’s family had a good rest.

Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. What does the girl like?
  2. What is Polly’s father fond of?
  3. What did they do last Sunday?

My Mother’s Birthday

Task I: read & comprehend the following story.

My name is Kate. My family is a typical Russian family. There are four of us. I have got a mother. Her name is Ann. She is a teacher. She is very kind. Her hobbies are singing and shopping. My mother is fond of reading detective stories.

My father`s name is Peter.  He is a driver. He is clever and sporty. My father is fond of fishing. My brother Nick is small. He is only four. He likes playing with his toys.

We are a close and friendly family. We like to spend time and holidays together.

Tomorrow it will be my mother’s birthday. My brother and I will go shopping together with our father. We are going to buy our mum a birthday present. It will be a nice scarf. She would like to have a white one. And we shall buy flowers for her, too.

Tomorrow my brother and I will clean the flat. We won’t be lazy. Father will help us. Then we’ll make our kitchen clean and bright. Tomorrow we will lay the table. We would like our mother to be happy.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. There are five people in Kate’s family.
  2. Kate’s father is helpful.
  3. Tomorrow it will be Kate’s birthday.
  4. Kate will get a present tomorrow.
  5. Kate’s mother will get a red scarf for her birthday.
  6. Tomorrow Kate and her brother will clean the flat.
  7. Kate and her brother won’t be lazy tomorrow.
  8. Tomorrow the family will lay the table.

Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. Whose birthday will the family celebrate tomorrow?
  2. What present will mother get for her birthday?

3. Do you think Kate’s family is friendly? Why?

The man and the monkeys.

    One day a man who made caps went to the market to sell them. It was a long way to go. The man passed  by a long river. When he was in the forest, he decided to rest a little, as the day was very hot and he was very tired.

  The man saw a large tree. He decided to rest under it.

  As the sun was very hot, the man put on one of the caps on his head and put all the other caps on the ground under the tree. The man had lunch, then lay down and soon was asleep. When he woke up, he could not find the caps.

“Where are my caps?” he cried. He could not find them anywhere.  

    Suddenly he looked up. And what did he see? He saw many monkeys in the tree, and each monkey had the man’s cap on its head!

“Give me back my caps!” cried the man. But the monkeys could not understand the man. They laughed, jumped and played with the caps.

The man asked and asked the monkeys to give him back his caps, but the monkeys didn’t understand him. They only laughed.

The man got very much angry with the monkeys. He took off his cap, threw it on the ground and cried: “If you want my caps, you may take this one, too!”

And do you know what the monkeys did? They took off the caps and threw them on the ground!

That’s how the man got back all his caps.

Certainly, he was very glad. He quickly took all his caps and went away.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. One day a man went to the baker`s to sell caps.
  2. The man passed by a lake.
  3. The day was very hot and the man was tired.
  4. The man saw a large mountain.
  5. When the man woke up he didn`t find the caps.

6. Each monkey had the cap on its head.

7. The monkeys understood him well.

8. The man went away without his caps.

Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. Where did the man put his caps?
  2. What did monkeys do with the caps?
  3. How did the man get his caps back?

The Bear in School

Task I: read & comprehend the following story.

One day a boy found a brown bear-cub in the forest. He was very little and looked like a puppy. The boy carried him home.

Every day the boy went to school. The bear-cub went with him and waited for the boy in the field.

At first the other boys were afraid of the bear-cub, but soon they became great friends. Many of them brought food to school and gave the bear-cub some bread and butter.

The bear-cub lived with the boy for a long time. But one day he went to the forest and did not come back. Everybody was very sorry for the bear-cub.

Many years passed. New schoolboys came to the old school. One very cold winter day the door opened, and a large brown bear walked into the classroom.  The boys were afraid. Some ran to the door, others jumped out of the window.

But the bear did not touch the pupils. He walked up to the fire and warmed himself. He felt quite at home. He was very glad to get into such a warm room. He sat by the fire, and then walked up to the table and ate some bread. Then the bear walked out of the house.

Some young men of the village came with their guns to kill the bear. They soon found him but did not kill him. They saw some marks on his skin and understood that the bear was the old friend of their schooldays. They let him go back into the forest. 

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1.  One day a boy found a tiger in the forest.
  2. The boy carried him to the Zoo.
  3. The bear-cub went with the boy to school and waited for him.
  4. At first the other boys were not afraid of the bear-cub.
  5. One day he went to the forest and did not come back.
  6. One warm spring day a large brown bear walked into the classroom.
  7. The bear did not touch the pupils.
  8. The young man found the bear and kill him.

Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. What did the boys do when they saw a big bear?

2. What did the bear do in the room?

3. Did the young man kill the bear? Why?

A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot

Task I: read & comprehend the following story.

    First of all, I must tell you about myself. I am thirteen and I am in the third class at a Grammar school in Manchester

     What a terrible day! I woke up late and didn’t have time to eat my breakfast. I couldn’t find my books or my school cap. At last I found my books in the bathroom; and at last, I found my cap — my dog was playing with it! I was nearly late for school.

     The first lesson on Monday morning is maths. What a terrible way to start the week! Mr Green, the maths teacher, took our homework. He saw that my exercise — book was dirty. He was very angry and gave me a bad mark for it.

    Then he gave us some tasks to do. I sat next to Jane, who was  fat and not very pleasant — but very good at maths. I asked her to tell me the answers, but she didn`t want.

        The next lesson was French. I like French. It’s nice to be able to talk to somebody in another language.

      At last, it was eleven o’clock: time for break. Nell gave me a piece of cake to eat with my milk. She also gave me her Latin homework to copy. I think she likes me and she’s a nice girl.

      After break, we had two lessons of  Latin! They are bad: I hate Latin!

 Mr Williams punished me for talking to Nell.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

1. Simon is fourteen.

2. He goes to a Grammar school in London.

3. He woke up late and didn’t eat his breakfast.

4. The first lesson on Monday morning is maths.

5. Jane is very good at French.

6. Simon ate a piece of cake with milk.

7. Nell gave him her English homework to copy.

8. Simon hates Latin.

Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. What class is Simon in?
  2. Why was Mr Green angry?
  3. Why does Simon like French?

A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot

Task I: read & comprehend the following story.

      At 12: 30 pm was time for lunch. I was very hungry! I sat down at the table feeling very happy because the Latin lessons were over. And then I saw what was for lunch: meat pie, boiled potatoes and cabbage. I hate vegetables! But I ate a little, because I was so hungry.

      Then I went into the playground with my friends Pete Sharp and John Ford and we played football.

      After lunch we had a history lesson. I don’t usually like history, but I liked this lesson very much. We learned about the Battle of Hastings in 1066. We were on holiday in Hastings last summer. I said I would bring some photographs of our holiday to school the next week.

      At three o’clock it was time for my favourite lesson of the week: games. We played a very exciting game of football but it ended in a draw.

 After school at four o’clock, Pete and I bought some sweets and I went to his house to listen to music.

    Mum was angry because I didn’t arrive home till half past seven. She doesn`t like when I come home late. My supper was cold.

 I did my French homework but I didn’t do my history homework. There was an interesting programme on television.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. He had pancakes with caviar and cream for lunch.
  2. He hates vegetables.
  3. Simon liked a history lesson very much.
  4. He played football with Pete Sharp and John Ford.

5. At two o’clock was his favourite lesson.

6. They played a very exciting game of cricket.

        7. Simon went to Pete`s house to play computer games.

8. He did his math homework.

       Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. What is Simon`s favourite lesson?
  2. Why was Simon`s mum angry?
  3. Did he do his history homework? Why?

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

         1.    Polly’s mother is a doctor.

         2.    Polly has got a younger brother.

         3.    Her brother Nick is a pupil.

  1.  Polly is ten.
  2. There are five people in Polly’s family.
  3. Polly`s father is clever and hardworking..
  4. Last Sunday Polly’s family went to the Zoo.
  5. Last Sunday Polly’s family had a good rest.

Task III: answer the following questions.

  1.   What does the girl like?
  2.   What is Polly’s father fond of?
  3.   What did they do last Sunday?

Задания для 5 класса — Сайт yateacher!

Задания для 5 класса — Сайт yateacher!

В этом разделе учителя английского языка найдут интересные и разнообразные задания, которые они могут использовать на своих уроках в 5 классах, 6 классах, 10 классах


Задание для 5 класса.

Отработка глаголов SAY/TELL в косвенной и прямой речи.

Grade 5 say-tell.pdf

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66.1 KB


Задание для 5 класса.

Упражнения на отработку предлогов (тема «Хобби»).

Grade 5 prepositions.pdf

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76.7 KB


Задание для 5 класса.

Упражнения на отроботку времен английского языка.

Grade 5 grammar drill.pdf

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69.8 KB


Задание для 5 класса.

Упражнения по теме «Хобби».

Grade 5 hobbies.pdf

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160.6 KB


Задание для 5 класса.

Упражнения по пассивному залогу.

Grade 5 passive voice.pdf

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72.5 KB


Задание для 5 класса.

Грамматические упражнения для отработки простого прошедшего времени.

Grade 5 past indefinite tense..pdf

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10.1 KB


Задание для 5 класса.

Упражнения на отработку лексики и грамматики (разделы 15-16 по учебнику 5 класса углубленного изучения английского языка, авторы Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.).

Grade 5 units 15-16.pdf

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125.4 KB


Задание для 5 класса.

Грамматические упражнения на отработку простого настоящего времени и настоящего длительного.

Grade 5 present simple versus present co

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99.2 KB


Задание для 5 класса.

Карточки (описание профессий).

Grade 5 professions.pdf

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99.3 KB


Задание для 5 класса.

Работа в парах. Чтение.

Grade 5 reading pair work.pdf

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17.4 KB

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Задания по английскому языку для 5 класса по теме «Повторяем времена английского глагола»

№ 1

Времена английского глагола.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple.

№ 1.

Употребите правильную форму глагола:

  1. It’s 12 o’clock. The family (has/ is having) tea.

  2. In the morning my mother (cooks/ is cooking) breakfast for us.

  3. Look at Mike. He (does/ is doing) his homework.

  4. I think he (passes/ will pass) his exams.

  5. John Brown (writes/ is writing) letters to his mother every month.

  6. A: — It is a very interesting film.

B: — I (watch) it?

№ 2.

Постройте отрицательное предложение, общий вопрос, вопросительное и по два специальных вопроса к каждому из приведённых ниже предложений в положительной форме:

  1. Max always plays golf on Sunday evening.

  2. We are going to buy a new house.

  3. Mrs Wilkins is flying tomorrow morning.

  4. I’ll stay at a youth hostel there.

№ 3.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени:

Every year I (to spend) my holiday in France. It (to be) a very nice country. There (to be) a lot of places of interests.

But next year I (not go) to France. I think I (to go) to Japan. I would like to visit a lot of different countries. In a few years I (to go) to spend my holiday in Italy. My best friend (to live) there. And he has invited me to come. I (to stay) at his house on the beach. I think I (to have) a good holiday.

№ 2

Времена английского глагола.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple.

№ 1.

Употребите правильную форму глагола:

  1. I (have/ am having) a car and I usually (drive/ am driving) to work.

  2. The weather is fine. The sun (shines/ is shining) and it (doesn’t rain/ isn’t raining).

  3. I’m sure Mrs Khan (fly) to Japan after the concert.

  4. Look! Mary (dance).

  5. I’ve got two tickets. I (go) to the theatre tomorrow.

  6. A: — This dress is really wonderful.

B: — I (buy) it?

№ 2.

Постройте отрицательное предложение, общий вопрос, вопросительное и по два специальных вопроса к каждому из приведённых ниже предложений в положительной форме:

  1. Nick goes to school every day.

  2. Kevin and Barbara are going to the swimming pool.

  3. Nick is going to study a business course next year.

  4. She’ll pass her Maths exam tomorrow.

№ 3.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени:

I (to like) animals very much. And my best friend (to like) animals too. So we decided to go to the Zoo.

Now we (to buy) tickets. When we come into the Zoo, I think we (to go) to the cage of monkeys. Also we (to visit) elephants, tigers, lions and crocodiles. I (to want) to look at reptiles. But my friend (not tovisit) the reptile exhibition. She (to be) afraid of snakes I think I (to persuade) her to go there.

№ 3

Времена английского глагола.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple.

№ 1.

Употребите правильную форму глагола:

  1. In the evening we (watch/ are watching) TV.

  2. Dick (leaves/ is leaving) home at half past eight in the morning. He (goes/ is going) to his office by bus.

  3. My granny (cooks/ is cooking) a birthday dinner now.

  4. Our school football team has trained a lot, so I think it (win) the competition.

  5. – Where’s Jane? – She (has/ is having) a bath.

  6. A: — We are having a party this weekend.

B: — I (take) any cassettes?

№ 2.

Постройте отрицательное предложение, общий вопрос, вопросительное и по два специальных вопроса к каждому из приведённых ниже предложений в положительной форме:

  1. Tom usually gets up at 7 o’clock.

  2. Denis is cleaning his car now.

  3. In my opinion he will stay at his friend’s on holiday.

  4. I’m going to paint the walls of my house.

№ 3.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени:

I (to have) a party next weekend. A lot of people (to come) to my house. I (to make) some sandwiches, green salad and steak. I don’t know exactly what to buy to drink. I (to buy) some lemonade, Coca-Cola and red wine. I think I (to wear) a blue dress. Also I (to invite) my sister. She (to arrive) in a few days from London. I think she (to tell) us about her interesting holidays.

№ 4

Времена английского глагола.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple.

№ 1.

Употребите правильную форму глагола:

  1. When you (to finish) your work? It (to be) time to go home.

  2. Look! The kitten (to play) with its tail!

  3. A: — I’ve lost the way.

B: — There’s a policeman!

A: — I (to ask) him?

  1. As a rule, our friends (to go) to the countryside at weekends.

  2. Max (to visit) his granny on Saturday or Sunday.

  3. – Where’s Julie? – She (to talk) on the phone.

№ 2.

Постройте отрицательное предложение, общий вопрос, вопросительное и по два специальных вопроса к каждому из приведённых ниже предложений в положительной форме:

  1. I play the guitar at my guitar lessons on Mondays.

  2. I and my mum are cooking a chicken now.

  3. Barbara will pass the exam tomorrow. I’m sure.

  4. Dr Brown is going to give a lecture to his students tomorrow.

№ 3.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени:

Next summer I (to repair) my house. I think I (to paint) the roof and walls. I (to buy) some new furniture. After that I (to invite) my friends for having a drink. I want my house to be nice and comfortable. And now I (to buy) some materials for repairing. I (to like) blue and green colours. I think my kitchen (to be) blue or green. My bathroom (to be) pink and white. Come to my house and look at my wonderful house.

№ 5

Времена английского глагола.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple.

№ 1.

Употребите правильную форму глагола:

  1. – Where is your sister? – She (to help) her mother in the kitchen.

  2. How you usually (to spend) your evenings?

  3. A: — It’s a very delicious cake!!!

B: — I (to have) it?

  1. I’m very busy now but I (to look) through these letters in the evening.

  2. I (to be) probably at work at 12 o’clock tomorrow.

  3. I (to be) a doctor.

№ 2.

Постройте отрицательное предложение, общий вопрос, вопросительное и по два специальных вопроса к каждому из приведённых ниже предложений в положительной форме:

  1. We often go skating on Sunday evening.

  2. She’s going to get a place at one of Moscow University.

  3. I’m visiting the National Gallery tomorrow afternoon.

  4. She’ll probably get a job because she speaks five languages.

№ 3.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени:

My parents (to buy) a computer. I (to know) a lot of computer programs. I think my father (to get) some computer games. I (to like) playing on a computer.

Now I (to be) at my friend’s. We (to work) on a computer now. The Internet (to help) us to write reports for different school subjects.

I (not to know) but may be I (to be) a computer consulter.

№ 6

Времена английского глагола.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple.

№ 1.

Употребите правильную форму глагола:

  1. I (not to be) well today.

  2. My mother (to work) as a reporter at Radio Reading.

  3. She (to clean) her flat now.

  4. A: — It’s a fantastic jazz band.

B: — I (to listen) to their music?

  1. Mr Kliven (to be) on a diet. However he (not to be) sure.

  2. Why you (to look) at me?

№ 2.

Постройте отрицательное предложение, общий вопрос, вопросительное и по два специальных вопроса к каждому из приведённых ниже предложений в положительной форме:

  1. Max is going shopping this evening.

  2. I’ll give you her telephone number, if you want.

  3. Lucy is dancing on the stage.

  4. We usually have some cereal for breakfast.

№ 3.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени:

I (to study) English now because I (to want) to go around the world. I (to visit) probably England, Japan and France. Also I (to come) to Switzerland. I (to like) skiing. Before going around the world I (to change) my clothes. I usually (to wear) dark clothes but now I would like something lighter. I think I (to need) some comfortable clothes for climbing. For example jeans, trainers and T-Shirts. I (to take) some warm clothes like a sweater or a jacket. I think I (to have) a nice time.

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Неопределенный артикль


Определенный артикль




Степени сравнения прилагательных




Повествовательные предложения


Наклонение глаголов


Модальные глаголы


Простое будущее время (The Future Simple (Indefinite) Tense)


Настоящее длительное время (The Present Continuous Tense)






Домашнее хозяйство






Канцелярские товары




Домашние животные






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Смотрите также:

  • Курс разговорного английского
  • Английские тексты с аудио
  • Диалоги на английском
  • Топики по английскому с переводом
  • Видео на английском с текстами
  • Английские слова по темам с транскрипцией
  • Основные фразы на английском
  • Английские идиомы по темам
  • Английские сленговые выражения
  • Упражнения на произношение  английского
  • Английские скороговорки
  • Анекдоты на английском с переводом на русский
  • Стихи на английском с переводом и аудио

Подготовка к экзаменам по английскому языку:

  • ЕГЭ по английскому языку
  • Подготовка к экзамену TOEFL
  • Подготовка к экзамену IELTS
  • Международные экзамены по английскому

Мы рекомендуем:

  • Лучшие репетиторы по английскому

Самое необходимое из теории языка:

  • Грамматика английского языка

Предлагаем пройти тесты онлайн:

  • Тест на уровень владения английским
  • Тест по лексике английского
  • Тесты по грамматике английского
  • Какой язык учить?

Рекомендуемые статьи и видео:

  • Как научиться свободно говорить на английском
  • Как успешно пройти собеседование на английском
  • Интересные тесты: узнайте свой уровень владения языком
  • Гимнастика для лингвистов: комплекс для правильного произношения
  • 5 правил успешного изучения языка
  • Как улучшить знание иностранного языка: три совета и пять правил
  • Как улучшить беглость речи
  • Видео: «Как улучшить произношение и понимание»
  • Хотите говорить как коренной англичанин?

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Гимнастика для лингвистов: комплекс для правильного произношения

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Вышеуказанные задания NCERT CBSE и KVS для занятий 5 английского языка помогут вам повысить свои баллы за счет прояснения понятий английского языка и совершенствования навыков обработки данных и навыков решения ситуаций. Эти английские рабочие листы CBSE NCERT Class 5 и буклеты с вопросами были разработаны опытными учителями StudyToday.com для детей 5 класса.

Преимущества CBSE NCERT Задания для 5 класса Английский

a) NCERT CBSE KVS Class 5 Задания английского языка помогут детям укрепить концепции и улучшить оценки в тестах и ​​экзаменах.

б) Эти задания для печати для английского класса 5 помогут улучшить навыки анализа и анализа сложных проблем.

c) Ежедневная практика различных тематических контрольных работ поможет выработать глубокое понимание каждой темы, которую вы будете помнить до даты сдачи экзаменов

d) Вы также сможете корректно пересмотреть все главы английского языка и сэкономить время на Ваши классные тесты и экзамены.

Печатные бесплатные задания в формате PDF CBSE Class 5 English разработаны школьными учителями в StudyToday.ком. Мы предоставляем самые эксклюзивные печатные задания без базы данных в соответствии со стандартами CBSE NCERT и KVS. Все рабочие листы были тщательно разработаны для всех типов учащихся. Вы можете скачать их в формате PDF CBSE Class 5 English Chapter Wise Question Bank и использовать их для дальнейшего обучения. Тщательно пройдите учебный план по английскому языку 5 класса и загрузите задания по каждой изученной вами теме. Это очень поможет выявить все ошибки в вашем понимании тем.Практикуйте по крайней мере одно CBSE Grade 5 заданий по английскому в день, чтобы вы могли получить лучшие результаты на экзамене.

Не забудьте щелкнуть нижеприведенные поля, чтобы загрузить английский язык класса 5, на котором решены последние образцы документов CBSE, документы за последний год (предыдущий год / 10 год), задания для печати в формате pdf, последние бесплатные книги NCERT Books и NCERT для английского языка класса 5 на основе Программа CBSE и книги, выпущенные NCERT. Учебный материал для 5 класса по английскому языку был подготовлен опытными учителями ведущих школ Индии, доступен для бесплатного скачивания в формате pdf


CBSE Вопросники Класс 5, английский язык PDF Download Download

Решение Вопросники предыдущего года для класса 5 Английский — лучшая стратегия для подготовки к экзаменам 5 класса. Получение хорошего балла на экзаменах 5 класса — мечта каждого ученика, так как оно всегда помогает в будущем и помогает получить хорошие оценки в школе. Решив документы 5-го класса по английскому языку, вы сможете расширить свои знания и понять характер и массу вопросов и критических вопросов, которые повторяются на экзаменах.Это значительно повысит ваши шансы на получение высокого ранга на экзамене. Вы должны сделать условия экзамена дома и решить эти прошлогодние документы для английского языка.

Преимущества документов с вопросами для класса 5 Английский:

a) Улучшает навыки решения проблем для английского языка 5 класса

b) Повышает скорость и точность решения этих вопросов

c) Помогает студентам разработать хорошую стратегию для Подойдите и решите стандартный 5 английский вопросник

d) Помогает выявлять слабые места задолго до экзамена, чтобы студенты могли уделять больше времени устранению ошибок и ясному пониманию различных глав, приведенных в NCERT для английского языка 5 класса.

e) Помогает пересмотреть всю программу 2020 года и знакомится с важными вопросами

f) Развивает концептуальное понимание всех тем в 5-й книге английского языка

g) Знакомится с шаблоном экзаменов предстоящих экзаменов по английскому языку

Studiestoday.com В представлена ​​лучшая и самая большая коллекция последних 10-летних вопросов по английскому языку для класса 5. Практика использования CBSE в предыдущие годы для подготовки к экзаменам 5-го класса — лучший способ, поскольку студенты могут использовать их, чтобы понять, чего можно ожидать на экзаменах.Это также помогает студентам управлять своим временем и стрессом во время экзаменов. Это также даст вам четкое представление о структуре реальных экзаменов и подготовить себя соответствующим образом. Нажмите ниже для NCERT Class 5 English, чтобы загрузить готовые образцы документов, прошлогодние вопросы с решениями, PDF-листы, NCERT Книги и решения на основе учебного плана и руководств, выпущенных CBSE NCERT KVS. Учебный материал для опытных преподавателей английского языка 5 класса из ведущих школ Индии доступен для бесплатного скачивания.

Пояснения к правилам грамматики английского языка — GrammarBank


Термины грамматики Подробные объяснения Быстрые примеры
прилагательных Прилагательных бесплатно уроков грамматики
наречий Наречий Привод медленно
прилагательных против наречий Прилагательных против наречий Хорошо против хорошо
Статьи на est, и e xam,
тест , который вы взяли вчера
Вспомогательные глаголы Вспомогательные глаголы Изучение английского языка будут бесплатными.
Причинный Причинный Я убрал свою комнату.
Я заставил его учить английский.
Союзы / Переходы Союзы
Союзы Практика
и, но, так что …
Детерминанты / Квантификаторы Определители / Квантификаторы
Детерминанты Практика
мало, мало, мало …
Много времени, несколько студентов
Герунды и инфинитивы Герунды / инфинитивы Я продолжаю думать , я надеюсь, , чтобы увидеть тебя
Омонимы Омонимы Бас -Бас, олень-дорогой, пока

косвенная речь косвенная речь Джеки сказала, что она смотрела телевизор.
Инверсия Инверсия ESL Я больше никогда не буду работать на нее.
Нерегулярные глаголы Нерегулярные глаголы Идите, пошли, ушли
Модалы / вспомогательные вещества Модальные глаголы должны, должны, должны …
Существительные Существительные Шина , семья, Огайо
причастий статей причастности настоящих, прошлых и совершенных причастий
частей речи частей речи Предмет, глагол, объект…
Пассивный активный голос Пассивный голос Письмо доставлено
Фразовые глаголы Фразовые глаголы Взорвись, сломайся, спроси вокруг …
Предлоги Предлоги In, On, at, of …
Местоимения Местоимения Я, мой, тот, те,
Метки вопроса Метки вопроса Уроки бесплатные, не так ли?
Относительные условия Относительные условия Девушка, победившая в конкурсе, не замужем.
Отмеченная речь Отмеченная речь Приговоры Джонни сказал мне пойти с ним.
Сложные предложения
Времена Глаголы Времена Я вижу тебя все время, я видел тебя вчера
Я видел тебя раньше …


видов написания заданий для инженерных курсов // Purdue Writing Lab

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Виды написания заданий для инженерных курсов


Этот набор ресурсов OWL направлен на то, чтобы помочь инженерам-инструкторам и техническим консультантам создавать и оценивать различные короткие упражнения с минимальными накладными расходами для использования на инженерных курсах. Основное внимание здесь уделяется заданиям «Писать для изучения», которые используют письменность для улучшения концептуального понимания студентами технических концепций.

Письменные упражнения могут использоваться на инженерных курсах для содействия более глубокому изучению технического материала и развития навыков письма студентов.Письменность на инженерных курсах дает студентам возможность формулировать инженерные концепции для разных аудиторий и взаимодействовать с жанрами технической коммуникации. Тем не менее, инженеры-инструкторы и ТП часто испытывают трудности с включением письма в инженерные классы из-за множества проблем, включая размер класса и количество времени, которое требуется для оценки письменных заданий. Кроме того, преподавание письма — это целая дисциплина обучения со своими собственными теориями и практиками, которая может быть недоступна для преподавателей инженерных специальностей.

Написание заданий на инженерных курсах может принимать разные формы, от пары предложений письменного обучения в классе до официальных отчетов.

Концептуальное Написание

Попросите студентов написать о технических определениях, предположениях или терминологии. Они могут перефразировать легко найденные определения и предположения в своих собственных словах, что позволяет им сформулировать базовые знания, которые они изучили в ходе курса.

Объяснение проблемы

Возьмите существующую «проблему калькулятора» и попросите студентов объяснить свои ответы.Формат их объяснений может варьироваться от нескольких уточняющих предложений до описания типа решения вручную. Это самый простой тип письменного вопроса, который нужно применить, и он отлично согласуется с уже разработанными домашними вопросами.

Как работает материал

Попросите студентов использовать недавно изученные понятия и терминологию для объяснения того, как что-то работает в реальном мире. Этот вопрос заставляет студентов применять новые концепции и уравнения к реальной ситуации.

Пример из реального мира

Посоветуйте студентам найти и объяснить реальный пример концепции в действии.Этот тип письменного приглашения отлично подходит для поощрения понимания студентами реальной важности того, что они изучают.


Предложите учащимся спроектировать свою домашнюю задачу и напишите подробное решение этой проблемы. Такой подход позволяет студентам проявлять творческий подход и способствует глубокому пониманию технических концепций и процедур.

Открытый дизайн

Попросите учащихся разработать устройство или решение, связанное с заявленной целью проектирования.Написание компонента задания заключается в объяснении дизайна. Это письменное задание позволяет учащимся создать свой собственный дизайн и дополнительно изучить технические концепции и процедуры, объясняя, как работает их дизайн.


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